The last spell как поворачивать здания
30 июн в 7:39 Yeah, I'm totally fine with not being able to rotate skills or buildings. I think there's a reasonable defense even for why skills don't rotate. Not so much for buildings, but, if you raze all the ruins after night 2 or 3 then you have all the room you need to put your buildings however you want anyway, so it doesn't seem as though it should matter anyway. 30 июн в 12:00 I would like that you can rotate the spells and abilitys, makes no sense that there is no way to rotate them. Easy solution for not "cheating" more range is that you cant place them outside of the maximum range.. solved. And to be honest it would not "break" anything. 30 июн в 18:56 I would like that you can rotate the spells and abilitys, makes no sense that there is no way to rotate them. Easy solution for not "cheating" more range is that you cant place them outside of the maximum range.. solved. And to be honest it would not "break" anything.
The problem with the range thing is that you if you can rotate the angle then part of the skill would be inside your range and part of it would be outside of your max range.
If you are saying the solution is just to cut off the half of your attack that is outside the range, that makes less thematic and intuitive sense to me.
Wouldn't players be asking why is my archer only doing half an attack?
Maybe there could be Alpha and Beta versions of each skill that are shaped slightly different that players could toggle between that keep the same range but allow you to hit different targets. That would make more sense than rotating skills.
Problem with this suggestion is short bow is already stupid overpowered and this would just make it better.
30 июн в 19:30 30 июн в 19:49 30 июн в 20:07I don't think rotating abilities/spells should be a thing, they're based on your position and add another useful variable to take into account for tactical optimization.
As for buildings, I don't care at all and probably won't bother using that feature even if they add it. I'm not even sure why so many people want such an arbitrary feature.
1 июл в 7:41I don't think rotating abilities/spells should be a thing, they're based on your position and add another useful variable to take into account for tactical optimization.
As for buildings, I don't care at all and probably won't bother using that feature even if they add it. I'm not even sure why so many people want such an arbitrary feature.
Agreeing with the first statement especialy since for quite a few spells it would be extremly strong (thinking about things like Blade rush) and most others wouldnt change even if you could rotate them (unless you could turn them 180 degrees then there would be even more that would become much stronger)
As for the Second feature i think that in large part comes down to most buildings having a layout resembling tetris blocks and it can be quite annoing to have a house thats 2x1 and you sit there and cant place them because you only have 1x2 space (or 1x6 or the like)
Especialy since the basic layout of the town bye default has spaces akin to slots where the blueprint like the temple would fit perfectly if you could rotate it)
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The last spell как поворачивать здания
The Last Spell
10 июн в 22:23 please tell me we can rotate buildings in this games 10 июн в 22:34as the searsh function on the forum can show you, their is dozens of answeres to this same question already.
Actually, no, you can't, but it will be thing on one of the next update as extremly asked :)
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