Sword art online hollow realization ultana gold piece как заработать
Предисловие: если вы помните, чем закончилась оригинальная SAO – то забудьте. Сюжет игровой серии пошёл по другой дорожке и не закончился на 75-ом этаже парящей крепости, а пошёл дальше, вплоть до 100-го, из-за чего вся трилогия имеет свою, взаимосвязанную между собой, историю с некоторыми заимствованиями из книжной серии (к примеру – информатора Арго). Многие события развивались по-другому или в иной последовательности, так же появились новые действующие лица.
Связь с первоисточником прояснили. Теперь пора перейти к игре.
Главный герой Кирито и его друзья были приглашены на бета-тест новой VRMMO – Sword Art: Origins, которая во многом напоминает ту самую смертельную игру. Особенностью игры является новая система неигровых персонажей – они ведут себя почти как люди, так же могут ходить в рейды и в целом неплохо походят на своих «живых» виртуальных собратьев. Другое дело, что погибнув «Непись» не возродится у алтаря, а навсегда исчезнет, и вместо него появится уже другой - с иной личностью. Вот такая вот смертельная игра наоборот получается.
История в игре предоставлена в виде визуальной новеллы, катсцен на движке игры и редких CG-видеороликов. Сама по себе в меру интересна, и что хорошо - ко второй половине набирает обороты.
Перед стартом нам дадут возможность создать своего персонажа, но по факту он всё равно будет являться Кирито и никем другим, однако поразвлекаться и вылепить, например, девушку никто не помешает.
Мир игры условно-открытый и поделён на 5 больших зон, открываемых по мере прохождения. Локации внутри зон просторны и не обделены местами интереса: в игре есть «События», вроде схватки с сильным врагом за неплохое вознаграждение, тут и там валяются предметы, такие же игроки идут в рейд (по факту - игровой ИИ весьма неплохо имитирующий жизнь в MMO игре), кузнецы в полевых лагерях куют оружие, и ждут своего часа охраняемые и не очень сундуки.
Гринда и фарма для улучшения экипировки в игре выше крыши, а побочных квестов от других игроков или с доски объявлений вообще сотни. Имитация MMO же! И так же затягивает, сволочь!
Геймплей представляет из себя довольно бодренький hack ‘n’ slash с экшен вкраплениями, MMO-привкусом и занятной прокачкой. Бегаем по миру, рубим в капусту мобов, ходим в рейды на боссов и т. д.
Персонаж прокачивает владение оружием за счёт частого использования и приобретает за особые очки опыта для него приёмы, которые можно будет привязать на 4-ре комбинации кнопок, быстрый вызов или общую панель скиллов. Древо навыков достаточно обширное и подразумевает, что игрок будет пробывать разное вооружение, так как многие навыки, а так же профессии разблокируемые у одного оружия, могут использоваться с другими видами.
Взаимодействие с другими членами группы тоже сделано недурно. С игроком в «пати» могут пойти до 3-ёх человек, которым можно будет раздавать приказы (в атаку, используй навыки, подлечись и т.п.), а так же задавать манеру поведения в бою. Дело в том, что у сопартийцев будут проявляться новые черты характера, которые можно поощрять да бы товарищ понимал, что именно от него и хотят. В результате персонаж с правильно подобранными чертами в купе с профессией будет очень полезным участником рейда.
Так же со всеми персонажами из списка друзей можно флиртовать - от безобидного держания за руку до похода в кровать. В этом случае характерные сцены приготовлены только для основных действующих лиц, однако на эротику не рассчитывайте. Полежали и хватит. Другое дело, что свидания могут неплохо бафнуть сопартийца для грядущего забега.
Сетевой кооператив является тем же самым, что и одиночная игра с разницей лишь в том, что можно настроить сложность повыше (для прокачанных дядек беготня по ранним локациям заиграет новыми красками) и можно перемещаться только по тем местам, что уже открыты - исключая внесюжетные зоны. PvP представляет из себя обычную дуэль на небольшой арене.
Визуально игра выглядит приятно, а некоторые пейзажи и вовсе радуют глаз. Единственное, что может не понравится – обилие спецэффектов в бою. Иногда в замесе можно просто потерять из вида самого себя.
Техническая составляющая порта в целом достойная. Игра идёт хорошо на моей конфигурации, которая значительно уступает минимальным (!) требованиям игры. Небольшая напасть была связана с корректной работой геймпада. Игра в упор не видела Xbox, к счастью в Steam это легко настраивается через Big Picture, причём единоразово. Так же встречаются мелкие баги, вроде застывания игрока на месте, провала врагов за текстуры или их прогрузки на ходу.
На основную историю вместе с побочными сюжетами у меня ушло 45 часов, а ведь ПК-издание так же включает два сюжетных DLC: Warriors of The Sky и Abyss of the Shrine Maiden. Так, что полное прохождение займёт уйму времени.
Не надо говорить, что игра рассчитана на фанатов SAO. Однако если вы хотите поиграть в хорошую JRPG, но совершенно не разбираетесь в том, что здесь происходит, то я бы всё же порекомендовал ознакомиться. В игре есть краткая справка о событиях и персонажах серии.
[Solved]Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Deluxe Edition
Ask about cheats/tables for single player games herePosts: 136 Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:13 pm Reputation: 8
[Solved]Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Deluxe Edition
Post by cdtrico » Fri Oct 27, 2017 8:43 am
If possible I'd like to request a table for this game.
It'd be pretty neat to have all the standard stuff such as infinite health, experience points and the like, it literally just released, so i'm not expecting any instant tables, but I know this game from PS4 and it's amazing and some cheats would really help smooth out the experience.
Steam store page: [Link]
Thanks in advance!
Posts: 166 Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:41 am Reputation: 68
Post by qweasdzxc17 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:37 am
- COL -> 140B6BBE8 (sao_hr.exe+B6BBE8)
- SKillPoints -> 140B15F54 (sao_hr.exe+B15F54)
- No. of 2-hit SSC Performed -> 140B15FC4 (sao_hr.exe+B15FC4)
- XP -> 140B1571C (sao_hr.exe+B1571C)
-> 140B2F06C (sao_hr.exe+B2F06C)
-> 140B2F198 (sao_hr.exe+B2F198)
-> 140B2F2C4 (sao_hr.exe+B2F2C4)
Posts: 166 Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:41 am Reputation: 68
Post by qweasdzxc17 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 11:43 am
The inventory code is surprisingly similar to its vita, older game, aka hollow fragment, counterpart.
The Inventory starts at (sao_hr.exe+B65D80) whereupon there is a three-byte identifier of the item followed by a empty 00 byte followed by the quantity of two bytes followed by 18 00 bytes and then the next item. So for example these are three items in the warehouse
P.S. By inventory, i mean warehouse inventory.
EDIT: Max value of anything in inventory is 9999 (0F 27) at least for things in the others section, code and post changed.
Posts: 136 Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:13 pm Reputation: 8
Post by cdtrico » Fri Oct 27, 2017 11:53 am
Oh,neat, I'm pretty basic in terms of cheating, this helps a lot.Posts: 166 Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:41 am Reputation: 68
Post by qweasdzxc17 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 3:44 pm
Use only on Enhancing and Transforming, any side effects not yet discovered. Best disable when not in use.Posts: 136 Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:13 pm Reputation: 8
Post by cdtrico » Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:09 pm
Use only on Enhancing and Transforming, any side effects not yet discovered. Best disable when not in use.Thanks! It doesn't seem to have any effect at all though for some reason.
Posts: 166 Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:41 am Reputation: 68
Post by qweasdzxc17 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:12 pm
Use only on Enhancing and Transforming, any side effects not yet discovered. Best disable when not in use.Thanks! It doesn't seem to have any effect at all though for some reason. As in no side effect or completely not working at all?
Posts: 136 Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:13 pm Reputation: 8
Post by cdtrico » Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:26 pm
Use only on Enhancing and Transforming, any side effects not yet discovered. Best disable when not in use.Thanks! It doesn't seem to have any effect at all though for some reason. As in no side effect or completely not working at all? Not working at all, the script can be activated, but materials will still be needed and used.
Posts: 166 Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:41 am Reputation: 68
Post by qweasdzxc17 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:31 pm
Thanks! It doesn't seem to have any effect at all though for some reason.
Find any item thats being used for blacksmithing and "Find out what writes to this address" on the quantity.
For example in the Memory viewer ** ** 67 ** 07 2f
Highlight 07 2f and right-click add this address to the list with type 2 bytes then on that address use the find out function.
Is the instruction at the address sao_hr.exe+36B3E0?
EDIT: Should probbaly add that only works for materials in storage.
Posts: 136 Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:13 pm Reputation: 8
Post by cdtrico » Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:42 pm
As in no side effect or completely not working at all?
Not working at all, the script can be activated, but materials will still be needed and used.Find any item thats being used for blacksmithing and "Find out what writes to this address" on the quantity.
For example in the Memory viewer ** ** 67 ** 07 2f
Highlight 07 2f and right-click add this address to the list with type 2 bytes then on that address use the find out function.
Is the instruction at the address sao_hr.exe+36B3E0?
EDIT: Should probbaly add that only works for materials in storage.
Oh, that might've been the reason as I had mats in inventory, I'll farm some more and try it out.
EDIT: Tested it with all mats in storage and they didn't get consumed, although I still needed to have the appropriate amount of said mat before I could attempt, thanks!
Posts: 987 Joined: Fri Mar 03, 2017 5:29 pm Reputation: 98
Post by KS212 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:19 pm
Requesting probably the single most needed cheat for this game: All skill trees unlocked and fully mastered.
Doing this legit and unlocking all the hidden tree is truly hair pulling. Did it on PS4, never EVER doing it again.
Posts: 112 Joined: Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:32 pm Reputation: 3
Post by ReDragonInc » Sat Oct 28, 2017 12:58 am
Requesting probably the single most needed cheat for this game: All skill trees unlocked and fully mastered.
Doing this legit and unlocking all the hidden tree is truly hair pulling. Did it on PS4, never EVER doing it again.
I did it too, but I don't want them unlocked and mastered. Maybe made easier, but definitely not done entirely for me.Posts: 38 Joined: Sat Oct 28, 2017 3:25 am Reputation: 0
Post by xros » Sat Oct 28, 2017 3:32 am
would the addresses from here would be the same as the ps4 version?Posts: 136 Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:13 pm Reputation: 8
Post by cdtrico » Sat Oct 28, 2017 6:36 am
Requesting probably the single most needed cheat for this game: All skill trees unlocked and fully mastered.
Doing this legit and unlocking all the hidden tree is truly hair pulling. Did it on PS4, never EVER doing it again.
I did it too, but I don't want them unlocked and mastered. Maybe made easier, but definitely not done entirely for me. Something like a multiplier option?And yeah, leveling those is a huge pain.
Posts: 166 Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:41 am Reputation: 68
Post by qweasdzxc17 » Sat Oct 28, 2017 9:14 am
SS Mastery is a 2-byte value in the 140****** <-> 141****** reigon and they are grouped close together.
Sword art online hollow realization ultana gold piece как заработать
After buying the game and encountering problems with the Storyline i realized that there are pretty much no written guides or walkthroughs for the game yet. I do realize that it isn't long since the game got released but I wanted to at least put something together. I know my englisch sucks as hell and I'm sorry for that, but u gotta deal with it. I would appreciate any tips and corrections to eventually reach a full, usable guide! :3
I read some of the reviews from other players and just can't resist to give my personal opinion to it.
First of all: The game got Voice-lines, that are, . like showed on the store-site. only available in Japanese! The interface and subtitles are available in most common languages. Thus, if you really can't play without englisch dub, better refund the game now and don't blame the devs but your incompetence to read!
3rd: The categories of the game are first and foremost "Single-player", but also Online Multi-Player and Online Co-op. This doesn't mean its an MMORPG! BUT after you get through the dialogues that could pretty much fill complete manga-chapters and anime-episodes you can enjoy a decent combat-system that reminded me quite a bit of Monster Hunter. After completing the first Region (1 Region consists of multiple areas) you will unlock the Multiplayer-mode. In my opinion this extremely resembles Monster Hunter 'cause u can either just solo the game with your NPC-companions or get some friends to clear the map together!
The game consists of multiple parts, for example after clearing the main storyline you will unlock the DLC-part WotS (Warriors of the Sky). You can transfer your safe-file over (recommended). There are multiple parts where this occurs 'cause there are 3 DLCs in total. For the PC-version of the game all DLCs got implemented, thus "Deluxe Edition", you just have to unlock them while progressing through the game.
The guide is for new players joining the game and ought to be read from the top to the bottom, thus content that gets implemented later or isn't important until you get further into the game won't be explained earlier!
In this section you will find my personal recommendations and explanations about the game. The information you find here doesn't have to be on the mark or the best choice, but it certainly is a good start if you are a casual player in the world of RPGs!
- Heavy Support/Healer: Caring (Selica)
- Tank: Planning (Lizbeth)
- Fighter: Fiery (Asuna)
By the way you trigger the conversation with the same button you start a normal conversation with them. Now right after the conversation starts zoom in (you will trigger actions just spam the button):
So maybe you don't want to part ways of your stylish blackwing coat? Worry no more, here is the solution:
Here you can change the appearance of your equipment. It also works on your allies, so if you have a maid-fetish. ;)
Now for the gear. Like alrdy mentioned at an earlier section of the guide you will get new boots and a coat from Liz after clearing the 2nd region. Thus, you don't have to focus on that parts. You can still exchange the gear for those parts for some better but you shouldn't waste your resources on upgrading them!Now for the stats. It doesn't rly matter which weapon you use or which stats the equipment got at the start. In my opinion the most important stats you need are no negative stats (- VIT) and Health. You can focus on dmg at your weapon, but for all the other gear-parts you should look for anything that gives you a nice health-bonus. This will raise your survivability at the earlier stage of the game extremly! The best example are nearly every youtube-streamer that made a walkthrough. If you watch them fighting bosses they loose 3/4 of life taking 1 hit. With some gear with health-bonus u won't even need to dodge 'cause you got way more life. (for example you start with around 200-300 life, 1 decent gear-part can give you 1.000+ life, the boss-monster at the beginning do
100-150dmg, I think you get what I mean just imagine yourself with 6 items that give 1.000+life for the earlier stage of the game!)
If you go to the Teleport Gate Plaza you can find the "Shady Merchant":
So if you didn't read the tutorial here some information:
- you can buy elixirs from him that will permanently increase a specific stat
- you can only use 200 Elixirs, after that you can still buy them but they won't increase your stats!
- you can use the "Restorative Elixir (stat)" to delete the effect of all elixirs you used on that stat
- deleting/resetting the stat will naturally give you the opportunity to use the same amount of elixirs on another stat
There are 2 chests before the merchant. The stuff you get from them is randomized and will be updated after some progress in the storyline. Until you finish the storyline and reach WotS you won't be able to use the golden chest though.
First of all, I recommend using them for elixirs and getting Odin's Touch / Divine Harbringer.There are also items that require a Paradise Ticket. You get those from fighting any NM in WotS. (you will unlock this later)
To farm Ultana GPs I recommend this method:
But you can also just go for a combo chain, just kill some monsters to raise your bonus-ep. The higher the count, the higher the possibility of obtaining an Ultana GP!
I wasn't sure if i should implement it but i found it a bit hard to find or figure out myself. Further below in the guide in the section "5. Itemdrop locations and more" I linked another guide. I recommend reading the section "SSC combo" in it. It explains how you can chain your sword skills correctly to increase your damage output (the longer the chain the higher the damage-boost like 110%, 120%, 130%). The bonus only applies as long as you can maintain the chain though!
I also want to add another part that I couldn't find in any other guides. Just like the blue stars you can see at the end of your skills there is also a yellow star in your auto-attack combo:
You will also hear a specific sound. If you time it correctly, you can chain a skill on this yellow star that will reduce it's SP-cost by 50! I don't know though if you do more dmg but it is an amazing option to stay on the attack 24/7 unlike just spamming auto-attack which can get you in a vulnerable state where you cant dodge for 1-2 secs (this changes later as u get skills that use more than 50SP as well as complete animation-cancel skills). If you time your chain correctly you will hear a 2nd sound. At this part I want to warn you though, I came to the conclusion that you can be 2 fast so you have to wait at least 0,5 secs after the star shows up before you can successfully chain! This is due 2 the game blocking the command for
1sec if u for example spam the button. Please take note that your auto-attack pattern is different if you use it shortly after dodging as well as moving into a direction while atacking!
Something that I also realized while watching some of the youtube-walkthroughs is that the Parry-skill isn't used much. I rly recommend it for the start cause the monsters attack rly slow so it is easy to time and if you get the hang of it you get 50SP (it costs 50 and gives 100 for blocking) and also stuns your target. Another command is "Switch" that can be found in the sub-palette that can be used for animation cancel, stuns most enemies and also lets you back off a bit from them for no SP! Also your selected partner will jump in and deal quite some dmg so it is a skill you should always use especially cause if it succeds u get a skill connect which results in ur enemy falling into a weakend state and ur abilities getting an insanely high dmg-boost. You also have the "Dodge"-command in your sub-palette to get your companions out of enemy-attacks, even though u won't rly use this one later anyway (u need the space for skills) - except Switch which will stay quite some time.
Another command that can be hard to use at the beginning is "Use Skills!" from the sub-palette. Your teammates will chain their skills and after they are finished the last one of the chain will call your name. For this part you can just spam a combo-skill but it is essential that it is aregarded as a "Combo Attack". You can check that over the skill tree though the weakened skill you use at the end of your auto-attack pattern is a combo-attack as default, but I can't recommend to count on it cause the time it takes to execute your full auto-attack pattern (that can be interrupted by the enemy) can be 2 long to trigger the chain-bonus and thus results in the skill-chain to fail. If you succeed, your companions will say that you did a great job (all at the same time) - yes, this is the same thing that happens if u use the command "Switch!". The only difference is that "Switch!" also works as a free animation-cancel and has a high chance 2 stun ur enemy if it's charging an attack.
While watching some walkthroughs on youtube I came to the conclusion that most guys don't focus in the tutorial or forget some of the most important commands to make this game quite easy!
Just to be on the safe side here a rly short table for the (in my opinion) most important commands that you will use troughout the game:
Sword art online hollow realization ultana gold piece как заработать
В Сторе есть бесплатное DLC, которое даёт 50 Insectoid Golden Wings и 10 Saurian Dragonscales. Что значительно упрощает крафт легендарки первого типа (Dragonscale путь) и избавляет от фарма пчёл.
При успешном или неудачном крафте любой NPC может вернуть все затраченные ресурсы. Вероятность возврата зависит от стата Recycle. Если планируете делать больше одной легендарки, оптимально будет воспользоваться перезагрузкой, если по результату ресурс не вернули.
Ресы, необходимые для легендарок передавать нельзя.
Самая быстрая цепочка для получения легендарного оружия (если вы используете Dlc):
Base Weapon > Aetherial Ore x1 >Murmurstone x50 > Golden Insectoid Wings x50 > Adamantite Ore x10 >Luxurian Ore x30 > Dark Crystal x1 > Spectral Impure Soul x5 > Legendary Weapon.
Второй вариант. Оружие получается немного сильнее, но ресурсы уже придётся выбивать:
Base Weapon > Aetherial Ore x1 >Murmurstone x50 > Golden Insectoid Wings x50 > Adamantite Ore x10 >Luxurian Ore x30 > Dark Crystal x1 > Spectral Impure Soul x5 > Legendary Weapon
Третий вариант. Это самая сильная форма легендарки, но и чтобы достать ресурсы придётся попотеть. Шанс выпадения ресурсов очень маленький:
Base Weapon > Aetherial Ore x1 >Murmurstone x50 > Golden Insectoid Wings x50 > Adamantite Ore x10 >Luxurian Ore x30 > Blackguard’s Amethyst x100 > Demonic Remains x10 > Saurian Dragonjaw x20 > Crystal of Light x10 > Tainted Crystal x30 > Legendary Weapon
Названия необходимого оружия и где его искать:
1H Sword
Base Weapon: Final Espada
Where Found: Oltrum Bastion: Illial Temple: Barracks - NM: Legendary Fencer
Base Weapon: Prima Sabre
Where Found: Oltrum Bastion: Oltrum Bastion: Flail - NM: Beetle Queen
Base Weapon: Moonstruck Saber
Where Found: Oltrum Bastion: Oltrum Bastion: Cordia - NM: The Slime Twins
Base Weapon: Hated Razor
Where Found: Oltrum Bastion: Illial Temple: Sage Hall - NM: The Blade of Destiny
1H Club
Base Weapon: Lunatic Press
Where Found: Oltrum Bastion: Oltrum Bastion: Medius - NM: Perpetual War Machine
Base Weapon: Matamon the Bone-Eater
Where Found: Oltrum Bastion: Illial Temple: Sage Hall - Reward Chest from completing ALL green Event Fragments
2H Sword
Base Weapon: Matter Dissolver
Where Found: Oltrum Bastion: Illial Temple: Lift - NM: Sanctuary Soul
2H Axe
Base Weapon: Bardiche
Where Found: Oltrum Bastion: Oltrum Bastion: Flail - Reward Chest from completing ALL green Event Fragments
Base Weapon: Heart Piercer
Where Found: Oltrum Bastion: Cordia - Reward Chest from completing all green Event Fragments. Rainy weather required for one of them. TIP: Teleport to Cordia from within Cordia to force spawn the crab event in the NW
FearLess Cheat Engine
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