Swtor что нового
10.08.2021 Introducing cosplay kits for various characters from SWTOR - Starting with Lana Beniko.
SWTOR In-Game Events for June
06.02.2021 The in-game events happening in Star Wars: The Old Republic for the month of June.
Now on PTS: First look at the Jedi Sentinel Combat Style!
07.28.2021 Announcing the second round of PTS--a high-level overview of the updated Jedi Sentinel Combat Style.
Now on PTS: First look at the Sorcerer and Assassin Combat Styles!
09.15.2021 Announcing the fourth round of PTS--a high-level overview of the updated Sorcerer and Assassin Combat Styles.
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SWTOR In-Game Events for October
10.01.2021 The in-game events happening in Star Wars: The Old Republic for the month of October.
SWTOR In-Game Events for September
09.01.2021 The in-game events happening in Star Wars: The Old Republic for the month of September.
Behind the Scenes Look at SWTOR: System Design
09.08.2021 The next segment of the retrospective series that focuses on behind the scenes insight into SWTOR’s game design.
Cartel Market Additions: Game Update 6.3.1
06.29.2021 The Dark Interrogator Armor Set, M-35 Shadow Mount, Gravity Anomaly Weapon Tuning, and more have been added to the Cartel Market!
The Community Content Creators of SWTOR - Meet Aviriia
05.25.2021 Next up in our “Community Content Creators of SWTOR” series, we have Twitch streamer and YouTuber, Aviriia!
The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event is back!
06.29.2021 Game Update 6.3.1 marks the return of one of the most popular SWTOR in-game events: Nar Shaddaa Nightlife!
Swtor что нового
08.24.2021 Announcing the third round of PTS--a high-level overview of the updated Sniper and Operative Combat Styles.
SWTOR In-Game Events for August
08.03.2021 The in-game events happening in Star Wars: The Old Republic for the month of August.
Announcing Legacy of the Sith, the next expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic
07.01.2021 Kick off The Old Republic’s 10th anniversary celebration with a new Expansion, coming Holiday 2021!
Intelligence Report: Historical Analysis of Manaan
07.30.2021 By exploiting the Selkath’s vulnerabilities, Darth Xarion, head of the Sphere of Galactic Influence, will make sure that all of Manaan never forgets that the Sith Empire takes what it is owed.”
Celebrate May the 4th, 2021!
04.30.2021 Celebrate Star Wars™ Day in The Old Republic™ with a Bad Batch-inspired login reward, Double XP event, and collection sale!
Mission Abstract: Investigate link between Darth Malgus and the planet Elom
10.01.2021 Master Jedi Denolm Orr uncovers a connection between the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine and the isolated Outer Rim world of Elom that may hold a clue to what Darth Malgus has in store for the galaxy.
Swtor что нового
06.29.2021 The in-game events happening in Star Wars: The Old Republic for the month of July.
The Community Content Creators of SWTOR - Meet Kogass
09.06.2021 Community highlight series that features a SWTOR content creator.
Game Update 6.3 ‘The Dark Descent’ is live!
04.27.2021 Game Update 6.3, “The Dark Descent,” is now live with new additions, including the Secrets of the Enclave Flashpoint, Galactic Seasons, and the beginning of Ranked PvP Season 14!
Behind the Scenes Look at SWTOR: Cinematics
07.22.2021 The first part of a retrospective series that focuses on behind the scenes insight into SWTOR’s game design. Lead Cinematic Designer Ashley Ruhl sheds light on how the Cinematics Team works.
Now on PTS: First look at the Mercenary, Powertech, Juggernaut, and Marauder Combat Styles!
10.08.2021 Announcing the fifth round of PTS--a high-level overview of the updated Mercenary, Powertech, Juggernaut, and Marauder Combat Styles.
Cartel Market Additions: Game Update 6.3
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Анонсировано дополнение Legacy of the Sith для Star Wars: The Old Republic - Новая эра в честь 10-летия игры
В честь празднования 10-летия компания BioWare анонсировала дополнение Legacy of the Sith, которое положит начало новой эры знаменитой MMORPG.
- Улучшится геймплей с помощью новой механики "Боевые стили", расширяющей возможности кастомизации персонажей — можно комбинировать классовые истории со способностями других специализация.
- Обновится система создания персонажей.
- Системы сбора предметов и подбора экипировки будут переработаны.
- Максимальный уровень персонажей увеличится до 80.
- Добавятся задания повышенной сложности для совместного прохождения.
- Оптимизируется подход к дизайну классов.
Вместе с релизом дополнения начнется празднование юбилея игры, которое продлится весь 2022-й год — будет множество нового контента, внутриигровые события, обновления и многое другое.
“Seeing Red” Short Story
07.14.2021 Tasked with overseeing the Mandalorians, Jekiah Ordo faces a crisis that threatens to tear the clans apart.
SWTOR In-Game Events for May
04.30.2021 The in-game events happening in Star Wars: The Old Republic for the month of May.
The “Best View In SWTOR” Contest
09.21.2021 Our 10-year anniversary is only a few months away! Join in the celebration by showing us your favorite views in SWTOR.
Behind the Scenes of “Secrets of the Enclave” Flashpoint, Part 2: Story
05.20.2021 We sat down with one of our writers, Caitlin Sullivan Kelly, to discuss writing for SWTOR and the story of our latest “Secrets of the Enclave” Flashpoint.
Cartel Market Additions: Game Update 6.3.2
Now on PTS: First look at the Jedi Guardian Combat Style!
07.09.2021 Announcing the first round of PTS--a high-level overview of the updated Jedi Guardian Combat Style.
Separating Story From Gameplay
08.06.2021 We are bringing more customization to your Star Wars experience in Legacy of the Sith as we expand the gameplay options available with each storyline.
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Galactic Season 1: The Stranger from Kubindi
04.26.2021 The first Galactic Season--The Stranger from Kubindi--is almost here! Players will actively earn rewards by completing Daily and Weekly Priority Objectives.
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