Stellaris сайбекс как найти
29 дек. 2019 в 15:40 Question: (SPOILER?) C.A.R.E. Planetary feature and Ecumenopolis restoration.
So I put spoiler warning because this is a planetary feature from a relic quest. The planet with the C.A.R.E. Interactive Interface grants the +10% energy credits from jobs. This is the one that unlocks on the planet that had the ferrophage and the "Rogue" AI.
As a relic planet, it currently has 15 energy districts. Plus 10%, that is a lot of energy. However in this play, I wanted to, before even finding this place, make a ecumenopolis focused empire. As such, i really want to restore the planet. However the logic side of me says that it would be really bad because I would lose said large energy perk without any gain aside from the former relic world research boost?
Since on an ironman save and the time it takes to complete said restoration, I do not want to just savescum it to experiment, but it doesn't make any sense that the system for a former Ecumenopolis would not function once the planet is back to normal. I cannot seem to find any info beyond that. Looks like it just stays that way? Can anybody verify?
29 дек. 2019 в 16:51 I would keep it as is. It's still an ecumenopolis, just an old one, and I can't say for sure whether the care modifier will stay or go if you restore it (probably goes away like the rest of the stuff). Anyway, keeping it as a ruined ecu should align with your goal just fine. 29 дек. 2019 в 18:15 Unfortunate. I will probs do it anyways, make it a research planet for that bonus it gets in physics instead XD Too bad we cannot make it a generator world. Will see what happens. 29 дек. 2019 в 18:25 If you restore the ecu then you will lose one of the research bonuses. Can't remember which. I'm pretty sure you want to keep it a ruin if you plan on devoting it to research. 29 дек. 2019 в 18:37Hrm. Oh! Good call! I had never looked actually that closely at the planetary features of a relic world despite the number of times I have colonized!
That is a heck of a lot of bonus. Yeah! Absolutely wouldn't want to convert this planet. Way too much loss for no gain. Very strange that we cannot build reactor planets like this one. I have built market ecumenopolis that get mad levels of energy from trade, but nothing from technicians.
Shame really. I can get lots of energy from a planet. just not this way :p.
There is another planet in my empire for this play that does have a 15% research bonus tile, at the expense of a -6 districts. So that one I will restore. Situational I guess.
29 дек. 2019 в 22:15 If you restore the ecu then you will lose one of the research bonuses. Can't remember which. I'm pretty sure you want to keep it a ruin if you plan on devoting it to research.You don't really lose anything: ecumenopolis has 20% job output bonus and you have a "former relic world" feature for another 10% research. Either way, it's not that big of a deal, considering output bonuses scientists get from tech.
You do lose 8 scientist jobs, special resource deposits and mineral/energy districts, but ability to cover any sane CG needs is a pretty good tradeoff. Of course, if you do have other ecumenopoli for that purpose, might as well keep this one intact.
29 дек. 2019 в 22:16 If you restore the ecu then you will lose one of the research bonuses. Can't remember which. I'm pretty sure you want to keep it a ruin if you plan on devoting it to research.You don't really lose anything: ecumenopolis has 20% job output bonus and you have a "former relic world" feature for another 10% research. Either way, it's not that big of a deal, considering output bonuses scientists get from tech.
You do lose 8 scientist jobs, special resource deposits and mineral/energy districts, but ability to cover any sane CG needs is a pretty good tradeoff. Of course, if you do have other ecumenopoli for that purpose, might as well keep this one intact. I always keep one ruined ecu devoted to research. There's really no reason not to.
30 дек. 2019 в 7:35 . but ability to cover any sane CG needs is a pretty good tradeoff. Of course, if you do have other ecumenopoli for that purpose, might as well keep this one intact.I repeat my humble opinion from other threads on this topic: Each CG and alloy district on the ecumenopolis creates 10 jobs. If you want - you can have 15 districts built and get 150 metallurgist (or cg) jobs on one planet. In order to get that many metallurgist jobs out of a regular alloy plant, you'd need to build, and upgrade them twice, 19 of them on regular planets.
Yeah, yeah. don't put all your eggs in one basket. I'm not saying to rely solely on the ecumenopolis for your CG or alloy output - but I think you'd be insane NOT to restore the ecumenopolis in order to increase your alloy or CG production tenfold. There are lots of ways to increase energy and research points in Stellaris, not a whole lot of ways to increase alloy production. Just think of all those megastructures, gateways, and upgraded citadels you'd like to have - in addition to a competitive fleet (if not the biggest and baddest in the galaxy). As for having a windfall of CGs, that means you can make more unity-producing jobs to get through those tradition trees and ascension perks faster, and/or just trade them away for good favor to other empires and cash them in at the marketplace for a decent sum.
30 дек. 2019 в 8:23 I always keep one ruined ecu devoted to research. There's really no reason not to.Do this aswell. They are insanely good from early game to late. Most of the time i just change a few small 12 worlds into Ecumenopoli.
30 дек. 2019 в 8:28
Always always always always *ALWAYS* upgrade those ecumenopolis.
A single ecumenopolis probably will provide ALL your consumer goods needs for your entire empire. It is a *massive* bonus. The relatively minor research bonus in comparison is far from worth it.
30 дек. 2019 в 8:35Always always always always *ALWAYS* upgrade those ecumenopolis.
A single ecumenopolis probably will provide ALL your consumer goods needs for your entire empire. It is a *massive* bonus. The relatively minor research bonus in comparison is far from worth it.
I always find it a waste to use an ecumenopolis for CG, use them for alloys and use Consumer Benefit Trade policy and a few factories for all my CG needs. And slaves ofcourse, nothing beats a slave economy (not true) 30 дек. 2019 в 9:10 I always find it a waste to use an ecumenopolis for CG, use them for alloys and use Consumer Benefit Trade policy and a few factories for all my CG needs. And slaves ofcourse, nothing beats a slave economy (not true) You have very low CG needs, it seems. By the time galactic market is up my scientist jobs alone take over hundred, and there's more to it than scientists. 30 дек. 2019 в 9:17I mean - I guess I should clarify a bit. My ecumenopolis provides all consumer goods needs, and any leftover goes to fuel all my alloy needs.
Point is that once I get even a single one, I pretty much just have every other one of my planets producing nothing but research.
30 дек. 2019 в 9:46 You have very low CG needs, it seems. By the time galactic market is up my scientist jobs alone take over hundred, and there's more to it than scientists. I generally have, slaves cost very little. And what CG i lack i buy from either local or glactic market, or when prices are to high buy from the AI directly. It is not like i never build a CG district on my ecumenopolis, I just never had one solely dedicated to it. Seems like a waste to me, but it probably is a different playstyle. 30 дек. 2019 в 10:38To the topic of using an ecumenopolis, a bit is longterm thought as well. For cost, the minerals were nothing to me. For the alloys and consumer goods, I have plenty of other planets to devote to that and will have converted over long before I would have that relic filled up.
It was tempting, but that energy and science, in this case and this species outweighs the alloy/consumer benefit.
When I originally posted the question, I never knew that bonuses could be tucked in the planetary features. I thought all showed up in the header bar circles.
The species, I am seeing how broke I can make the lithoids. Doing a lithoid syncretic Xenophage build. Oh. the power and the minerals. Soon I will be mass converting many of my other planets over to ecumenopolis. Seeing if trade and habitats will allow a 100% ecumenopolis conversion support was the plan, but just not having zero g come up.
30 дек. 2019 в 10:54To the topic of using an ecumenopolis, a bit is longterm thought as well. For cost, the minerals were nothing to me. For the alloys and consumer goods, I have plenty of other planets to devote to that and will have converted over long before I would have that relic filled up.
It was tempting, but that energy and science, in this case and this species outweighs the alloy/consumer benefit.
When I originally posted the question, I never knew that bonuses could be tucked in the planetary features. I thought all showed up in the header bar circles.
The species, I am seeing how broke I can make the lithoids. Doing a lithoid syncretic Xenophage build. Oh. the power and the minerals. Soon I will be mass converting many of my other planets over to ecumenopolis. Seeing if trade and habitats will allow a 100% ecumenopolis conversion support was the plan, but just not having zero g come up.
It is more effective to use your Ecumenopolis for all your consumer goods and alloy needs, and instead convert all your other planets to science. A single consumer goods building on an Ecumenopolis uses only two rare crystals and provides ten jobs. In comparison, the third-level upgrade of a normal production building gives you only eight jobs, and still uses two rare crystals.
More importantly, it's also infinitely simpler to manage your planets, when every single one of your planets is doing the same thing. All of your non-ecumenopolis planets will simply do research, while the ecumenopolis ones will handle your alloys and consumer goods.
Нужно выполнить Квест, нашел последнее местонахождения рубрикатора, на реликтовом мире, значек раскопок не появился, система исследована, проектов нет не чего не происходит, что делать, кто знает. Восклицательный знак над планетой висит.
Учитывая,что рубрикатор появляется в начале игры - начать заново. Разрабам ещё раскопки нужно до ума до вести, в 2.3.1 у меня после того как я ученому копавшему рубрикатор приказал начать раскопки в соседней системе,используя команду "заднее число:D" чтобы после этих новых раскопок он автоматом продолжил копать рубрикатор. Так у меня он оказался таким профи,что стал копать 2 места одновременно и при этом дракон появился там где и был научный корабль,а не где была его система с планетой. Ещё был баг уже в 2.3.2 что колония Зрони последняя не появилась. Так что копаю я теперь только одним учёным и всё по очереди,дабы избежать лишних багов. Надеюсь они доведут раскопки до ума, прежде чем выпустят новое ДЛС с кучей новых багов. По поводу восклицательного знака,он висит если ты "отметил" систему. Попробуй просто перезагрузиться вдруг поможет,но сомневаюсь. ну и на край есть консоль и команды для реликвий:)
add_relics all -все сразу
add_relic r_dragon_trophy -Дракон
add_relic r_khans_throne -Хан
add_relic r_worm_scales -Червь
add_relic r_rubricator -минорные артефакты
add_relic r_galaxy -Мини Галактика темп науки +5
add_relic r_omnicodex -Создание новой расы
add_relic r_surveyor -Топограф
add_relic r_galatron -Галатрон
add_relic r_ancient_sword -Клинок Охотницы
add_relic r_severed_head -Голова Зарклана
add_relic r_prethoryn_queen -Королева Роя
add_relic r_unbidden_warlock -Анбиден в банке
add_relic r_contingency_core -Ядро контингенции
add_relic r_zro_crystal -Зро Кристал
add_relic r_the_last_baol -Баол
add_relic r_the_defragmentor -Дефрагментатор
add_relic r_reality_perforator -Вультаумская реликвия
add_relic r_pox_sample -Чума явориан
add_relic r_cryo_core -юутское криоядро
add_relic r_war_forge -Сайбрекс
Stellaris сайбекс как найти
19 мая. 2016 в 9:43 Is it possible to complete the Quests and what happens then?I always find about 4 to 5 artifacts but i never found the 6th one. 19 мая. 2016 в 9:50
It is possible, but I've found that unless you get it done quick, you run out of systems to search for anomalies. I have finished the Cybex chain before, it leads you to their homeworld.
All it does is lead you to a broken ringworld that the scanning of gives you access to the living metal tech to research. (I have never actually found a living metal strategic resource)
19 мая. 2016 в 9:51 I found the 6th Cybex artifact in my actual game. But need to kill off a Fallen Empire to get to their homeworld. So yes you can finish the quest.One thing you shouldn't do when you want to finish this quests. Dont ever take Star Charts from the AI Empires. Research for yourself and you will trigger all the nice stuff until you finished the game ;) 19 мая. 2016 в 9:53 The Cybex one I managed to get all the artifacts for, I'm not going to say what happens so after as its a pretty good story. Alas it bugged out on me and refused to finish. 19 мая. 2016 в 9:54 I found the 6th Cybex artifact in my actual game. But need to kill off a Fallen Empire to get to their homeworld. So yes you can finish the quest.
One thing you shouldn't do when you want to finish this quests. Dont ever take Star Charts from the AI Empires. Research for yourself and you will trigger all the nice stuff until you finished the game ;)
yeah, it think its pretty dumb that if you accept the star charts you cant finish most of the chains. It should really give you anomalies when you trade for them. They already are unique to each empire. 19 мая. 2016 в 9:56 Has anyone already completed the First League Questline? 19 мая. 2016 в 9:58 it's ok i never needed star charts anyway. The intresting stuff i see without them (which planets to conquer) and the rest doesn't matter for me. Only thing that annoys me, when i vassalized a big empire i really really miss a option like "Explorer all unexplored stuff in Empire+Vassal space. Would make life so much easier. 19 мая. 2016 в 10:09 if u wanna finish the questline and dont playing in iromanmode try this
click on a barrel planet then press ^ to open the command console and writte this
add_anomaly cybrex_uninhabitable_category
and u get a cybrex anomaly
thats how i finished my cybrex questline i was 5/6 and wantend to know the story about cybrex 19 мая. 2016 в 10:31 Ahhh! Thanks! I've searched soo long for such a command but i didnt find anything. 19 мая. 2016 в 10:38 if u wanna finish the questline and dont playing in iromanmode try this
click on a barrel planet then press ^ to open the command console and writte this
add_anomaly cybrex_uninhabitable_category
and u get a cybrex anomaly
thats how i finished my cybrex questline i was 5/6 and wantend to know the story about cybrex I somehow managed to find all six Cybrex anomalies, but it's still impossible to complete the last quest with the ring-world, right? I mean, I have surveyed it, but there is no Living metal nowhere, and I still have the quest. Seems like bug. 19 мая. 2016 в 10:52 if u wanna finish the questline and dont playing in iromanmode try this
click on a barrel planet then press ^ to open the command console and writte this
add_anomaly cybrex_uninhabitable_category
and u get a cybrex anomaly
thats how i finished my cybrex questline i was 5/6 and wantend to know the story about cybrex I somehow managed to find all six Cybrex anomalies, but it's still impossible to complete the last quest with the ring-world, right? I mean, I have surveyed it, but there is no Living metal nowhere, and I still have the quest. Seems like bug. yeah pretty much i didnt find living metal and quest is still up in the logbook but you got the final piece of story how they died if u survey the "the place". 19 мая. 2016 в 11:04 I used the commands and stuff but the Cybrex didnt interact with me .. I just got 2 texts and that's it.
19 мая. 2016 в 11:32 Is there a command for the First League Precursors? 19 мая. 2016 в 11:37
I "completed" the Cybrex chain on my first play through, but the way it sits there after you scan the homeworld makes me wonder if there wasn't more to it. I guess not.
As for the first league I found 3/6 within the first few years of my current game, but over the next few centuries I scanned the entire universe and didn't find a single quest marker. I was even running the edict that increases your chances of finding an anomaly, disappointing.
Stellaris сайбекс как найти
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Планета Вультаум Прайм
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Пассивно: -10% использование благ
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10 всех видов науки
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Стоимость изучения Секретов
3000 физических исследований
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+15% к скорости компьютерных исследований
+10% производство благ
Исследователь получает талант "Компьютерная техника" или 200 опыта если талант уже есть.
Если у империи игрока есть принцип "Фанатичный материалист", после события "Вникнуть в секреты Вультаум" можно выбрать дополнительно "Вникнуть еще глубже".
150 влияния
И пассивно:
+10% Темп исследований
+15% исследования вычислительной техники
+10% Блага
-20% Счастье
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Планета Ютаан Майорис
Ютаанское крио-ядро
Пассивно: +1 население в новых колониях
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5 экз. газов
Источник подсказок
Стоимость изучения Секретов
3000 социальных исследований
Награда за изучение Секретов
Открывает Ютаанский процесс очищения (планетарный модификатор дающий +10% пригодность, +50 опустошения)
Исследователь получает талант "Новые миры" или 200 опыта если талант уже есть
Хорошо подходит под биологическое возвышение, доступен только с DLC Ancient Relics
Родная планета
Планета Грунур
Последний Баол
Пассивно:+ 10% к скорости роста населения в биологической империи
+ 10% к исследованиям общества в империи машин
Активно: Решение Nu-Baol о посеве жизни (Планета терраформируется в идеальный мир и населяет её четырьмя поселениями Nu-Baol.)
Награда за прохождение цепочки квестов
Ресурсы в родной системе
Источник подсказок
Стоимость изучения Секретов
3000 социальных исследований
Награда за изучение Секретов
Технология Эпигенетические триггеры
-15% стоимость терраформирования
Исследователь получает талант "Биология" или 200 опыта если талант уже есть
Хорошо подходит под псионическое возвышение. Доступен только с DLC Ancient Relics
Родная планета
Планета Зрон Прайм
Псионический Архив
Пассивно: −50% Перезарядка Покрова
Лучшие шансы в покрове
Активно: На выбор: 500 опыта Правителя, 20% урона корабельным оружием на 5 лет или +5 к стабильности планеты, -10% к стоимости указов и + 25% к привлекательности государственной этики на 5 лет
Награда за прохождение цепочки квестов
Ресурсы в родной системе
5 зро
Источник подсказок
Археология. После каждых археологических раскопок связанных с Зрони появляется источник зро, который можно добывать без технологии
Стоимость изучения Секретов
6000 социальных исследований
Награда за изучение Секретов
+10% к скорости исследований псионики
Исследователь получает талант "Псионика" или 200 опыта если талант уже есть
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