Swtor error code c12 что делать
22 июл. 2020 в 9:24 Launcher issue fix "An error has occured. Please exit and restart the SWTOR launcher."
Download and run the Launcher Repair Utility to find and replace any files that may be causing problems:
Close the SW:TOR launcher.
Download the launcher repair file from the link.
When you’re asked, choose to Save the file.
Copy or move the downloaded file to your SW:TOR game folder.
Once you’ve copied the file, double-click on it to run it.
Choose Install, and let it run.
When it’s finished running, it opens the launcher. Try logging in and patching again.
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Error Code: C12 when attempting to exit ship to Belsavis
I get the following message every time I try to leave my ship to Belsavis:
This program encountered an internal error and will exit.
Error code: C12
Failed to load room dat file
Reason: not found
You may have to reload the area to use this room by GUID [e.g. as default skyscene].
Any idea how to fix this? Thanks.
details to repair are
Non-Streaming launcher - Log into the launcher but don't click Play. Check for small letters "ST" in the bottom left corner. If this is NOT present, click the cog icon and then run the repair option.
Streaming launcher - If the letters "ST" is present, close the launcher, right mouse click on the game shortcut, select open file location and delete the BitRaider folder. Then start the launcher
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So I'm getting this, constantly when trying to exit my ship.
This program encountered an internal error and will exit.
Error code: C12
Failed to load room dat file
Reason: not found
You may have to reload the area to use this room by GUID [e.g. as default skyscene].
I did some research and it gave to options to fix it which were these.
Non-Streaming launcher - Log into the launcher but don't click Play. Check for small letters "ST" in the bottom left corner. If this is NOT present, click the cog icon and then run the repair option.
Streaming launcher - If the letters "ST" is present, close the launcher, right mouse click on the game shortcut, select open file location and delete the BitRaider folder. Then start the launcher
I was on the Streaming launcher first, did it what it said without success. So I switched to the non-streaming launcher and after 7 hours of redownloading and installing all of the files, then repairing the installation. This did not work either.
There is no other solution that I've found. This only started after the 4.01A patch. The original Early Access patch was fine, the bug fixes game and boom.
Swtor error code c12 что делать
Хочу поделиться решениями, если игра не хочет запускаться:
Если данная проблема не исчезает, стоит переустановить игру, но есть два варианта событий либо всё установится правильно и заработает, либо могут возникнуть такие проблемы:
При установке игры или обновления возникает бесконечный minimum download in progress 0%, возникает предыдущая проблема или Main Assets 0%
Хоть и проблема распространенная, довольно общего гайда по её решению нету, поэтому если кто ещё сталкивался и видел иные обходные пути, пожалуйста делитесь. Спасибо)
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