Transport fever 2 как играть по сети
Transport Fever 2 — новый золотой стандарт в жанре транспортных симуляторов. Исследуйте новый мир, передвигаясь по земле, воде и воздуху. Да здравствует прогресс и процветание!
Обеспечьте весь мир транспортной инфраструктурой и разбогатейте, предоставляя особые транспортные услуги. Ваши поезда будут ездить по железным дорогам, автобусы и фуры колесить по автострадам, корабли будут бороздить моря, а самолёты парить в небесах. Помогайте людям добираться на работу и на отдых, и пусть города процветают благодаря вам. Доставляйте сырье и товары, необходимые для развития экономики. Бросьте вызов величайшим логистическим проблемам с 1850 года до наших дней и постройте транспортную империю, не имеющую себе равных!
Получите безграничные возможности для творчества в режиме «Свободная игра» и перепишите транспортную историю трех континентов в режиме «Кампания». Transport Fever 2 предлагает на выбор более 200 транспортных средств из Европы, Америки и Азии, смоделированных с невероятным вниманием к деталям, а с помощью редактора игровых карт вы можете воссоздать пейзажи из трех различных климатических зон. И, наконец, игровой процесс дополнен реалистичной симуляцией транспорта и экономики и всесторонней поддержкой модификаций.
Открывайте мир
Огромный игровой мир ждёт ваших железных дорог, автомобилей, самолётов и кораблей. Интуитивно понятные интерактивные инструменты для строительства железных дорог и модульная система строительства станций упрощают создание и расширение транспортной империи, а благодаря огромному количеству параметров конфигурации каждая игра в свободном режиме полна новых задач, требующих разного подхода.
Пишите историю транспорта
Три исторические кампании в разные временные периоды на трех разных континентах — и каждая со своими задачами. Только настоящие транспортные магнаты смогут выполнить все миссии. Озвучение и видеоролики обогащают сюжет и дополняют захватывающий игровой процесс, а режим «Свободная игра» полон достижений, которые вам предстоит разблокировать.
Оптимизируйте инфраструктуру
Вам предстоит адаптировать компанию к потребностям экономики и городов. Мосты, туннели, развязки, железнодорожные сигналы, улицы с односторонним движением, светофоры и автобусные полосы — это лишь часть того, что вы можете использовать для оптимизации транспортной инфраструктуры. Даже железнодорожные вокзалы и аэропорты можно расширить с помощью модулей для разных потребностей, а различные экраны информации помогут визуализировать объемы трафика и загрязнения, а также предоставят информацию для дальнейших улучшений.
Дайте волю творчеству
Благодаря невероятно высокой детализации игрового мира вы можете создать собственную виртуальную железнодорожную сеть: редактор карт дает возможность создавать бесчисленные миры, красить и видоизменять их ландшафт. Поддержка модификаций означает, что вам всегда будут доступны новые карты, которые совершенно бесплатно можно получить в Steam Workshop.
Transport fever 2 как играть по сети
21 авг. 2016 в 12:36 Now, let me say straight out of the station *snicker*, I'm not saying this game MUST have multiplayer to succeed, but it certainly would help, I played OpenTTD for days (literally. ) with several of my friends, and I have to say, I know some people who would buy this game if it didn't have MP (ex. Me), but I know more who would buy it if it DID have MP. So, maybe not at release would it have multiplayer, but I wonder if it is a possibility further down the road (I need to stop these awful transportation puns). 21 авг. 2016 в 12:40They have already stated the game will NOT have multiplayer, you need to move past this as it is not going to destroy the game.
They wanted to concentrate on the quality of a single player game instead of bringing out a poor multiplayer game which would have had to be rushed to fit in with their development calander.
They have not ruled out multiplayer games in the future though, but Transport Fever will be single player.
21 авг. 2016 в 13:27 Ok, thats a little sad, but who knows? Maybe a mod by a third party? 22 авг. 2016 в 14:04 Ok, thats a little sad, but who knows? Maybe a mod by a third party?Well if multiplayer could be so easily added by 3rd party modders then all PC games would have some form of multiplayer by now.
Sadly in the case of TF/TX and other games like it, the core mechanics of the game would have to be altered in order to be able to play just local multiplayer, so we'll have to wait for the Devs to implement it.
22 авг. 2016 в 14:27 25 авг. 2016 в 17:43 25 авг. 2016 в 19:29 Would love it if they did MP loved train fever but it was lacking :(27 авг. 2016 в 11:36 They have said there will be no Multiplayer folks and I doubt you could mod it in as there will be no base for network protocals. You will have to wait as they said they haven't ruled it out in future games.
They have said there will be no Multiplayer folks and I doubt you could mod it in as there will be no base for network protocals. You will have to wait as they said they haven't ruled it out in future games. 29 авг. 2016 в 15:06 They have said there will be no Multiplayer folks and I doubt you could mod it in as there will be no base for network protocals. You will have to wait as they said they haven't ruled it out in future games.
Q: Does the game have a multiplayer mode?
A: No, the game will focus on an extensive single player experience. Due to limited resources and development time, a decision had to be made: Either make a great single player or an average multi-player game.
So I'd say "Maybe, but unlikely for a long time or TX 2" would be the answer.
Transport fever 2 как играть по сети
28 апр. 2019 в 5:26Transport Fever 2 announced YAY!
However the first game lacked multiplayer, which i truly hope they will add to the second game.
How awesome would it be if you could actually compete against each other building your own transport tycoon? It would actually bring some challenge to the game and add a whole other dimension.
Nope, I neither need nor want multi-player competition.
In my opinion that's not what this game is about. This sort of game isn't about 'beating' a boss (or anyone else), it's about solving resource problems and creating something that works beautifully.
If you want to compare successes just create a profit leaderboard on some 'bragging rights' forum or share save games with your mates
28 апр. 2019 в 13:14Nope, I neither need nor want multi-player competition.
In my opinion that's not what this game is about. This sort of game isn't about 'beating' a boss (or anyone else), it's about solving resource problems and creating something that works beautifully.
If you want to compare successes just create a profit leaderboard on some 'bragging rights' forum or share save games with your mates
To think, some games do even have Steam leaderboards! It could be worth looking into for campaign mission scripts. 28 апр. 2019 в 13:42
Whats with this multiplayer obsession for any one who's played SimCity 5 (2013) EA made it multiplayer and it was a total disaster. Now, keep in mind it was EA. It was not on steam it on Origin and they made it so all regions were public and any one could go in and mess up your city(s). it was terrible I cant believe I spent a whole 60 bucks on it.
So if you really want multiplayer don't do what SC5 did Please. it could work though. But a multiplayer option could possibly work it would be like sharing a saved game with a friend and you and them work together to build up a network each one focuses on a diffrent aspect. How ever I think playing against AI in these games would be far more easier to do.and people can edit the AI scripts all they want.
28 апр. 2019 в 17:09Whats with this multiplayer obsession for any one who's played SimCity 5 (2013) EA made it multiplayer and it was a total disaster. Now, keep in mind it was EA. It was not on steam it on Origin and they made it so all regions were public and any one could go in and mess up your city(s). it was terrible I cant believe I spent a whole 60 bucks on it.
So if you really want multiplayer don't do what SC5 did Please. it could work though. But a multiplayer option could possibly work it would be like sharing a saved game with a friend and you and them work together to build up a network each one focuses on a diffrent aspect. How ever I think playing against AI in these games would be far more easier to do.and people can edit the AI scripts all they want.
Its because of the old days of Railroad Tycoon 2 and 3 where multiplayer was core to those games. the dramatic competition and the ability to use the stock market to affect the growth or demise of your opponents company as much as your own (or your own personal pocket book) defined the genre. No other Transport Tycoon game has come close. Its just that we want to see that amazing gameplay option brought to Transport Fever because TF is clearly the king Transport Tycoon game right now and Competitive Multiplayer and Stock Market would only improve upon the experience. I don't want to force Multiplayer on those who want the current TF experience, but we want the option to introduce the difficulty of the economic simulation to be pushed to its limits by competition. 28 апр. 2019 в 18:10
No need for MP I would never use it.
I enjoy building my network at MY own pace without pressures from others.
I don't mind a good Player vs multiple AI so long as it is done at least as good as RRT does it. As I would enjoy the corporate takeovers and co-op scenarios in that game.
Incidentally I never used MP with other players in RRT [was that even possible?]
Multiplayer is a must? Correct. a must not happen.
I accept people have opinions and opinions differ but I don't understand the apparent general obsession to make every game multiplayer. MP play is not always necessary, welcome or suited to a game and Transport Fever is very much a single player experience.
Would it ever work as multiplayer? Perhaps but I cannot see how it would add anything positive to the current design of the game.
28 апр. 2019 в 23:54 29 апр. 2019 в 0:08Let the devs concentrate with producing the best they can for the single player experience.
29 апр. 2019 в 0:26 No multiplayer thanks. Wouldn't provide any extra gameplay for me. 29 апр. 2019 в 5:56Whats with this multiplayer obsession for any one who's played SimCity 5 (2013) EA made it multiplayer and it was a total disaster. Now, keep in mind it was EA. It was not on steam it on Origin and they made it so all regions were public and any one could go in and mess up your city(s). it was terrible I cant believe I spent a whole 60 bucks on it.
So if you really want multiplayer don't do what SC5 did Please. it could work though. But a multiplayer option could possibly work it would be like sharing a saved game with a friend and you and them work together to build up a network each one focuses on a diffrent aspect. How ever I think playing against AI in these games would be far more easier to do.and people can edit the AI scripts all they want.
Its because of the old days of Railroad Tycoon 2 and 3 where multiplayer was core to those games. the dramatic competition and the ability to use the stock market to affect the growth or demise of your opponents company as much as your own (or your own personal pocket book) defined the genre. No other Transport Tycoon game has come close. Its just that we want to see that amazing gameplay option brought to Transport Fever because TF is clearly the king Transport Tycoon game right now and Competitive Multiplayer and Stock Market would only improve upon the experience. I don't want to force Multiplayer on those who want the current TF experience, but we want the option to introduce the difficulty of the economic simulation to be pushed to its limits by competition.
Correction. it defined *a* genre. A genre that Transport Fever isn't really part of.
I never even liked the Railroad Tycoon games, because they were mostly about economics, with a basic, simplified rail-network element. Transport Fever isn't really about economics, it's about engineering.
Admittedly, Transport Tycoon (which 'Fever is at least somewhat inspired by) had both AI and multiplayer, but the AI was garbage - largely just making the game annoying, and nobody really ever played it multiplayer. Urban Games just cut the cr** and didn't waste time and resources implementing features that would limit the scope of the design and ultimately make for a worse game.
If you want the king of multiplayer economic skirmish - try Offworld Trading Company. You can buy up shares in your opponents to your heart's content, and it's very much the core of the game design. It's set on Mars, sure, but it's still closer to Railroad Tycoon than Transport Fever is ever likely to be.
29 апр. 2019 в 6:52 If you want the king of multiplayer economic skirmish - try Offworld Trading Company. You can buy up shares in your opponents to your heart's content, and it's very much the core of the game design. It's set on Mars, sure, but it's still closer to Railroad Tycoon than Transport Fever is ever likely to be.There's all sorts of games around to suit almost every need so why try to cram everything into every game?
Transport Fever has an economic element which is fine for a transport builder but it's certainly not the core of the game. They could indeed bolster that side of the game challenge, such as adding company-owned industries or satisfaction based town demand or supply, and that might be what they're doing with the announced "Dynamic economy and city simulation".
If a capitalist tycoon challenge is what you're looking for why does it need to be inelegantly forced into a perfectly well defined transport builder that has already provided us with 100s and 1000s of hours of entertainment?
Купить Transport Fever 2
Transport Fever 2 — новый золотой стандарт в жанре транспортных симуляторов. Исследуйте новый мир, передвигаясь по земле, воде и воздуху. Да здравствует прогресс и процветание!
Обеспечьте весь мир транспортной инфраструктурой и разбогатейте, предоставляя особые транспортные услуги. Ваши поезда будут ездить по железным дорогам, автобусы и фуры колесить по автострадам, корабли будут бороздить моря, а самолёты парить в небесах. Помогайте людям добираться на работу и на отдых, и пусть города процветают благодаря вам. Доставляйте сырье и товары, необходимые для развития экономики. Бросьте вызов величайшим логистическим проблемам с 1850 года до наших дней и постройте транспортную империю, не имеющую себе равных!
Получите безграничные возможности для творчества в режиме «Свободная игра» и перепишите транспортную историю трех континентов в режиме «Кампания». Transport Fever 2 предлагает на выбор более 200 транспортных средств из Европы, Америки и Азии, смоделированных с невероятным вниманием к деталям, а с помощью редактора игровых карт вы можете воссоздать пейзажи из трех различных климатических зон. И, наконец, игровой процесс дополнен реалистичной симуляцией транспорта и экономики и всесторонней поддержкой модификаций.
Открывайте мир
Огромный игровой мир ждёт ваших железных дорог, автомобилей, самолётов и кораблей. Интуитивно понятные интерактивные инструменты для строительства железных дорог и модульная система строительства станций упрощают создание и расширение транспортной империи, а благодаря огромному количеству параметров конфигурации каждая игра в свободном режиме полна новых задач, требующих разного подхода.
Пишите историю транспорта
Три исторические кампании в разные временные периоды на трех разных континентах — и каждая со своими задачами. Только настоящие транспортные магнаты смогут выполнить все миссии. Озвучение и видеоролики обогащают сюжет и дополняют захватывающий игровой процесс, а режим «Свободная игра» полон достижений, которые вам предстоит разблокировать.
Оптимизируйте инфраструктуру
Вам предстоит адаптировать компанию к потребностям экономики и городов. Мосты, туннели, развязки, железнодорожные сигналы, улицы с односторонним движением, светофоры и автобусные полосы — это лишь часть того, что вы можете использовать для оптимизации транспортной инфраструктуры. Даже железнодорожные вокзалы и аэропорты можно расширить с помощью модулей для разных потребностей, а различные экраны информации помогут визуализировать объемы трафика и загрязнения, а также предоставят информацию для дальнейших улучшений.
Дайте волю творчеству
Благодаря невероятно высокой детализации игрового мира вы можете создать собственную виртуальную железнодорожную сеть: редактор карт дает возможность создавать бесчисленные миры, красить и видоизменять их ландшафт. Поддержка модификаций означает, что вам всегда будут доступны новые карты, которые совершенно бесплатно можно получить в Steam Workshop.
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