This land is my land как играть по сети
Like in any other game you have a set of skills at your disposal.
In the beginning of the game there are only two unlocked: luring enemy and throwing stone. Both do a bit of the same: one lures an enemy to your position (lure) and the other to a different position away from you (throw stone). As you progress through game skills can be unlocked by spending SP. The skill tree is divided into 4 categories: warrior, scout, chief and hunter.
Skill Costs [ ]
All skills require a certain amount of SP to unlock. This amount will change exponentially based on how many skills have already been unlocked.
Basic gameplay [ ]
This game has multiple gameplay elements. You play a native chief who is starting a resistance tribe to counter the intruders from taking your land for their own. Game is Solo Play. View as 3rd POV FPS from either left or right camera position, OR a top-down Overview Screen RTS style.
The biggest part of the gameplay is playing asChief, and you use him as a warrior/assassin to vanquish the Enemy as a one-man army or with the help of your warriors, in the aim of taking back or reconquering your Land. You can see this represented in the Overview Screen, displayed as a bar above the main map. Anything Red is Enemy-Controlled, Grey for Neutral, and Yellow for Player/Friendly.
Player Vs. Enemy Held Land
The other part of the game you will be managing your Player Camps, from a top down overview screen with map. You can choose whether to create camps, attack enemy POIs, gather materials and more utilizing your NPC Warriors.
There is a gathering and crafting system in place so some of the time, if you choose to do this, you can gather and craft. See Gathering and Crafting.
There's also two kinds of Trading systems: one offline (trading posts on the map in-game) and one online Social Menu.
Skill Categories [ ]
Warrior skills will increase your health, stamina, damage, or accuracy. Or you can upgrade existing skills: such as improved stone throw which allows you to knock someone out by throwing a stone to their head. (knocking out does not kill, more on this later) Or unlock new skills such as the tomahawk which basically is the same as the upgraded stone throw but does kill a man instead of knocking him out. But instead of the stone you do have to retrieve the tomahawk before you can use it again.
Scout skills will increase your sneak ability or increase when you can “grab” someone (more on this in grabbing). You can also unlock new skills here such as enemy detect or spyglass. Most of these skills will help you identify enemies before you attempt an attack.
Chief skills will allow you to increase or improve your warrior’s gathering/hunting abilities, as well as resetting your current Karma Level. In the beginning you will want to focus on the latter: before you can upgrade to a higher level camp you'll need better gather skills for your Warriors what you need for the upgrade for you. Or you can unlock the hunter skills and go gather them yourself.
Hunter skills will allow you to gather/hunt more advanced ingredients. You never achieve 100% chance of finding an ingredient. So even if you max out your skinning skill you will still have 50% chance to get a pelt or part you want. This is why it is recommended to let your warriors do the gathering/hunting for you. If you need 10 pelts, you could get them yourself after you killed 10 beasts. Or you could slay 100 beast and still not have 10 pelts.
This land is my land как играть по сети
Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.
Этот предмет несовместим с This Land Is My Land. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в This Land Is My Land.
Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.
В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.
И так. Проведя несколько :) часов в игре, решил написать небольшое руководство в помощь вновь прибывающим и "старым" вождям и рядовым индейцам.
В начале игры предлагается выбрать имя. Выбираем "тотем", у каждого свои бонусы и штрафы. Немного поиграв с буквами можно подобрать Имя без штрафов (или минимумом!) с весьма ценными на мой взгляд бонусами(бросок камня, продвинутая разделка туш животных, прокачанная подзорная труба, увеличенная выносливость и др.). Освобождение.
Лагерь. Первым делом крафтим лук и стрелы. В боковых окнах всплывают подсказки о передвижении, как красться, или перекатываться(перекат кстати издаёт больше шума!), их немного. Через меню лагеря, открывается Tab и щелчком левой кнопкой мыши на значке, отправляем сборщиков Wood и Flax.
Привязка лошади, подойти к понравившемуся конику и нажать Z. Выбор клички ташунки тоже важен, будет он у вас неубиваемым, скоростным или тяжеловозом зависит от Вас.
Дальше? Дальше бежим, едем зажигаем костры, договариваемся с близлежащими племенами о союзе. Постарайтесь открыть и договориться как можно с большим количеством союзных (нейтральных) племен.
Дальше-больше! Запугиваем(синяя репутация), убиваем(красная), собираем лут, торгуем-меняемся с торговцами, прокачиваем скилы открывая новые возможности,освобождаем родную землю от иноземных захватчиков и Великий Дух вам в помощь. Хау.
Tips and tricks [ ]
- Dodge/roll covers a decent distance, use this to bridge the distance between you and your enemy
- If you time and calculate your character's position and key-pressing you can roll & grab simultaneously using SPACE and F, though you need to be close enough and your timing needs to be good.
Once you invest in the scouting skills, you can use the spyglass to mark enemies, very helpful to know before you go in, as the markers update when you are in range and also show high-ranking enemies that you can interrogate for Quests.
The Enemy in general:
As mentioned before you have multiple enemies you want to consider when playing this game:
There’s only one enemy you will never completely vanquish and that is the wildlife. So from beginning to ending this is a viable enemy which will take many lives if you are not careful and cautious with this enemy.
The other two enemy factions are vanquish-able.
The “French” being easy and neutral and the “British” being adaptive to your actions or inactions and hostile to the Player and Warrior NPCs.
So first about the French they are just camps sitting there from 1 or 2 armed men to XX (biggest I’ve encountered was 20+) and it could be a bivouac or an actual fort or anything in between.
These are your primary targets in the beginning of the game: small camps which you can easily manage by yourself to get you some good old SP.
As said: in the beginning these camps will be easy but later you will find heavy armored forts with only one way in and these will prove more challenging.
But the real enemy is actually the British and especially the enemy town who will be impossible to ignore between your in-game notifications. The enemy town will have a name but for each game this is different. This is a random generated name, as is every other name in the game. (except some NPC’s have a name chosen by a founder (another player), see founder's Edition).
Now this enemy (the enemy town aka British) acts as a player. Meaning it will react to your play style; it will improve itself and try to achieve the goal of this game: getting all the land.
So in the beginning you don’t want to spend much time or effort looking in to this great arch-enemy. Rather you want to focus on building your own empire, skills and economy. But as time goes by, it is interesting to try and “contain” this enemy that you don’t end up with 1% vs 99% and then you start thinking “hmm I’m going to start making some bows!”…
Now this is where the game really gets interesting. Because each time you play and every player in the world have a unique experience based on their choices and actions in the game.
For example: if you kill a lot at some point you will get the notification that the enemy is aware that you are killing. (mostly this will be “during the day” or “during the night”, but that’s a detail we will look in to later). This actually means that the enemy will now start looking out for you. This is a big change on how you will be able to use for example stealth to your advantage: an “unaware” enemy will spot you way less easy than an “aware” enemy who is actively searching for hostiles and expecting to be attacked.
Also they will try and self-preserve. So if you clear out all but one settlement of the enemy in one piece of land: chances are high that this settlement will start sending out patrols. Not only to check on nearby settlements or bivouacs but also clearing the road and the area in general.
An example: (mid-game) I tried to clear out a settlement, on my own as always, and died. Not only did I lose all my bows and arrows but the settlement itself was still there. So as any other player, I equipped myself for war and tried again. I died again. This happened about 3-4 times. Until I got a notification saying they’ve adapted to the situation. I went back for the fifth time trying to solo the whole thing and I saw they walled the settlement. So this wasn’t a settlement anymore but they’ve upgraded this to a fort. So before there were no walls just 2-3 building and 10, maybe 15 men guarding the place. Now it had full walls with only one entrance, this entrance constantly guarded by 4-5 men. And to make things worse: 3-4 patrols patrolling the area. And I mean AREA! Not the road (where ofc I wasn’t) but actually moving in circles around the fort, trying to search and destroy me! Amazing experience! Of course I retreated with my tail between my legs since I didn’t have enough bows/arrows/wood to die yet another time. But still I love these twists in a game! And it really makes TLIML a unique experience every time you play!
These patrols will follow your pattern: if you kill a lot during the day; the patrols will be active during the day… And vice versa.
The enemy player also tries to outsmart you and will play on all fronts. So if you’re busy clearing land in the south; expect the enemy to start expanding in the north.
You will notice the enemy town will frequently send out gatherers to gather wood/iron/gold/…
Controls [ ]
You use the default keys as in any other game to move your character.
- screenshots stored in: %appdata%/local(low)/GameLabs/ThisLandIsMyLand/Screenshots
- F9 is for FPS mode with no User Interface, May cause game freeze as it's 4 or 8k res.
- F10 is low quality screenshots of whatever is current view, Overview Map or FPS mode.
Actions [ ]
- Pressing F is used for multiple things, such as: opponents
- Opening doors/prisons
- Freeing prisoners
- Talking to natives meals
Quick Use [ ]
- Hold E to select Skills
- Most skills require you to hold G to use them (for example stone throw, tomahawk, detect enemies, spyglass. )
- You must Click on the weapon AND ammo. They will show as highlighted when selected.
- Toggle C to crouch/crawl, this is a good way to lower your sound and visiblity to your enemy
- Use cover from any objects (trees, bushes, houses. ) to prevent line-of-sight with the enemy
- Hold C to Hide. When you hold C you will lie down very close to the ground. You are unable to move when doing this but it is a very good way of trying not to be seen by an enemy.
- See page Stealth for more
This land is my land как играть по сети
Hello, welcome and thank you!
As for your comment, the game is only planned to be a single-player mode as of now.
have not played just seen it today july 17th game looks amazing been watching on youtube looks like a great game would like to see a party play feature for 2 or 4 players togetherHello, welcome and thank you!
As for your comment, the game is only planned to be a single-player mode as of now.
19 июл. 2019 в 7:37 yes! not every single game needs mp.
can't wait to play this. 21 июл. 2019 в 14:23 yes! not every single game needs mp.
can't wait to play this.
That is true! of native ancestry, looking forward to this game enters early access and ultimately when it releases, looks promising and refreshing. hope it releases with controller support to play it casually. thanks for the updates and news to the dev team of native ancestry, looking forward to this game enters early access and ultimately when it releases, looks promising and refreshing. hope it releases with controller support to play it casually. thanks for the updates and news to the dev team
Agree not every game needs mp but coop would be nice so you can play with a friend or two. No need for player vs player.Not every game needs multiplayer, which is why many games, both successful and not successful, do not have multiplayer.
This game, however, will not financially survive without multiplayer. Best of luck with your endeavors of creating a single player experience that attracts enough players to somehow make this the next Subnautica. Marked thread, will return in 6 months with proof rather than argue now. Thanks.
How to play guide for This Land Is My Land
This page will serve as a basic how to play guide for This Land Is My Land. While there is very little information available at this time, we urge you to check back often, as new information is being added all the time! Feel free to edit this guide with any tips, tricks, and suggestions.
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