They are billions победоносец что это
30 июн. 2019 в 17:44
Прохожу сейчас кампанию. Игра нравится. Но кампания однообразная, сюжет из 5 криво и бедно нарисованных монологов - позорный! А теперь к самим вопросам.
Мне казалось суть кампании в том, чтобы проходить миссии повторно на разных сложностях, тем самым прибавляя интерес и попутно получать очки для дерева технологий, чтобы последующее перепрохождение становилось легче и была вообще сама возможность повысить уровень сложности. Но по факту перепрохождение на более высоких сложностях мне не дало ничего! Никаких очков технологий, никаких очков империи, даже общий счет кампании не увеличился! Собственно сам вопрос: так и должно быть? Это не баг? Просто нигде никто про это ни писал, поэтому у меня какие-то сомнения. Прогресс уже за 60%, а дерево технологий далеко даже на половину не прокачано, как и герой. Как понимаю в данном случае прокачать все дерево технологий и героя полностью возможности нет. В чем тогда смысл кампании? Я просто в шоке от этого открытия и все еще надеюсь, что я ошибаюсь и у меня просто что-то пошло не так.
30 июн. 2019 в 17:48Они добавили перепрохождение миссий забавы ради. Только первое прохождение в текущей кампании дает очки победы.
Хочешь больше очков - начинай новую кампанию.
Mayors before 0.4 change [ ]
Once you have completed your first Colonist building, you will be prompted to select one of two Mayors. Both will grant you a random bonus selected from a large pool. Below is a list of all known mayor bonuses plus an explanation for each one of them.
List of Mayors before patch 0.4 (incomplete) [ ]
Name | Bonus | Flavor text |
Kendall Barrows | Mill: Energy Supply +5 | |
Alyssa Lister | Sawmill: Wood production +2 | |
Erica Keys | Hunter Cottage: Food supply +3 | |
Carmine Piper | Fisherman Cottage: Food supply +3 | |
Trent Gibbons | Gold reserves: +600, Wood reserves: +10 | |
Normand Keenan | Stone reserves: +20 | |
Pamela Goodson | Wood reserves: +30 | |
Dora Riddick | Iron reserves: +10 | Mayor Riddick will leave you in "ore". |
Zachariah Goforth | Command Center: Gold income +20 | Clearly "money makes the world go round", and Mayor Zachariah Goforth knows how to spin it. |
Carey Scholl | Command Center/Tesla Tower(?): Energy transfer radius +4 | |
Mia Strand | Command Center: Food supply: +20 | |
Geralda Siler | Command Center: Energy supply: +20 | Mayor Geralda Siler is not lazy, she is just on energy-saving mode. |
Dominique Meehan | Command Center: Workers supply: +5 | |
Jules Nava | Grants the research: Research Farms | |
Diana Madison | Grants the research: Research Market | Make every day a market day with Mayor Madison. |
Elvina Dwyer | Grants the research: Research Cottage | |
Warner Pederson | Grants the research: Research Stakes Trap | You wanna shish kebab some infected? Major Pederson owns the recipe. |
Laura Pettigrew | Grants the research: Research Great Ballista | |
Eve Rinaldi | Grants the research: TechLookoutTower | |
Geraldine Ventura | The colony gets: Ranger (x2) | |
Chance Zeigler | The colony gets: Sniper | |
Fausto Will | The colony gets: Soldier | |
Valentina Thibodeaux | The colony gets: Farm | |
Duncan Friend | The colony gets: Stakes Trap (x10) | |
Paula Mount | The colony gets: Wood Wall (x10) and a Wood Gate | Boost your defenses with Mayor Mount. No need to "greese" her to build 10 Wood wall and a Wood Gate. |
Ashley Dahl | The colony gets: Wood Tower (x2) | |
Carrie Burley | The colony gets: Great Ballista | |
Lyon Seaton | The colony gets: Mill | Elect Lyon Seaton to the highest office. He will even provide the wood to build it! |
Allison Weed | The colony gets: Tesla Tower | |
Ethel Dumas | The colony gets: Shocking Tower |
List of Mayors Incredible resource created by Subquake on steam. Used in the making of this page
This is not an exhaustive list, there are more available. If you know of one, please add it to the list.
Detailing all of the different stats that a Building can have in They Are Billions.
Hit Points [ ]
Shows the amount of damage the building can take before it breaks completely.
If reduced to zero, the building is destroyed and all resources spent and benefits gained from the building is lost (including research from the Workshops).
Split into Health (Green) and Defense Life (Yellow).
Defensive Barrier [ ]
The Yellow portion of the HP Bar is Defensive Barrier.
This indicates the amount of damage the building can sustain from Infected before getting Disabled. If a building becomes Disabled, you lose all benefits gained from the building. Additionally, any workers in the building become Infected and spawn from the remains.
If you manage to kill the Infected spawned from it, you can repair the building for a cost and it will be restored to full capacity.
Watch Range [ ]
The size of the vision radius of the building.
All buildings will take a varying amount of resources to construct.
The resources (gold, wood, stone, iron, and oil) will be taken upfront and 50% of them will be returned if you choose to demolish them. If you place the building while the game is paused, you can cancel the construction without losing any of the resources spent as long as you don't unpause the game.
Power and workers will however be returned in full upon demolition.
Upkeep [ ]
The amount of resources the building will cost/remove from your storage every 8 hours.
All buildings, except the Colonist ones, will reduce your gold income.
Some higher tier buildings like the Power Plant will also take other resources.
Energy Transfer Radius [ ]
All buildings in the game need to be built on a tile that has energy. The Energy Transfer Range refers to the area around the building that gains power from its placement.
This stat is unique to the Tesla Towers and the Command Center.
Every Survival game gives the opportunity to elect up to 4 mayors. After reaching a specific number of colonists the player is given a choice between 2 randomly picked Mayors of the appropriate level. Level I at 30 colonists, Level II at 200, Level III at 600 and Level IV at 1200 colonists.
Warning: As of the 0.4.9 version of the game it was possible to lose the ability to choose a Mayor if immediately after reaching the colonist number which would prompt the Mayor election a player would save and exit the game before the mayor selection popup would appear.
Mayor Types [ ]
Building and Unit Buffs [ ]
These Mayors provide a persistent bonus to a type of building or unit.
Example: Alyssa Lister: Sawmill: Wood production +2
This Mayor will increase the Wood production of all Sawmills by 2 for the rest of the game
Warning: Those bonuses apply only to the exact mentioned building or unit i.e. The Advanced Mill won't benefit from the bonus to Mills and vice versa.
Reserves [ ]
These Mayors provide a one-time boost of resources upon election.
Example: Pamela Goodson: Wood reserves: +30
This Mayor will increase the amount of wood in your storage. If you had 20 wood, you would now have 50.
Warning: All excess resources (going above your storage capacity) will be lost unless a market is built (where it will be sold for gold instead). Since patch 0.8 all resources above your cap will now be placed on the ground, waiting for one of your units to pick it up.
Command Center: [ ]
These Mayors provide a persistent bonus to the Command Center, effectively giving a passive buff.
Example: Zachariah Goforth: Command Center: Gold income +20
This Mayor will grant you an additional 20 gold every 8 in-game hours
Grants: [ ]
These Mayors give you instant access to a research as if you had completed it at the workshop.
Example: Jules Nava: Grants: Research Farms
After picking this Mayor you will be able to build Farms as if you had completed the research "Research Farms" at the wood workshop.
The colony gets: [ ]
These Mayors will grant you a number of free units or buildings without having to pay the building price (will still need power, workers, and food)
You can build all rewards from the Bonus category in the Command Center (appears below the Industry tab when a bonus is available)
Example: Geraldine Ventura: The colony gets: Ranger (2)
After picking this Mayor you will be able to build 2 rangers from the Bonus tab in the Command Center. They will be built instantly and cost no gold or wood but still require workers and upkeep.
List of Mayors [ ]
Name | Bonus | Flavor text |
Level I (30 Colonists) | ||
Allison Weed | The colony gets: Tesla Tower | Allison Weed is an energetic mayor, even comes with her own power supply! |
Alyssa Lister | Sawmill: Wood production +2 | For that man cave you always wanted to build, vote Alyssa Lister for mayor. |
Arlinka Chester | Warehouse: Resources storage +25 | In this colony we are so addicted to coffee we don't know where to put it. Vote for Mayor Arlinka Chester for more valuable storage space. |
Arnoldo Crutchfield | Command Center: Gold Income +40 | Mayor Crutchfield is the golden boy of Colony politics. |
Ashley Dahl | The colony gets: Wood Tower (2) | Wanna choose a mayor that makes you feel safe? Ashley Dahl brings extra protection to your town. |
Carey Scholl | Command Center: Energy transfer radius +4 |
Command Center: View Range +4
Soldier: Gold cost -30%
Stone reserves: +25
Stone reserves: +20
Quarry: Workers needed -2
Command Center: Gold Income + 10
The colony gets: Wood Gate
You will prove to be a man with vision if you choose Reyes Luckett as your Mayor. The extra Lookout Tower that comes with her will also help.
Ranger: View Range +1
Ranger: Action range +1
Wood reserves: +10
Soldier: life +30%
The colony gets: Stone Gate
Advanced Mill: Energy supply +20%
Wood Gate: Life +20%
Stone reserves: +30
Iron reserves: +30
Oil reserves: +30
Worker Supply +2
Advanced Quarry: Mining resources +30%
Stone Gate: Life +20%
Warning: Some Mayors could be missing from the list. Several Mayor Flavor texts contain typos/mistakes (in name, gender pronouns etc) those are most likely in-game mistakes and were kept as they are
Buildings [ ]
Buildings in this game are separated into 6 different categories, except the Command Center.
Command Center [ ]
The only structure that cannot be built and that you start with at the beginning of the game. If the Command Center is lost, you lose the game.
Used to build all other structures in the game.
In Game Description [ ]
"The main building of the colony. You can order the building of structures from here. If it is destroyed or infected, it is game over."
Stats [ ]
- HP 5000
- Defensive Barrier: 2500
- Watch Range: 12
Provides [ ]
- Energy Transfer Radius: 10
- Workers: 10
- Food: 20
- Energy: 30
- Storage Expansion: 50 for resources, 2000 for gold
- Gold: 200 (every 8 hours)
Colonists [ ]
This Category contains all of the buildings that increase your Population and Worker count.
All of the Buildings in this can be upgraded to the next level for a slightly reduced cost if the research has been completed.
Resources [ ]
This category includes all resource collection buildings in the game.
Energy [ ]
This category includes all energy generation and transfer buildings
Industry [ ]
This category includes all workshops and building buffers in the game
The ability to buy and sell resources.
Reduction of food cost by 20% for all Colonist buildings in range ( Range of 12 blocks). Does not stack.
Additional markets improve trade prices, player can't build more than 3 markets.
3x3 Space Building.
Hire Mercenary units. (Veteran units at 2x normal gold cost)
Increase gold gain by 10% from all Colonies buildings in range. Does not stack with Inn.
Stacks with Bank.
3x3 Space Building.
Buff range of 12 blocks.
Stacks with Inn.
Military [ ]
This category includes all military production buildings, as well as all unmanned towers.
Defense [ ]
This category includes all defensive buildings like walls, gates, and manned towers.
They are billions победоносец что это
Основа для построения гайда взята с Ultimate Guide от AznElite123 и Ragnorak
Гайд не обновлялся с 22.01.2018.
Версия гайда - 1.1
Обновление от 22.01.2018: Добавлена таблица времени прихода волн, внесены правки в текст в соответствии с пожеланиями комментаторов.
В планах: Добавить скриншотов, добавить различные стратегии игры, подробное описание всех юнитов.
7,488 | уникальных посетителей |
109 | добавили в избранное |
- Залежи камня (необязательно, если при разведке найдётё камень на солдатский центр)
- Лес
- Сталь
- Вода для рыболовных будок
- Свободное пространство для постройки жилой зоны
- Луга (участки земли с травой) для дальнейшей постройки ферм
- Горы или другое препятствие которое закрывает ваш командный центр с одного из фронтов
- Сразу присмотрите себе территорию для производства еды, куда вы будете ставить в будущем фермы. И не забывайте ставить как можно больше рыболовных будок, а так же домики охотника, ведь даже после зомби апокалипсиса люди любят покушать.
- Используйте территорию с умом. Помните, что у каждого здания производства есть радиус, в котором нельзя ставить точно такие же здания. Лучше поставить пару рыболовных домиков с добычей пищи по 10, чем один на 15.
- В начале не тратьте особо ресурсы. Вы должны как можно быстрее построить лесопилку и карьер, чтобы как можно раньше построить центр солдатов.
- Ставьте больше лесопилок в начале если вам позволяют деньги. Это даст хороший старт.
За информацию спасибо ему.
- После постройки центра солдатов сразу же начинайте делать лучниц. Нужно вам их в сумме около 25-30, дня до 40 этого хватит. Солдатов лично я не люблю, но тоже как вариант (ТОЛЬКО НЕ НА 4 КАРТЕ)
- Продолжайте расширять вашу жилую зону. У меня к 10 дню обычно в районе 200 жителей.
- Ветряки ставьте туда, куда вы уж точно не планируете ничего ставить (и уж точно не в жилую зону)
- Постепенно расширяйте территорию с помощью башен Тесла. Расширяться стоит до ближайших узких проходов, дабы потом там закрепить оборону.
Ферма > Коттедж > Маркет > Наблюдательная вышка > Баллиста > Каменная мастерская > Снайпер > Трапы (их я не изучаю и не использую. По непонятным мне причинам они в некоторых местах начинают просто так ломаться после установки)
- Орды всегда идут по кратчайшему пути к вашему командному центру.
- Если написано, что орда пойдет с юга - это не значит что они пойдут ровно в нижний центр. На их пути могут вполне встретиться леса, горы, реки, и в итоге они со всеми обходами выйдут откуда-нибудь с востока
1 - Основная масса которая должна стоять на месте и расстреливать орду.
2 - Один юнит которым вы должны бегать вокруг орды. Тем самым, они будут гнаться за этим юнитом по кругу пока вы будете их расстреливать основной массой.
Так же важно иметь свободное пространство для спокойного уничтожения волны, иначе вам могут помешать другие зомби. Полянки вполне хватит.
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