Sync failed geometry dash что делать
13 окт. 2018 в 6:02
Sync Failed.Please Try Again Later. (Надеюсь есть русские)
Пишит эту ошибку когда пытаюсь загрузить своё сохранение то-есть 15309 звезд, 145 coin, 1785 серебрянных монет и 348 пройденных демон левелов.Мой ник DemonHackYT что делать?
He writes this error when I try to load my save, that is, 15309 stars, 145 coin, 1785 silver coins and 348 passed demon levelov. My nickname is DemonHackYT what to do?
Late reply but this issue has happened quite often in the past for a lot of people that have tried saving their account. Most of the time it's temporary and it could last from a couple of hours to a day. It could also happen (which it did for me) when you connect your account to two seperate devices (pc, mobile) and i could never save my account on mobile, only pc.
Sync failed geometry dash что делать
12 янв. 2015 в 12:37Hi , a few days ago , I had about 423 stars , 56 coins 14 map packs , about 50 maps completed (online) and all the maps from the game (excluding the ToE2 and Clubstep). 2 Days ago when I started the game all my data had been deleted. I've never had this problem before . I asked a lot of people what to do , but they all told me that I should "load" my account . But it doesn't work . It says the following message for about 2 days : Sync failed. Please try again later ? What am I suppose to do ? I spent about 40-50 hours for all my work .
Need help .
"Sync failed. Please try again later."
This happened in 2.1 on Steam when I tried saving my data. Would not let me. Lots of my levels and progress got wiped.
Maybe, your data just overwrited. That means, deleted old data, saved new data. Sorry i cant help. Say your discord if you wanna talk about this..
How good is your internet connection & how many created levels did you have? (The save file may be too big)
Even if someones internet connection was weak, it wouldnt give an error message. It would mean that their not connected to internet or their save file is corrupt
Sync Fail
newPost by theofficialanx on Jun 22, 2018 15:16:51 GMT -5
Currently having trouble with a Sync fail after transferring data to new computer. I see this problem everywhere and dont really get to explanations or resolvements but does anyone currently have a resolution to this common problem? This happened 3 weeks ago and everyday I try to load in my account and relog and such but keep getting the error. I try to switch networks and redownload geometry dash and check steam but doesen't seem to work. Again this would be great if anyone could give me an answer. Also contacting RobTop doesen't give me a response so still unanswered. Thanks!
Post by Deleted on Jun 23, 2018 16:23:25 GMT -5
It's possible that loading won't work because your save had too much stuff in it. Try going back to your old device and delete your saved levels and editor levels, saving again and then loading.
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