Stranded deep или the forest что лучше
27 янв. 2015 в 23:06
I have put around 5 hours into both of these games and i will do a quick overview of both.
The Forest:
Very buggy and fps is terrible. Has little to no replayability value in it. AI Is horrendus and is still able to smack you across to the other side of the map. FPS is extremely low compared to other games. Graphics are very nice but almost impossible to play on full settings.
Stranded Deep:
Very few bugs, still some though as the game was just released. Graphics are similar to The Forest but are upgraded slightly. FPS is extremely good and can run 60fps on highest settings. Sharks barely ever attack you but this has been fixed in the recent patch. Has high replayability value and is fun to play. Cute little easter eggs such as Wilson from Castaway. More active developers who care about their game.
Who Wins?:
You guessed it Stranded Deep. This game is superior to The Forest in every way imaginable. Crafting is better, Performance is better, AI is better. The game has high replayability value as it is all randomly generated and infinite. Both games are in extremely early access but Stranded Deep has a lot more promise. Keep it up Developers and you may have a future masterpiece on its way!
hahahahaha what a tool. U have less then 6 hours in game. That is not even enough time to build a great base. I run 60 fps on an average pc. So if your game lags its on your end not the games. AI is better. consider stranded deep has NO ai unles you include sharks then you are out right lying.. Do you work for stranded deep?
"Keep it up Developers and you may have a future masterpiece on its way!"
Maybe your on the wrong forum and meant this to be on stranded deeps forum and was doing some major butt kissing.
as I said less then 6 hours in the forest so YOU DO NOT EVEN NO the crafting system in the forest which is far superior to the stranded deeps.. Thus far anyways.
I am not going to knock Stranded deep AT ALL. I played it on my sons PC and I think it is going to be great.. Like the forest. I am knocking you. You have not played either game long enough to have ANY opinion at all let alone a comparison, You sir look like a fool for writing your pathetic review. Try playing the game before you criticize it.
28 янв. 2015 в 0:37hahahahaha what a tool. U have less then 6 hours in game. That is not even enough time to build a great base. I run 60 fps on an average pc. So if your game lags its on your end not the games. AI is better. consider stranded deep has NO ai unles you include sharks then you are out right lying.. Do you work for stranded deep?
"Keep it up Developers and you may have a future masterpiece on its way!"
Maybe your on the wrong forum and meant this to be on stranded deeps forum and was doing some major butt kissing.
as I said less then 6 hours in the forest so YOU DO NOT EVEN NO the crafting system in the forest which is far superior to the stranded deeps.. Thus far anyways.
I am not going to knock Stranded deep AT ALL. I played it on my sons PC and I think it is going to be great.. Like the forest. I am knocking you. You have not played either game long enough to have ANY opinion at all let alone a comparison, You sir look like a fool for writing your pathetic review. Try playing the game before you criticize it.
I do know the crafting system and have played a lot of offline hours thank you very much 28 янв. 2015 в 1:51
hahahahaha what a tool. U have less then 6 hours in game. That is not even enough time to build a great base. I run 60 fps on an average pc. So if your game lags its on your end not the games. AI is better. consider stranded deep has NO ai unles you include sharks then you are out right lying.. Do you work for stranded deep?
"Keep it up Developers and you may have a future masterpiece on its way!"
Maybe your on the wrong forum and meant this to be on stranded deeps forum and was doing some major butt kissing.
as I said less then 6 hours in the forest so YOU DO NOT EVEN NO the crafting system in the forest which is far superior to the stranded deeps.. Thus far anyways.
I am not going to knock Stranded deep AT ALL. I played it on my sons PC and I think it is going to be great.. Like the forest. I am knocking you. You have not played either game long enough to have ANY opinion at all let alone a comparison, You sir look like a fool for writing your pathetic review. Try playing the game before you criticize it.
I do know the crafting system and have played a lot of offline hours thank you very much
I love how you only addressed one point, and rebutted it in a manner that cannot be proven. The burden of proof is on you. You have failed. You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting.
Try again, Sonny Jim.
28 янв. 2015 в 1:54Sure you have. You are a liar. Just the fact you compare the 2 and said stranded deep has AI proves you are full of it. I played it and there is NO AI at all. Only danger is sharks. Your story is so full of holes swiss cheese is jealous. I called you out and you have 0 defence.As I said, ALl I see is a numbnuts posting in the wrong thread/forum. Youy bash the devs in the forest and at the end you say
" Both games are in extremely early access but Stranded Deep has a lot more promise. Keep it up Developers and you may have a future masterpiece on its way!"
So which is it. Is The forest the masterpeice you speak of or are you on the wrong forum. Either way you have been added to the toolbox.
28 янв. 2015 в 2:22Sure you have. You are a liar. Just the fact you compare the 2 and said stranded deep has AI proves you are full of it. I played it and there is NO AI at all. Only danger is sharks. Your story is so full of holes swiss cheese is jealous. I called you out and you have 0 defence.As I said, ALl I see is a numbnuts posting in the wrong thread/forum. Youy bash the devs in the forest and at the end you say
" Both games are in extremely early access but Stranded Deep has a lot more promise. Keep it up Developers and you may have a future masterpiece on its way!"
So which is it. Is The forest the masterpeice you speak of or are you on the wrong forum. Either way you have been added to the toolbox.
Sir the Shark AI Is better than the fling you across the map run into a wall Cannibal AI. The Forest is a joke at the moment and needs a lot more added to it. Even the multiplayer is not completed properly 28 янв. 2015 в 2:31 Nothing is completed in either game. They are EARLY ACCESS. Again moot point. and what about " Both games are in extremely early access but Stranded Deep has a lot more promise. Keep it up Developers and you may have a future masterpiece on its way!"? No answer right. I got you in a corner and your best responce is sharks are AI. The sharks in the forest will kill you faster then the ines in stranded deep. Keep digging I am sure you will make something up that sounds right.
28 янв. 2015 в 2:35 Nothing is completed in either game. They are EARLY ACCESS. Again moot point. and what about " Both games are in extremely early access but Stranded Deep has a lot more promise. Keep it up Developers and you may have a future masterpiece on its way!"? No answer right. I got you in a corner and your best responce is sharks are AI. The sharks in the forest will kill you faster then the ines in stranded deep. Keep digging I am sure you will make something up that sounds right.
I am sorry for giving my honest opinion. Keep in mind the Forest has been out for around a year. How long has Stranded Deep been out? A couple of days. So far Stranded Deep has produced a much more enjoyable experience for me. Oh and also. ONLY 2 Developers worked on this game. It has so much more promise than The Forest. If you like games that are unrealistic sure play The Forest. But Stranded Deep is much more immersive and enjoyable for me. In my firs post I am stating why I think Stranded Deep is a better game. This is also in the Stranded Deep forums and that is why I say keep up the good work developers. They so far have done a much more sufficient job than the developers on The Forest. 28 янв. 2015 в 5:14 Guys guys guys. he was stating his opinion of both games and the way HE sees it, no need to jump on him, yeah i am talking to you 2High2tell, very childish. The Forest is very unoptimized and many people encounter FPS drops etc so it is not on his end. I don't own stranded deep but i am going to buy it ASAP, i played the forest for some hours but got bored of it and, as you said, the replay value is zero and there are TONS of bugs. Most of them were in the game when it was released and they are STILL in there, i mean, wtf guys? The crafting systems on both games need alot of work and you do not need more than 6 hours to know the crafting system of the forest, you right click that thing and this thing and there you go, now you have a bomb (made by some coins, molotov and computer parts. yeah right, makes sense to me). Right now they are both EARLY ACCESS games so we shouldn't really compare both games BUT stranded deep just released and has less bugs and is more optimized than the forest. 28 янв. 2015 в 7:07 It's the internet. He opened himself up to trolls as soon as he posted. haha
Both Games are entirely different, aside from sharing the Survival Genre and the Unity Engine.
An Open world game with the Density the Forest has Operates (And is developed) In an entirely different way than Stranded. Stranded is procedurally generated, With Large expanses of open water. hardline Any Overlapping, shading, etc.
Think of the Sheer amount of Complexity in the Forest. Optimization in an intensive game like this is a back and forth battle, with the larger chunk of optimization and bug fixing in beta stage. Not to mention The AI. AI of the mutants has tons more things it has to process and work around. (Pathing, task, group status, player threat, player built objects, Etc)
You can't compare a Bipedal Humanoid that is programmed to do much more than just attack or circle the player in A dense Forest setting to A shark swimming in open water. Wayyyy Different.
I play and enjoy Both Games. Both have their Specific audiences, as well as the tons of people who enjoy the survival genre as a whole. I think it will Only Create some healthy competition. But keep in mind when Comparing games like this you need to acknowledge the sheer difference in gameplay style and setting. Which one you prefer also depends on what you like in a survival game. Things like this are a lot of personal preference and perspective. Which is why people can get so passionate about it. (Ex: 2high getting a bit defensive)
I think All of the Survival games coming out only strengthen eachother. It's great to see the Survival genre fill out into its own subgenres nicely. Plenty of room in the gaming community for everyone.
Plus the fact hat with Early Access, All these games can see how the Fans play or react to their game, or others' and change to suit.
The Amount of people that enjoy most if not All survival games typically outweighs the ones who are Die-hard fans of any one game.
Both are in Early Access, So both could play entirely different by the time the game goes Gold. Some who likes Stranded more now could end up Preferring what the Forest did mechanic or story wise, and vice-verse.
Stranded Deep - прямой конкурент The Forest
Игра появилась вчера в Steam Early Acces, по цене в 10$, или же 349 руб. Игра сразу же встречает нас красивым и атмосферным меню. После нажатия на кнопку "Play" мы оказываемся в самолете. Ничего не напоминает? Но хотелось бы отметить, что самолет выглядит гораздо проработанней и красивей чем в The Forest. Нам даже предлагают походить по самолету, налить себе мартини и выпить. После чего наш самолет благополучно падает, и опять же эффектней чем в The Forest.
Тут нас бросают на произвол судьбы, делайте что хотите, творите что хотите. Можете исследовать потрясающий подводный мир, можете сразу же начать выживать. Обзавестись едой, костром, можно даже построить хижину. Хотелось бы отметить, что в игре отсутствует привычный нам HUD-интерфейс. На экране нету ничего, кроме игрового мира. Вы спросите "А как же нам следить за показателями?", разработчики это также предусмотрели, нажав на кнопку "F" у нас открываются часы, на них и можно увидеть все показатели.
По сравнению с The Forest, у игры на данном этапе довольно хорошая отпимизация. Также в игре очень интересный крафт, ни в одной игре такого не видел. Для кравфта нам нужно сложить несколько предметов, например палку, камень и веревку, в одно место на земле и получится каменный топор. Еще в игре есть строительство, оно в принципе такое же как и везде, просто ставим фундамент на землю, после на него столбы и стенки. Элементов строительства пока мало, но это ранний доступ, что уж поделать.
У игры большой потенциал, игра уже в "Лидерах продаж" Steam-а, отзывы у нее "Очень положительные", советую купить игру, ведь стоит она не дорого. Игра даже сейчас уже может конкурировать с The Forest. Играйте только в интересные и качественные игры!
Stranded Deep: море, солнце, песок и акулы
Сурвивал игры, можно сказать, почти захватили рынок инди-игр. Везде одни выживалки, копирующие друг друга. Правда ни одна из них не доведена до ума, все в раннем доступе. Так вот инди-студия BEAM Team Games тоже решила внести свой вклад в сурвивал игры. Только в отличие от других выживалок здесь не будет назойливых зомбаков и прочей нечисти. Здесь будет море, солнце и песок.
Как вы поняли после просмотра ролика, игрок появляется где-то далеко в океанских просторах на резиновой лодочке. Так, а что у нас тут в лодке лежит? Фляжка с водичкой, аптечка первой помощи и сигнальные ракеты. А куда нам плыть? Один бог знает. Да и ещё рядом плавают акулы, которые ждут, когда же вы решите искупаться. Ладно, доверимся морской волне, авось к берегу прибьёт. И вот после долгих часов ожиданий мы, наконец, достигли суши. Что же делать дальше? Конечно же, искать себе пропитание и строить шалаш. В общем, наше выживание только начинается.
Итак, начнём мы наше выживание с поиска пропитания. Где же нам найти еду среди морских просторов? Ну, во-первых, исследовать остров, на котором мы находимся, вдруг здесь растут кокосовые пальмы. Во-вторых, следует пройтись по песчаному берегу, если повезёт, то сможешь пообедать сегодня моллюсками или крабами. А особо везучие могут даже встретить на пляже черепаху. Жаль, конечно, бедную черепашку, но кушать то надо. В-третьих, можно изготовить себе удочку и пойти порыбачить. Ну, а если вам хочется адреналинчика, то садимся на лодку, делаем себе копьё и плывём за акульим плавником.
Теперь переходим к крафту в Stranded Deep. Он, как говорят разработчики, будет уникален и строительство домиков будет основано на физике. Также, прежде чем приступить к стройке, необходимо собрать ресурсы. Но не думайте, что если вы срубите дерево, древесина окажется у вас в инвентаре. Она выпадете рядом с вами и её ещё придется тащить на место стройки. В общем, инвентарь предназначен только для инструментов и мелких вещиц. Ещё его размер будет ограничен - всего восемь ячеек.
Что касается системы выживания, то в игре она будет представлена различными аспектами. Например, игрокам нельзя долго находится под палящим солнцем, так можно схлопотать солнечный удар. Также при потреблении морской водички необходимо будет очищать её от солей, делая воду пригодной для питья. Ну и, конечно же, игрокам придётся готовить правильно пищу, иначе можно отравиться. Ещё в игре будет система переломов, например, полезли вы за кокосами и случайно упали. Теперь же со сломанной ногой никуда вы не залезете. Вдобавок ко всему этому в игре имеется система энергии, которая добавляет нотку хардкорности. Каждое ваше действие может израсходовать определённое число энергии. Например, срубили вы дерево и устали, чтобы срубить следующее, необходимо отдохнуть или пообедать. А если вы будете работать без отдыха, то потеря сознания вам гарантирована. Также забудьте о дополнительных элементах интерфейса: никаких значков перелома, голода и т.п.
Мир Stranded Deep - это случайно генерируемый мир, состоящий из островов самых разных размеров и морских глубин. С островами всё понятно: кусок суши с пальмами. А вот что скрывается в морских просторах? Коралловые рифы, где плавают разнообразные рыбки, затонувшие корабли, в трюмах которых таятся несметные богатства, подводные пещеры, скрывающие морские тайны, и многое другое ждёт храбрых искателей приключений. Что касается морских обитателей, то как обещают разработчики, их будет великое множество: рыбки всех возрастов и размеров, осьминоги, кальмары и т.д. И все они будут активно взаимодействовать между собой: большие рыбы едят маленьких рыб, акулы едят игроков и всех подряд, осьминоги машут щупальцами и т.п. В общем, морская жизнь кипит.
Ещё одной из уникальных особенностей игры является погода. Проливные дожди, ураганный ветер, морская буря с цунами - всё это разнообразит жизнь игроков на островах. Представьте, построил себе дом на берегу моря, а его снесло волной. Так что придётся ещё обезопасить своё жилье от таких случаев.
Stranded Deep - довольно-таки перспективная игра, которая принесёт в сурвивал жанр морской свежести. В общем, пожелаем удачи создателям и будем надеяться, что игра получится стоящей.
Stranded deep или the forest что лучше
17 мая. 2016 в 12:07Not the one with the unoccupied bridge, but if I really had to pick. Gorf outstanding gameplay and storyline, with unequivocally superior graphics and realism.
There are many people in the country today who through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane some of them became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like you and me who are out of our tiny little minds to try and help these people overcome their sanity
--Reverend Arthur Belling, Vicar of the Saint Looney Up The Cream Bun and Jam
Please keep to Steam's Discussions Rukes and Guidelines. Thank you.
Please keep to Steam's Discussions Rukes and Guidelines. Thank you.
17 мая. 2016 в 14:16Both games are different, way different. The only comparable things I see about both games is that they are both survival games, everything starts on a plane and both games are well optimized.
With that said, I honestly can't decide between both, I love them for the different stuff each one has.
17 мая. 2016 в 14:20 Doesn't The Forest have Zombies?Stranded Deep has no zombies, mutants, or weird stuff. It has only you and the ocean and the sand (and the friendly bitey dolphins). 18 мая. 2016 в 5:34 The Forest has no cannibals or zombies in ''veganmode'' The Forest has no cannibals or zombies in ''veganmode'' 18 мая. 2016 в 12:15 The Forest has no cannibals or zombies in ''veganmode''
I didn't know that!, that's excellent news! In the main menu type just ''veganmode'' if you want no cannibals at all or type ''vegetarianmode'' if you want cannibals only at night. There is no field to type your text in. Just type. In the main menu type just ''veganmode'' if you want no cannibals at all or type ''vegetarianmode'' if you want cannibals only at night. There is no field to type your text in. Just type.
AWESOME! thanks for telling me,man. 19 мая. 2016 в 5:09 In the main menu type just ''veganmode'' if you want no cannibals at all or type ''vegetarianmode'' if you want cannibals only at night. There is no field to type your text in. Just type.
THANK YOU. That gave me a whole new enthusiasm for playing that.
19 мая. 2016 в 5:29 19 мая. 2016 в 8:52 The Forest has no cannibals or zombies in ''veganmode''
I also thank you! I just went and bought the forest! I use Veganmode, so no spawning mutants.
In a while, I may be able to compare the two games, but right now I can't do it.
There are a lot of ugly things to look at in The Forest, which is kinda stomach churning, but the survival part and the island itself are very neat. For those who are interested, the veganmode means no alive mutants. The cannibal mutants villages are still there. The villages are full of human body parts on drying racks, people in stages of torture, lots of grisly mutilated bodies. Be warned! But there are no live enemies.
19 мая. 2016 в 10:01 The Forest has no cannibals or zombies in ''veganmode''I also thank you! I just went and bought the forest! I use Veganmode, so no spawning mutants.
In a while, I may be able to compare the two games, but right now I can't do it.
There are a lot of ugly things to look at in The Forest, which is kinda stomach churning, but the survival part and the island itself are very neat. For those who are interested, the veganmode means no alive mutants. The cannibal mutants villages are still there. The villages are full of human body parts on drying racks, people in stages of torture, lots of grisly mutilated bodies. Be warned! But there are no live enemies.
Looks like I'm not gonna play the forest then. Not that I'm against games with such content. I just don't like to wait for the kids to go to bed before I play.
I've been playing a bit longer, and I pretty much steer clear of the cannibal village. It is possible to play for long periods of time with no dead human bodies whatsoever! It is a very beautiful game, with lots of flowers and abundant game. I'm sure the game feels quite different with hungry mutants attacking all the time, but veganmode is quite nice so far.
There are lots of animal butchery scenes since it is survival--but nothing brutal. If you have to kill a turtle, you're going to whack off his head--it's just normal. The weird part is mounting all those heads on sticks around your cabin ;)
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