Titan mprl arma 3 как стрелять
Arma 3
5 апр. 2018 в 8:54 when i fire the mprl the rocket just dissapears and never comes to the point where i want it xd? help 5 апр. 2018 в 21:21 you need to use the Titan Compact if you want the wire-guided missile 5 апр. 2018 в 22:03 6 апр. 2018 в 11:55 6 апр. 2018 в 13:22The titan mprl is an AA missile launcher that fires the missile up at an angle; this weapon system is designed to lock onto the heat signitures of aircraft to work.
To use that weapon: look at an aircraft in the air and press your lock on key (default: "T") once the diamond is solid and beeping is rapid, fire the missile; it'll lock onto the heat signiture of the target.
7 апр. 2018 в 1:49The titan mprl is an AA missile launcher that fires the missile up at an angle; this weapon system is designed to lock onto the heat signitures of aircraft to work.
To use that weapon: look at an aircraft in the air and press your lock on key (default: "T") once the diamond is solid and beeping is rapid, fire the missile; it'll lock onto the heat signiture of the target.
you know this post is 2 days old xd, but still thanks 7 апр. 2018 в 12:14 when i fire the mprl the rocket just dissapears and never comes to the point where i want it xd? help 7 апр. 2018 в 12:58The titan mprl is an AA missile launcher that fires the missile up at an angle; this weapon system is designed to lock onto the heat signitures of aircraft to work.
To use that weapon: look at an aircraft in the air and press your lock on key (default: "T") once the diamond is solid and beeping is rapid, fire the missile; it'll lock onto the heat signiture of the target.
Titan MPRL
The Titan MPRL (full name: Titan Multi-Purpose Rocket Launcher) is a 127 mm surface-to-air missile launcher used by several BLUFOR, OPFOR and Independent factions in ArmA 3.
Titan MPRL Compact
The Titan MPRL Compact (full name: Titan Multi-Purpose Rocket Launcher - Compact) is a 127 mm anti-tank missile launcher used by several BLUFOR, OPFOR and Independent factions in ArmA 3.
Static Titan Launcher
The Static Titan Launcher is an anti-aircraft/anti-ground vehicle turret. It is used by several BLUFOR, OPFOR and Independent factions in ArmA 3.
CSAT Hex-camouflaged AA variant.
Both static launchers are mounted onto lowered tripods which provide the user with better stability, making it simpler to aim with either launcher at distant targets.
However, they are limited to aiming only in the direction in which they are assembled, and cannot be rotated in all directions unless disassembled and re-assembled to face another direction.
Like all static weapons, both variants of the Static Titan Launcher can be flipped upright if they are knocked over from a shockwave (caused by nearby explosions or being crashed into by vehicles) or due to being set up on sloped/unstable terrain.
As with their man-portable counterparts they share the same target limitations; they are either anti-ground vehicle or anti-aircraft, but cannot tackle both types of targets at the same time.
The Static Titan Launcher (AA) is the anti-aircraft static defence variant of the Titan MPRL launcher.
Like its shoulder-launched parent, it is designed exclusively for use against helicopters and low flying fixed-wing aircraft.
The launcher's Command Launch Unit (CLU) has the ability to switch between 1x/2x magnification, and can toggle between normal day vision or black/white-hot thermal vision modes. Its missiles cannot utilise SACLOS guidance and requires a lock-on before it can track its targets.
Its high-explosive fragmentation (HE-Frag) warhead is effective against aircraft but is otherwise completely useless against ground vehicles.
It can still be employed as a last resort against ground troops and unarmoured ground vehicles such as the Offroad as a crude anti-infantry/anti-light vehicle weapon.
The launcher can be swivelled horizontally (both left and right) to a maximum of 30 degrees, while vertically it is restricted to an angle of 100 degrees in both directions. The Static Titan Launcher (AA) has one missile loaded by default and has a further three missiles left in reserve.
- Hex: Arid Hexacam camouflage. Used by Mediterranean CSAT forces.
- Sand: Desert sand/desert tan dazzle pattern finish. Used by Mediterranean NATO forces.
- Digital: Digitised semi-fractal camouflage pattern. Used by the AAF.
- Tropic: Khaki green paint finish. Used by Pacific NATO forces.
- Geometric: Fractal woodland camouflage. Used by the LDF.
The Static Titan Launcher (AA) has the same type of sensor used by the Titan MPRL:
Infrared Sensor
The missile can lock onto 'hot' targets that are up to 3.5 km away, and is only able to track moving targets that are flying at speeds of up to 900 km/h. The sensor's lock-on cone differs depending on orientation; horizontally it is limited to an angle of 7 degrees while vertically it is restricted to just 4.5 degrees.
It cannot acquire a lock-on if the aircraft is flying at a height of less than 50 metres above the ground.
If the target is 2.5 km (or further) away and is flying at a height of 500 metres or less, then the missile will also be unable to acquire a lock-on.
The Static Titan Launcher (AT) is the anti-ground vehicle static defence variant of the Titan MPRL Compact launcher.
Just like its portable counterpart, it's designed to be used against armoured ground vehicles and like the Static Titan Launcher (AA), its CLU also has a magnification strength of either 1x or 2x zoom. It is able to toggle between normal day vision or black/white-hot thermal vision modes.
The launcher can switch between using a standard direct fire and top-attack flight trajectory mode for its missiles.
They are able to utilise SACLOS guidance, but requires a lock-on in order to autonomously track targets by itself (especially if the user intends on using the top-attack mode).
Its high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warhead is highly effective against all kinds of ground vehicles and can cut through slat cages thanks to its tandem warhead, which combines an explosive charge with a kinetic penetrator.
However, the Static Titan AT launcher is specifically optimised for tackling heavily-armoured vehicles like Main Battle Tanks (such as the T-100 Varsuk).
Because it has a rather long reload time between shots, it is recommended to have multiple launchers firing simultaneously or in tandem with other man-portable Titans so as to avoid having the operator get taken out while the launcher is being rearmed.
The launcher can be swivelled horizontally (both left and right) to a maximum of 30 degrees, while vertically it is restricted to an angle of 100 degrees in both directions. The Static Titan Launcher (AT) has one missile loaded by default and has a further three missiles left in reserve.
The Titan MPRL is a portable long-range, surface-to-air, guided missile launcher.
It uses 127 mm missiles with high-explosive fragmentation (HE-Frag) warheads that are capable of tracking and hitting aircraft at distances of up to 3,500 metres.
The launcher's command launch unit (CLU) can toggle between three modes of operation: "normal" day vision, white-hot thermal, and black-hot thermal. In addition, it can have its magnification adjusted to either 1x or 2x strength. The CLU has a small rail that supports being fitted with laser pointers or flashlights.
The Titan launcher's seeker requires three seconds to lock onto a target. However, it has a 60% chance of having its lock broken by flare-based countermeasures.
The Titan MPRL is primarily optimised for attacking helicopters.
Designed to be a fire-and-forget missile launcher that can be used against aerial vehicles, the Titan can turn any infantry unit into an extremely dangerous threat for all aircraft.
Its fast-moving missiles can easily cripple, if not outright destroy, even the toughest of helicopters like the CSAT Mi-48 in one strike. Fixed-wing jet aircraft are no exception to being hit either; they are equally vulnerable to being struck by a missile should they fly within range of the Titan's sensor.
Like its smaller anti-tank counterpart, the Titan's CLU uses an infrared sensor which allows the operator engage enemy aircraft under all weather and lighting conditions (provided that the target has a 'hot' thermal signature).
Nonetheless, although powerful against enemy aircraft, the Titan's main downside is that it's only capable attacking aircraft. Contrary to its name, the Titan is not a multi-purpose weapon and cannot be used to attack ground-based vehicles or infantry like its Compact variant.
Likewise, the Titan cannot utilise SACLOS guidance and must always acquire a lock-on before the missile can track a target. This greatly lowers the chances of a successful hit as most aircraft will have an infrared warning receiver (IWR) that will warn them of an incoming AA missile, prompting them to either attempt to outmanoeuvre or confuse the missile with countermeasure flares.
The Titan MPRL Compact is a portable long-range, fire-and-forget, guided missile launcher.
It can be loaded with either 127 mm high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) or antipersonnel (AP) warheads that are capable of striking targets at distances of up to 2,000 metres away.
The launcher's command launch unit (CLU) is able to toggle between two thermal modes ("normal" day vision, white-hot thermal, and black-hot thermal), and can have its magnification toggled between 1x or 2x strength. The CLU also has a small rail that supports being fitted with laser pointers or flashlights.
The Titan can toggle between using two flight trajectory modes, a standard direct fire and an alternate top-attack profile. Top-attack mode only functions with the Titan's AT missiles as they have the ability to autonomously guide themselves. HE missiles on the other hand, lack this capability due to relying exclusively on SACLOS for guidance.
The Titan MPRL Compact is a powerful anti-tank weapon.
True to its name, the Titan's ability to load and fire AT/AP missiles is what makes it a unique multi-role weapon. The AT missile can easily immobilise, if not critically damage, armoured vehicles such as Main Battle Tanks with one or two strikes. On the other hand, lighter vehicles like Armoured Personnel Carriers will almost always be destroyed in one hit.
Likewise, the AP missile deals devastating area-of-effect damage and can easily wipe out an entire enemy squad should the missile impact the right location (although not quite comparable to the RPG-42's/MAAWS Mk4's HE munitions).
Unlike the PCML, the Titan's CLU does not utilise a Visual sensor and has its missiles track their targets via infrared. This provides it a significant range advantage and allows the operator to reliably engage enemy vehicles under all weather and lighting conditions - provided that the target has a 'hot' thermal signature.
The Titan's missiles can also be guided manually via SACLOS without having to acquire a lock-on. This capability allows the operator to attack enemy vehicles while negating any possibility of the target being alerted by their infrared warning receivers (if they have one).
While it is capable of handling all types of ground-based threats however, the Titan is technically not a true multi-role weapon in the sense that because it is designed primarily to attack ground targets, it can't reliably be used against aircraft.
Though the Titan's operator can (theoretically) guide missiles into hitting aircraft via SACLOS, the process is extremely difficult in practice and can usually only be employed against low-flying helicopters flying along a straight path. It also forces them to remain motionless in order to keep the aim of the CLU's crosshairs steady at all times, so as to prevent the missile from flying off-course.
The other drawback is the weight of its missiles; the user will need to carry one of the larger backpacks (such as the Carryall) in order to haul spare missiles. Alternately, another team member will need to serve as an assistant to carry one for the operator. Regardless of whoever is assigned the burden, they will have their stamina reduced significantly and therefore slow down the movement of the squad.
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