Story progression симс 3 как отключить сообщения
На данный момент выложены 2 версии для основной игры версии 1.31-1.34 (установлен Шоубизнесс или игра обновлена до совместимости с этим аддоном) и предыдущая версия для основной игры версии 1.29.
StoryProgression - базовый мод (Base-Mod). Это сам основной мод которогос корее всего будт достаточно для управления сюжетом.
StoryProgression Expanded - расширение усложняющее сюжет
StoryProgression Extra - еще одно расширение мода необходимое для подключения модов различных личностей и также расширяющее возможности мода.
А также расширения содержащие различные личности для освежения сюжета - Vampires And Slayers,Meanies,Lovers, Cops And Robbers, Others.
По предварительной информации мод не совместим с модами, изменяющими развитие сюжета. Так что требуется проверка с уже установленными модами. Со всеми модами от того же автора (twallan) - совместим. Если вы собираетесь использовать The Story Progression одновременно с Awesomemod, выберите в AwesomeMod Configuration в строке UseAwesomeStoryDriver – Disabled.
Перед удалением StoryProgression Expanded воспользуйтесь опцией The MasterController. /Город/Ресет всех объектов, чтобы отменить все взаимодействия симов. Невыполнение этого условия приведет к проблемам при последующей загрузке сохраненки. Остальные компоненты StoryProgression можно просто удалить. Но если сомневаетесь, можно установить The ErrorTrap того же автора, он "подчистит" остатки мода в сохраненке при следующем заходе в игру.
В другой город или просто на память, при переустановке игры или на время установки нового аддона при отсутствии совместимой с ним версии мода настройки мода можно сохранить : Общие опции -> Экспорт настроек мода. Потом так же сделаете Импорт настроек мода. Делается это в расширенном режиме (Debugging). Тоже с включением и выключением кода разработчика. Причем перейдите сразу в расширенный режим (Разрешить Debugging) и отключите включение кода разработчика, потому что он включается в настройках по умолчанию, а во включенном виде сам сильно подтормаживает игру.
Перед каждым обновлением игры необходимо удалять мод, и ждать выхода новой версии совместимой с обновленной игрой.
Как проявляется мод в игре? Во все компьютеры, на симов, на дома добавлен пункт взаимодействия "NRaas" -> "Развитие сюжета. ". Это и есть наш мод.
"Общие опции" – контролируют развитие всех симов.
"Опции города" - опции развития сюжета устанавливаются для всего города, в результате они будут действовать для каждой семьи.
"Опции семьи " – настройка опций только для выбранной семьи.
"Опции иммиграции" – настройка опций развития сюжета для семей иммигрантов, которые мод будет заселять в город.
"Опции сима" – настройка опций развития сюжета для выбранного сима.
Настройка долгая и индивидуальная, поэтому переписывать все сразу не буду. Только особенные моменты , т.е. те грабли, на которые я уже наступила.
Если вам не нужны заводимые симами животные просто поставьте уровень усыновления в 0.
Развитие сюжета / Nraas Story Progression
Этот мод является заменой стандартного игрового сюжета. В этом моде прогресс истории EA будет отключен, и вместо него будет запущена новая, лучшая система. Цель этого мода — симулировать реалистичную жизнь среди неактивных симов города, предоставляя пользователю возможность отключать функции, которые ему не нужны. Мод на развитие сюжета для Симс 3 поможет сделать вашу игру ещё более интересной!
- Career — этот модуль содержит расширенные сценарии карьеры для использования с StoryProgression, которые включают (но не ограничиваются ими): пользовательские поездки, школы, университеты и систему обучения.
- Extra — содержит систему отметок на карте, контроль мотивации и другие опции, не включенные в остальные модули.
- Money — содержит все опции, связанные с деньгами, например, налогообложение и наследование.
- Population — содержит все опции, связанные с контролем населения, например, генетика.
- Relationship — содержит все опции, связанные с отношениями.
- Skill — содержит все опции, связанные с навыками.
- Lovers — девушка легкого поведения, казанова, проститутка и жиголо.
- Meanies — шпана, задира, хулиган, хулиганка.
- Others — дурачок, попрошайка, умник.
- Cops and Robbers — добрый вор, злой вор, дружинник, авторитет.
- Vampires and Slayers – вампиры (Дракула, Лестат, Носферату) и охотники за нежитью (Хельсинг, Слеер).
- Fairies And Werewolves — феи и оборотни.
Дополнения к моду (установка на выбор):
— StoryProgression Career - Расширенные сценарии карьеры
— StoryProgression Extra - Система отметок на карте, контроль мотивации и другие опции
— StoryProgression Money - Все опции, связанные с деньгами
— StoryProgression Population - Все опции, связанные с контролем населения
— StoryProgression Relationship - Все опции, связанные с отношениями
— StoryProgression Skill - Содержит все опции, связанные с навыками
— StoryProgression NameList RUS - Содержит русские имена (by Beloslaw)
Персонажи со своей линией поведения:
— StoryProgression Lovers - девушка легкого поведения, казанова, проститутка и жиголо
— StoryProgression Meanies - шпана, задира, хулиган, хулиганка
— StoryProgression Others - дурачок, попрошайка, умник
— StoryProgression CopsAndRobbers - добрый вор, злой вор, дружинник, авторитет
— StoryProgression VampiresAndSlayers - вампиры и охотники за нежитью
— StoryProgression FairiesAndWerewolves - феи и оборотни
Story Progression: опции меню в игре
Вызов меню — клик по любому компьютеру, своему персонажу или ратуше.
NRaas Story Progression Script Error
And I keep getting pop-ups,about 75,each for a different sim that says:
I got the 262 version of the mod,and my game is version
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castRegarding the script errors, as per the suggestions here, try setting Allow Find Job within the Homeless and Tourist castes to false.
A Guide to MCCC (Story Progression Mod) & Example Settings
A Guide to MCCC (Story Progression Mod) & Example Settings
Hello, fellow Simmers!
EDIT: I have since updated this post with more categories and settings! Anything new is marked with "*NEW*". Enjoy!
Onto the MCCC Guide!
IMPORTANT: In the Mods folder, do not put .ts4script files deeper than 1 folder. For instance, Mods > MCCC 7.1.0 > mc_career.ts4script is OK. However, Mods > MCCC 7.1.0 > Career Settings > mc_career.ts4scripts is NOT OK. Script files will not work correctly if they are layered beneath too many folders.
Finding MCCC on an In-Game Computer
Note: These are the settings I have in my game. ALL of these settings are 100% personal preference! Please explore these categories on your own as well, and have fun!
MCCC Settings > Relationship Settings: This category focuses on exactly what it says. Here, you can customize various aspects of Sim relationships to your liking.
"Friendship Decay Percentage:" 75
"Breakup Settings > Couple Relationship Change Percent:" 20
"Breakup Settings > Spouse Relationship Change Percent:" 10
"Breakup Settings > Breakup Move-out Sim:" Random Sim
*NEW* MCCC Settings > Notification/Console/Menu Settings: This category focuses on various cheats that people commonly use when playing The Sims 4. If you enjoy using cheats, I highly recommend checking out TwistedMexi’s All Cheats Mod. In this category, you can determine whether or not certain cheats are always enabled.
“Console Command Settings > Enabled Full Edit CAS:” Enabled
Reasoning: I like having the ability to fully edit townies with no restrictions and while still playing in my own household. You can pull up this option by shift+clicking on an NPC Sim.
“Console Command Settings > Testing Cheats:“ Enabled
“Console Command Settings > Debug Commands In Cheats:“ Enabled
Reasoning: This allows you to shift+click on any object and delete it from the game completely. I love this feature because I can get rid of anything in the world that gets in the way or causes problems for my Sims.
“Console Command Settings > Build Buy Settings > Move Objects Enabled, Free Build Enabled, & Ignore Unlocks Enabled:“ Enabled
"Pay Child Support:" All
"Inheritance Sim Type:" All
"Adopt Neglected Child:" Enabled
"Use Random Aging:" Disabled
MCCC Settings > Set Age Span Duration: Want your pets to outlive your Sims? Want babies to stay as babies longer? (I question your sanity, if so.) This is the place to make it happen!
"Human > Young Adult:" 35
Reasoning: When sending my Sims to university, I felt like it took up a whole life stage. Young adulthood in the real world lasts until about age 35, so I wanted my game to better reflect that taking how long university takes into consideration.
"Use Parent Physical Attributes:" Enabled
"Percent Values Variance Percent:" 25
"Teen Employment Range:" 40, 60
"Adult Employment Range:" 85, 95
"Teens Quit School:" Enabled
"Item Cleaner > Remove Items:" Enabled
"Clean Item Parts > Hat:" Select All
Reasoning: If you still want NPCs to wear hats, do not do this option. If you only want them to wear hats for certain occasions, deselect those outfit types. My game was plagued by fedoras, so I did the only logical thing: banish all hats.
"Clean Item Parts > Shoes:" Swimwear
"Clean Item Parts > Lipstick, Eyeshadow, Eyeliner, & Blush:" Sleep, Swimwear, Bathing
Reasoning: I personally really hate when Sims wear makeup to bed or when swimming. The above options remove are for removing makeup from certain outfit types.
"Clean Item Parts > Accessories > Gloves, Left Bracelet, Right Bracelet, Left Index Ring, Right Index Ring, Left Third Ring, Right Third Ring, Left Middle Ring, Right Middle Ring, Leggings:" Select All (I allow gloves for Cold Weather, though.)
Reasoning: I honestly was so tired of the use of accessories, similar to the hats I just decided to ban them all. If you would like to take the time to only remove certain types, please feel free to do so. The eyeball ring HAUNTS me.
"Clean Item Sims:" NPC Sims
Reasoning: Any "Played Sims" in my save have had their outfits custom-tailored by mua. It felt counter-intuitive to have them "cleaned" by the mod when they were already personally customized and styled.
MC Clubs: If you have Get Together, you will see this option in the Main Menu. This allows you to automate NPCs joining various clubs, as well as adjust other things such as the maximum amount of members. (Because who wants to be stuck with the same 7 people all the time? Why not 10? Or 20?)
"Monitor Club Members:" Enabled
"Club Member Count:" 25
MC Population: The next several sections are primarily about story-progression and NPC automation. There are SO many settings here that are highly based on your personal preference. I am one of those people who plays with a finger over the "P" key at all times (been this way since The Sims 2). I micro-manage the heck out of my Sims. If hands-free is more your style, you may find yourself wanting to tweak with more of these settings than I do.
"Moving Settings > Homeless Apartment Percent:" 50
"Moving Settings > Move Out Elders:" Move Non-Ancestral Elders
"Allow Stray Move-In:" Enabled
"Moving Settings > Open Houses:" 3
*NEW* MC Dresser: This category focuses primarily on the clothes Sims are to wear during certain situations or events.
“Ages To Run On Age-Up:“ Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
“Makeup Settings > Run Makeup Check:“ Enabled
“Makeup Settings > Makeup Ages:“ Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
Reasoning: You should be allowed to rock drag at any age. Or everyday makeup, for that matter.
“Makeup Settings > Makeup Outfits:“ Everyday, Formal, Party, Career, Situation, Special, Hot Weather, Cold Weather
“Male & Female After Career Outfit:“ Everyday
“Replace Situation Outfits > Romantic Festival Situations, Humor Festival Situations, Spice Festival Situations, City Walkby Situations:“ Everyday
Reasoning: Too many pantsless Sims.
*NEW* MC Occult: This category is all about the aliens, vampires, mermaids, and more! Here, you can customize various nuances of each Sim type.
“Aliens > Abduction Settings > Allow NPC Abductions:“ Enabled
Reasoning: My Sim isn’t that special. Let the others be harrassed by the Aliens for once too please.
“Aliens > Abduction Pregnancy Settings > Abduction Pregnancy Percent > Elder Pregnancy Percent:“ 10
Reasoning: They’ve already seen so much in life. They really shouldn’t be subjected to being a… subject.
“Aliens > Abduction Pregnancy Settings > Abduction Pregnancy Genders:“ Female, Male
Reasonings: Why should males be the only ones to have all the fun?
“Aliens > Abduction Pregnancy Settings > Pollinator Gender:“ Female, Male
Reasoning: See above. Also, “Pollinator Gender” had me cackling for a good minute.
MC Pregnancy: Alright, get ready for lots of sections. This part gets not only into pregnancy, but NPC marriage as well. You can also specify same-sex marriage percentages, adjust adoption percentages, etc.
"Pregnant Sim Selection > Valid Pregnancy Ages:" Young Adult, Adult
"Pregnant Sim Selection >Days to Run Checks:" Monday
"Pregnant Sim Selection > Play Households:" Disabled
"Pregnant Sim Selection > Pregnancy Percentage > Young Adult Pregnancy Percent:" 10
"Pregnant Sim Selection > Pregnancy Percentage > Adult Pregnancy Percent:" 20
Reasoning: Another attempt to prevent my game from being overrun by NPC children.
"Partner Sim Selection > Valid Partner Ages:" Young Adult, Adult
"Partner Sim Selection > Allow Affairs Percentage:" 5
"Partner Sim Selection > Occupancy Preference:" Prefer Home Sims
"Offspring > Maximum Offspring:" 2
Reasoning: Too. Many. NPC. Babies.
"Offspring > Maximum Household Children:" 2
"Offspring > Identical Offspring Chance:" 90
Reasoning: I think identical twins are cool, ok?
"Offspring > Sync Child Surname:" Enabled
"Other Pregnancy > Auto-Marry Percentage:" 66
"Adoption Settings > Opposite Sex Adoption Percent:" 25
"Adoption Settings > Sam Sex Adoption Percent:" 65
"Adoption Settings > Adoption Ages:" Baby, Toddler
Reasoning: Story-telling reasons in my personal game.
"Marriage Sim Selection > Valid Marriage Ages:" Young Adult, Adult
"Marriage Sim Selection > Days to Run Checks:" Saturday
"Marriage Sim Selection > Bypass Played Households:" Disabled
"Marriage Sim Selection > Marriage Percent > Young Adult Marriage Percent:" 20
"Marriage Sim Selection > Marriage Percent > Adult Marriage Percent:" 45
"Spouse Sim Selection > Valid Spouse Ages:" Young Adult, Adult
"Spouse Sim Selection > Same-Sex Percentage:" 10
Reasoning: I wanted to base this statistic off real-life figures, but could not find them anywhere! If anyone happens to know this, please let me know.
"Spouse Sim Selection > Use Same Age-Group:" Enabled
"Spouse Sim Selection > Occupancy Preference:" Prefer Home Sims
"Other Marriage > Rename Same Gender:" Enabled
"Other Marriage > Rename Opposite Sex:" Use Male Names
YOU DID IT! Only one more category!
"Change Interaction Behavior > Friendly Ask If Single:" Enabled
"Change Interaction Behavior > Stop Random Flirting:" Enabled
"Change Interaction Behavior > Allow Multiple BFFs:" Enabled
Reasoning: Because everyone is capable of being the best kind of friend.
"Change Interaction Autonomy > Autonomous Mischief:" Disabled
"Change Interaction Autonomy > Autonomous Mean:" Disabled
*NEW* MC WooHoo: This is all about celebrating and having a party! In bed! WooHoo! Hooray! (That’s what 8 year old me thought, anyway.) MC WooHoo is a separate download, so you will not see this in your MCCC Main Menu if you do not have it installed. Here, you can customize exactly what this interaction is for your Sims, as well as determine whether or not there’s a chance for accidental pregnancies. (There’s Birth Control for that, too.)
“WooHoo Actions > No Strings WooHoo:” Enabled
“WooHoo Pregnancy > Risky WooHoo Percent:” 8
Reasoning: This is the percentage chance that there will be an accidental pregnancy for each time a Sim WooHoos.
“WooHoo Pregnancy > Use Fertility in Risky:“ Enabled
“WooHoo Pregnancy > Try For Baby Percent:“ 60
Reasoning: I like adding drama to my Sims’ lives for story-telling. Totally personal preference, like everything else.
“Other Settings > All Moods Birth Control:” Enabled
Now, onto some final tips:
Restart the game after making all these changes.
Make sure to check for updates! This is an active mod.
If this receives positive responses, I may do guides on other mods such as:
Must-Have Mods for Better Graphics
Useful/Interesting Gameplay Mods
My Build:
GTX 1080 Ti GPU
If you have any tips or tricks I missed, please share in the comments!
Edit: Aah! My first award ever!! Thank you so much to whichever sweet Simmer did this, and thank you to everyone else for such kind responses!
I will be doing a Part 2 for this mod which will go a bit more in-depth and include things like Sim Flags. Thanks again! :)
Изменения касательно предыдущей версии к нового патчу отношения не имеют:
Version 223•Fixed an error in "WatchPerformForTips:ReactToPerformance" incurred in V222
•Fix for an issue where the mod stopped responding after saving
•Proper fix for the removal of the Genie trait during birth
•NameList tuning now handles comma separated <Name> values
•NameList tuning expanded to include <LastNames> for use in immigration
Основные изменения последних версий нагло списала с Михее (спасибо sh1ny) :
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