They are billions как ускорить время игры
19 июн. 2019 в 16:43 Difference between Attack and Reload speed perks? (dev)
In the hero tech tree you have perks that affect attack speed and reload(?) speed.
Dexterity perk: Increase Attack Speed by %.
This allows you to attack faster, resulting in more shots per second.
Quick Reflexes: Reduce loading Weapon Speed by %.
What does this actually do? There is no stat attribute for it, so you can't see what it affects.
Does it reduce the animation time it takes for the hero to switch targets?
You can animation-cancel completely by right-clicking another enemy in sight, so if that's the case it's basically useless.
Needs to be explained in the game in a tooltip.
19 июн. 2019 в 16:47 I think its to reduce the attack animation delay for kiting, but im unsure, I got the perk, will try it on next hero mission to confirm 19 июн. 2019 в 17:00Probably does need explaining, but if it's consistent with how other RTS games do it; SmashinBob is correct.
If a unit does two shots 'per attack', like they shoot twice and then there's a pause before they shoot twice again, the reload is the time between the attacks. Attack speed is how quickly the two shots themselves happen.
For a unit with two shots per attack or a single attack with a long pause between, a faster reload is generally going to be the higher increase in DPS. For units with a single shot per attack but a short reload, as if they are constantly firing, they benefit more from faster attack-speed.
A faster reload will reduce the time it takes for a unit to switch targets after they have fired. If a unit can switch targets mid-attack, like if the target dies on the first shot but then the 2nd-shot goes to the new target, then faster reload doesn't matter so much.
I need to actually start playing and find out.
19 июн. 2019 в 17:02Probably does need explaining, but if it's consistent with how other RTS games do it; SmashinBob is correct.
If a unit does two shots 'per attack', like they shoot twice and then there's a pause before they shoot twice again, the reload is the time between the attacks. Attack speed is how quickly the two shots themselves happen.
For a unit with two shots per attack or a single attack with a long pause between, a faster reload is generally going to be the higher increase in DPS. For units with a single shot per attack but a short reload, as if they are constantly firing, they benefit more from faster attack-speed.
A faster reload will reduce the time it takes for a unit to switch targets after they have fired. If a unit can switch targets mid-attack, like if the target dies on the first shot but then the 2nd-shot goes to the new target, then faster reload doesn't matter so much.
I need to actually start playing and find out.
Except that for the male hero he only has one shot per attack, so if what you're saying is true, then there really is no difference between the two. 19 июн. 2019 в 17:38 From what I have noticed, after a number of shots, the hero performs some animation that I assume is a reload animation. My guess is that "loading weapon" refers to this reloading.
In the hero tech tree you have perks that affect attack speed and reload(?) speed.
Dexterity perk: Increase Attack Speed by %.
This allows you to attack faster, resulting in more shots per second.
Quick Reflexes: Reduce loading Weapon Speed by %.
What does this actually do? There is no stat attribute for it, so you can't see what it affects.
Does it reduce the animation time it takes for the hero to switch targets?
You can animation-cancel completely by right-clicking another enemy in sight, so if that's the case it's basically useless.
Needs to be explained in the game in a tooltip.
Load is the time the hero spend drawing the weapon.
Attack is every shot interaction.
20 июн. 2019 в 5:53In the hero tech tree you have perks that affect attack speed and reload(?) speed.
Dexterity perk: Increase Attack Speed by %.
This allows you to attack faster, resulting in more shots per second.
Quick Reflexes: Reduce loading Weapon Speed by %.
What does this actually do? There is no stat attribute for it, so you can't see what it affects.
Does it reduce the animation time it takes for the hero to switch targets?
You can animation-cancel completely by right-clicking another enemy in sight, so if that's the case it's basically useless.
Needs to be explained in the game in a tooltip.
Load is the time the hero spend drawing the weapon.
Attack is every shot interaction.
I'm sorry but I'm still not sure what it does.
What does 'time spend drawing the weapon' mean?
Gomez Please check the attack sequence example I give below and tell me if i'm right and my recommendation at the end.
Attack speed clearly makes the hero attack faster, resulting in more shots fired per second.
Is Load Speed, basically the time (delay before attack starts time) it takes for the hero before he starts firing at a new target?
Lets see an attack sequence of our hero against a few targets.
Attack sequence on one target:
<Delay period time (Drawing weapons?)> ->
<Hero keeps firing on target until it is dead>
Attack sequence on one target and then following on another:
<Delay period time (Drawing weapons)> ->
<Hero keeps firing on target until dead> ->
<Delay period time> ->
<Hero starts firing on new target >
Is this correct?
Did you know that if you right click a new target, then the hero instantly starts firing with no delay. The animation of drawing weapons gets cancelled, there is no delay at all.
Is this a bug or a future for veteran players?
Can you add the load (draw weapons) time as a stat attribute like the rest (attacks per second,attack range,view range etc.), so we can clearly see that something is affected?
This should be particularly useful for all players, new and veterans alike.
It's really hard to see how impactful something is, if it's completely hidden.
They are billions как ускорить время игры
10 янв. 2018 в 1:19Привет всем! У меня проблема, нигде в инете не могу найти решение. В общем время в игре течет замедленно, юниты соответственно крайне медленно передвигаются, зомби и тд, строения медленно строятся. Где-то раз в 5 медленнее, чем должно быть. Играть невозможно. Фпс при этом 60. Конфигурация ПК i5 4570, gtx660, 8гб оперативки, windows 7 x64. Игра лицензионная. Запускаю эту же игру на более мощном ПК с win 10 - все отлично. Сомневаюсь, что моя конфигурация не подходит под требования. Подскажите в чем беда, если кто знает?
у меня такая же проблема, но при этом бывало пару раз что скорость становилась нормальная, без понятия что делать
22 янв. 2018 в 10:26У меня на ноутбуке на windows 10 было нормально, а когда откатил до windows 8 - начались такие же проблемы. Только у меня все замедлилось где-то до 70%, а не в 5 раз, так что в целом играбельно. Тут на форуме нашел 2 возможных варианта:
1. Поставить оконный режим на весь экран (full screen borderless windowed - как-то так), но лично мне это не помогло.
2. Проблема может быть в Windows 8 (ну и 7, видимо).
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Народ очень нужна помощь, ктонибудь)
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Здравствуйте,столкнулся с проблемой на кастомных карта при найме юнитов в казарме. Юниты намаются, но только не под мой контроль, а на карте они отображаются жёлтым цветом. Может, кто сталкивался с этой проблемой?
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Привет. Выложите папку с сейвами и другими файлами. Не хочу первые 3 карты проходить. Спасибо.
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