Steamsocketsopensource gethostname failed ark что делать
Post by xynbrae on Jun 11, 2020 22:59:58 GMT -5
I run two servers, and I've had no issue with either of them up until this update. Now they both let ME in but my gf is timing out before even loading mods. The title of this post is what I'm seeing in the loading logs of both servers, and I've changed absolutely nothing in either of them; so what's causing this, and how do I fix it?
Project Contributor
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Post by bletch on Jun 14, 2020 18:13:50 GMT -5
This is NOT an ASM issue - it is an ARK issue. You would be better finding your answer on the ARK forums.
Please check the FAQ'S
Because we need to answer NEW questions. Asking questions that have already been answered takes time away from developing ASM into the best server manager possible.
ARK Server Manager and it's creators are in no way affiliated with Studio WildCard or its partners.
ARK: Survival Evolved™ and its related images, trademarks and copyrights are the sole property of Studio Wildcard and or its partners and affiliates.
The ARK Server Manager is provided free of charge for all legal use. The source code is freely available on GitHub. See the Release Information forum for more information.
Steamsocketsopensource gethostname failed ark что делать
23 июн. 2020 в 21:49 "SteamSocketOpenSource: gethostname failed ()" Server IssueI run a server from my own computer for me and one other friend to play on. I just made it yesterday and have made a server the same way in the past using SteamCMD. We are using the Crystal Isles map and my server start command line looks like this:
start ShooterGameServer.exe CrystalIsles?SessionName=MAD_cause_BAD?MaxPlayers=6?Port=7777?QueryPort=27015?ServerPassword=4234?ServerAdminPassword=4234
I have portforwarded both 7776-7778 and 27014-27016 ports. I launched the server the first time and it came up with this error:
"SteamSocketOpenSource: gethostname failed ()
gethostname failed ()
Shortly after these messages the server launcher crashes before it finishes fully loading up the server. I am yet to find a fix for this, so anything that may fix it is appreciated.
I've been having the same error over the last week since the most recent patch. Been looking at a lot of different posts to try to find a fix and seem to have found similar things to you - changing port forwarding etc. I wouldn't mind so much having the gethostname failed message pop up but the server was visible as a random name and no password despite both of these having been specified in ark server manager and although I could join the server on my machine (same computer) my friends could not (time out message).
Given the recent crossplay addition with Epic Games I thought maybe that was the problem so I enabled Vivox (- UseVivox) to make it Steam only. Although I am still getting the gethostname failed message my server ran perfectly with no issues including the correct server name and password. I also enabled RCON but I doubt that will have made a difference.
Perhaps try this and see if you get the same luck!
23 июн. 2020 в 23:31The only thing i can tell you is that your crash is not related to this "gethostname failed" message. You can ignore this message.
Thats some "feature" wildcard added with Crystal. it has no negative and no positive effect. All servers are seeing this.
Your crash is mostly related to any mods you have installed.
The only thing i can tell you is that your crash is not related to this "gethostname failed" message. You can ignore this message.
Thats some "feature" wildcard added with Crystal. it has no negative and no positive effect. All servers are seeing this.
Your crash is mostly related to any mods you have installed.
I have tried my server with and without the mods installed or put into ActiveMods. It doesn't work 90% of the time and occasionally the server will launch. I really don't understand what could be the problem here. 25 июн. 2020 в 5:24
I've been having the same error over the last week since the most recent patch. Been looking at a lot of different posts to try to find a fix and seem to have found similar things to you - changing port forwarding etc. I wouldn't mind so much having the gethostname failed message pop up but the server was visible as a random name and no password despite both of these having been specified in ark server manager and although I could join the server on my machine (same computer) my friends could not (time out message).
Given the recent crossplay addition with Epic Games I thought maybe that was the problem so I enabled Vivox (- UseVivox) to make it Steam only. Although I am still getting the gethostname failed message my server ran perfectly with no issues including the correct server name and password. I also enabled RCON but I doubt that will have made a difference.
Perhaps try this and see if you get the same luck!
25 июн. 2020 в 12:02I've been having the same error over the last week since the most recent patch. Been looking at a lot of different posts to try to find a fix and seem to have found similar things to you - changing port forwarding etc. I wouldn't mind so much having the gethostname failed message pop up but the server was visible as a random name and no password despite both of these having been specified in ark server manager and although I could join the server on my machine (same computer) my friends could not (time out message).
Given the recent crossplay addition with Epic Games I thought maybe that was the problem so I enabled Vivox (- UseVivox) to make it Steam only. Although I am still getting the gethostname failed message my server ran perfectly with no issues including the correct server name and password. I also enabled RCON but I doubt that will have made a difference.
Steamsocketsopensource gethostname failed ark что делать
15 фев в 13:20I keep getting this error on multiple unofficial servers I am trying to host. I never used to get this in the past. I am currently using Ark Server Manager to host my servers on a server PC I play ark and can see the servers on the unofficial list and my LAN list. My friends can see the game if they add it to their steam favorites but can only connect some of the times by favorites or using steam servers listing. I use Unifi networking equipment if that helps.
What have I tried?
Enabling/disabling UPNP and NAT
Loopback adapter added with WAN IP
Adding ports in firewall, disabling firewall on PC
Enabling Vivox
Disabling all crossplay settings
If I do figure it out I will make an update on exactly what resolved it as I've seen other posts about it with no real solution.
steamsocketsopensource gethostname failed () ark
newLikes: 0
Post by iamisobe on Sept 14, 2020 19:37:21 GMT -5
I've run multiple Ark clusters on same PC as I play on without ever setting a loopback nor a VPN. Now nothing I do works and I cant see my other maps when I am in game and servers dont show. 100% my ports are correct. Yes override is clicked, yes their ClusterID matches, yes downloads enables, yess filtering is clicked. What has changed and what do I need to do to fix this?
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