Stria gioco just cause 3 где найти
The Stria Joia is a car in Just Cause 3.
Quite fast, as it is able to get to speeds of 235 km/h. A fun way to pass the time using Motorcycles can be trying to dodge traffic at high speeds, making room for many slip-ups and chaotic moments.
It features front wheel drive.
Stria Giovanni
The Stria Giovanni is a motorcycle in Just Cause 3.
Stria gioco just cause 3 где найти
26 апр. 2016 в 2:52Where is it? I understand it's a common vehicle that civilians drive around Medici. However this one appears to be EXTREMELY rare. Been cruising a various different locations (highway, country-side, cities etc) for about 4 hours now.
Surely the Stria Gioco has a fixed spawnpoint somewhere? Does it only spawn in a specific region?
Even towing that speed boat was 10x less painful than having to find this stupid regular car. It's the last one until 100% and it's just GONE, does not exist.
EDIT: All the guides says that it spawns in Manaea, however that's not the case for me, been looking there 15-20 times now.
It's a modern 4-door European hatchback that resembles many vehicles of that type, such as the Mark II SEAT Leon or the 2013 Subaru Impreza.
In-universe, it is a successor to the Stria Carera G.
It has two fake vents on the rear bumper and the Stria corporate grille.
The car has a front transversely-mounted inline 4 engine with cladding underneath it. It also has unibody construction with front MacPherson strut and rear multi-link suspension.
The rebel drop description says "The Joia combines responsive handling and reliability in an economic model sedan. Offers surprisingly capable off-road performance."
Police version
The Medici Police Department used to use modified versions of this vehicle for patrol. They can be found at police stations. They feature police light bars and red and blue Battenberg-like markings. Strangely the sirens on the vehicles are not functional and they only have a usual horn.
They are all found heavily covered in dust and dirt, indicating that they haven't been used in a long time. This is probably due to the D.R.M.'s takeover of all the police stations in Medici, which took place shortly after Di Ravello came to power.
This choice of vehicle corresponds with many European nations, where hatchbacks are favored over larger cars for affordability.
According to the "The art of Just Cause 3" book that came with the collectors edition: "The graphic design on this police car was inspired by the Lamborghini's used in Italy's police force. As the game progressed and we phased out the police forces, these cars are now, for narrative reasons, abandoned throughout the countryside but still driveable."
Stria gioco just cause 3 где найти
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В данном руководстве я расскажу, где можно найти наиболее редкие ТС, необходимые для получения достижения "Добыто все!" и "Забито под завязку".
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Просто цепляем его тросом к вертолету и оттаскиваем в мастерскую города "Альбето-Перо".
Предварительно захватываем базу "Кава-Гранде-Секунде" и отгоняем его в гараж города "Бурголетто".
Освобождаем столицу "Ситате-Ди-Равелло", затем начинаем, открывшуюся нам, гонку "Спринт по городу", садимся в машину и покидаем испытание, отгоняем в ближайший гараж.
Добираемся до ангара от гонки с бомбой "Подрыв на снежном пике" и отгоняем в ближайший гараж.
Этого красавца можно найти в нескольких местах, но чертовски непросто доставить в гараж (где же фултон, когда он так нужен). Гоним на катере на метку, как показано на четвертом скриншоте, вызываем NASHORN 6100 и цепляем к нему лодку (лично у меня было 6 тросов, максимальной прокачки и даже они время от времени лопались, еще все усугубляется безумными водителями Медичи).
Спасибо за прочтение моего руководства, если чем-то помог, можете поставить палец вверх и добавить в избранное.
It's a modern motorcycle.
The Stria logo on the side resembles the placement of BMW's badges on their motorcycles.
The Rebel drop description says: "The myth of the open road is alive and well when you're cruising on a Stria Giovanni, Stria's crowning achievement in the realm of motorcycle engineering."
Most closely resembles the real-life Kawasaki ZRX1200R.
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