Tales from the borderlands можно ли замутить с фионой
5 наиболее важных деталей, имеющих влияние на всю серию.
Пусть Tales from the Borderlands и является спин-оффом в совершенно другом жанре от сторонних разработчиков, Gearbox показала ответственное отношение к своим фанатам. Казалось бы необязательный для основных игр проект очень даже необходим. Как минимум 5 сюжетных поворотов имеют влияние на всю серию , так что пропускать их все же не стоит.
Appearances [ ]
История Фионы началась тогда, когда их "семья" решила продать поддельный ключ Хранилища Августу. Сделка пошла наперекосяк и Фиона влипла в погоню за Гиперионовскими деньгами, которая плавно перешла в поиск проекта Гортис и Хранилища.
В конце пятого эпизода вместе с Ризом касается светящегося "сундука" в Хранилище Путника, после чего оба исчезают.
Окончательное убийство Красавчика Джека
Злодей Borderlands 2 является также главным противником Tales from the Borderlands . После смерти его оцифрованное сознание пытается вернуть контроль над Гиперионом через механические имплантаты Риза. Именно «Истории» завершают своеобразную трилогию данного персонажа, начатую по хронологии с Pre-Sequel .
Открытие еще одного Хранилища
В финале 5 эпизода Риз и Фиона вместе открывают загадочный сундук в Хранилище эридианцев , после чего яркий свет заполняет помещение. Предполагается, что они попросту телепортировались , пусть игра и не дала на это четкого ответа. Сам Риз присутствует в Borderlands 3, так что сцена с открытием сундука может стать наиболее важной. Например – для одного из объявленных аддонов, учитывая, что Фиона как минимум в основной игре отсутствует.
А вы рады, что о творении Telltale не забыли, или нужно было закрыть глаза на ее события?
Мир Borderlands невероятно огромен и в нем крайне много интересных историй. Tales from the Borderlands – одна из них, и пропускать ее точно не стоит.
List of heroic acts
Episode one: Zero Sum
- Stopped August from touching the fake vault key
- Agreed with Shade to let him come along with her
- Talked nice with the bandit
- Told Vaughn that she would not let anything happen to him
- Saved Vaughn from the bandit.
- Warned Felix about the bomb in the case
Episode two: Atlas Mugged
- Told Sasha to help Rhys
- Talked nice with Scooter
- Comforted Sasha about Felix betrayal
- Didn´t peek inside Sasha´s box
- Told Scooter that Rhys and Vaughn were their friends
Episode three: Catch A Ride
- Helped Rhys
- Agreed Vallory to help her up and attempted to talk nice with her
- Thanked Athena for her help against Vallory
- Told Gortys she was cute
- Listened to Athena´s advice
- Stopped Athena from killing Cassius
- Throwed Athena´s shield to her in attempt to stop the rockets
Episode four. Escape Plan Bravo
- Went along with Vallory´s deal
- Told the truth about Athena to Janey Springs
- Prevented the tour from being vaporized
Episode five: The Vault of the Traveler
- Told August that he could change sides
- Refused to work with Vallory
- Told Sasha that she loved her.
- Told Rhys that they are going into the Vault, as a family
- Accepted Rhys and Sasha´s relationship/Told Rhys to stay away from Sasha
- Had a meaningful conversation with Rhys in the Vault
Смерть Скутера
Забавный автомеханик из Borderlands и Borderlands 2 не появляется в Borderlands 3. Являясь важным для первых двух игр персонажем, он повторил ту же роль в Tales from the Borderlands , происходящей между второй и третьей частью. К сожалению, в 4 эпизоде «Историй» Скутер героически погибает.
Знакомство Риза с Зер0
Не стоит забывать и само появление Риза в Borderlands 3 в крупной роли, в ней же показана его тесная дружба с Зер0. Познакомились и «спелись» они вовсе «не за кадром», это произошло в 1 и 5 эпизодах Tales from the Borderlands, где опытный Искатель Хранилищ сильно помог героям.
Fiona is an original character in Telltale Games' Tales from the Borderlands. She serves as one of the two playable protagonists alongside Rhys.
Tales from the Borderlands [ ]
"Zer0 Sum" [ ]
Fiona is the other playable character and is first introduced when Rhys is being dragged through the desert by the Masked Kidnapper. Fiona says "Nice haircut you lying Hyperion jackass." and is kicking dirt into his eye. The Kidnapper gets them to calm down and Fiona tells her side of the story after Rhys finishes his side.
She talks about Felix who raised her into a life of crime, along with her sister Sasha. Felix tells her that she must do a scam that was their biggest yet, that would set them up for life. Fiona goes to the Purple Skag. She walks in, and sees Tommy get shot by August. He sits down with her, she can say the story that Sasha assigned to her, or she can mix it up a bit.
August will reach his hand to touch the Vault Key, which Fiona can stop him or not. He then gets a call from Hugo Vasquez. August and Sasha then leave, and so do Felix and Fiona. Felix says they'll follow them in the caravan. They listen in on the deal with August and Rhys. Felix tells Fiona to grab an item and attach it to the box with the vault key inside. She goes into the vent, and Shade pops out of nowhere, again. Fiona can choose to let him come with or tell him to go away. If you tell him to go away, he will get shot by August, and he will die. If he goes with you, he escapes the vent with you and after this point his fate remains unknown. Felix, Fiona and Sasha run back to the caravan and see Rhys and Vaughn trying to steal it. They take off when August starts shooting at them.
Sasha is about to push Rhys out of the caravan, but Vaughn claims he can track the money. Rhys insert Dr. Nakayama's ID and hears a voice "Did you think you could follow in my footsteps?" He wakes up and sees Felix, Sasha, Vaughn and Fiona observing a bandit camp. They take out a few bandits and get inside. Felix decides to stay behind with the caravan. Sasha and Rhys open the hatch and climb down it, while Fiona and Vaughn close the hatch, meeting the Mask Vendor. Fiona ends up convincing that they are racers and they enter the race.
Fiona and Vaughn are on the race with the Psycho Driver. While Rhys is trying to get the money back, it ends up flying off and landing on a car in the race. Fiona goes for it. The driver of the car shoots the psycho driving. Vaughn panics that he's next. He then detaches himself, and drives to the other side of the car which has the case inside. He shoots the bandit driving and takes control of the vehicle. The claw grabs Bossanova's base and brings it down, which causes the vehicle to fly upwards. The case flies out the vehicle and Felix catches it. Fiona jumps on the caravan and goes inside. Felix points a gun at Fiona and then escapes. Felix kicks the caravan back into the race track and attempts to break open the case. Fiona can tell him to choke on it or warn him about it.
If you warn him, he will throw the case away and run away.
If you don't, he will blow up with the money.
You can also shoot him, which results into Felix blowing up with the money as well, but only if you didn't shoot August's hand. Rhys sees the money blew up and he yells, "NO! No!" Zer0 then kills Bossanova and he walks off, talking to Mad Moxxi about the Gortys Project. The Loader Bot comes back whether you self-destructed him or not.
If you told him to self-destruct, he'll say, "You suck!"
If you told him to evacuate, he'll say, "Righteous father! I have found you!"
Either way, Rhys falls down a hole while the Loader Bot advises, "Try to roll with the fall!" He wakes up, hearing Vaughn calling out to see if he's okay. Rhys says Atlas tech is down here, which causes them to discover the Gortys Project. It automatically attaches itself and reveals some sort of map. The voice that Rhys has been hearing before reveals to be Handsome Jack's voice.
"This, ladies and gentlemen. is the Gortys Project. And it's going to lead us to a vault. And then I'll probably kill you." Rhys looks at the AI form of Handsome Jack, stunned, while Fiona jumps in shock after Rhys' scream.
Она и её сестра Саша родились на Пандоре, в месте под названием Острая Лощина. В детстве они пытались любым способом достать денег, чаще всего воровством. Однажды они попытались обворовать Феликса, который сам являлся мошенником. После этого он взял сестер себе и стал их наставником в мире воровства.
Предпочитает ненасильственные методы решения проблем. Не стесняется пускать в ход обаяние, обманывать, а то и просто подкупать собеседника. Тем не менее, безащитной ее тоже не назовешь. В качестве крайней меры она прячет в рукаве трехзарядный дерринджер – подарок Феликса.
Fiona (Tales from the Borderlands)
Fiona is one of two protagonists of the 2014 episodic Point and Click Game Tales from the Borderlands. She is a con artist that lives on Pandora with her sister Sasha and adoptive father Felix.
Character [ ]
A con-woman with a heart of gold, Fiona has been filching wallets and fooling marks from a young age. She appears to be very cunning and decisive, as taught by her adopted father, Felix.
Fiona's personality is mainly determined by the player, although she is shown to have several main traits; She is clearly stubborn, direct, sarcastic and fearless. She also often acts as if she is in charge of the situation or that she is a Pandoran "Bad-Ass" when she isn't.
Предыстория Вона – забавного и непутевого главаря бандитов
Вон встречается в DLC для Borderlands 2 «Командир Лилит и Битва за Убежище», а также в Borderlands 3. Тем не менее – это персонаж именно Историй, где он был другом Риза и его подельником.
В течение игры Вон и становится тем самым главарем, проходя трансформацию от кабинетного планктона.
Sam & Max
Sam | Max | Bosco
The Wolf Among Us: A Telltale Games Series
Bigby Wolf | Snow White | Beauty | Beast
Tales from the Borderlands: A Telltale Games Series
Rhys | Fiona
Fiona is a professional con artist she has been scamming money from people ever since childhood. Do to her life experience, help from Sasha and Felix, and her strong social skills Fiona is knowable on how to convince people to fall for her scams without being caught and successfully getting the money she wanted. Some people sees her as a dangerous criminal, but in reality (player-determinant) she is a woman with a heart of gold that cares about her family and friends.
At the beginning of the game, Fiona, Sasha, and Felix are planning a con, in which they intend on selling a fake vault key to Hugo P. Vasquez.
When plans change and Rhys and Vaughn come to make the deal instead of Vasquez, the plan is disrupted by the discovery that Rhys' ECHOeye can identify the key as a fake. Fiona is forced to climb through the World of Curiosities in order to plant a device that scrambles Rhys' eye. Unfortunately, the device works too well and also shuts down Rhys' cybernetic arm, causing him to drop and break the fake key. The group is then attacked by a bandit lord named Bossanova, whose cronies make off with the 10 million dollars Rhys & Vaughn stole from Hyperion.
Forced to team up with Rhys and Vaughn in order to get the ten million dollars back from Bossanova, Fiona and Sasha sneak into Bossanova's camp, but are separated. Fiona and Vaughn get involved in a bandit death race in an attempt to "win" the 10 million dollars as prize money.
Their plan fails again when Zer0, a member of the Crimson Raiders and an esteemed Vault Hunter, confronts Bossanova. The two battle, and in the confusion Bossanova drops the briefcase containing the money into the race. The case eventually ends up in the hands of Felix, who betrays Fiona & Sasha and attempts to escape with the money. Fiona can either warn Felix about the bomb in the case, or tell him to choke on it. Either way, the case will explode, destroying the money. Whether or not Felix survives is dependent on the player's previous choice.
With the money destroyed, Fiona, Sasha, Rhys, and Vaughn resign themselves to the fact that they will be forced to work together to regain the $10,000,000. Following the discovery of a secret Atlas facility beneath the race track, an opportunity to find a Vault presents itself in the form of the Gortys Project. Together with Rhys, Fiona pieces together the map that will lead them to their Vault.
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