Total war warhammer 2 готрек и феликс как загрузить
Сразу говорю, я не автор этих модов, а лишь скромный фанат вселенной вахи (ну больше WH 40k, но не суть), который захотел немного разнообразить TWW2, потому как заиграл её до дыр. Эта сборка слегка читерская если это можно так назвать, здесь имеются инструменты для множества вещей.
Эти моды я тестировал на ПИРАТСКОЙ версии игры 1.9.2, скачанной с сайта Xatab'а. Как оно работает на лицензии я НЕ ЗНАЮ. Для лицензии рекомендую сначала через мастерскую стим найти эти моды и добавить по-человечески через мод-менеджер(я не любитель его + у меня он не работает)
Можно создать героя\лорда в любом месте. Сам выбираешь лорда, сам выбираешь фракцию которой он будет подчиняться(да да, вы не ослышались, здесь можно создать к примеру Гримгора и приписать его, ну допустим к имперцам, к Францу) Можно разрушить или отдать любой фракции поселение.
Создать армию фракций орды и прочее.
Как вам сочетание Большого орка который командует людьми? Ну или Влад фон Карштайн командующий. Гномами! Вариаций куча, на самом деле я включил их для другого. Пока у меня еще работает фантазия я могу изменить как угодно текущий мир и даже сделать противостояние к примеру 7 фракций, а остальных снести. Или сделать постапокалипсис. Вариантов действительно много, лишь бы фантазии хватило и инструментария(возможно со временем вы упретесь в потолок инструментов этого сета и вам придётся искать новые моды)
Я долгое время играл в эту часть, и устал от ванилы, поэтому начал искать новые ощущения для себя, и нашел, убив на это кучу времени, не так просто на самом деле найти что-то нужное и при этом заставить это РАБОТАТЬ.
Последние 2 мода убили 3 дня моего времени вечерами после работы. Возможно потому что я тупой, но я все-таки добился своего. Сборка исключительно любительская, не на что не претендую, а просто вам выкладываю боль несколько десятков часов потраченных на боль в попытках найти\скачать\поставить\разобраться почему не работает и т.д. и т.п.
Надеюсь это кому-нибудь сэкономит уйму времени.
И так собственно что здесь есть:
- Web campaign editor (experimental)
- campaign_editor
- SkipIntros
- Console Commands (Modding Tool)
- 33 new skills for lords
- Double Winds of Magic
- Brighter Borders
- Faster End Turn Camera
- No Morale - No Fatigue mod
Первые 2 это для веб-редактора.
Так же здесь уже выкладывали отдельно его, я решил его по тестить, не сразу понял что к чему и разобрался чуть позднее.
Инструкции как ими пользоваться будут в архиве в текстовике
3. Это просто пропуск интро
4. Консоль и её веселые команды
5. Добавляет почти всем новые уровни и скилы как для битвы так и для компании, а так же есть один скил на дипломатию(не у всех)
6. Давно его ставил. Или увеличивает пул маны для битв или дает магию чистым физикам, таким как Карл Франц(точно не помню)
7. Границы каждого региона четче видны на карте компании
8. Достаточно перевести название мода и всё станет понятно.
9. Мод для настоящих любителей подраться. Не нравится что ваши войска с хреновой дисциплиной пытаются свалить с поля боя? Или надоело гоняться за отступающими войсками противника? Ваши войска говорят вам что "очень устали" и выносливость упала ниже дивана? Тогда этот мод для вас. В кампании вы не увидите его эффекта, но при заходе в бой в ручном режиме можете быть приятно удивлены. ВСЕ ВОЙСКА будут иметь дисциплину 900+ и бесконечную выносливость(не показывает вам, но работает) а это значит. БОЙ НА СМЕРТЬ! Я как любитель данной серии, был очень рад подраться до последнего бойца. С этим модом НИ ОДИН НЕ СБЕЖИТ С ПОЛЯ БОЯ! Вин или фейл. Слава или полный разгром. ИДУ ВА-БАНК!
С этим модом вы можете увидеть атакующих в ЛОБ крыс, которые при этом не бегут а бьются как настоящие фанатики. Один из примеров как это работает.
Не ленитесь почитать текстовик в архиве. Там много(это не точно) нужной информации.
В архиве будут все нужные инструкции. Если вам нужна будет помощь, можете написать мне в вк
Для фана, могу к этому добавить трейнер от флинга, он тут есть и работает. Они в тандеме работают исправно.
Legendary adventurers are abroad in Total War: WARHAMMER II!
Gotrek Gurnisson is one of the legendary Dwarf Slayers, those brooding, taciturn, yet deadly warriors whose very raison d’être is to bring death, destruction and all-round doom to any and all enemies of the Dwarf race.
Even for a Slayer, Gotrek is a particularly grim example, for his shame is especially great. He refuses to speak of the humiliation that led him to follow such a path, except to say it is his only desire to die in mortal combat against a worthy foe and pull them with him into death’s cold embrace.
The trouble is, Gotrek is rather too good at his work – or bad, depending on your point of view – and has thus far entirely failed to die, instead becoming something of a celebrity. Gotrek’s only companion is his manling hagiographer, Felix Jaeger, whose role it is to record Gotrek’s deeds – although he often finds himself somewhat reluctantly taking part!
Gotrek & Felix DLC FAQ
What’s the deal here?
Gotrek & Felix is a new Total War: WARHAMMER II DLC, available exclusively for a limited period with September 2019’s printed copy of White Dwarf magazine.
After a month, anyone can grab them for free from Total War Access.
What game are they for?
Gotrek & Felix is a Total War: WARHAMMER II DLC, and you’ll need that game to in order to make use of this DLC. You can also use them in the free Mortal Empires campaign if you own both Total War: WARHAMMER and Total War: WARHAMMER II.
I don’t have Total War: WARHAMMER II yet – what do I do?
If you create your free Total War Access account (or you have one already), once you input the Unique Access Code which is on the back of your White Dwarf Card you should also see a 50% off Total War: WARHAMMER II coupon in your Total War Access inventory, alongside other freebies and offers. These coupons are also transferable to a friend and will expire on the 10th of October.
When can I start playing with them?
If you’re a subscriber to White Dwarf then you should receive your copy a few days before the 20th of September. You’ll need to sign in to Total War Access to use your unique redemption code in order to unlock them.
If you buy White Dwarf, you’ll be able to get access to them as soon as they hit the shelves in store.
If you don’t subscribe or buy White Dwarf, you’ll be able to access them from the 17th of October by signing up or logging in to Total War Access.
I hate exclusives/I can’t get White Dwarf/why not just update the game/why have you done this?
Rather than spending our marketing money to advertise our game in a magazine, we used it to make in-game content that we hope will encourage people to try our game out.
In return for making that content exclusive for a month in a magazine, the magazine promotes the game in return.
Even better, once the period of exclusivity ends, we can offer the content to everyone through Total War Access for free. So anyone can get hold of new game content in the end.
We think this can be a more effective form of marketing than just making adverts, and this content wouldn’t exist if we didn’t fund it in this way.
We get to add even more free content to our games, and our marketing pay for it. We think that’s a pretty good arrangement.
What is Total War Access?
Total War Access is our Total War account sign-in that gives you access to exclusive content and free giveaways like game content, money-off deals, audio tracks, ebooks, and anything else we think you might enjoy.
You can also agree to us sending you regular email updates about Total War through it (but you don’t need to do that to get the free stuff).
We’re planning on expanding Total War Access over time to offer even more benefits in exchange for the opportunity to tell you about the latest Total War news and offers – find out more here.
Ultimately, being able to contact you directly is really valuable to us as it helps us tell you about new games and products we have coming up. In exchange, we’ll give you some great freebies and exclusives – even if you’d rather opt out of our mailing list. However, we hope our emails will prove so useful to you that you won’t want to opt out, so we’ll keep working on that to make them as entertaining and relevant as possible.
How can I buy White Dwarf to get access to the characters?
You can get White Dwarf magazine from all branches of Warhammer and Games Workshop stores from independent stockists, and through Games Workshop’s online web store. It’s also available through all good newsagents and bookshops that stock it.
Please note that due to technical limitations of providing a unique code, the card for Gotrek and Felix is not available with digital editions of the magazine. It is only available through the printed edition of the magazine.
When will the White Dwarf be in stores?
The September issue of the magazine is available from the 20th of September. You can pre-order your copy from the 14th of September.
When can I redeem them through Total War Access without buying a White Dwarf?
The characters will become available to everyone on the 17th of October through Total War Access. That means that the characters will be free but you’ll need to sign in to Total War Access to grant you the DLC on your Steam account.
How do I redeem the characters?
The Gotrek & Felix DLC should now be playable in your game.
I can’t sign up to Total War Access, how do I redeem my characters?
Some countries may have restrictions with signing up to Total War Access. If you cannot create a Total War Access account and you have purchased a White Dwarf, simply email SEGA customer support and include your unique redemption code.
Will Gotrek and Felix be available if I’m playing on macOS and Linux?
Yes, shortly after release on Windows.
Can I play Gotrek and Felix in my multiplayer campaign?
Due to the nature of how the characters work in game, they will not be available to recruit in multiplayer campaigns.
However, they are available in custom battles and non-campaign multiplayer.
Gotrek and Felix are wandering adventurers and mercenaries. They can be very powerful allies, but they can’t exactly be relied upon to stick around forever. After all, Gotrek has a deathwish to fulfil, so you can’t always be sure where their quests will take them.
To represent their iconic style in game, they function a little differently to other characters:
- Gotrek and Felix are initially recruited from their quest marker as a pair. Gotrek effectively functions as a Lord, and Felix is a Hero that accompanies him. This means they can function as an army just by themselves, and you can send them off around the world on adventures of their own, or supply them with troops and have them function in the same way as your other armies. Although with a rather powerful pair of characters leading it!
- They might be swords for hire, but they have a certain moral code and will only enter the employ of Empire, Bretonnia and Dwarf factions. If you so much as look like a rat from a distance, don’t ask.
- Gotrek and Felix will only stay with your faction for so long, around 20 turns or so, before Gotrek gets itchy feet and his deathwish commands him to seek adventure elsewhere.
Fear not though, because their wanderings will inevitably lead them back to you at some point, and you’ll find they have likely increased in prowess in the meantime.
Just be wary of any enemies they may have made while they’ve been away…
Готрек и Феликс в Total War: Warhammer II
Дополнение Gotrek & Felix будет эксклюзивно доступно в сентябре в печатном выпуске журнала White Dwarf. Затем, 17 октября, оно станет доступно бесплатно всем желающим через систему регистрации Total War Access
EMPRESS взломала последнюю версию Total War: Warhammer II
EMPRESS вернулась: бета-тест обновленного кряка для Total War: Warhammer II начнется уже скоро
Gotrek and Felix are legendary adventurers and mercenaries, known throughout the Warhammer world by those that sing their praises and curse their names. Veterans of countless minor scrapes and grand battles, both are formidable warriors in their own right and would make a welcome addition to any army, if a commander is able to keep their attention for long enough…
If you have the Gotrek & Felix DLC, you’ll spot a new interactive marker on the campaign map. Click it, recruit them, and let the adventures begin!
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Gotrek & Felix
Want some good old Gotrek & Felix slayin'? Well here you go, the two are back to haunt the darkest and most dangerous parts of the Old World and beyond.
This is a reworked version of the original mod for this unit, as that one was far too overpowered and didn't really make sense in various ways. (Why would it have 120 armor and a shield?)
Part of the rework is a special mechanic where both characters have separate weapons and combat behaviour, to specific Gotrek has the classic slayer behaviour of having anti-large bonuses and a lot of armor piercing damage along with a lord-sized splash attack. Felix has a smaller splash attack and pretty default empire lord damage, but with a large anti-infantry bonus on top of it.
That way both of them are useful and unique during combat in their own specific way without being just one unit with two identical models.
They are very potent fighters which are excellent against other low-model units and large enemies.
Contrary to other units, the longer Gotrek & Felix fight, the more their rate of kills goes up due both being able to outlast most of their enemies in fatigue and having the Deathblow passive ability.
Recruitment Cost: 3000 (2000 in Custom Battle)
Upkeep Cost: 250
Health: 5016
Armor: 50 (+10% Ward Save)
Leadership: 100
Speed: 35
Melee Attack: 70
Melee Defence: 50
Weapon Strength:
⚫ Gotrek: 150 + 300 Armor Piercing + 150 vs Large, 7 Maximum Splash Targets
⚫ Felix: 300 + 150 Armor Piercing + 100 vs Infantry, 50% Less Splash Area, 3 Max Splash Targets
Charge Bonus: 70
Default Attributes: Strider (not affected by terrain)
⚫ Deathblow (+8% Armor Piercing Damage, +8% Splash Damage Area
⚫ Gotrek's Doom
Grants +10% Ward Save, +50% Physical Resistance, +30% Magic Resistance
Disciplined (No Leadership loss upon Lord death), Encourages nearby units, Expert Charge Defense, Extra Knockback Damage, Fatigue Resistance, Unbreakable
Gotrek & Felix do not gain experience or bonuses from slayer specific skills, techs or other sources.
They can be recruited in either the Altdorf Tier 5 Settlement or the Karak Kadrin Slayer Shrine.
Gotrek & Felix are available for all Dwarf, Empire and Southern Realm factions in Custom Battle.
How to get them
The Gotrek & Felix DLC is exclusively available in September’s print issue of White Dwarf Magazine – you just need to follow the instructions on the special card you‘ll get with your copy.
White Dwarf is available from all branches of Warhammer and Games Workshop stores from independent stockists, and through Games Workshop’s online web store. It’s also available through all good newsagents and bookshops that stock it.
After that period of exclusivity, Gotrek & Felix will be available to anyone for free through Total War Access from the 17th of October.
If you already have a free Total War Access account, they will appear from that date in your inventory alongside your other free items. If you don’t have a Total War Access account yet, you only need to go here to sign up for free – and you’ll also get all the latest news and exclusive freebies and offers from Total War as a result.
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