Team fortress 2 tr walkway rc2 как добавить ботов
2 июн. 2015 в 18:58
When I go on a LAN server with the map "Tr_walkwayrc2" no bots spawned, I set the max players to 32, but still nothing happens.
The console says this, though:
point_servercommand usage blocked by sv_allow_point_servercommand setting
And this:
Failed to load sound "vo\null.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
I've figured out how to add bots manually, but I need to turn of team restictions, so that more people can go on blu while 1 person is on red
Team Fortress 2 установка ботов
Кто знает ,объясните популярно как установить ботов.
Шаг за шагом, а то я сколько читал ничего не получается, напишите все по порядку с подробностями.
Короче, случай и внимай.
1.Запуск TF2.
2. Создать сервер ( настройки не трогай)
3. Разработчики добавили нормальных (играющих) ботов, только на KOTH сервера, поэтому выбирай KOTH SAWMILL, или KOTH VIADUCK( скорее всего не правильно написал) , или KOTH NUCLEUS (тоже) .
4. Выбор команды и класса.
5. Вызови консоль ( если отключена, то Настройки-Управление-Консоль откладки, и поставь галочку)
6. в консоли напиши tf_bot_add
7. и при добавлении ботов напиши, например tf_bot_add 13
то игра будет происходить 7 на 7.
Был рад помочь. Если что, обращайся. Ник в Steame 100 Gb( ава- Медик под убером)
Team fortress 2 tr walkway rc2 как добавить ботов
4 июн. 2015 в 21:37 I haven't played in a while and when I came back, tr_walkway won't let the bots join. The game says waiting for players, and even once that's done, there are no bots on the map. I've reinstalled the map, verified the game cache, and checked that the server allows the needed amount of max players. Any help is appreciated. 4 июн. 2015 в 23:09That command up there must be typed in the console to make the bots spawn.
Hope I helped ya!
ok in console:
"sv_allow_point_servercommand always"
btw how many people have asked about this? anyone keeping count? 10 июн. 2015 в 18:07
ok in console:
"sv_allow_point_servercommand always"
btw how many people have asked about this? anyone keeping count?
It doesn't work at all for me. 12 июн. 2015 в 3:09 In console type:
1.sv_allow_point_servercommand always
Done:D 12 июн. 2015 в 3:38 What's happened? Why do you now have to type console commands to get the bots spawning? 12 июн. 2015 в 3:50 valve update
they have to break something in order to keep their jobs 13 июн. 2015 в 7:43 14 июн. 2015 в 13:31 valve update
they have to break something in order to keep their jobs After 9 years in development, hopefully it will have been worth the weight.
Thanks, and have fun. 16 июн. 2015 в 17:58 In console type:
1.sv_allow_point_servercommand always
Done:D 27 июн. 2015 в 9:08 27 июн. 2015 в 9:26 1 июл. 2015 в 8:41
That command up there must be typed in the console to make the bots spawn.
Team fortress 2 tr walkway rc2 как добавить ботов
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Alright enough chit chat.
To do this you need to download these 2 files I have uploaded to a file sharing website (mediafire).
Now I have noticed myself that if I play a casual server then load up the map, the map breaks and bots don't spawn or they do but not 12 of them, but not to worry, this script should fix it. So you can load up the map without any concern of it breaking.
So to get this to work, I hope you know how to get into your tf folder, if you don't then its very simple.
Go to your library and right click on Team Fortress 2;
Click on "Properties"
Click on "Local Files"
Click on "Browse Local Files"
Double click on the folder marked "tf"
Congratulations, you have made it to your tf folder, this folder is used for ALL modifications for TF2, HUDS, Hitsounds, Maps and much more. Just not hacks or cheating programs, that will be an instant VAC ban and no one wants that right.
Anyway, go ahead and open the "cfg" folder;
Now open your downloads folder, and click and drag the "walkway.cfg" into this folder.
Go back to your "tf" folder, and open the folder marked "maps"
Click and drag the "tr_walkway_rc2.bsp" file into this folder.
After you have done all that, that should be everything installed and working. Test it out by loading up TF2 and open the developer console.
If you don't know how to do that, folle these instuctions.
Boot Team Fortress 2, once you get into the main menu, find and click on a button called "Options"
Next, click on "Advanced"
Now, make sure that "Enable Developer Console" has ticked in the check box. If it has your all good but if it isn't, check the box and click "okay", then "apply" and "okay" again.
Open "options" again;
Use the scroll bar to the right and scroll right down the bottom, you should see "Toggle Developer Console" and a little ` next to it, this is the default key to open the console. You can change this but clicking on "Toggle Developer Console" and then clicking on "Edit Key" and change it to whatever you like, just make sure you remember it.
Okay, you have now enabled the dev console and are able to open, to load up tr_walkway_rc2, just type into the console;
"exec walkway" without the quotations [IMPORTANT]
Your game will now try to load the map and automatically fix the bots not spawning problem, first time!
If in the console it says "walkway.cfg not present, not executing", that means you haven't installed the .cfg file I told you to install before, just go back through this guide and follow it carefully again and it should work afterwards.
If it works on your first time CONGRATULATIONS your a beginner script kiddie, feel proud.
Well, that's us coming to end of this guide, if you found this guide helpful, please vote and favourite.
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