Unable to save game mount and blade что делать
Шел 411 день, я сохранился и сразу же вылетает игра. Я перезашел в игру загружаю сохранение, такая же херня, просто все вылетело. Что делать? Как вернуть сейв? Я не хочу терять 411 игровых дней!
P.S. Играю на лицензии, проверял кеш ( все в порядке было ) , перезагружал комп.
Mount and Blade - игрушка весьма стабильная, по крайней мере при запуске, так что можно попробовать переустановить.
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Unable to save game mount and blade что делать
28 авг. 2015 в 12:37 So I have had this game for maybe a year and a half and it worked fine for all that time. Until recently I tried to start a game and tried to save and was greeted with this error "ERROR: Unable to save game. " I really enjoyed the game and I would appreciate any helpful input. No solution to the problem was anywhere on the Internet as far as I'm aware. Hopefully someone can help me with this issue and can help other people who have the same issue! 28 авг. 2015 в 20:05Do you have enough room on your disk to save the game?
What OS are you using? Make sure the game has the appropriate permissions to alter its own files.
Is your game set to "Realistic Saves?" If so, uncheck that and see if you can save the game. (You might have to start over.)
28 авг. 2015 в 20:40Do you have enough room on your disk to save the game?
What OS are you using? Make sure the game has the appropriate permissions to alter its own files.
Is your game set to "Realistic Saves?" If so, uncheck that and see if you can save the game. (You might have to start over.)
I have 500GB free so space isn't a problem. Issue started in Windows 7 and carried over into Windows 10, and I did not have Realistic saving on. 28 авг. 2015 в 20:47Do you have enough room on your disk to save the game?
What OS are you using? Make sure the game has the appropriate permissions to alter its own files.
Is your game set to "Realistic Saves?" If so, uncheck that and see if you can save the game. (You might have to start over.)
Nevermind, I just accidently fixed it. I think what I did was add a user to security properties and give that user permission and it worked. It was rather odd though that I could not give my normal user permissions though. Either way I can now save! 28 авг. 2015 в 21:33 ..Nevermind, I just accidently fixed it. I think what I did was add a user to security properties and give that user permission and it worked. It was rather odd though that I could not give my normal user permissions though. Either way I can now save!
User permissions are common causes in problems like this with Win7 on up. Glad you resolved it and thank you very much for reporting back! Now, someone else might be able to solve the problem when they encounter it!
30 авг. 2015 в 5:57 He yman i have the same problem since i upgradet from windows 7 to 10 i have no idea what is wrong and thats my favourite game 19 ноя. 2016 в 11:35 i never switched . i had windows 10 from the beginning. but no clue how to solve it.
8 мая. 2017 в 17:23 I was recording all this time my game without know. When i saw the message, i came here and i checked the ssd, full. Problem fixed deleting the video lolololololol 4 янв. 2018 в 18:10 Omg. I've been playing a mod for warband, warsword:conquest and its been fine, a lot of fun if very glitchy. Suddenly I'm getting an error: unable to save message in red at the bottom left where game messages come up. Next thing I know my save file has been deleted. needless to say, just a tad annoyed at that as I had spent a fair amount of time grinding this game as it is pretty hard to say the least. any ideas? 19 фев. 2018 в 14:00 Omg. I've been playing a mod for warband, warsword:conquest and its been fine, a lot of fun if very glitchy. Suddenly I'm getting an error: unable to save message in red at the bottom left where game messages come up. Next thing I know my save file has been deleted. needless to say, just a tad annoyed at that as I had spent a fair amount of time grinding this game as it is pretty hard to say the least. any ideas?
I just had the same error occur on the diplomacy mod with realistic saving, so when I pressed quit and save the save file was deleted in game, and the frustration was real.
HOWEVER there is hope yet, as I found that the save file was still in my documents/savegames folder named new_save.sav (or something like that) and renaming it to the standard save file name sg00.sav enabled the file to be loaded from in-game again.
Crisis averted and a tear of joy ran down my cheek. 5 дек. 2019 в 10:38 I HAVE AN ANSWER FOR THE ONES WHO ARE ON WINDOWS 10
If you use Onedrive, Log on to onedrive and let it sync, then you will have your savefile again able to save!
looks like onedrive has to sync before letting the folder be changed 12 фев. 2020 в 14:12
Do you have enough room on your disk to save the game?
What OS are you using? Make sure the game has the appropriate permissions to alter its own files.
Is your game set to "Realistic Saves?" If so, uncheck that and see if you can save the game. (You might have to start over.)
Unable to save game mount and blade что делать
27 сен. 2015 в 15:32 I am not playing on the realistic difficulty so that is not the issue, my game saves and folders are in the correct place (My Documents) and no game files are out of place. I've been troubleshooting all day, reading every forum post on this issue and nothing is working. Have re-installed 4 times, verified the cache a bunch and still nothing. If someone can help me figure this out so I can get back to playing that would be awesome :] 27 сен. 2015 в 16:15There is no silver bullet for this, you have to go and investigate the problem. It is probably a permission issue.
So, can you answer a few questions? (Please make a backup of the directory you'll be messing with.)
0) What's your OS?
1) What is the directory which contains the save for the Module that is failing to save?
2) What are the directory's permissions, for both Read and Write?
3) Which user owns the existing files?
4) Which user does Steam run as?
5) Can you create new games in a new slot?
6) Can you overwrite existing saves?
1) C:\Users\Boppy\Documents\Mount&Blade Warband Savegames\Native
2) All permissions are allowed, including read and write.
3) Mine, the one and only user on the computer
4) ^
5) No it just gives the error.
6) Nope. 27 сен. 2015 в 18:13
Can you create a new file (any, like a text file), from a Windows Explorer window, by right-clicking in the . \Native directory?
Do you have a clean Windows10 installation, or did you upgrade from a lower version? Is it Pro?
Do not take offense, I know it is probably the first thing you checked. but you have room on you C: drive, right? I can see that you are not a neophite, just I feel that I should have asked it first.
27 сен. 2015 в 19:00I upgraded from 7
XD none taken man, yes I have 300GB
27 сен. 2015 в 19:14It really sounds as if Steam, or games started from Steam are running with low permissions.
What does it say in the Task Manager, in the process list, that you can access after you have enabled "More Detail"? Does it display the same user as it does for processes started by you, like the Windows Explorer we discussed earlier?
27 сен. 2015 в 19:16 27 сен. 2015 в 19:23Damn. What happens if you copy one of the save game files, rename it, then make sure all the access restrictions are lifted?
I.e. you have sg00 to sg03, you copy "sg00.sav" to "Copy of sg00.sav", you rename it to
"sg04.sav", then you look at the properties, and make sure everyone has full control.
If that fails, change the owner to the whole directory, type your name, check it, and then overwrite the permissions to all objects and subdirectories.
Right click, Properties, Security tab, Advanced,
Change Owner, Your username, Check Names,
Replace owner on subcontainers and objects. OK, Yes, Yada-yada,
Choose yourself, Edit/Full control/OK
If that fails, I'd temporarily disable User Access control.
If that fails, I'd go into the Group policies, and look there. But try taking ownership first. The rest is kinda. brute forcey.
Ошибка при запуске сохранки. Application Crash
А у меня и при повторном ошибка, пробую скачать другой репак.
дык в том то и дело, что на лицухе ошибка, если б на пиратке было б я не парился и тоже перекачал, а так прст обидно полтора косаря отложил и ошибка, смысла играть не вижу тода если сохранения летят
Попробуй зайти в программы и компоненты, и отключить net framework 3.5 и включить 4.8 галочку как на скрине! У меня перекачивается репак поэтому не могу сказать работает ли.
А ты никаких модулей не ставил?
У самого пиратка версии 1.0.2. Утром вдруг перестало загружаться сохранение, но смог нормально загрузить предыдущее сохранение, сделанное 15 минут до "сломанного". Потом наиграл несколько часов, не загружая сохранения ни разу, а потом решил поставить модули с Нексуса. После этого вообще никакие сохранения не грузятся, даже новая игра не начинается, а вылетает до создания персонажа. Уже и модули все удалял, и раздачу перепроверял на несоответствие файлов - ничего не помогло. Странные дела.
Неа, ничего не ставил, игра лицуха, даже русика нет. Но я начал новую игру, пока норм все, и с версией непонятки какие-то, патч ноут 1 0 2, но внизу пишет 1 0 0.
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