Steam is required to play the game red orchestra 2 что делать
5 ноя. 2015 в 8:06
I have enjoyed RO/RS 2 for about 25 hours ! Then it just stopped working. Wont launch. I get the message "STEAM is required to play the game". I have done everything that is sugested within these forums ( I think). I have sent 2 emails to Tripwire. NO REPLY ! I have uninstalled the game completely, 3 times. same message. Can anyone PLEASE give me a hint as to what is going on with my game. RO 2 and GTA 4 are the only games (of 28) that will not run. What to do here ? ?
5 ноя. 2015 в 12:59
Try this: install the game then right click on its name-->properties--->Local files--->select ,,verify gamecache" button. When it finished, launch the game. I hope this advice could help your problem.
5 ноя. 2015 в 14:40
Thanks, I have done that, it passes (4 or 5 times) as well as deleting local content, appcache, and have completely uninstalled, and reinstalled the game 3 times. The last install failed to install "prerequisite files". .
6 ноя. 2015 в 6:57
Thanks, I have done that, it passes (4 or 5 times) as well as deleting local content, appcache, and have completely uninstalled, and reinstalled the game 3 times. The last install failed to install "prerequisite files". .
Well, there is no other advice in my pocket. :/ Maybe you need to read the coloured threads that can be solve your problem. Or write a direct message for Moskeeto or TW Yoshiro, or try the TWI forums.
6 ноя. 2015 в 8:08
Thanks very much, I have been through the colored threads and done everything I could find there. Now I'm also getting a "MSChart.dll" is not installed on my system, although I see that file within the steam game files. I have also uninstalled, and reinstalled PB. I dont want to be a pain in the @ss. But would like to play the game ! Thanks for your reply !!
7 ноя. 2015 в 11:57
hello,be sure to run the game wthout as admin ! me when i run the game as admin i have this probleme good luck
7 ноя. 2015 в 13:43
1.This could also be a problem with back ground programs running make sure you Ctrl+Alt+Del and look for any Tripwire/RO2 running and end the process.
2.I think this might actully be a punkbuster problem try a fresh install of punkbuster and update it.
Steam is required to play the game
Понимаю,прошло уже столько лет,но она ещё существует.Надеюсь вы мне поможете.
P.S Целостность кеша,переустановка компьютера,стима не помогает.
Обычно, при такой ошибке, помогает перезапуск стима. Но если вам это не помогает, то попробуйте самостоятельно проверить целостность исполняемого файла (Есть ли он вообще хотя бы). Ежели он цел, то попробуйте запустить игру через него.
Steam is required to play the game red orchestra 2 что делать
Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer
22 мар. 2013 в 15:47 RO2 is suddenly no longer listed as an installed game in my Steam account. I tried many things by now - nothing worked. Anyone got an idea how to solve this? 22 мар. 2013 в 15:47 22 мар. 2013 в 15:50 22 мар. 2013 в 15:51Go into:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam
and delete ClientRegistry.blob (make a backup of it just in case)
Then, restart Steam.
Let me know if that works.
22 мар. 2013 в 15:57 22 мар. 2013 в 15:58 Only thing I can think then is to delete the files in steamapps and redownload the whole game. 22 мар. 2013 в 16:00 Actually, try to get Steam to download it first and see if it rediscovers the files. 22 мар. 2013 в 16:07 Thx 4 your help. I will see about that ultima ratio. It's really strange. The only thing I did was installing Microsoft Security Essentials yesterday. But I doubt that there is any correlation. 22 мар. 2013 в 16:15Hi. I have the fix here.
It is hardcore and you need to have a good understanding but I lay it out clearly.
22 мар. 2013 в 16:33 Considering this is a Steam issue, I also recommend you try out Steam support. 23 мар. 2013 в 9:25 Solution was: I let steam download the game again and it asked me for a folder. So I choose the same where RO2 was still installed. Steam then said that it is checking the already installed files. This took some 5mins and RO2 was available to be played again. Phew that was lucky =) 23 мар. 2013 в 11:52 Solution was: I let steam download the game again and it asked me for a folder. So I choose the same where RO2 was still installed. Steam then said that it is checking the already installed files. This took some 5mins and RO2 was available to be played again. Phew that was lucky =) 24 мар. 2013 в 22:46 Solution was: I let steam download the game again and it asked me for a folder. So I choose the same where RO2 was still installed. Steam then said that it is checking the already installed files. This took some 5mins and RO2 was available to be played again. Phew that was lucky =)A good practice, is to have the Steam Client itself installed on your main drive (where your OS is installed), and since Steam now natively supports secondary installations (some titles don't) install the bigger, or less demanding games on your secondary.
Sometimes it can get pretty cranky if you say. reinstall windows and try to point the new fresh install's secondary folder to the one you already have. What I do, is pull the games out of that folder, delete it, let steam create the folder, and drag the folders from the original secondary folder back into the new one.
Not sure if that pertains to your issue, but, regardless, for anyone that it may, it helps.
Steam is required to play the game red orchestra 2 что делать
Макс, то есть звания "героев" ограничены на разных серверах?
Антон, их количество, например, не более 20 героев на сервере, я так полагаю
Сегодня купил RO2 Heroes of Stalingrad, поиграв два часа, решил купить апгрейд до дигитал делюкс эдишен, купил, зашёл в игру, но оружия не дали, оно всё ещё закрыто, что делать?
Здравствуйте,возникла проблема с запуском игры,первые 4 пункта хоть и выполнил ничего не поменялось,не подскажете что делать?
Здравствуйте,возникла проблема с запуском игры, запуская ее ничего не происходит(стим,лицензия) процесс не появляется. Что делать?
Игра при запуске несколько секунд "думает", после чего вылетает с прекращением процесса и без ошибки ROGame.exe
Добрый день, у меня проблема с статистикой Аккаунта. Дело в том что я 2 года играю в данную. игру, может не активно но не суть. Вкачено не мало оружия, Почти все классы Ветераны (Не купил второе дополнение вот и выше не получал), уровень славы 68. Сегодня захожу а статистика сброшена, уровень славы 10. Хотя в бою при респауне мое оружие что прокачено со всеми изученными обвесами (Пример Карабин Маузера 98 штык и отсутствие мушки на прицеле, или же ППШ дисковый магазин и переводчик огня). Как мне вернуть статистику? (И да у меня стимовская лицензия ник Pioner)
Стас, Оружие откроется при достижении уровня класса который имеет к нему доступ к примеру Сапер с нуля не может получить ППС. Но вроде как с Заколенный в боях уже доступен, могу ошибаться.
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