Типы компьютеров презентация на английском
Презентация на тему: " COMPUTER BASICS ( ОСНОВЫ КОМПЬЮТЕРА ). WHAT IS A COMPUTER? ( ЧТО ТАКОЕ КОМПЬЮТЕР ?) A computer - is a device or system capable of performing a given," — Транскрипт:
2 WHAT IS A COMPUTER? ( ЧТО ТАКОЕ КОМПЬЮТЕР ?) A computer - is a device or system capable of performing a given, well- defined, changeable sequence of operations. These are most often the operations of numerical calculations and data manipulation, but this also includes input-output operations. ( Компью́тер устройство или система, способная выполнять заданную, чётко определённую, изменяемую последовательность операций. Это чаще всего операции численных расчётов и манипулирования данными, однако сюда относятся и операции ввода - вывода.)
3 MAIN COMPONENTS ( ОСНОВНЫЕ КОМПОНЕНТЫ ) Keyboard ( Клавиатура ) Monitor ( Монитор ) Case ( Корпус ) Mouse ( Мышь ) Loudspeakers ( Колонки )
4 Keyboard - is needed to enter information ( необходим для ввода информации ) Mouse - the mouse is needed to control the cursor on the monitor ( мышь нужна для управления курсором на мониторе ) Monitor - monitor is needed to display visual information ( монитор необходим для отображения визуальной информации ) Case - the case is needed for all internal devices to work together and protect them ( корпус нужен для совместной работы всех внутренних устройств и их защиты ) Loudspeakers - Speakers need to display audio information. ( Колонки нужны для вывода аудио информации )
5 COMPUTER INSIDE ( КОМПЬЮТЕР ИЗНУТРИ ) Power supply ( Блок питания ) Motherboard ( Материнская плата ) Video Card ( видеокарта ) Processor ( процессор ) ( процессор ) FAN ( вентилятор ) RAM ( оперативная память ) Disk drive ( дисковод ) Hard drive ( Жесткий диск )
6 Motherboard - The motherboard is a complex multi-layer printed circuit board on which the main components of a personal computer are installed (central processor, RAM controller and RAM itself, boot ROM, controllers of basic input / output interfaces). As a rule, the motherboard contains connectors (slots) for connecting additional controllers. ( Материнская плата - это сложная многослойная печатная плата, на которой устанавливаются основные компоненты персонального компьютера ( центральный процессор, контроллер ОЗУ и собственно ОЗУ, загрузочное ПЗУ, контроллеры базовых интерфейсов ввода - вывода ). Как правило, материнская плата содержит разъемы ( слоты ) для подключения дополнительных контроллеров ) Video card - The video card serves to process graphic information and then output the resulting image to a computer monitor. ( Видеокарта служит для обработки графической информации и последующего вывода получаемой картинки на монитор компьютера ) Processor - The processor is the main chip of the computer, its 'brain'. He executes the program code that is in memory and manages the work of all devices on the computer. The higher the speed of the processor, the higher the speed of the computer. ( Процессор – это главная микросхема компьютера, его ' мозг '. Он выполняет программный код, находящийся в памяти и руководит работой всех устройств компьютера. Чем выше скорость работы процессора, тем выше быстродействие компьютера.)
7 Power supply - is a device that is used to create the voltage needed to operate a computer from the voltage of a home electrical outlet. ( Блок питания – это устройство, которое используется для создания напряжения, необходимого для работы компьютера, из напряжения домашней электросети ) FAN - the fan is needed to cool the system ( вентилятор необходим для охлаждения системы ) Hard drive - hard drive is needed to store a large amount of information ( жесткий диск нужен для хранения большого количества информации ) RAM - is one of the most important elements of your computer system. It is responsible for the speed and load of applications and the operating system as a whole ( Оперативная память - является одним из важнейших элементов системы вашего компьютера. Она отвечает за скорость работы и загрузки приложений и операционной системы в целом.) Disk drive - A disk drive is a computer device that allows reading or writing information to storage media ( Дисковод устройство компьютера, позволяющее осуществить чтение или запись информации на носители информации )
8 PERIPHERALS ( ПЕРИФЕРИЙНЫЕ УСТРОЙСТВА ) Printer - a device for printing textual and graphical information ( Принтер – устройство для вывода на печать текстовой и графической информации. ) Scanner - A scanner is a device that allows you to enter graphic information into a computer. ( Сканер – устройство, позволяющее вводить в компьютер графическую информацию. )
When Charles Babbage, a professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, invented the first calculating machine in 1812, he couldn’t imagine the situation we find ourselves in today. Nearly everything we do in
the world is helped, or even controlled by computers, the complicated descendants of his simple machine. Computers are used more and more often in the world today, for the simple reason that they are far more efficient than human beings.
They have much better memories and they can store much information. No man alive can do
500000 sums in one second, but a computer can. In fact, computers can do many of the things we do, but faster and better. They can predict weather, and ever play chess, write poetry or compose music .
The use of computers
Just as television has extended human sight across the barriers of time and distance, so the computers extend the power of the human mind across the existing barriers.
Computers in medicine
Computers are one of great importance in modern hospital. The chief use of computers is the storing and sorting the medical knowledge, which has been enquired in the last 50 years. No doctor can possible keep up with all discoveries. The only solution of the problem is store medical knowledge in a computer. Today there are medical computer centers were all existing knowledge of symptoms of various diseases and of their treatment is stored. Doctors feed data on symptoms in the computer and get the necessary information on correct diagnostics and treatment.
Computers that can be learn
Ordinary computer can remember only the data stored in the hard disk. Now scientists have designed machines that are capable of learning from experience and remembering what they have learned. Such a machine
is capable of recognizing objects without human help or control. Of course, they made many mistakes.
There is another similar machine, which can look at letter alphabet simple words, and they “say” thought a loudspeaker what it has seen. The machine has as certain learning power.
Computers at the school
Information science with the ideas and message of processing and storing information is of great importance today. That’s why computer technology must be told in secondary school. The new subject “basic information science” and“ computing machine” was introduced for the singer forms at schools. The pupils teach computers to investigate school problems. Contact with the machine increases the interest in learning, makes them more serious about studying new subject. School computers are used for not only studying information science, but also examinationspurposes. Young people who finish the school must be trained to operate computers.
Today w e shall see what computers can do and what you can do with their help.
What are the pros and cons of computers?
And can computers eat? Drink? Fall in love?
Can computers replace people?
In the world of computers
Personal digital assistant
Digital video disk
Personal video recorder
Compact disc - rewritable
When you want to find information on the web, it is helpful to use a _______________ such as Google or Yandex. You type in a _______ or a phrase, _______in “GO” and a list of ________ appears on your computer ________. Many people use the web for _____________ or banking. To enter a secure site, you usually need to enter your username and a ________.
g Switch on the computer, the monitor and the printer.
g Switch on the computer, the monitor and the printer
c Open the application you want
a Work
e Save your work on the hard disk .
d Print your work
b Close the application .
f Switch off the computer, the monitor and the printer
Make sure you’ve guessed correctly
OK. I’ll give it a try .
No problem.
How is it getting on?
Yes, that’s what I would do .
The best thing to do is
Well, I can’t move anything ,
How exactly?
What is the problem ?
Computer Helpline,
It’s OK. Thanks a lot .
Well, my computer
Do you think it will help ?
Can you help me?
Hello! Who is speaking?
seems to have crashed !
even the cursor just sticks
to switch it off and try again.
Ron is speaking .
in the same place .
Complete the sentences with words and phrases from the box
Nowadays you can _______________ if your brother is using the telephone line to talk to his friends
Many people send and receive ________ rather then telephoning or using “snail mail” (letter post).
These days you can buy things on the Internet by going to the company’s ___________.
Complete the sentences words and with phrases from the box
Sometimes the computer ________ ,and then it is impossible to use it. You usually have to switch it off and start again.
Some people create ________________ , which infect any computer they arrive at. They are dangerous a can destroy everything on the hard disk.
If a computer programme has a ____, it won’t work properly.
Данная презентация разработана к уроку английского языка на тему "История компьютеров". Представлены сравнительные таблицы 5 поколений компьютеров, тестовые задания. Материал полезен для студентов 3 курса специальностей "КСК, ИБ, ПКС".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Министерство образования Республики Башкортостан УФИМСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ КОЛЛЕДЖ РАДИОЭЛЕКТРОНИКИ Открытый урок на тему « History of computers » РАЗРАБОТЧИК: Хафизова Л.Р.
History of computers
Vocabulary Calculating device ['kælkjuleɪtɪŋ] Вычислительное устройство Multiple of tens ['mʌltɪpl] Кратные десяти Abacus ['æbəkəs] Счёты; абак(а) Calculus ['kælkjuləs] Исчисление Data ['deɪtə] Данн ые Processing ['prəusesɪŋ] Обработка Bead [biːd] Шарик Gear wheel [gɪə] [(h)wiːl] Зубчатое колесо Square root [skweə] [ruːt] Квадратный корень Warehouse ['weəhaus] Хранилище
Vocabulary To devise [dɪ'vaɪz] Разрабатывать Linear ['lɪnɪə] Линейн ый Equation [ɪ'kweɪʒ(ə)n] Уравнение Addition [ə'dɪʃ(ə)n] Сложение Multiplication [ˌmʌltɪplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] Умножение Subtraction [səb'trækʃ(ə)n] Вычитание Evaluation [ɪˌvælju'eɪʃ(ə)n] Вычисление, определение Division [dɪ'vɪʒ(ə)n] Деление
Active / Passive Verb Forms
Active / Passive Verb Forms
Examples Active Passive Simple Present Once a week, Tom cleans the house. Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom. Simple Past Once a week, Tom cleaned the house. Once a week, Tom was cleaned the house.
The very first calculating device
The first calculating devices
The first calculating devices Then people invented the abacus, a bead frame in which the beads are moved from left to right. People went on using some form of abacus well in the 16 th century. In fact, the oldest abacus was used in 300 B.C. by the Babylonians. The abacus is still in use today, principally in the far east.
Leonardo da Vinci In XV century Leonardo da Vinci invented the summing device with gear wheels carrying out addition of 13-digit numbers.
In XVI century the German professor Wilhelm Schickard invented summing « calculating clock » . It carried out addition and multiplication of 6-digit numbers. Wilhelm Schickard
In 1671 Leibniz, a German mathematician and philosopher invented the mechanical adding device which was capable of also doing multiplication, division and the evaluation of square roots by a series of stepped additions, not unlike the methods used in modern digital computers. V. G. Leibniz
Charles Babbage, an Englishman invented the first calculating machine in 1830. It was called « the Analytical Engine » . It carried out automatic calculations : Warehouse (data storage) ; Office (management) ; Data input and program with punched cards. Charles Babbage
Generations of computers The first generation of computers The second generation of computers The third generation of computers The fourth generation of computers The fifth generation of computers
GENERATIONS OF COMPUTERS Generations Components used Advantages Disadvantages Examples First (1946-1954) IBM700,ENIAC,EDVAC Second(1955-1964) IBM7090, IBM7094 I, IBM9094 II Third(1965-1974) - IBM/370 series, Cyber175 Fourth(1975-1984) CRAY Y_MPC, WIPRO LANDMARK 860 Fifth(1985-present) - Windows 2000, Xp, Linux
GENERATIONS OF COMPUTERS Generations Components used Advantages Disadvantages Examples First (1946-1954) Vacuum tubes Machine Language Costlier, more space, excess power IBM700,ENIAC,EDVAC Second(1955-1964) Transistors Less expensive, less power, Cheaper & small in size Used Assembly Language IBM7090, IBM7094 I, IBM9094 II Third(1965-1974) Integrated circuits, Semi conductor memory Smaller, Faster, Cheaper - IBM/370 series, Cyber175 Fourth(1975-1984) VLSI chips Faster, Less power consumption Uses one or more microprocessors CRAY Y_MPC, WIPRO LANDMARK 860 Fifth(1985-present) ULSI Very high performance, Easy access, Multiprocessing - Windows 2000, Xp, Linux
Frequently Asked Questions Explain different generations of computers?
Quiz 1. How many generations computers are there? a. 1 b. 4 c. 5 d. 8 Answer: c
Quiz 2. The third generation computers used a. vacuum tubes b. transistors c. integrated circuits d. microprocessors Answer: c
Quiz 3. The second generation computers used a. vacuum tubes b. transistors c. artificial intelligence d . microprocessors Answer: b
Quiz 4. The first generation computers used a. vacuum tubes b. transistors c. artificial intelligence d. microprocessors Answer: a
Quiz 5. The fourth generation computers used a. vacuum tubes b. transistors c. integrated circuits d. microprocessors Answer: d
Quiz 6. The fifth generation computers used a. vacuum tubes b. transistors c. artificial intelligence d. microprocessors Answer: c
Quiz 7 . Who is “a father of the computer”? a. Charles Babbage b. Konrad Zuse c. Blaise Pascal d. Leonardo da Vinci Answer: a
Quiz 8. Computers were developed to perform calculations for military and scientific purposes. a. Компьютеры были созданы, чтобы выполнять вычисления для военных и научных целей. b. Созданные компьютеры выполняли вычисления военного и научного назначения. c. Компьютеры создали для выполнения военных и научных вычислений. Answer: а
Homework Quantum computers Biocomputers Molecular computers Optical computers
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