Swtor gtn что это
Quote: Originally Posted by Vikingpride
ive been playing for a little while now and i just put an augment slot into my sith assassins light saber
now ive been told the place you get augmentation slots is either on the galactic trade network or from the
guild maker and i dont know where either of those are
Galactic Trade Network is on the Fleet, your capital planet or Nar Shadda. It's in the Galactic Trade wing of the Fleet, to the right as you enter Kaas City (where the skill trainers are), I don't know Corusant and on Nar Shadda it will be on the Lower Promenade, but it's fairly easy to miss, Nar Shadda is annoying :/
Guild maker? They're probably referring to guildies who are Synthweavers, Armourmechs or Armstechs who can make the augments - i.e. other players.
On Coruscant it's in the Senate Commercial District, beneath Senate Plaza. Gidrea / K�tastrophee / St�rry / Randava / Lex� / Butt�rcup / Fraidy Cat - Satele ShanShock and Jawa / Full Metal Jawa - The family you choose, not the one your parents stuck you with! Join us and be a Jawa! Quote: Originally Posted by Vikingpride
ive been playing for a little while now and i just put an augment slot into my sith assassins light saber
now ive been told the place you get augmentation slots is either on the galactic trade network or from the
guild maker and i dont know where either of those are
GTN terminals are on the fleet(galactic trade market section) and in most major city's(Kaas city, Corucsant, Nar Shadaa) in these city's the terminals will be in around the place where most of the vendors are, the market, remember theres a filter on your map to show you the terminals locations.
hope this helps.
Quote: Originally Posted by avatarearth GTN terminals are on the fleet(galactic trade market section) and in most major cities.Just wanted to clarify: GTN terminals are on the Fleet, your capital world (Dromund Kaas or Coruscant) and Nar Shadaa. That's it. "Most major cities" don't have GTN terminals.
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How it works [ ]
A player who is willing to sell an item will put it up on the GTN Terminal for a certain amount of credits. Another player looking to buy the said item will search for it and buy the item. Therefore, the player selling the item can make a profit.
To sell an item you have to switch to the Sell tab and right click the item you want to post from your inventory. After setting duration and price you can click create sale which will put that item into the server's auctioned items.
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Galactic Trade Network
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Jedi Consular is one of the four Republic classes. Alongside the Jedi Knight it is one of the two Republic alligned force users.
Jedi Consulars channel the power of the Force for strength in combat and wisdom in diplomacy. Years of arduous training and meditation have sharpened Consulars’ minds to cut to the truth as cleanly as their Lightsabers cut through their foes. Whether unlocking long forgotten mysteries of the Jedi, raising armies to fight for the Republic or engaging in mortal combat with Dark Lords of the Sith, the Consulars’ deep attunement to the Force gives them all the power they need to rise to the occasion with poise and balance.
SWTOR Shadow of Revan Expansion “Revan Returns” Trailer SWTOR Shadow of Revan “The Battle Against Revan” Trailer SWTOR Shadow of Revan Expansion Announcement TrailerTOR Wiki is an online encyclopedia based on the popular MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic, developed by BioWare, LucasArts and Electronic Arts.
This site contains thousands of pages relating to in-game items, missions, characters and planets, as well as voice actors, expansion information and news articles about the game. As the game is constantly expanding and changing, there will always be something new to add, so this Wiki will expand as long as there is new content to include. Whether you're here just to visit, read, or help us add more, we hope to continue expanding and provide information from all corners of the galaxy!
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