Surge pricing что это
surge — ▪ I. surge surge 1 [sɜːdʒ ǁ sɜːrdʒ] verb [intransitive] to increase suddenly: • Stock prices surged in early trading. • Demand in the market for middle and top range cars surged by over 100%. • Surging … Financial and business terms
surge — surge1 [ sɜrdʒ ] verb intransitive 1. ) if a crowd of people surges, they all move forward together very quickly: The crowd surged forward toward the police. a ) to move forward as a large mass very quickly: The flood water surged down the little … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
price surge
surge — ▪ I. surge surge 1 [sɜːdʒ ǁ sɜːrdʒ] verb [intransitive] to increase suddenly: • Stock prices surged in early trading. • Demand in the market for middle and top range cars surged by over 100%. • Surging … Financial and business terms
surge — surge1 [ sɜrdʒ ] verb intransitive 1. ) if a crowd of people surges, they all move forward together very quickly: The crowd surged forward toward the police. a ) to move forward as a large mass very quickly: The flood water surged down the little … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
price surge
surge — ▪ I. surge surge 1 [sɜːdʒ ǁ sɜːrdʒ] verb [intransitive] to increase suddenly: • Stock prices surged in early trading. • Demand in the market for middle and top range cars surged by over 100%. • Surging … Financial and business terms
surge — surge1 [ sɜrdʒ ] verb intransitive 1. ) if a crowd of people surges, they all move forward together very quickly: The crowd surged forward toward the police. a ) to move forward as a large mass very quickly: The flood water surged down the little … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
(I had to look it up)
Surge pricing:
"The practice of charging more for a product or service during periods when it is in high demand"
Basically, it's waiting until high demand to increase the price.
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Surge pricing что это
(I had to look it up)
Surge pricing:
"The practice of charging more for a product or service during periods when it is in high demand"
Basically, it's waiting until high demand to increase the price.
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