The room vr a dark matter можно ли играть без шлема
“The Room has never been short of atmosphere, but in VR it’s more enveloping than ever. The quality of the craftsmanship is hard to deny, and what follows is as thrilling a VR experience we’ve had outside City 17, with a finale that blends Lovecraft and Spielberg.”
8/10 – EDGE Magazine
“An enjoyable and impressively polished VR puzzler - IGN An atmospheric powerhouse, the series’ puzzle mechanics translate perfectly to this medium.”
8.5/10 – GameInformer
“I can’t overstate the importance of virtual reality to how well this game works. Outstanding puzzle design and clever use of scale throughout the game fulfills the promise of VR puzzle games.”
Об этой игре
Fireproof Games continue their award winning game series, The Room, with The Room VR: A Dark Matter.
The British Institute of Archaeology, London, 1908: The disappearance of an esteemed Egyptologist prompts a Police investigation into the unknown. Explore cryptic locations, examine fantastic gadgets and uncover an otherworldly discovery which blurs the line between reality and illusion. Designed from the ground up for the unique capabilities of virtual reality, players can inhabit the spine-tingling world of The Room and interact with its strange contraptions in this compelling new chapter.
Fireproof Games are a small independent team working in Guildford in the UK. We self-published our first game The Room on iPad in September 2012 and were stunned with both the critical success and our new-found fan-base, not to mention multiple international awards. The Room games have since changed our lives and we hope you enjoy our Virtual Reality take on the series.
The room vr a dark matter можно ли играть без шлема
There is different approaches in this chapter, but I find the best approach to this chapter is to run around and collect everything and then finish out. Go at it any way you like.
First stop is as soon as you get in. Do the note/paper and lens thing. After that head to the middle of the room and grab the key.
Use your new found key on the door.
When ready move to the center piece.
Pull the handles down to raise the lid off. There will be a note and a code, remember this as we will need it later. Read note and activate the lens.
Move over to the lens box, get the lens. There will be some on screen message you should read.
You will notice some tiny crystals now at the opening on the board.. Activate your lens and now the crystals will be red. Point your move beam in to the small hole and away we go. This will happen quite a bit in this chapter.
Now once your inside point your move beam towards the big red crystal and move forward. You will then see a latch set up.
Turn the wheel to the left to unlatch the first one. Turn the wheel to the right until the center piece slides over. Keep turning right until it stops. Then turn back left until the center piece slides over to the last latch. Move the wheel to the left until the latch is up. You will be transfer back to the front of the board, that will now pop open.
Turn the board and collect the container. Move back into the room. Move to the right side to what looks like to be a bird bath.
Remember the code? It okay if you didn't. Just move back over to the center piece and grab it again. Enter the code and it will open the center. Put your jar in and it will fill with fluid.
Move back to the center piece and put you jar that is filled with fluid in. It will suck the fluid out and flip the table over.
Now we must take the wide beam and make it to where all it fits is the center opal. Once this happen there will be a lever that will pop out and some more tiny crystals. Do not go in at this time.
Move over to the clock adjuster and grab the piece that is leaning against it. Now move to the wall just below the clock and insert the piece you just picked up. Activate your lens and gears will appear.
Adjust the out side rings so you can push the center box in. A lens will appear. Go back to the center piece.
Once back at the center piece activate your lens. Use the red crystal passage to get in. Once in side you just have to match the top picture with the bottom picture. You will hear a sound when its right. You will have to rotate the images in one way or another to match it up. There is three adjustments that can be made. By messing around with all the adjustments you get the hang of it pretty quick and won't take you long the next time you come back. And trust me, you are going to be in out of here like a bee is in and out of a nest. Head back out the same way you came in.
Once back outside pull the lever on the center piece and watch the short cut scene.
Move to the angle and get the star. Then move to the library behind the clock adjuster. Move to the box on the bench. Unlock the box to get a dish out. And then move across the room to the candle holder.
Take the star you got from the angle and insert it in to the candle fixture. The wall to the right side will then start to open.
Ok, so this box get a little hectic. You will need to go in and out of this box four time. (Really it is 5 or 6 times) If you don't know the puzzle. Fortunately for you I do and I can save you a trip or two.
Where you picked up the pick you will notice that the box side is a different color. So you know what this means activate your lens and lets see what inside. You will see all the walkways on the top that need to be turn to the bottom.The outer two move and the center don't. use the rope on the right side to spin the wheels to get a walk way all the way across the bottom..
Once this is done turn back to the side that has a knob on it and turn it. More crystals and you know what that means, yep time to go inside. Activate lens and head in.
Of course we have another note stop and ghost scene so do that first. There are three of these round medallions we have to get out of here, but only one at a time. Every one will be locked in place by these arms. On all three just move to each side and crank the handle to free them. After you free the medallions and it spins around you will automatically be transported back out. Once back on the outside, the box will spin to where you freed the round medallion. Pick up medallion and activate lens again to adjust something again.
Here we see we have to get the platforms to the bottom. Work your magic and get back inside for another medallion.
Nothing different here, but this time you will have to go back in twice. Once for the top arm and once for the bottom arm. Phew, what a lot of work. The box will rotate one last time and a message will appear. Keep the message in the back of your mind or come back here later, you will need to know it later.(There is 3 of them you will have to know) And were only half way done with this chapter!
All right, time to get out of here and get to the piano room. It the first room to the right before you pass the gate to the center piece. Use the lock pick you picked up in the last room to pick the lock. Run in and grab the two items in that room and head to the other door past the clock adjuster.
Once again pick the lock and head up stairs.
Insert the ringer into the holder, the handle and the gear will come out. Turn the handle to move the ringers. The middle gear will pop out, grab the gear and head back down to the clock adjuster. Before you leave take note of the saying above. You will need that in the next step. (Yes this also has tiny crystals but were not ready to go inside yet.)
Put the gear on the clock adjuster. Look at the clock.
We now have to set the time to make the bell above the clock come down to ring. If you don't remember all the saying now is a good time to run around and look at them all.(location: 1 up stairs, location 2: on the box in the library and location 3: on the wall going to the library behind the clock adjuster) Now to explain how this plays out is crazy. We have to set the clock to 11:15 pm with the moon hand on 10. To set the hour and the minute is pretty simple. To set the moon hand you will have to act like your going back the other direction slowly and give it a jiggle. The little gear will move over to the moon gear. Might have to try a couple of times. After adjusting the time, the bell above the clock will lower and start to ring.
Head back upstairs and activate your lens. You know what to do by now. Once inside you will see the amulet on the bell, grab it and move to the room with the pipes all in a circle.
Here we are at another fun in and out adventure. Put the other lever on and pull them both down. This will open the cover. You guess it, more tiny crystals. Activate your lens and head inside.
Once inside here we need to unlock the arms, grab a tube to fix the outer tube wheel so we can unlock the arms we cant reach. The first set of arms to unlock are easy to get. Move to them and unlock them. Next move to the wing nut and take it off. A handle will slide out towards the outside.
After removing the wing nut, turn to the left, you will see a rail. Move the rail to rotate the tubes around, now the openings of the tubes are towards us. This will help us move through the pipes. Head back out.
Use the handle to spin the tube wheel. The first thing we need to do is get the missing tube. Looking to your left, you will notice when you spin the wheel a white line will appear. Spin the wheel until the last white appears closes to you. Make sure the tube stays in that area. Head back inside and follow your new found path. Pick up the tube and head back out.
Look at the tube wheel real close and you will see there is a spot for you to place the tube you just got. Do so. (Suggestion: Spin the tube wheel until the open spot matches where the arm locks are.) Head back inside and unlock the last two arms.
WOW! This chapter is crazy. Please continue to The Chapel Part 3.
Once you have unlock the last two latches, move back to the center and turn the handle. Door will open. Head inside and remove the two wing nuts on each side. short cut scene will play. Once it is done head out and move to the piano room.
In this room you will see the back of the piano now looks different. Activate your lens. You will see tubes, ball and three red areas at the bottom. Object of the game is to put out the three red areas with this ball. You move the ball by pushing on the keys. The tubes will high light white or yellow. White on the tubes is down. Yellow on the tubes rotates the tube to make the ball go a different direction. This might take a couple of tries till you get the hang of it. Once you have completed the mini-game you will be transfer out. The back panel will open with our last medallion. Grab it and head to the the center piece.
So if you have not missed any steps, you should now have 4 items in your inventory. 2 flower looking lens, 1 shard dish and 3 meter medallions. If you have all these items, lets wrap this chapter up.
First take the shard dish and place it in the angles hand. Second, take the flower looking lens and place them in each one of the statues.
This process is the same as we did when we brought the angle out and raised the statues.(jump inside the center piece, adjust the top picture to match the bottom, jump out pull lever to activate the beam) After you complete one the statue will turn around, keep doing this until you reach the statue with the shield. Move over to the shield statue and do the mini game.
Take the 3 meter medallion you collected and insert them into the missing spots. A handle will pop out. Spin the handle until all the medallions make a completed circle. After that is done activate your lens and put the correct symbols in. Look on the floor for the correct symbols.
Move back to the center piece and pull the lever one last time. The floor in front of you will start to open reveling stairs. Follow them down.
At the bottom of the stairs there is a note. Activate your lens and watch the short cut scene. Move over to the door and open it. Grab the curious artifact and you will be transfered to the dark room.
Move to the note and do your thing. After the cut scene move to where the candles are.
Open the cuber door above and grab the candle lighter. Also take note of how the candles are lit. Set the candles up the same way.
Grab the two items that just appeared under t he candles and move over to the ingredients dispenser. Put the jar under the dispenser nozzle and pull the handle. After the jar fills up, you will have to go and dump it in the kettle. (You will do this three time, once for each potion). Look at the box you got for what ingredients you will need to add.
After you have put all the ingredients in the pot, the liquid in the pot will form a spot to put the box in. Do so. The box will be pulled down and replaced with a mirror. Take the mirror.
There is three different spots you will use this mirror. You will have to activate your lens to see images.(Wall, Tree, bird cage) When the lens is active you will see a pentagram that you will have to line up with the other pentagrams. Move to the room where the beds are. Activate your lens and use the mirror on the white-ish wall revealing a door with no handle.
Once you have reveal the door move to the tree and do the same thing. Go down the stairs.
Once down the stairs we see a note. Do the lens thing to reveal a new lens box.
Once you grab the new lens you will see colored smoke. Activate your lens and do the small mini game. This is pretty straight forward. Grab the sun, connect it to the white stars and then the moon. You will be doing this a few other times and it does get a little hard, but nothing to worry about. The other mini games will have certain paths to follow or red clouds to avoid.
After you complete the mini game, a stone will pop up in the middle. Head up stairs to the bird cage. Use your mirror on the bird cage to reveal a globe. Activate your lens to see a picture. Take your hands and start from the outside and work your hand to the top of the globe to activate a cut scene. The globe will now have an image in it. Remember it and head back down stairs.
Once back down stairs go behind the table and you will see the same marking on the wall. Use your finger to high lite the image you saw in the globe in red. the wall will reveal another jar and cube.
Move to the fire place and put the cube in the fire to reveal the markings. Move to the room where the moon is and put the new jar in the herb dispenser. The cube shows you the ingredients you need this time. Once again you will have to make three trips. Two ingredients from the herb dispenser and one from the potion dispenser. The same will happen as before.
This time we get the door handle. Head over to the door and put the handle on and open the door.
Move over to the stand grab the cube and read the note to get out.
We once again have a cube. Move to the moon room and set the moon to what you see on the cube. This will give us the next three ingredients we need.
This time we will need one ingredient from the herb dispenser, potion dispenser and a beetle. Go to each place and pour into the pot. Move to the door. In your inventory you will have the handle left from the mirror. Insert it between the to gears and turn the handle to expose a hole. Reach in the hole and grab a beetle. Take it to the pot. This time we are given a moon key.
We have to use the moon key in four spots. Once by the potion dispenser, once by the beetle hole and twice in the herb room. In order to open each spot the key needs to be in the shape of each cubbies hole moon shape.
Once you have collected the items by the potion dispenser and the beetle den, bring them back to the moon room. Insert the hand crank and insert the red glass on the stand. Crank the the handle and now the moon will be red. Use the moon key on the red moon and place the key in the red spot and turn. A crystal will now appear where the moon was. Move back down stairs and insert the ruby into the block on the table.
The block will disappear and once again you will need to do the mini-game. Once you are through with the mini-game a tarot card will appear by the candles. Grab cord and move back to the door, insert card and open door. Now we see a new mini-game.
Once again you will have to do the mini-game to get another tarot card. Once you have the card head back to the door and open it.
At the mini doll house you will have to jump in and out to do things. Activate your lens and head inside the doll house. Move to the right to unlock the doll house lid. Jump back out and open the doll house lid. Grab the the tiny cabinet to the right of you and place it inside the doll house.
Jump back inside and open the cabinet to get a key. Jump back out open the doll house lid and grab the key. Use the key on the round box to get the gear.
Grab the gear and jump back inside. Place the gear on the podium and use the hand crank to bring out the toy statue. Jump back out. Grab the toy statue and head back downstairs. Put the artifact in the middle place holder and once again do the a set of mini games to get your last tarot card.
Head back to the door insert card, go in. In this room you will have to match the light canister to 4 different symbols on the walls.
Grab the light canister and activate your lens to see the symbols that need to be matched up. You have to do them in order. Once you have done this, move to the stone slab in the middle of the room and put the light canister in the proper spot. Grab the crystal and head back down stairs.
Place the crystal in the last spot. Do the last set of mini games and move to the note. A cut seen will play. Once the cut scene is done head back to the door to enter the dark room.
This chapter is really straight forward and really short. You will just keep moving until you get to the temple. There is a few notes on the way that are just that.
Once you have finished the cut scene in t he dark room, move to the door and enter the desert. Follow the orb until you cant any more. Take time to look around and joy the sites.
Once you get to the end you will see the colored clouds again. Activate your lens to do the mini game. Once you complete the mini game the door will open.
Keep following the path until you reach a room with a pulley system. Remove the iron stuck in the pulley wheel to open the forward door and close the door you just came through.
Keep moving along the path until you reach a room with water in the middle. Explore the room and find four pieces of a puzzle. We need to unlock the mirror.
Once you have collected all four pieces head over to the door and assemble them on the door in the correct places. Turn the picture until the lines match the outer lines. the door will open when correct.
Move down stairs and collect the to curious artifacts. Head back up stairs and place them in their location. Th water will start to move and now you can pick up the mirror.
When your able to, match the mirror up with each symbol and watch the cut scene. You will now be able to move out to the platform and collect the last curious artifact. You will be transported back to the dark room. Place the last artifact and watch the cut scene.
Once your done watching the cut scene move into the police station and read the last note. Head outside and we are done. Nice Job!
Во что можно играть без VR шлема и очков
Поиграть без очков виртуальной реальности можно в такие VR игры как «VR Chat», «The Lab», «Redout» и другие. Разберем запуск этих игр более подробно.Как запустить VR Chat без очков
Запуск можно осуществить, не применяя специальные очки, без всяких сложностей. Разработчики изначально это предусмотрели в Steam-версии. Пользователю даже не потребуется устанавливать дополнительные приложения и симуляторы.
Необходимо выполнить следующие действия для запуска приложения:
- Первым делом скачиваем файл и устанавливаем как обычно.
- Установленную программу можно найти в библиотеке во вкладке «Виртуальная реальность».
- Сразу запускать приложение не нужно. Для начала необходимо правой кнопкой мышки нажать на ярлык приложения. Откроется меню, где следует выбрать опцию «Launch in Desctop (Non-VR) mode». С помощью этой функции произойдет запуск игры в той версии, где не требуются очки.
Рекомендуется не игнорировать обучающий курс и пройти его. Он позволит детально разобраться в том, как можно играть без шлема. К слову, как в режиме с очками, играть не получится при помощи движений тела. Управлять придется только мышкой и клавиатурой. Для этого предусмотрены специальные сочетания клавиш.
Все остальные игры «Virtual Reality», поддерживающие работу без очков или шлема, запускаются аналогичным образом.The room vr a dark matter можно ли играть без шлема
Прекраснейший образец того, как нужно делать квесты для виртуальной реальности. Идеальный рецепт - продумано здесь всё:
- Графика радует глаз, много мелких интересных деталей, комнаты живые и интересные. Не дотягивает, конечно, до уровня Half-Life: Alyx, но так здесь никто не безгрешен.
- Интерактивность восхитительная - очень много тактильной отдачи и звуковых сопровождений при различных действиях. Бумажное письмо колышется при движении в воздухе, водичка в баночке булькает и переливается, а загадочные артефакты издают еле слышные мистические звуки внутри себя, если поднести их к уху
- Загадки не требуют специальных знаний, а текстовые головоломки правильно переведены на русский язык, так что трудностей возникнуть не должно
- Управление телепортом только по ключевым точкам позволяет не заблудиться в решениях игровых паззлов.
- Сюжетец довольно прост, но интересен. Хоть и в большинстве своем подается письмами, но читать их интересно (а обычно я этого не делаю от слова НИКОГДА)
- Протяженность достойная для виара - я решил скорее всего 3 комнаты из четырех, и если считать так, то с учетом короткой первой комнаты, я прошел около 70% контента за 2.5 часа.
- Саундтрек не включает в себя музыку, чего иногда не хватает (хотя пожалуй соображать под музыку сложно), но звуковое наполнение прекрасное.
- Багов не встретил - все очень отполировано и доведено до ума.
Преимущества и недостатки
VR очки пользуются огромной популярностью. С помощью девайса можно не только играть, но и просматривать видеоролики, участвовать в захватывающих аттракционах и многое другое. Они идеально повторяют все движения головой и телом, поэтому с помощью гаджета можно окунуться в настоящий виртуальный мир. Итак, о преимуществах:
- Гаджет позволяет расслабиться после работы или учебы, отвлечься от реальных забот и проблем. Не выходя из дома, вы можете побыть в виртуальном мире и испытать невероятные эмоции.
- Активные VR-игры способны заставить игрока принимать быстрые решения и молниеносно реагировать. Это позволит развить нестандартное мышление.
Несмотря на плюсы, очки виртуальной реальности имеют свои недостатки, к которым можно отнести:
- Пожалуй, самый главный минус, это слишком высокая стоимость гаджета.
- Не стоит забывать о сильной нагрузке на нервную систему. Если смотреть фильмы ужасов в шлеме или играть, от резкой смены изображения и ужасающих звуков могут возникнуть серьезные проблемы на психологическом уровне.
- Виртуальная реальность требует нереально много времени. VR способна настолько затянуть, что просидеть с гаджетом можно несколько часов и не заметить.
Без очков VR можно играть в некоторые игры, которые поддерживают эту функцию. Вопрос лишь в том, нужно ли это пользователю на самом деле? Ведь без специальных очков графика будет обычной и не такой привлекательной. Приложения, не поддерживающие запуск без очков, будут отображаться на экране компьютера в виде двух небольших круглых окошек.
Как играть в VR игры без очков
Виртуальная реальность привлекает геймеров своими широкими возможностями. Очки или шлемы позволят окунуться в виртуальный мир, и почувствовать себя реальным персонажем интересного захватывающего сюжета. Для этого придуманы специальные устройства, но иногда у любителей компьютерных игр, возникает вопрос, как играть в VR игры без очков?
Вопрос может вызвать массу противоречий. Многие подумают, зачем нужны подобные игры и какой в этом толк? Сразу стоит отметить, что не все приложения, предназначенные для «Virtual Reality», могут запуститься без шлема. Лишь некоторые программы поддерживают функцию.
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