Terraria crimson cloak что это
1 янв. 2015 в 18:15
It's a matter of opinion.
Crimson: Tunnels easier to get into, harder enemies/boss, better items/armor
Corruption: Tunnels hard to get in, easier enemies/boss, slightly worse items/armor
Crimson armor gives you the Health Regen, and some good items are the Crimson Cloud and Panic Necklace.
Corruption armor gives you a Melee speed Boost, and some good items are the Vilethorn and Band of Starpower.
I personally enjoy Corruption more, because I enjoy playing as a mage, and because the boss is fun/nostalgic.
(Заблокирован) 1 янв. 2015 в 18:16pls, I can't take anymore of these repeating threads D'x
1 янв. 2015 в 19:00Crimson: Tunnels easier to get into, harder enemies/boss, better items/armor
Corruption: Tunnels hard to get in, easier enemies/boss, slightly worse items/armor
I would have to disagree. The Corruption shafts have a bit of a concave feeling when dropping down, so you are able to catch a ledge. In contrast, the Crimson has the massive circle with branch-offs and is completely convex when you get to the opening; there is no where to catch onto and you need blocks. 1 янв. 2015 в 19:51The crimson have enemies thats blitzkrieg you till you are cornered while corruption enemies fly around and are light as a feather to smack away.
The corruption features pits of death that can often cause you to fall to ur death, the crimson just looks like a cave. with teeth.
The crimson is red and bloody and gorey, corruption is purple and looks like death and depressing.
The corruption is easy to navigate when inside since its just corridors and drops, the crimson usually features a massive open area with small areas connected to it forcing you to climb.
The crimson's boss is a cloaking brain, the corruption is a worm that burrows up ur geulies.
In my opinion I like the crimson more cuz it looks cooler and DOESNT HAVE PITS OF DEATH, i keep getting corruption and its easier in the beginning since no raging cyclopes nom on your head.
1 янв. 2015 в 20:04Crimson: Tunnels easier to get into, harder enemies/boss, better items/armor
Corruption: Tunnels hard to get in, easier enemies/boss, slightly worse items/armor
I would have to disagree. The Corruption shafts have a bit of a concave feeling when dropping down, so you are able to catch a ledge. In contrast, the Crimson has the massive circle with branch-offs and is completely convex when you get to the opening; there is no where to catch onto and you need blocks. I actually meant the actual process of getting in to the main room; The steep drops of Corruption, and the winding tunnels of Crimson. But for the main room, Corruption is much simpler, as there's fewer places you have to jump over a large hole.2 янв. 2015 в 5:24 Definetly Crimson. I find it a lot less creepy, and the chasms don't drop straight down. 2 янв. 2015 в 7:50
That's a hard question!
Crimson: (Sorry if I do not list everything)
-Face Monster
-Blood Jelly
-Blood Crawler
-Herpling (I think?)
-Brain of Cthulu
-Criminite Ore
-Red Ice Block
-The Meatball
-Crimson Hearts (Or Demon Hearts)
-I forgot the name of the gun
-Shadewood Trees
-Bloody and gory
-Hilly conditions
-Blood Lust Cluster (I think that is the name)
-Blood Butcherer
-Floaty Gross
-Ichor Sticker
-Meat Grinder
-Flesh Grinder
-Tissue Samples
-Much More
Corruption: (Sorry if I do not list everything)
-Looks like death and depression
-Eaters of Souls
-Corrupt Slime
-Purple Ice Block
-Ebonwood Trees
-Flat conditions
-Ball O' Hurt
-Vilethorn (I think)
-Shadow Scales
-Demonite Ore
-Shadow Pickaxe (I think)
-Light's Bane
-War Axe of Night
-Demon Bow
-Corrupt Seeds
-Shadow Orbs
-Much More
It allows you to acquire the Golden Shower in hard mode, which trumps ABSOLUTELY anything else if you want a good time.
The fact that it reduces defense of enemies drastically and that it infinitely penetrates, it is an extremely powerful weapon.
Watch me kill the destroyer with it 8+ times in one night with merely cobalt armor! (latest patch) even though some wiki's say it has been changed, it is still ridiculously OP:
2 янв. 2015 в 8:30I'd also have to say Crimson. Interestingly enough, the Fleshcatcher, the fishing pole made from Crimson's Crimtane Ore, is slightly better than its Corruption counterpart, the Fisher of Souls. The chasms are also more accessible and less steep in the Crimson.
I'd really suggest that you have two worlds with both, though. The Shadow Orbs you find in the Corruption are valuable to have, and you can't find a Crimson counterpart to those.
Боевые аксессуары
Аксессуары, увеличивающие атакующие способности персонажа (такие как урон, критический урон, скорость атак), либо влияющие на восстановление здоровья/маны.
Аксессуары движения
Аксессуары, увеличивающие скорость движения персонажа, либо расширяющие возможности его передвижения (например, позволяют летать, ходить по воде и т.п.).
ВНИМАНИЕ: Не пытайтесь ходить в этих ботинках по лаве, они не работают, как зелье хождения по воде
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Capes are accessories purchased from the Traveling Merchant, usually for 5 each. They are considered vanity items, as they provide no stats or bonuses. The Hunter Cloak is an anomaly; it can be sold by the Clothier for 15 if the player has accumulated a golf score of 2000, or by the Traveling Merchant regardless of golf score.
Аксессуары из сумок с сокровищами
Аксессуары различного назначения, выпадающие из боссов только в режиме эксперта
Информационные аксессуары
Аксессуары, отображающие игроку такую информацию, как время суток, глубину, погоду и прочее. Данные аксессуары отличаются тем, что их необязательно помещать в слот, они по-прежнему показывают необходимую информацию, находясь в инвентаре.
Название | Оригинальное название | Эффект | |
Часы | Watch | Отображает время | |
Глубиномер | Depth Meter | Отображает глубину и высоту точки, в которой находится персонаж | |
Компас | Compass | Отображает позицию относительно центра мира | |
Числовой счётчик | Tally Counter | Показывает игроку количество убитых врагов определенного вида | |
Анализатор форм жизни | Lifeform Analyzer | Сообщает о наличии редких существ рядом | |
Радар | Radar | Показывает количество монстров рядом | |
Металлодетектор | Metal Detector | Сообщает о редких предметах рядом | |
Счётчик урона | DPS Meter | Показывает урон в секунду от оружия | |
Секундомер | Stopwatch | Показывает скорость персонажа | |
Секстант | Sextant | Показывает фазу луны | |
Погодное радио | Weather Radio | Сообщает о погоде на поверхности | |
Карманная инструкция рыбака | Fishermans Pocket Guide | Отображает текущий уровень навыка рыболовства | |
GPS | GPS | Объединяет в себе: часы, глубинометр и компас | |
R.E.K. 3000 | R.E.K. 3000 | Объединяет в себе: числовой счётчик, анализатор форм жизни и радар | |
Технология гоблинов | Goblin Tech | Объединяет в себе: Металлодетектор, счётчик урона и секундомер | |
Эхолот | Fish Finder | Объединяет в себе: секстант, погодное радио и карманную инструкцию рыбака | |
КПК | PDA | Объединяет в себе: GPS, R.E.K. 3000, технологию гоблинов и эхолот | |
Мобильный телефон | Cell Phone | Сочетает в себе возможности магического зеркала и КПК |
Декоративные аксессуары
Аксессуары, не влияющие на какие-либо способности персонажа. Изменяют только внешний вид, не могут быть зачарованы у гоблина-инженера.
Название | Оригинальное название | |
Кольцо с алмазом | Diamond ring | |
Нимб ангела | Angel halo | |
Зимний плащ | Winter cape | |
Мистический плащ | Mysterious cape | |
Красный плащ | Red cape | |
Багряный плащ | Crimson Cloak | |
Рыжая борода | Ginger beard | |
Шарик-животное | Balloon Animal | |
Связка праздничных шаров | Bundled Party Balloons |
Каждый персонаж может одновременно использовать до пяти различных аксессуаров. С версии 1.3 при помощи сердца демона можно добавить еще один, шестой слот для аксессуаров, доступный только в эксперт мире.С версии в мастер мире есть 6 слотов для аксессуаров.
Terraria crimson cloak что это
17 фев. 2014 в 15:55 the crimson cloak only appears when in my inventory, what is going on? 17 фев. 2014 в 16:34There are some bugs with the new vanity items, I bought the angel halo vanity item and despite clearly being labeled as a "vanity item" it cannot be equipped in ANY armor slot, but it can be equipped as a accessory even though it has no benefit.
Oh, it can also not be put on a manaquin, same as the cape I bought, can't remember what one though. I'd just put all new vanity items in a chest and let them gather dust untill they fix them.
EDIT: Some accessories will not allow you to see your equipped items or armor unless you disable thier visabilty (like the jetpack).
Защитные аксессуары
Аксессуары, уменьшающие урон по персонажу (в том числе урон от падения), либо защищающие его от различных отрицательных эффектов. Также некоторые аксессуары имеют защитный механизм, который срабатывает при получении урона (например, пчелиная мантия)
Visual Bug (Shield of Cthulhu + Crimson Cloak)
I wanted to use shield of Cthulhu + Crimson Cloak But I can't use both together. I'm OK with that (I thought, maybe the design doesn't let you use both. So I choose to CLOAK to appear instead of Cthulhu.
When I use the shield special ability (double tap directional) , the cloak went hidden and the shield appears visible.
and THIS happened>
BUT. If I place the shield and the cloak together in the main accessory slot
I can see both of them equipped WHEN using the cthulhu special ability, IF the cloak come before the shield in the slot order .
I can't tell if this is the way you guys want it to be.
But It seems wrong.
The cloak as you all know doesn't provide any positive effect from being in the main accessory slot. So for that reason I could say it's a bug.
if I could give a suggestion
I'd like to see both items equipped, But if its not possible for N complicated reasons, it would be great to see at least the CLOAK and Shield of Cthulhu together just like in the 2nd pic when using the shield special ability.
I'm having a similar issue but more complicated. I have wings for function, wings for social/vanity, and a cloak. I want the cloak to be visible while on the ground, and the vanity wings while flying, and that only works if there aren't any wings in any vanity slots, and I can't even resolve this the same way since you can't equip two wings.SauceLord88
I'm having a similar issue but more complicated. I have wings for function, wings for social/vanity, and a cloak. I want the cloak to be visible while on the ground, and the vanity wings while flying, and that only works if there aren't any wings in any vanity slots, and I can't even resolve this the same way since you can't equip two wings.Regarding the wings problem, it depends on the position of vanity items. First make sure your non-vanity wings are not set to be visible. Then try moving your vanity items around until it works the way you want to. I believe bottom vanity items take priority first, so make sure your cloak is below your vanity wings. If that doesn’t work, try it the other way around, putting the cloak above the vanity wings.
Quality Assurance
Cloaks and Shields can no longer be drawn at the same time for normal use due to visual conflicts. They had a number of bugs and logistical issues that weren't really possible to resolve.
This PARTICULAR inconsistency is one of the few remaining minor conflicts that still remain, and it was not fixed because it is so minor/specific and the time to fix it is relatively high.
Cloaks and Shields can no longer be drawn at the same time for normal use due to visual conflicts. They had a number of bugs and logistical issues that weren't really possible to resolve.
This PARTICULAR inconsistency is one of the few remaining minor conflicts that still remain, and it was not fixed because it is so minor/specific and the time to fix it is relatively high.
IF at least the cloak didn't disappear when we are using the shield skill. it would be great, but since its too complicated for you guys to fix it with the amount of bugs you are dealing with 14.0 right now. I understand
I guess I'll have to pretend that when my cloak got disappeared it is because it's flying in the wind xD.
At least my character is not naked or the mobs would now be affected by a new debuff : CHARMED
Thanks for the reply.
Quality Assurance
The issue isn't that it couldn't be fixed, its that . . . shields and capes don't logically work.
The cape covers your hand.
The shield is too big to fit under the cape fully.
So the shield has to go over the cape. But the shield is held in your hand. The hand is under the cape.
You can't hold the shield over the cape because your hand doesn't go through the cape. You can't hold the shield under the cape because there isn't enough room.
We realized this while trying to fix the issues with it, and it had been like this all along, and we had TONS of bug reports about it. The only way to really fix it was to make them not work together.
There might be another solution to it, but it would take a lot of work, respriting, and its a pretty low priority with all of the major issues we are looking at right now.
The issue isn't that it couldn't be fixed, its that . . . shields and capes don't logically work.
The cape covers your hand.
The shield is too big to fit under the cape fully.
So the shield has to go over the cape. But the shield is held in your hand. The hand is under the cape.
You can't hold the shield over the cape because your hand doesn't go through the cape. You can't hold the shield under the cape because there isn't enough room.
We realized this while trying to fix the issues with it, and it had been like this all along, and we had TONS of bug reports about it. The only way to really fix it was to make them not work together.
There might be another solution to it, but it would take a lot of work, respriting, and its a pretty low priority with all of the major issues we are looking at right now.
Well I don't want them to be together all the time, I just would like to when i'm using the shield skill it doesn't make my cloak disappear IMAGE 1.
I can understand that they don't work together all the time. So I chose the cloak to be visible and the shield hidden (IMAGE 1). But when I use the shield skill the cloak disappear and the shield appears instead (IMAGE 1) and I would like to see them both together just when I'm using the shield skill (IMAGE 2)
But Anyways. You guys knows better than me when it comes to your own game. It just my personal preferences.
and if one day the cloak and shield issue is worthy to have a second chance. well I have a suggestion for the cloak to have a "wind" animation just like the hair styles.
IT would be amazing to see them moving as we run or falls.
Thanks again. And sorry for any potential misunderstanding.
I love what you guys are doing . So keep with the amazing work.
Mr. Simmons
The issue isn't that it couldn't be fixed, its that . . . shields and capes don't logically work.
The cape covers your hand.
The shield is too big to fit under the cape fully.
So the shield has to go over the cape. But the shield is held in your hand. The hand is under the cape.
You can't hold the shield over the cape because your hand doesn't go through the cape. You can't hold the shield under the cape because there isn't enough room.
We realized this while trying to fix the issues with it, and it had been like this all along, and we had TONS of bug reports about it. The only way to really fix it was to make them not work together.
There might be another solution to it, but it would take a lot of work, respriting, and its a pretty low priority with all of the major issues we are looking at right now.
I think what @lilithyawe is trying to say is that they just want both of them to show up at the same time and the issue isn't with the spriting, its with the fact that if the cape is worn in an active equipment slot instead of a vanity slot, both the cape and the shield get drawn instead of the shield overriding the cape. So it clearly can be done, its just an ordering issue. Which (I don't know how your system works, so this may be useless explanation) should just be a number and boolean change. Have them both be able to be worn at the same time (boolean), and draw order would go cape, then shield (number). That way the shield always gets drawn over the cape.
And to be honest, in a game as fantasy like as Terraria, I don't think people would mind about the realism / logical sense of having a cape covering your hands and holding a shield at the same time. But that's just my view
Аксессуары для строительства
Аксессуары, расширяющие возможности строительства (увеличивают дальность\скорость установки блоков\стен, отображают блоковую сетку и т.п.)
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