The resolution foundation что это
The Resolution Foundation - это независимый британский аналитический центр, основанный в 2005 году. Его заявленная цель - повысить уровень жизни семей с низким и средним доходом.
In dem am 30. September 2014 endenden Jahr betrug das Jahreseinkommen 1.135.828 GBP. Der Großteil der Mittel stammt aus dem von Clive Cowdery eingerichteten Resolution Trust. Es wurde von Who Funds You? Mit einem A-Rating für Transparenz ausgezeichnet . Projekt.
Levelling up and down Britain
How the labour market recovery varies across the countryNo part of the UK has been unaffected by the pandemic labour market shock, but both the initial hit and subsequent bounce-back have been uneven across places. Although employee numbers are back to pre-pandemic form in many parts of the country, in some regions (most notably, London) the jobs recovery has a long way to … Continued
Out of the woods?
Young people's mental health and labour market status as the economy reopensMuch has been said about the plight of young people during the Covid-19 crisis, both in terms of their labour market and mental health circumstances. This spotlight provides a timely update on how young people were faring at the end of May, shortly after the major relaxation of restrictions in mid-May. The proportion of economically-active … Continued
The beginning of the end
The furlough scheme is less than 90 days from closing down, with 1 July 2021 marking the beginning of its wind-down now that employers are contributing 10 per cent of furloughed employees’ wages. This short note looks at which sectors, people and places are currently more likely to be using the scheme and what this … Continued
(Wealth) gap year
The impact of the coronavirus crisis on UK household wealthThis report is the second in a series of annual reports analysing the state of wealth in Britain. In it we provide the first complete picture of the impact of the Covid-19 crisis across the entire wealth distribution of the UK, and what it means for living standards. We find that the Covid-19 pandemic is … Continued
Workertech and low pay
An overview of research on low-paid workers in the UKThis paper summarises Resolution Foundation research on low-paid workers and their experiences of work and the labour market. These are the workers that we are trying to reach with Resolution Ventures and the Workertech Partnership.
The resolution foundation что это
30 September 2021 by Jonathan Marshall
This report is the launch paper for the net zero strand of the Economy 2030 Inquiry, a joint project between the Resolution Foundation and the London School of Economics. It outlines how net zero can be placed at the centre of the UK’s economic strategy and the importance of the next decade in getting back … Continued
В июне 2015 года бывший член парламента от консерваторов Дэвид Уиллеттс занял пост исполнительного председателя. В то же время Торстен Белл, бывший старший советник Эда Милибэнда , был назначен директором организации, чтобы возглавить то, что Фонд назвал «расширенной программой работы». По состоянию на ноябрь 2019 года Уиллетс является президентом Консультативного совета Фонда и Центра межпоколенческих отношений, а Белл - исполнительным директором.
До назначения Виллеттс и Белл организацию возглавлял исполнительный директор: Сью Риган с 2005 по 2010 год; Гэвин Келли с 2010 по 2015 год. Келли затем стал генеральным директором Resolution Trust, который является основным спонсором аналитического центра.
Job well done
27 September 2021 by Daniel Tomlinson
The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (JRS) ends in just a few short days. Over the past 18 months, it has covered the wages of some 11.6 million people, and has provided for 2.3 billion days of furlough (both full and partial furlough) at a cost to the Government of almost £70 billion (in gross terms). … Continued
Nationally Insured?
New taxes and new spending to address key Department for Health and Social Care prioritiesThis note assesses the announcements made by the Government on the suspension of the Triple Lock, National Insurance rises, health and social care funding, and public spending totals for the rest of this Parliament made on 7 September 2021.
The big squeeze
Assessing the changes to family incomes over the next six months26 September 2021 by Karl Handscomb
This winter will see a major income squeeze – and it will be focused on low-to-middle income households. High inflation, especially higher energy bills, will strain many families’ finances. But these pressures will be compounded for over 4 million families when £20 a week is cut from Universal Credit in October 2021. Looking forward, April … Continued
Фонд провел ряд крупных обзоров. «Комиссия по уровню жизни» под председательством Клайва Каудери работала с 2011 по 2012 год. «Обзор будущего национальной минимальной заработной платы», проведенный в 2013 и 2014 годах под председательством сэра Джорджа Бэйна , излагал предложения по усилению минимальная заработная плата. На этот отчет ссылался канцлер Джордж Осборн, когда в 2015 году было объявлено о национальном прожиточном минимуме . «Комиссия по делам поколений» работала с 2016 по 2018 год под председательством Дэвида Уиллетса. На смену этому пришел «Межпоколенческий центр», который был создан «как дом для анализа и политического мышления об уровне жизни через призму поколений».
В 2018 году был создан «Отдел макроэкономической политики», «с целью внести свой вклад в более инклюзивные и более информированные дебаты по макроэкономической политике».
Фонд Резолюции выпускает несколько периодических исследовательских публикаций. К ним относятся годовые отчеты «Низкооплачиваемая Британия», ежегодный «Аудит уровня жизни», годовой «Прогноз уровня жизни» и ежеквартальный «Прогноз прибыли».
Фонд также ежегодно рассчитывает ставки добровольного прожиточного минимума в Великобритании и Лондоне от имени Фонда прожиточного минимума с использованием Стандарта минимального дохода .
Im Juni 2015 übernahm der ehemalige konservative Abgeordnete David Willetts die Geschäftsführung. Gleichzeitig wurde Torsten Bell, ein ehemaliger leitender Berater von Ed Miliband , zum Direktor der Organisation ernannt, um das zu leiten, was die Stiftung als "erweitertes Arbeitsprogramm" bezeichnete. Ab November 2019 ist Willetts Präsident des Beirats und des Intergenerational Center der Stiftung, und Bell ist Geschäftsführer.
Vor der Ernennung von Willetts und Bell wurde die Organisation von einem Geschäftsführer geleitet: Sue Regan von 2005 bis 2010; Gavin Kelly von 2010 bis 2015. Kelly wurde dann CEO des Resolution Trust, dem Hauptfinanzierer des Think Tanks.
Au cours de l'exercice clos le 30 septembre 2014, son revenu annuel était de 1 135 828 £. L'essentiel de son financement provient du Resolution Trust créé par Clive Cowdery. Il a reçu une note A pour la transparence du Who Funds You? projet.
Resolution Foundation - Resolution Foundation
Die Resolution Foundation ist eine unabhängige britische Denkfabrik, die 2005 gegründet wurde. Ihr erklärtes Ziel ist es, den Lebensstandard von Familien mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen zu verbessern .
Housing Outlook Q3 2021
The effect of transaction tax holidays on house pricesWelcome to Housing Outlook Q3 2021. In this spotlight we turn our attention once again to the uncanny performance of house prices over the past year. In particular, we focus on the effect of transaction tax holidays across the UK. Introduced to stimulate the housing market in July last year, the Scottish and Welsh transaction … Continued
La Fondation a accueilli un certain nombre de revues majeures. La «Commission sur les niveaux de vie», présidée par Clive Cowdery , s'est déroulée de 2011 à 2012. La «Resolution Foundation Review of the Future of the National Minimum Wage» en 2013 et 2014 a été présidée par Sir George Bain et a formulé des propositions pour renforcer le salaire minimum. Ce rapport a été référencé par le chancelier George Osborne lors de l' annonce du salaire vital national en 2015. La «Commission intergénérationnelle» s'est déroulée de 2016 à 2018, présidée par David Willetts. Le "Centre intergénérationnel", qui a été créé "comme centre d'analyse et de réflexion politique sur les niveaux de vie à travers une lentille générationnelle", a réussi.
En 2018, une «Unité de politique macroéconomique» a été créée, «dans le but de contribuer à un débat de politique macroéconomique plus inclusif et mieux informé».
La Resolution Foundation produit des publications de recherche récurrentes. Il s'agit notamment des rapports annuels «Low Pay Britain», d'un «Living Standards Audit» annuel, d'un «Living Standards Outlook» annuel et d'un «Earnings Outlook» trimestriel.
La Fondation calcule également les taux des salaires de subsistance volontaires au Royaume-Uni et à Londres chaque année, au nom de la Living Wage Foundation et en utilisant la norme de revenu minimum .
A caring tax rise?
The impacts of a potential increase in National InsuranceThe Government intends to increase social care spending and is considering its options, having delayed a decision until the Autumn. They are 100 per cent right to do so. One option under consideration is raising National Insurance to make that possible. They are 100 per cent wrong to do so – because the far superior … Continued
Football went to Rome, holidays came home
The impact of ‘staycations’ on the UK’s labour marketAs with last year, many holiday makers will be spending this summer in the UK. So in this Spotlight we look at the implications of another year of ‘staycations’ for the UK’s labour market. The tourism industry has been hit hard by the Covid-19 crisis For much of the past 18 months there have been … Continued
Labour Market Outlook Q3 2021
Prospects for unemployment after the Job Retention SchemeAs the economy has continued to reopen over the summer, the labour market has continued to surprise on the upside. After peaking at 5.2 per cent in Q4 2020, the headline unemployment rate has continued to fall, reaching 4.7 per cent in Q2 2021 – and timelier, though more volatile, single-month data has the unemployment … Continued
To govern is to choose
The Chancellor has not had a quiet introduction to national policy making: overseeing 17 major fiscal announcements in as many months. This summer provided the first lull, driven by the success of vaccines and the understandable focus on Afghanistan. But the quiet phase is coming to an end. Alongside dealing with whatever new paths the … Continued
Stakes and ladders
The costs and benefits of buying a first home over the generationsToday’s young people often point bitterly to the lower house prices their parents and grandparents paid, while those from older generations look jealously at the low interest rates that first-time buyers now enjoy. So, who has really had the better deal? In this briefing note we assess the costs and benefits of buying one’s first home over the generations.
Resolution Foundation - Resolution Foundation
La Resolution Foundation est un groupe de réflexion britannique indépendant créé en 2005. Son objectif déclaré est d'améliorer le niveau de vie des familles à revenu faible ou moyen.
Die Stiftung hat eine Reihe wichtiger Überprüfungen durchgeführt. Die "Kommission für den Lebensstandard" unter dem Vorsitz von Clive Cowdery lief von 2011 bis 2012. Die "Überprüfung der Zukunft der nationalen Mindestlöhne durch die Resolution Foundation" in den Jahren 2013 und 2014 wurde von Sir George Bain geleitet und legte Vorschläge zur Stärkung vor der Mindestlohn. Auf diesen Bericht wurde von Bundeskanzler George Osborne verwiesen, als der nationale existenzsichernde Lohn im Jahr 2015 bekannt gegeben wurde. Die „Intergenerationale Kommission“ lief von 2016 bis 2018 unter dem Vorsitz von David Willetts. Dies gelang dem "Intergenerational Center", das "als Heimat für Analysen und politisches Denken über den Lebensstandard durch eine Generationslinse" eingerichtet wurde.
2018 wurde eine "Abteilung für makroökonomische Politik" eingerichtet, "mit dem Ziel, zu einer umfassenderen und besser informierten Debatte über die makroökonomische Politik beizutragen".
Die Resolution Foundation veröffentlicht einige wiederkehrende Forschungspublikationen. Dazu gehören jährliche "Low Pay Britain" -Berichte, ein jährliches "Living Standards Audit", ein jährlicher "Living Standards Outlook" und ein vierteljährlicher "Earnings Outlook".
Die Stiftung berechnet auch die Sätze der freiwilligen britischen und Londoner existenzsichernden Löhne jedes Jahr im Auftrag der Living Wage Foundation und unter Verwendung des Mindesteinkommensstandards .
Understanding the labour market: pandemic not pandemonium
The mild euphoria phase of the economic commentary cycle has arrived somewhat earlier than after previous downturns. This is a big change from the excessive pessimism of late 2020. According to some, we have “eye popping growth” to look forward to as “Brexit Britain Booms”. For the labour market, this turn to optimism has seen … Continued
За год, закончившийся 30 сентября 2014 года, его годовой доход составил 1 135 828 фунтов стерлингов. Основная часть его финансирования поступает от Resolution Trust, созданного Клайвом Каудери. Агентство Who Funds You присвоило ему рейтинг A за прозрачность ? проект.
Macroeconomic Policy Outlook Q2 2021
20 June 2021 by James Smith
Worries about rising inflation are spreading. In this edition of our regular Macro Policy Outlook we draw a comparison between the UK and the US. Our analysis points to a sharp rise in UK inflation in the coming months, possibly to over 4 per cent. If realised, this would be more than twice the rate … Continued
Age-old or new-age?
The changing incidence of social security benefits by ageAt the start of the Covid-19 crisis, the number of families receiving income from the benefits system increased significantly, with 1.3 million more families receiving Universal Credit within three months – reversing a trend of a steady decline in families receiving benefits. In this briefing note, we examine the shift in the numbers of families … Continued
Work experiences
This paper is the first to be published as part of the Lived Experience theme of The Economy 2030 Inquiry. It explores the subjective experience of work to provide a rounded picture of the changing realities of employment as policy and the economy have evolved since the 1980s to the latter part of the 2010s. … Continued
En juin 2015, l'ancien député conservateur David Willetts est devenu président exécutif. Au même moment, Torsten Bell, ancien conseiller principal d' Ed Miliband , a été nommé directeur de l'organisation pour diriger ce que la Fondation a décrit comme "un programme de travail élargi". Depuis novembre 2019, Willetts est président du conseil consultatif et du centre intergénérationnel de la Fondation, et Bell en est le chef de la direction.
Avant la nomination de Willetts et Bell, l'organisation était dirigée par un chef de la direction: Sue Regan de 2005 à 2010; Gavin Kelly de 2010 à 2015. Kelly est ensuite devenue PDG du Resolution Trust, principal bailleur de fonds du think tank.
Boom(erang) Time?
An analysis of younger adults living with their parentsDifferent data sources tell different stories about the share of younger people that have lived with their parents during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, even before the pandemic younger people on lower-pay and in more precarious forms of work were more likely to live with their parents.
Macroeconomic Policy Outlook Q3 2021
With the economic outlook improving, there has been much debate about when the Bank of England should start tightening policy. But the Bank also faces a key decision about how to tighten. This is important because a successful strategy for withdrawing support is key to delivering a strong recovery. So in this edition of our … Continued
The Living Standards Audit 2021
This report is our fifth annual Living Standards Audit. This year we update our analysis of income before Covid-19; assess how incomes are faring during the crisis; and consider factors that will have an important bearing on household incomes in the future.
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