Unable to find vl gothic font как исправить
I think I might have seen the comment on your gamepage. The question that occurs to me is how did you package the game? If you used VX Ace's built-in compressor, I'm almost certain it includes the font file for you. If you used WinZip/WinRAR, or like program, it would only include the "Font" sub-directory if it already existed in your project directory.
As an alternative.
What I've done more recently for VX Ace games is run Tsukihime's resource-checker (with a few edits) and create a self-extracting executable that has the necessary RTP files with it.
As for the question as to whither or not one can edit an existing download, this is absolutely possible. Go into Manage Games (Black bar at the top, just under your user-name; first option) and find the link to the game you want to update. From there, find the "Downloads" icon/link, and there should be a selection of available downloads, plus a "New Download" button at the bottom. You would select a currently available download. From there, I believe there's a place to select a URL to associate the download with, or to upload a file. Use the appropriate option for your situation.
Note that updating a download in this manner would not produce a notice to your subscribers. Depending on how major the update is, you can let people know that the game has been updated via a comment ("I have updated the game to include the font files. Sorry for the inconvenience!") or via a blog, if the update has a lot of info/changes to relay.
11 авг. 2015 в 0:37 Unable to find VL Gothic font, also cant install font in windowsAllright, I have spent the last 2 hours trying to get my RPG maker VX ACE game working on windows 10 and I have just about given up. First, I copied the fonts folder to the game directory, didnt work. Then I re-installed the RTP in FOUR diffrent programs folder location (x86 and Normal, as well as one with Common Filles) With no avail. THEN I decided to reinstall the whole thing, and that did nothing either. I cant even coppy the VL-Gothic-Regular.tiff to the Fonts folder because it says its an invalid font file; clearly it is because I need it.
Is anyone else getting this error to this severe of a degree?
Ive seen it pop up before, but they claimed it can be fixed by re-installing, witch for me it cant.
Is this a windows 10 thing, or a general issue?
11 авг. 2015 в 1:16 Probably a windows 10 thing. So many problems lately. Copying the VL-Gothic-Regular.tiff isn't what you'd need to do. Try double clicking it and then selecting install. I don't know if it is still there in Win10 but for every other version I have used it's been a button in the top left corner of the window that opens when you double click it. 11 авг. 2015 в 1:43Maybe try and use a different font for your game. In the "Main" part of the script section (bottom most script) do the following:
If needed place the font in the game directory in a folder called "Fonts", e.g.:
11 авг. 2015 в 11:47
When I double click it I get a message called "The Requested file <Directory> Is not a valid font file." And When that line of code is entered I get the same message. Furthermore placing the font file in the directory yields simmalar results.
Im curious as to how they will solve thsi particular problem as if its based in windows 10, how will they develop a wide spread patch.
Does anyone know of a possible hack to FORCE installation of a font?
30 ноя. 2015 в 15:41 It's a bit late to respond but i had the same problem with Windows 10. The issue was that the Windows-Firewall has to be activated so Windows can install or open fonts who are not already in the Windows fonts file. 30 ноя. 2015 в 16:31 It's a bit late to respond but i had the same problem with Windows 10. The issue was that the Windows-Firewall has to be activated so Windows can install or open fonts who are not already in the Windows fonts file.Allright, I have spent the last 2 hours trying to get my RPG maker VX ACE game working on windows 10 and I have just about given up. First, I copied the fonts folder to the game directory, didnt work. Then I re-installed the RTP in FOUR diffrent programs folder location (x86 and Normal, as well as one with Common Filles) With no avail. THEN I decided to reinstall the whole thing, and that did nothing either. I cant even coppy the VL-Gothic-Regular.tiff to the Fonts folder because it says its an invalid font file; clearly it is because I need it.
Is anyone else getting this error to this severe of a degree?
Ive seen it pop up before, but they claimed it can be fixed by re-installing, witch for me it cant.
Жанр: Квест-Головоломка
Дата выхода: 12.09.2013
Мейкер: VX Ace
Графика: Всего понемногу
Музыка: Mass Effect, RTP
Главная героиня Виктория, капитан корабля "Миридиан", получает сигнал бедствия от станции "Гиперион". Первой станции человечества, которая, много лет назад, покинула пределы солнечной системы. Открыв путь в неизведанный космос.
Готовность игры в целом: 100%
Если вы скачали, раньше замены, и у вам вдруг нет VL Gothic, то клац
P.s Надеюсь ничего не забыл. Игра не требует ртп, вес 27 мб
Сама концепция этой игры, продумывалась для конкурса "Fast Dev". Но так как она не очень подошла по теме, то я просто решил параллельно со стартом конкурса - начать её разработку, пытаясь уложиться в максимально сжатые сроки. Хотя даже если бы тема подошла, я бы просто не успел бы за два дня её сварганить, правда я это понял только в процессе.
В общем, это плод 5 дней разработки, было бы быстрее, если бы у меня понедельник и вторник не были забиты другими делами. В игре геймплея, при первом прохождении, должно хватит на 40-60 минут, ну я надеюсь :D
Жанр: Квест-Головоломка
Дата выхода: 12.09.2013
Мейкер: VX Ace
Графика: Всего понемногу
Музыка: Mass Effect, RTP
Главная героиня Виктория, капитан корабля "Миридиан", получает сигнал бедствия от станции "Гиперион". Первой станции человечества, которая, много лет назад, покинула пределы солнечной системы. Открыв путь в неизведанный космос.
Готовность игры в целом: 100%
Если вы скачали, раньше замены, и у вам вдруг нет VL Gothic, то клац
P.s Надеюсь ничего не забыл. Игра не требует ртп, вес 27 мб
Сама концепция этой игры, продумывалась для конкурса "Fast Dev". Но так как она не очень подошла по теме, то я просто решил параллельно со стартом конкурса - начать её разработку, пытаясь уложиться в максимально сжатые сроки. Хотя даже если бы тема подошла, я бы просто не успел бы за два дня её сварганить, правда я это понял только в процессе.
В общем, это плод 5 дней разработки, было бы быстрее, если бы у меня понедельник и вторник не были забиты другими делами. В игре геймплея, при первом прохождении, должно хватит на 40-60 минут, ну я надеюсь :D
Тема: Гиперион
Тема: Гиперион
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