Stuck in the middle tv series сколько лет
- Шридхар Соланки
- Сидх Соланки
- Мария Кристенсен
- International Donut Fund Productions
- Horizon Productions
«Застрял посередине» - американский семейный комедийный телесериал, разработанный Элисон Браун и Линдой Видетти Фигейредо и созданный Элисон Браун, который транслировался на канале Disney с 14 февраля 2016 года по 23 июля 2018 года. В сериале снимались Дженна Ортега , Ронни Хок , Исаак. Пресли, Ариана Гринблатт, Кайла Мезонет , Николас Бехтель, Малачи Бартон, Серина Винсент и Джо Ньевес. В дополнение к обычным эпизодам сериала 16 декабря 2016 года также было показано шесть короткометражных фильмов.
- 1 Помещение
- 2 эпизода
- 3 Актеры и персонажи
- 3.1 Основные
- 3.2 Повторяющиеся
- 3.3 Примечания
- 4 Производство
- 5 Трансляция
- 6 Прием
- 6.1 Рейтинги
- 6.2 Награды и номинации
- 7 ссылки
- 8 Внешние ссылки
Действие сериала происходит в штате Массачусетс , в вымышленном городе Маршпорт, где рассказывается история семьи Диас, причем особое внимание уделяется Харли, среднему из семи детей. Харли находит способ, используя свой творческий потенциал, чтобы жить в большой семье.
Время года | Эпизоды | Первоначально в эфире | |||
Первый эфир | Последний эфир | ||||
1 | 17 | 14 февраля 2016 г. ( 2016-02-14 ) | 22 июля 2016 г. ( 2016-07-22 ) | ||
2 | 20 | 3 февраля 2017 г. ( 2017-02-03 ) | 27 октября 2017 г. ( 2017-10-27 ) | ||
3 | 20 | 8 декабря 2017 г. ( 2017-12-08 ) | 23 июля 2018 г. ( 2018-07-23 ) |
Актеры и персонажи
- Дженна Ортега в роли Харли Диаса, средней из семи детей и юного вундеркинда. Она является центральным персонажем сериала и считает себя изобретателем. Некоторые из ее известных изобретений - это ленточный конвейер, Slushinator, Skate Kite, Pick-Me-Up и снегоуборочная машина. В " Застрявшем в сладком сиденье " выясняется, что ей исполнилось 13 лет. Важной особенностью является то, что она имеет тенденцию ломать четвертую стену, чтобы что-то рассказать зрителям о ситуации.
- Ронни Хок в роли Рэйчел Диаз (сезоны 1-2; специальный гость, сезон 3), старшей из семи детей и тщеславной старшей сестры Харли. В « Застрявшей без правил » выясняется, что ей 16. В эпизоде третьего сезона « Застрявшая с секретом Рэйчел» Рэйчел покидает семью, чтобы поступить в колледж в Париже, Франция, во время стажировки в модной компании. Она возвращается в финале сериала, чтобы помочь семье отпраздновать кинсеаньеру Харли .
- Исаак Пресли в роли Итана Диаза, старшего брата Харли и ее соучастника; она называет его своим лучшим другом в семье. Он начинающий музыкант и режиссер. В "Stuck in the Sweet Seat" выясняется, что он третий по возрасту из семи, после Рэйчел и Джорджи.
- Ариана Гринблатт в роли Дафны Диаз, младшей из семи детей и младшей сестры Харли. Она любит пить чай со своими куклами и спит в кукольном домике. В «Не придерживаясь правил» выясняется, что Дафна может легко отомстить любому, кто отнимет у нее вещи, не получив ее предварительного одобрения.
- Кайла Мезонет в роли Джорджи Диаз, одной из старших сестер Харли и второй по старшинству из семи, как показано в «Застрявшем в сладком сиденье». Она занимается баскетболом в своей школе и занимается другими видами спорта.
- Николас Бехтель в роли Леви Диаса, одного из двух младших братьев Харли и близнеца Зверя. В « Застрявшем в вечеринке дня зверя» выясняется, что Льюи старше Зверя на пять минут.
- Малачи Бартон в роли Зверя Диаса, одного из двух младших братьев Харли и близнеца Леви.
- Серина Винсент в роли Сьюзи Диаз, причудливой матери Харли, которая редко проводит время в одиночестве со своими детьми и склонна проводить его в самых неожиданных местах. Сьюзи обычно наказывает детей за то, что они заземлили их, и даже поместили их в изоляцию за более серьезные нарушения.
- Джо Нивес в роли Тома Диаса, отца Харли, который является владельцем магазина для яхт под названием «Tom's Bait and Bite», в котором продается снаряжение для кемпинга и рыбной ловли. Несмотря на то, что он любящий и заботливый отец, он, как правило, расстраивается, когда дети в чем-то его подводят.
- Лорен Причард в роли Бетани Питерс, соседки семьи Диас, которая регулярно критикует Сьюзи и Том за то, что они воспитывают своих детей, и часто раздражается выходками Льюи и Чудовища. Она защищает свою дочь Элли, которой никогда не позволяет повеселиться, как это видно из « Вечеринки, застрявшей в блоке ».
- Лулу Ламброс в роли Элли Питерс, дочери Бетани и лучшей подруги Харли, которая входит в ту же баскетбольную команду, что и Джорджи. В « Застрявшей в комете Харлея » выясняется, что Элли боится высоты, темноты и птиц. В « Застрявшей с плохим влиянием » Элли отправляет мать в школу-интернат под названием Radistone Academy.
- Бретт Пирс в роли Каффа (сезон 1), безответственного подростка, парня Рэйчел, которого не любит Том. Когда Кафф ненадолго работает над «Приманкой и укусом Тома» в « Застрял с парнем моей сестры », выясняется, что его настоящее имя - Уоррен. Хотя в основном в первом сезоне, он также появляется в эпизоде третьего сезона « Застрял в загадочном ограблении », где это подтверждает, что он и Рэйчел расстались.
- Джошуа Бассетт - Эйдан (3 сезон), племянник Бетани Питерс и двоюродная сестра Элли. Он опытный игрок в лакросс и имеет тенденцию раздражать Харли. Эйдан остается с Бетани, пока его отец в отъезде. Он становится парнем Харли в эпизоде «Stuck Wrestling Feelings», и они все еще вместе, когда сериал заканчивается.
Производство сериала началось в ноябре 2015 года. 15 июня 2016 года канал Disney продлил второй сезон « Застрявшие посередине» на второй сезон. 31 августа 2017 года канал Disney продлил сериал на третий сезон. 30 марта 2018 года - Disney. Канал объявил, что сериал закончится через три сезона.
Предварительный просмотр фильма « Застрявший в середине» был показан на канале Disney 14 февраля 2016 года. Позже сериал был выпущен на каналах Watch Disney Channel и Disney Channel on Demand 15 февраля 2016 года. Сериал начал регулярно выходить в эфир 11 марта 2016 года. Сезон завершился 22 июля 2016 года. Премьера второго сезона состоялась 3 февраля 2017 года и завершилась 27 октября 2017 года. Премьера третьего сезона состоялась 8 декабря 2017 года и завершилась 23 июля 2018 года.
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The show is rather unusual compared to other Disney Channel Kid Coms. Unlike other shows on the channel, it is a single-camera sitcom with no Laugh Track, the first since Jonas in 2009. Furthermore, the set of the house is much messier than most other homes, and there is a substantial amount of Parental Bonuses. It's also one of the few of their sitcoms not to be produced by It's A Laugh Productions.
The show ended on July 23, 2018, after three full seasons.
The series shows examples of the following tropes:
- Absentee Actor:
- Ethan was absent for four episodes in Season 3.
- Daphne was absent for three episodes in Season 1, four episodes in Season 2 and five episodes in Season 3.
- Georgie was absent for three episodes in Season 1, three episodes in Season 2 and four episodes in Season 3.
- Lewie was absent for three episodes in Season 1, four episodes in Season 2 and 3.
- Beast was absent for three episodes in Season 1, four episodes in Season 2 and 3.
- Suzy was absent for three episodes in Season 1, five episodes in Season 2 and four episodes in Season 3.
- Tom was absent for three episodes in Season 1, four episodes in Season 2 and four episodes in Season 3.
- Accidental Pervert: In one episode, Ethan has a camera pointing right at the entrance to the women's restroom, leading to many people giving him strange looks. However, he's just waiting to shoot a short film with his older sister, who is primping in the restroom (too long, much to his dismay).
- Acquired Situational Narcissism: When Georgie becomes the star of the golf team because of one of Harley's inventions .
- Alpha Bitch: Rachel has this down pat, being arrogant, stuck-up and is the leader of her circle of friends known as "The Squad".
- Ambiguous Disorder: Some of Georgie's behavior suggests she could be somewhere on the autism spectrum.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Daphne seems to be fairly annoying to the older kids, which makes sense since she's also the youngest of 7 kids. The twins, Louie and Beast, also seem to be annoying, possibly even moreso than Daphne, but this is mostly when they are apart from one another.
- The Baby of the Bunch: Daphne, the youngest of the seven kids.
- Back for the Finale: Rachael comes back in the final episode to save the day when preparations for Harley's quinceañera go wrong.
- Bad Liar: Harley loses the ability to lie in the episode where Georgie joins the golf team, while Georgie is shown to usually be bad at lying.
- Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The oldest three girls, with Rachel as the Beauty, Harley as the Brains, and Georgie as the Brawn.
- Big Sister Mentor: In one episode, Rachel teaches Daphne how to be a star.
- Birthday Episode:
- "Stuck in the Sweet Seat" is set on Harley's 13th birthday.
- "Stuck in the Quinceañera" for Georgie.
- "Stuck in Dad's Birthday" for Tom.
- The Grand Finale "Stuck in Harley's Quinceañera" for Harley again.
- Bittersweet Ending:
- "Stuck in Lockdown" ends with all the siblings grounded and making the best of it.
- A really emotional one occurs in Stuck With Rachels Secret; Rachel leaves her family to attend a fashion program overseas, leaving the rest of the family missing her and arent ready to take over her big sister role yet.
- Book-Ends: The second episode has Harley celebrate her thirteenth birthday. The Grand Finale revolves around her quinceañera.
- Bratty Half-Pint: In one episode Daphne takes a ride in the laundry basket pulley system that Harley created for chores only, then pulls a crying fit when their mother comes to investigate. She blames it on Harley, who gets grounded. Daphne comes around by the end of the episode where she tries to lie to save Harley from getting busted.
- Call-Back: In Stuck in a Gold Medal Performance when Georgie says to Suzy and Tom that the Diaz family isn't a traditional Hispanic family at all, Suzy defends themselves by saying how the family kept a Quinceañera for Georgie going during a hurricane in the episode Stuck in the Quinceañera.
- Casting Gag: All of the main actors on the show are Hispanic, and the family they play is Hispanic on the show.
- Character Development: In the earlier episodes, the older kids and Harley seem to be highly annoyed by the youngest three, but over the course of the season they start getting along much better, and they're basically all shown to have had at least one positive interaction with a child from the younger set (with the most prominent being Ethan and the twins, or Rachel and Daphne).
- Christmas Episode: "Stuck at Christmas"
- Clip Show: Stuck in the Diaz Awards has the family celebrate the annual family award show while recalling memories from the past two seasons.
- Cool Big Sis: Georgie, Ethan, and even Harley spend a fair amount of time interacting with all of their younger siblings. Also, although Rachel initially seems like an Aloof Big Sister, she later starts to interact with the younger children as well as the older ones.
- Daddy Issues: Aidan is often frustrated because his father keeps canceling on him. Harley later helps them learn to communicate better in ". Perfect Gift."
- Daddy's Girl: Harley seems to be the closest child to her father.
- Elmuh Fudd Syndwome: Daphne seems to have difficulty pronouncing her R's. This is a trait that might disappear as she grows older.
- Executive Meddling: In-universe, in "Stuck in the Diaz of Our Lives" the producers force a lot of changes while filming to make the Diaz family less like reality. They dismiss Harley's invention while making her change into a pink outfit, force the boys to sing as backup to an animated raccoon, to the twins' disgust, and pit Georgie and Rachel against each other as Rachel spreads embarrassing secrets about the family. Daphne's the only one who doesn't want out of the contract.
- Failed a Spot Check: Harley mentions that she ought to have realized the reality show about the quintuplets was faked with two of the so-called siblings calling their mother "Aunt Jess".
- The Fashionista: Rachel.
- Foe Yay: Harley and Aidan. After weeks of heated tension between Harley and Aidan, they develop from enemies to lovers.
- Foreshadowing: In "Stuck in the Diaz of Our Lives" the reality show producers mention that a previous show got cancelled due to a scandal about the star quintuplets actually being triplets and two cousins. When the producers start to film the Diazes as part of a new reality show, they invoke Executive Meddling that makes the entire family except Daphne miserable.
- Forgotten Birthday: What sets up the plot for "Stuck in the Sweet Seat". The Diazes forget Harley's birthday and she plots to use their guilt to get the best seat in the car.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Harley is a amateur inventor and is very skilled at tinkering with things.
- Genki Girl: Harley, very much.
- Halloween Episode: "Stuck in a Merry Scary"
- Heroic Sacrifice: Harley has to make it through an entire day of school without getting detention in order to get a much desired indoor skydiving session. When she sees a substitute teacher who despises the Diaz children and is known for giving them detentions for that reason, Ellie takes over Harley's identity for the day to ensure all the hostility is directed towards her. Naturally, Hilarity Ensues. It also happened to be Picture Day.
- Huddle Shot: The Diazes have one together in "Stuck at Christmas".
- Hypocrite: In Lockdown, Harley accuses Daphne for manipulating their parents into getting what she wants at Harley's and their older siblings' expense, but in "Stuck In Harley's Comet", Harley had no qualms doing the same thing to her dad at the expense of Rachel.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Every episode title starts with "Stuck in/with/at".
- It's All About Me: In Harley's birthday episode, Harley sums it up perfectly: "Rachel is all about Rachel."
- Imposter Forgot One Detail: When Rachel receives a red light traffic infraction notice, she sets up an elaborate scheme to trick Suzy into thinking she was the one ticketed. To really sell the idea, Rachel "finds" the coffee cup from the infraction photo in the car with Suzy written on it. After Rachel leaves, Suzy smirks while examining the coffee cup. She later reveals to Rachel whenever she orders coffee, she does so using the name Celeste for her own personal amusement.
- Indestructible Edible: The fruitcake given to the Diaz family every year by their abuela. Usually discarded unwrapped and uneaten as soon as it arrives. Harley notes that consuming it will result in significant digestive complications.
- Jerkass Realization: Harley when Daphne wants to sell their hula hoop because they haven't played with it in years, and that Harley has been ignoring her little sister.
- The Klutz: Georgie, despite being a basketball player, is pretty uncoordinated at times.
- The Leader: In most situations, everyone in the family (yes, including the parents) count on Harley to call the shots.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: With her to-camera monologues, Harley does this often.
- When the family becomes the subject of a reality tv show, Harley freezes up while looking at the interview camera when requested to talk to it. Then she turns to the show camera and says "I'm not sure if I can do this whole talking to camera thing".
- Massively Numbered Siblings: 7 kids in one family.
- Middle Child Syndrome: Harley is the middle sibling with three older and three younger siblings.
- Miss Fanservice: Rachel.
- My Beloved Smother: Ms. Peters with regards to her only daughter, Ellie.
- Nosy Neighbor: Bethany Peters, who loathes the family, is always on the lookout for their mischief.
- Only Child Syndrome: Harley's best friend, Ellie, is an only child and also has a very overprotective mother.
- Parental Obliviousness: Played straight in "Stuck with a Guy on the Couch" where the kids rent their living room to a foreign exchange student for a couple days in their home without their parents figuring it out.
- Subverted multiple times like in "Stuck with No Rules", ". Bad Influence" and ". New Friend" where the parents figure out what the kids are up to but play along to see how far the kids will go.
- Phoneaholic Teenager: Rachel spends most of her rather limited screentime on her phone or at in front of a screen.
- Put on a Bus:
- At the end of Stuck with a Bad Influence, Harleys friend Ellie is sent to a boarding school called Radistone Academy.
- In Stuck With Rachels Secret, Rachel leaves the Diaz family to attend college in Paris, France.
- Rounded Character: Despite being the toughest and the meanest Diaz, Daphne has also been shown to be sentimental and vulnerable in multiple episodes including "Stuck in the Dark, ". Lockdown", " and ". Dangerous House."
- Harley, the de facto hero is often shown to be a rule breaker, manipulative, pushy and sometimes mean. Many of her plots involve Harley manipulating other people including her family to do what she wants.
- Aidan is introduced as Harley's annoying neighbor but develops to a character with a lot of depth and Daddy Issues.
- "Shaggy Dog" Story: In Stuck In the Sweet Seat, Suzy apologizes to Harley for forgetting her birthday and gives her the best seat in the car as a present. but it turns out she wont be getting it for another four years (when she turns 17).
- Show Within a Show: There are several shows, the most recurring ones being:
- Dancing With My Dad - dancing competition show featuring fathers dancing with their daughters. The Diazes eventually become contestants in "Stuck Dancing with My Dad."
- Dance Dads - show about dads whose daughters dance; parody of Dance Moms.
- Man vs Dumpster - Lewie and Beast's favorite show about Dumpster Jack who eats food from dumpsters.
- Shouty Housewives of New England - Rachel's favorite reality show, a parody of shows like Real Housewives of New Jersey
- Smelly Skunk: At the very end of the episode "Stuck in the Slushinator" when a skunks sprays the whole family which the camera took the picture.
- Take That!: In "Stuck in the Diaz of Our Lives" the reference to the quintuplets show being cancelled over a scandal is a dig at 19 Kids and Counting being cancelled on TLC, though the latter case had less family-friendly reasons.
- Tempting Fate: In "Stuck at Christmas" as everyone is in their bus to Abuela's:
Something New
The beloved sitcom Malcolm in the Middle gave fans 151 episodes over its 7 season run but these 15 ranked above the rest, according to IMDb.
Much loved sitcom Malcolm in the Middle might have had one of the most dysfunctional families to ever appear on television. Told from Malcolm’s point of view for most of its 150 episodes, the series followed four (and later five) brothers as they fought for dominance in their suburban household. In reality, their mother was in control of everything.
For seven seasons, Lois did her best to plan every aspect of her children’s lives, but she couldn’t plan out every best episode. According to the IMDb, these 10 episodes rank as the best of the series. Ranging from an 8.5 to a 9.3 out of 10 stars, all of them beat out the eight star average for the series as a whole.
Updated on December 23rd, 2020 by Kristen Palamara: Malcolm in the Middle has stayed a popular sitcom even after being off the air for almost 15 years. People still love the show and there are talks of a possible revival happening showing that everyone still loves the show and would love to see the great cast return to these characters. The Wilkerson family has stuck with viewers for years, here are the top-rated episodes from the series!
15 Pilot S1E01 - 8.4
The pilot episode of the series introduces the whole Wilkerson family and focuses on Malcolm, the middle son, as he narrates the entire episode like the rest of the series.
It's revealed in the first episode that Malcolm has a genius-level IQ so he's moved into a special class, the Krelboyne class, that is full of other genius kids like himself. Malcolm has a difficult time adjusting during the pilot.
14 Lois's Birthday S2E03 - 8.4
This episode sees Lois's disastrous birthday as she gives each of the kids $10 to give her a present and instead they all pool it together to buy something else for themselves.
Her husband, Hal, also forgets her birthday, which of course makes things even worse. Lois escapes the family to let off some steam at the batting cages, but the family tries their best to make it up to her while Francis brings home a new girlfriend.
13 Evacuation S2E24 - 8.4
Hal attempts to take the family's old couch to the dump, but accidentally loses it on the trip and causes a train accident that affects the entire town. Hal tries to make it up to everyone to no avail at first while his kids get into trouble.
Dewey tries to make everyone believe that he's an orphan while Reese starts a black market system and Malcolm is grounded. There's also a storyline where Francis goes on a completely unique double date.
12 Red Dress S1E02 - 8.4
Only the second episode, “Red Dress” happened to be the most-watched episodes of the first season when it aired. It’s not a perfect episode, but it’s a great snapshot of what the show had in store. Lois and Hal are supposed to celebrate their anniversary. While Hal waits at the restaurant, Lois finds her perfect red dress burned in the bathroom.
So sure that one of the boys did it, she spends the entire night punishing them instead of going to dinner. For their part, Malcolm and Reese call their older brother Francis for help dealing with her. Of course, it was Hal who accidentally ruined the dress, though no one finds that out. The war between Lois and her sons, while Hal is oblivious, and Francis off on his own adventure is a template for the entire run of the show.
11 New Neighbors S2E13 - 8.4
For once in the series, the hostility and backstabbing isn’t directed at one another but instead, outside the family. When “New Neighbors” move in, almost all the members of Malcolm’s family have new enemies.
The kids and the moms can’t stand one another and continually make one another’s lives miserable. Hal, however, makes friends with the new dad. The two have to keep their friendship a secret from everyone in a twist on a clandestine affair. The story could have made for a great recurring theme in the series, but the new family left town by the end of the episode when one of their secrets came to light.
10 Krelboyne Picnic S1E08 - 8.5
Malcolm has to attend a picnic for his new class of geniuses and he doesn't want to embarrass himself when he has to put on an act with the other kids.
Eldest brother Francis is home for the weekend and agrees to help Malcolm get out of it, that is until he meets a girl at the picnic and forgets the plan. Lois tries to fit in with the other genius kid's parents and has a difficult time while Hal breaks the no meat rule by serving some barbeque.
9 Reese Joins The Army Part 2 S5E22 - 8.5
Reese is one of the show's biggest troublemakers and shows this during this two-part episode where he runs away to join the army after his girlfriend cheats on him with his younger brother Malcolm. Chaos ensues as Reese gets himself and his team captured during their training exercises and the secondary plot continues.
The first part saw Hal arrested for possible criminal activity at his job and the evidence keeps piling up against him as this episode shows Hal on trial.
8 If Boys Were Girls S4E10 - 8.6
It wouldn’t be a sitcom without a wish-fulfillment episode, would it? Here, it’s Lois who imagines a new world that the fans get to watch play out. After a stressful trip to the mall with her sons, Lois wonders what it would have been like to have daughters instead.
What she imagines reveals that her daughters might not have been physically destructive, but they’d become even more emotionally manipulative than the boys she’s raising. It’s an interesting window into Lois’ imagination, especially considering she still hopes she’s going to have a daughter at the end of the episode.
7 Rollerskates S1E13 - 8.6
This season one episode reversed a bit of the usual dynamic. While Hal was often unaware of what activities the boys got up to, this time he was responsible for punishing Malcolm. Tired of running during hockey games, Malcolm decides to ask his father to teach him to skate. His temper gets the better of him during lessons, leading him to yell at Hal and use a curse word.
Lois has no time to deal with it, despite Hal asking for help, because she injured her back and Reese has been slipping medicine into her drinks to keep her calm. Hal eventually comes up with a creative way to get Malcolm to understand his actions - making him recite insults and curse words directly to his father. The episode is a nice change from the norm and demonstrates that Hal isn’t so hapless, while Malcolm gets to best Reese at a sport.
6 Traffic Jam S2E01 - 8.6
While on the way home from a water park, the family ends up stuck in a massive traffic jam. Hal lets a car pass them, and that car ends up in an accident that brings all traffic to a standstill. As a result of the accident, Lois spends her time yelling at officials trying to do their jobs, Hal freaks out that it could have been their car, Malcolm develops a crush on a girl stuck in traffic as well, and Reese goes to war with an ice cream vendor.
If all that wasn’t enough to entertain the audience, Dewey’s on his own adventure home. There is so much to keep the audience laughing that it isn’t surprising it ranks as one of the best episodes of the series.
5 Family Reunion S4E03 - 8.7
As miserable as Lois typically makes her boys, they’re still family. In “Family Reunion”, the audience gets to see what happens when the boys decide to be on the same side as Lois.
The family attends a reunion of Hal’s side of the family. While there, Lois is treated horribly by Hal’s father and everyone else. They dislike her because she doesn’t have as much money as them - or at least, that’s their excuse to ridicule Lois and keep her from the family photo. Her sons unite to terrorize the adults assembled at the reunion in revenge.
4 Water Park S1E16 - 8.7
Season one ended with a family trip. Lois, Hal, Reese, and Malcolm went to a water park for a day of fun in the sun. Of course, because it’s Malcolm in the Middle , the day doesn’t go as planned. Hal and Lois just want to be young and carefree again, so they sneak some adult beverages into the park, intending to spend some time away from the kids.
Malcolm and Reese, however, ruin that by attempting to pull pranks on one another. The bright spot in the episode might be Bea Arthur’s guest-starring appearance. She plays the woman babysitting Dewey while he’s home with an ear infection. Golden Girls fans loved seeing her back on TV.
3 Lois Strikes Back S7E16 - 8.8
Though Lois usually spends her time trying to discipline her sons, in season seven, a surprising turn of events had her on the side of at least one of them.
In “Lois Strikes Back,” Reese is the target of a prank by several girls at school. When Reese becomes depressed, Lois decides to get revenge for him. Only Malcolm figures out she’s the one making the girls’ lives miserable, and he attempts to stop her. It’s unsettling to see a mother of five picking on teenage girls, but perhaps fans like it so much because it’s one of Emma Stone’s earlier roles.
2 Graduation S7E22 - 9.1
The series finale keeps all of the tropes of Malcolm In The Middle in place. As Malcolm and Reese graduate from high school, they’re in for life changes, but the more things change, the more they stay the same. Both Reese and Francis find new paths in life, but they keep them from Lois so they can pursue their happiness without interference.
It’s a lesson Malcolm probably should have learned by this episode. He would have received an offer for his dream job, but his mother turns it down on his behalf, leaving him to put himself through college because the family can’t afford to pay for it. As usual, Lois finds a way to make Malcolm’s life more difficult. Also, as usual, Malcolm finds a way to keep going in spite of her.
1 Bowling S2E20 - 9.3
The top episode of Malcolm in the Middle comes from early in the run. Near the end of the second season, the writers took a creative risk with an episode fans clearly loved.
“Bowling” sees Malcolm and Reese go, you guessed it, bowling in a Sliding Doors style set up. The audience gets to see what would happen if Lois took them, but also what would happen if Hal took them. The episode highlights their different parenting styles incredibly well and demonstrates that no matter what, Malcolm and Reese never get exactly what they want.
Something New
The beloved sitcom Malcolm in the Middle gave fans 151 episodes over its 7 season run but these 15 ranked above the rest, according to IMDb.
Much loved sitcom Malcolm in the Middle might have had one of the most dysfunctional families to ever appear on television. Told from Malcolm’s point of view for most of its 150 episodes, the series followed four (and later five) brothers as they fought for dominance in their suburban household. In reality, their mother was in control of everything.
For seven seasons, Lois did her best to plan every aspect of her children’s lives, but she couldn’t plan out every best episode. According to the IMDb, these 10 episodes rank as the best of the series. Ranging from an 8.5 to a 9.3 out of 10 stars, all of them beat out the eight star average for the series as a whole.
Updated on December 23rd, 2020 by Kristen Palamara: Malcolm in the Middle has stayed a popular sitcom even after being off the air for almost 15 years. People still love the show and there are talks of a possible revival happening showing that everyone still loves the show and would love to see the great cast return to these characters. The Wilkerson family has stuck with viewers for years, here are the top-rated episodes from the series!
15 Pilot S1E01 - 8.4
The pilot episode of the series introduces the whole Wilkerson family and focuses on Malcolm, the middle son, as he narrates the entire episode like the rest of the series.
It's revealed in the first episode that Malcolm has a genius-level IQ so he's moved into a special class, the Krelboyne class, that is full of other genius kids like himself. Malcolm has a difficult time adjusting during the pilot.
14 Lois's Birthday S2E03 - 8.4
This episode sees Lois's disastrous birthday as she gives each of the kids $10 to give her a present and instead they all pool it together to buy something else for themselves.
Her husband, Hal, also forgets her birthday, which of course makes things even worse. Lois escapes the family to let off some steam at the batting cages, but the family tries their best to make it up to her while Francis brings home a new girlfriend.
13 Evacuation S2E24 - 8.4
Hal attempts to take the family's old couch to the dump, but accidentally loses it on the trip and causes a train accident that affects the entire town. Hal tries to make it up to everyone to no avail at first while his kids get into trouble.
Dewey tries to make everyone believe that he's an orphan while Reese starts a black market system and Malcolm is grounded. There's also a storyline where Francis goes on a completely unique double date.
12 Red Dress S1E02 - 8.4
Only the second episode, “Red Dress” happened to be the most-watched episodes of the first season when it aired. It’s not a perfect episode, but it’s a great snapshot of what the show had in store. Lois and Hal are supposed to celebrate their anniversary. While Hal waits at the restaurant, Lois finds her perfect red dress burned in the bathroom.
So sure that one of the boys did it, she spends the entire night punishing them instead of going to dinner. For their part, Malcolm and Reese call their older brother Francis for help dealing with her. Of course, it was Hal who accidentally ruined the dress, though no one finds that out. The war between Lois and her sons, while Hal is oblivious, and Francis off on his own adventure is a template for the entire run of the show.
11 New Neighbors S2E13 - 8.4
For once in the series, the hostility and backstabbing isn’t directed at one another but instead, outside the family. When “New Neighbors” move in, almost all the members of Malcolm’s family have new enemies.
The kids and the moms can’t stand one another and continually make one another’s lives miserable. Hal, however, makes friends with the new dad. The two have to keep their friendship a secret from everyone in a twist on a clandestine affair. The story could have made for a great recurring theme in the series, but the new family left town by the end of the episode when one of their secrets came to light.
10 Krelboyne Picnic S1E08 - 8.5
Malcolm has to attend a picnic for his new class of geniuses and he doesn't want to embarrass himself when he has to put on an act with the other kids.
Eldest brother Francis is home for the weekend and agrees to help Malcolm get out of it, that is until he meets a girl at the picnic and forgets the plan. Lois tries to fit in with the other genius kid's parents and has a difficult time while Hal breaks the no meat rule by serving some barbeque.
9 Reese Joins The Army Part 2 S5E22 - 8.5
Reese is one of the show's biggest troublemakers and shows this during this two-part episode where he runs away to join the army after his girlfriend cheats on him with his younger brother Malcolm. Chaos ensues as Reese gets himself and his team captured during their training exercises and the secondary plot continues.
The first part saw Hal arrested for possible criminal activity at his job and the evidence keeps piling up against him as this episode shows Hal on trial.
8 If Boys Were Girls S4E10 - 8.6
It wouldn’t be a sitcom without a wish-fulfillment episode, would it? Here, it’s Lois who imagines a new world that the fans get to watch play out. After a stressful trip to the mall with her sons, Lois wonders what it would have been like to have daughters instead.
What she imagines reveals that her daughters might not have been physically destructive, but they’d become even more emotionally manipulative than the boys she’s raising. It’s an interesting window into Lois’ imagination, especially considering she still hopes she’s going to have a daughter at the end of the episode.
7 Rollerskates S1E13 - 8.6
This season one episode reversed a bit of the usual dynamic. While Hal was often unaware of what activities the boys got up to, this time he was responsible for punishing Malcolm. Tired of running during hockey games, Malcolm decides to ask his father to teach him to skate. His temper gets the better of him during lessons, leading him to yell at Hal and use a curse word.
Lois has no time to deal with it, despite Hal asking for help, because she injured her back and Reese has been slipping medicine into her drinks to keep her calm. Hal eventually comes up with a creative way to get Malcolm to understand his actions - making him recite insults and curse words directly to his father. The episode is a nice change from the norm and demonstrates that Hal isn’t so hapless, while Malcolm gets to best Reese at a sport.
6 Traffic Jam S2E01 - 8.6
While on the way home from a water park, the family ends up stuck in a massive traffic jam. Hal lets a car pass them, and that car ends up in an accident that brings all traffic to a standstill. As a result of the accident, Lois spends her time yelling at officials trying to do their jobs, Hal freaks out that it could have been their car, Malcolm develops a crush on a girl stuck in traffic as well, and Reese goes to war with an ice cream vendor.
If all that wasn’t enough to entertain the audience, Dewey’s on his own adventure home. There is so much to keep the audience laughing that it isn’t surprising it ranks as one of the best episodes of the series.
5 Family Reunion S4E03 - 8.7
As miserable as Lois typically makes her boys, they’re still family. In “Family Reunion”, the audience gets to see what happens when the boys decide to be on the same side as Lois.
The family attends a reunion of Hal’s side of the family. While there, Lois is treated horribly by Hal’s father and everyone else. They dislike her because she doesn’t have as much money as them - or at least, that’s their excuse to ridicule Lois and keep her from the family photo. Her sons unite to terrorize the adults assembled at the reunion in revenge.
4 Water Park S1E16 - 8.7
Season one ended with a family trip. Lois, Hal, Reese, and Malcolm went to a water park for a day of fun in the sun. Of course, because it’s Malcolm in the Middle , the day doesn’t go as planned. Hal and Lois just want to be young and carefree again, so they sneak some adult beverages into the park, intending to spend some time away from the kids.
Malcolm and Reese, however, ruin that by attempting to pull pranks on one another. The bright spot in the episode might be Bea Arthur’s guest-starring appearance. She plays the woman babysitting Dewey while he’s home with an ear infection. Golden Girls fans loved seeing her back on TV.
3 Lois Strikes Back S7E16 - 8.8
Though Lois usually spends her time trying to discipline her sons, in season seven, a surprising turn of events had her on the side of at least one of them.
In “Lois Strikes Back,” Reese is the target of a prank by several girls at school. When Reese becomes depressed, Lois decides to get revenge for him. Only Malcolm figures out she’s the one making the girls’ lives miserable, and he attempts to stop her. It’s unsettling to see a mother of five picking on teenage girls, but perhaps fans like it so much because it’s one of Emma Stone’s earlier roles.
2 Graduation S7E22 - 9.1
The series finale keeps all of the tropes of Malcolm In The Middle in place. As Malcolm and Reese graduate from high school, they’re in for life changes, but the more things change, the more they stay the same. Both Reese and Francis find new paths in life, but they keep them from Lois so they can pursue their happiness without interference.
It’s a lesson Malcolm probably should have learned by this episode. He would have received an offer for his dream job, but his mother turns it down on his behalf, leaving him to put himself through college because the family can’t afford to pay for it. As usual, Lois finds a way to make Malcolm’s life more difficult. Also, as usual, Malcolm finds a way to keep going in spite of her.
1 Bowling S2E20 - 9.3
The top episode of Malcolm in the Middle comes from early in the run. Near the end of the second season, the writers took a creative risk with an episode fans clearly loved.
“Bowling” sees Malcolm and Reese go, you guessed it, bowling in a Sliding Doors style set up. The audience gets to see what would happen if Lois took them, but also what would happen if Hal took them. The episode highlights their different parenting styles incredibly well and demonstrates that no matter what, Malcolm and Reese never get exactly what they want.
В исполнении: Stealers Wheel.
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Stuck in the middle with you
Совсем запутался с тобой
Well, I don’t know why I came here tonight,
I got the feeling that something ain’t right.
I’m so scared in case I'll fall off my chair,
And I’m wondering how I’ll get down the stairs.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.Yes, I’m stuck in the middle with you,
And I’m wondering what it is I should do.
It’s so hard to keep this smile from my face,
Losing control, yeah, I’m all over the place.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.Well, you started off with nothing,
And you’re proud that you’re a self-made man.
And your family comes a-callin',
Slap you on the back and say, “Please, please.”Trying to make some sense of it all,
But I can see it makes no sense at all.
Is it cool to go to sleep on the floor?
Well, I don't think I can take anymore.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.Well, you started out with nothing,
And you’re proud that you’re a self-made man.
And your family comes a-callin',
Slap you on the back and say, “Please, please.”Yeah, I don’t know why I came here tonight,
I got the feeling that something ain’t right,
I’m so scared in case I'll fall off my chair,
And I’m wondering how I’ll get down the stairs,
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.Что ж, я не знаю, зачем пришел сегодня сюда,
Я просто чувствую, что что-то идет не так.
Я буду напуган, если упаду со стула,
Интересно, как я буду спускаться по лестнице?
Клоуны слева от меня, шуты — справа,
А я посередине совсем запутался с тобой.Да, я совсем запутался с тобой,
И понятия не имею, что мне делать.
Трудновато убрать эту ухмылку с лица,
Я теряю контроль, да, я повсюду.
Клоуны слева от меня, шуты — справа,
А я посередине совсем запутался с тобой.Что ж, ты начинаешь с нуля,
Гордишься тем, что добился всего сам,
И твоя семья приходит по первому зову,
Хлопает тебя по спине и говорит «Пожалуйста. »Я пытаюсь найти в этом какой-то смысл,
Но смысла, похоже, нет.
Интересно, как оно — спать на полу?
По-моему, мне этого больше не выдержать.
Клоуны слева от меня, шуты — справа,
А я посередине совсем запутался с тобой.Что ж, ты начинаешь с нуля,
Гордишься тем, что добился всего сам,
И твоя семья приходит по первому зову,
Хлопает тебя по спине и говорит «Пожалуйста. »Что ж, я не знаю, зачем пришел сегодня сюда,
Я просто чувствую, что что-то идет не так.
Я буду напуган, если упаду со стула,
Интересно, как я буду спускаться по лестнице?
Клоуны слева от меня, шуты — справа,
А я посередине совсем запутался с тобой.Читайте также: