Starbound сколько боссов
20 окт. 2015 в 14:29 ЖЕСТКАЯ критика игры Starbound (не для слабонервных)
1. Движок игры старбаунд абсолютная халтура: вода и сыпучие смеси текут и сыпятся только на небольшом удалении от персонажа, стоит отойти на небольшое расстояние и все замирает. Можно построить в лаве домик из снега и т.д. т.е. никакого взаимодействия, игровая механика просто декоративна и полностью разочарует любителей песочниц.
2. Авторы убрали единственное что придавало игре хоть какую-то атмосферу выживания: голод и температуру окружающей среды.
3."летать по галактике" одинаковые унылые планеты копи-паст отличающиеся только спрайтами, которые совершенно нет смысла исследовать, кроме как найти очередную бессмыссленную вещь для очередного бессмысленного квеста(связная сюжетная линия в игре напрочь отсутствует)
4."одевать персонажа в разные костюмы" любителям игр типа одень-раздень куклу понравится, смысла переодевать персонажа ровно столько же.
5. "находить кучи оружия в подземельях(как холодного и огнестрельного,так и плазменного)" все оружие в игре тупой копи-паст с случайными спрайтами и повреждением.
6. "разорять данжи" убогий набор нескольких шаблонных заготовок скучнейших данжей разбросанный по РНД.
7. "уничтожать деревни и города" смысла ноль, пара заготовленных сараев с несколькими ботами, интриги или трагедии ноль.
8. "строй что хочешь или разрушай" смысла строить что-то вообще нет, никто не будет штурмовать твою крепость, если только случайная черепаха наткнется на твое творение. Все постройки это блоки(РНД по спрайтам) и бессмысленная куча мебели которая нафиг в игре не нужна и не используется, короче только декорации.
9. "проходить разные квесты" унылый набор бессмысленных квестов, типа принеси тумбочку красного цвета, принеси тумбочку зеленого цвета и т.д. и несколько коротеньких карт из главного квеста, сюжет которого уныл более чем полностью.
10. "проходить через порталы в подземельях(если конечно найдешь)" вот эти миссии в порталах вообще уже похожи просто на стеб со стороны геймдизайнеров, настолько они одинаковы и пусты, кто играл тот поймет.
Вывод: старбаунд просто красивая декорация, все что можно делать: бессмысленно блуждать в поиках одиноких ботов, бороться в игре не с кем, исследовать нечего, внутренняя механика на уровне марио, смысла что-то строить нет, с таким же успехом можно просто в фотошопе рисовать.
И что самое позорное для старбаунда: игра активно разрабатывается с 2013 года, и с каждым годом становится только хуже, т.е. в ней становится все больше казуальщины и все меньше песочницы. Кто играл тот поймет.
Боссы — более сильные противники, вызываемые игроком. Для битвы с ними следует подготовиться заранее. Победа над боссами открывает игроку новый уровень, что приносит новые рецепты и доступ на более сложные планеты.
Эркиевый ужас Тир 1 босс
Неизвестно, является ли Ужас отдельным существом, дом которого находится в эркиевых жилах, или если топливо в его большой кристаллической форме является на самом деле побочным продуктом зверя. Его отношение к другим чудовищам, сделанные из эркия, в лучшем случае расплывчато.
Boss Monsters
Bosses are very powerful enemies that require skill and strategy to defeat. They come in two types;
- Sub-Bosses (Procedurally generated) - Sub-bosses will appear on planets and in dungeons and will be different based on the location the player encounters them in. This type of boss drops unique equipment.
- Bosses (Premade) - Premade Bosses will be at the end of missions, and key story points in the game.
See the bosses page for a full listing.
Bosses are very powerful enemies that require skill and strategy to defeat. They come in two types: mission Bosses and side Bosses. They are unique to other enemies in that they have a much more advanced AI, and that they cannot be afflicted with any Debuff but at the same time possess no elemental resistance of any sort with one exception (see Vault Guardian).
Unique Monsters
Unique monsters are those that are pre-designed rather than being made through the procedural generation engine. They can be found on planets, specific to biomes or dungeons, as part of quests, as bosses or as boss minions.
Many unique monsters award progress toward the Pets Collection after being captured in a Capture Pod. These monsters have their collection entry number listed below.
In update 1.4 recolored rare variants of almost all Collection monsters were added. These rare monsters appear in bounty missions and have a very rare chance to appear in the wild. Capturing these monsters earns progress towards the Rare Pets Collection.
Biome Monsters
Biome monsters are only found in specific planetary biomes. They spawn alongside other procedurally generated monsters, so finding a biome does not necessarily mean the monster will be there. Many of these monsters are found in more than one biome.
Mini Biome Monsters
Mini Biome monsters are only found specific mini biomes. They spawn alongside other procedurally generated monsters, so finding a mini biome does not necessarily mean the monster will be there. These monsters are unique to these biomes and are not found anywhere else.
Dungeon Monsters
Dungeon monsters are aggressive monsters found inside dungeons and microdungeons. Many enemies in dungeons are NPCs, there aren't procedurally generated monsters. These monsters can only be found in their corresponding dungeons.
Farm Animals
Farm Animals are a type of unique monster hatched from eggs purchased at Terramart. They allow players to harvest monster drop materials without killing any creatures. Each egg type hatches a different animals, each with unique resources for harvest. These animals cannot be captured, and can be killed by lava and monsters.
Space Monsters
Space monsters are monsters which are designed to operate in zero gravity space encounters. These monsters were added in update 1.3.0, and none are captureable using Capture Pods.
Most of these monsters are best countered with mechs.
Disabled Monsters
Unique Monster Table
Mission Bosses
Mission Bosses are found at the end of quests and key story points in the game. These bosses are usually monsters (such as the Ixodoom), but can also be (or include) humanoid beings such as the Bone Dragon or Asra Nox. They will sometimes drop codexes that give information on them, which usually contain the name of the boss in the title.
Erchius Horror
The Erchius Horror is found in the Erchius Mining Facility mission. It spreads damaging beams of energy around it, one at first, then two after it's been shot once. It also spawns a Moontant after each beam phase.
Players must activate switches around the boss to power a plasma cannon. Being struck with the cannon will cause the crystal to crack and shards will fall to the ground. After three shots the boss will be defeated, allowing players to complete the mission.
It first appears as an egg when you encounter it and then hatches into its main form. It appears as a giant, four-legged creature made of bone and muscle. The player fights this boss with Nuru.
Asra Nox
Fought in the Great Pagoda Library mission.
Asra Nox appears at the end of the Hylotl mission. She has an energy shield, can turn into a Distortion Sphere and has a powerful sword known as the Solus Katana
Kluex Avatar
The Kluex Avatar appears at the end of the Avian mission. It fires powerful laser blasts and can summon ice pillars. It also is able to create lava.
Big Ape
Fought in the Miniknog Stronghold mission.
Big Ape appears at the end of the Apex mission. It fires powerful laser blasts and explosives.
Bone Dragon
Fought in the Baron's Keep mission.
The Bone Dragon appears at the end of the Glitch mission. It breathes fire at the player and Occasus cultists also spawn to hinder the player.
The Ruin
Fought in the final mission.
The Ruin, or The Heart of Ruin, appears at the end of the final mission after opening the gate at the ark. It flails giant tentacles, fires powerful cone lasers from its eye and summons monsters to fight alongside it.
Post Endgame
Post endgame bosses are accessible only after completing the final boss mission and serve as the ultimate challenge for even the most skilled players.
Vault Guardians
Vault Guardians are procedurally generated post endgame bosses found at the end of every Vault. A Vault Guardian is associated with one of the four types of elemental damage (fire, poison, ice or electric) which means it will take 50% less damage from its respective element weapons. It has its own name reminiscent of ancient Greece. These bosses are immune to all status effects. After defeating an Ancient Guardian it drops 1250 essence and has a 50% chance to drop a random microformer.
As Vault Guardians are procedurally generated, there's no universal strategy for defeating them. However, it's good to have a non-elemental weapon (the Asuterosaberu DX and Ex Machina work well) or weapons of all elements to minimize the chance of bringing a low-effective weapon or even maximize the chance of bringing the high-effective one (an Adaptable Crossbow is useful here). A Guardian's element is recognized by its glowing parts (orange is for fire, green for poison, blue for ice and purple for electric).
Due to their procedural generation, each one is different, though they draw their attacks from a pool. Shielded Guardians will have some way of momentarily disabling the shield. Non-shielded Guardians will either have very high health or very high defense, and the latter will have a way for you to apply a special damage buff to more effectively damage them.
The following attacks have been observed. Names are not official. If anyone has better/the official ones, please replace the names below.
- Jab: The Guardian winds up for a jab with its sword and lunges at the player. This can be a series of short jabs or one long-distance lunge. The way to avoid this is to keep moving, and use either the Sprint tech or the Blink Dash. During the multi jab, sprint back and forth, and if you must turn around, run past it between attacks. It does not deal contact damage, and jumping over it will simply get you hit.
- Orbs: The Guardian creates large, glass-like orbs that travel horizontally at the height of any platforms around the arena. This is done to force the player off them or to set up an attack similar to the Kluex Avatar's lava attack. When this is being set up, it is done so in a way that forces the player to regularly change platforms to avoid damage.
- Lava/Poison/Electric spikes: After placing orbs, the Guardian fills the arena with either bright lava or poison. Only Fire, Poison and Electric Guardians have been observed to do this. The player must use the platforms or the Spike Sphere to avoid damage. The lava, poison or spikes only goes a tile or two high.
- Spawn Constructs: The Guardian places two tiny purple orbs, which become a tethered pair of constructs once both are placed. One is a stationary sentinel, and the other is a fish-shaped floating construct that slowly pursues the player. If one is killed, the other disappears, however, if they meet, they fuse into a larger fish-shaped construct. If the Guardian that spawned them is a non-shielded Guardian with high defense, the fused construct will spawn a special damage boost zone when destroyed, allowing the player to deal more substantial damage to the Guardian. If it is shielded, the fused construct will immediately turn into a small purple orb with a pointer, similar to the Kluex Avatar or Kluex Staff's projectiles, and fire at the player after a short delay. The projectile will disable the Guardian's shield, allowing it to be damaged.
- Spawn Construct Turrets: The Guardian places two orbs, like when it spawns tethered constructs, but the resultant 'fish constructs' have a squarer face and shoot a small series of blue orbs in bursts. Destroying them as soon as possible would be the best idea for the player.
- Spawn Construct Breakers: The Guardian places 4 orbs, that turns into 'bird constructs' that have a pointed face. These do not shoot and follow the player around the field. The player must defeat these to get a 'damage boost' status boost to effectively attack the guardian with buffed defense.
- Reflected Laser: The Guardian charges and fires a laser that reflects around the arena, aiming for the player. It does not change its aim once it fires. The beam reflects instantly, and the safe zones will be above or below where the player was when the laser was fired.
- Sweeping Laser: The Guardian fires a laser at the player for a short time, changing its aim to follow the player. Keep moving to avoid this.
- Alternating Lasers: The Guardian moves to one side of the arena and shoots blue lasers from it's hands that sweep up and down. It's always in the lower section of the room, and the highest point is slightly above the height of the Guardian, so the best strategy is to either get above him on a platform or stand next to him for half damage (his hands are staggered - one is more forward than the other, so less damage can be taken if the player waits behind the one hand).
- Spinning Lasers: The Guardian fires short, continuous lasers from it's hands and spins them around it's body, following the player. The best method of avoidance is to stand on top of the Guardian (in between the lasers) or run continuously.
- Projectile Spray: The Guardian fires a spray of small, round projectiles at the player. Fire Guardians' projectiles may explode after a short time. Use platforms and keep moving to avoid this.
Some arenas also have a pair of switches, each of which briefly activates a long spike of energy. This spike will break the Guardian's shield, allowing the player to attack it.
One Guardian has no shield but spawns chasing 'constructs' that must be defeated to spawn a 'damage boost' zone that disappears after the fourth has fallen.
There may be more attacks/arena strategies not listed here. If you see one, please add it.
The Swansong
The Swansong is a post endgame boss encountered in the mission The Dantalion, at the end of the bounty hunting questline.
Procedurally Generated Monsters
Many monsters that players encounter throughout the game are procedurally generated, meaning they are assembled 'randomly' from a characteristic set, like a planet. Monster attacks, physical features, and color are all assembled based on the seed of the planet, which allows coordinate sharing to include monster locations. The higher the threat is, the more powerful the monsters get.
Generated monsters are separated into classes of monsters based on three characteristics:
- Size: monsters are either large or small
- Aggression: monsters are either aggressive (attack on sight) or passive (attack only when attacked)
- Locomotion: monsters are bipedal (standing on two legs only), quadrupedal (standing on four legs), or flying (uses wings to move around)
Theoretically, 12 classes of monsters can exist based on these separate characteristics. However, large bipedal and large quadrupedal monsters are always aggressive, so there are only 10 classes of generated monsters in practice:
Flying Monsters
- Passive Small Flying Monster: 14.4 Health, 12 Melee Damage @ Tier 1
- Aggressive Small Flying Monster: 14.4 Health, 12 Melee Damage @ Tier 1
- Passive Large Flying Monster: 32.4 Health, 15 Melee Damage @ Tier 1 (can use ranged attacks)
- Aggressive Large Flying Monster: 32.4 Health, 15 Melee Damage @ Tier 1 (can use ranged attacks)
Bipedal Monsters
- Passive Small Biped: 21.6 Health, 10 Melee Damage @ Tier 1
- Aggressive Small Biped: 21.6 Health, 10 Melee Damage @ Tier 1
- Aggressive Large Biped: 33.75 Health, 15 Melee Damage @ Tier 1
Quadrupedal Monsters
- Passive Small Quadruped: 14.4 Health, 10 Melee Damage @ Tier 1
- Aggressive Small Quadruped: 14.4 Health, 10 Melee Damage @ Tier 1
- Aggressive Large Quadruped: 33.75 Health, 15 Melee Damage @ Tier 1 (only generated monster type that can drop Raw Ribs when killed with hunting weapons)
(Note: Large flying monsters used to be able to use ranged attacks; however, this functionality was removed in Version 1.2.0. Apparently this was actually a bug, however, because the ranged attacks came back in Version 1.2.2.)
Each planet that is not a Barren planet generates 1 passive small flying monster, 1 large flying monster (either passive or aggressive), 2 passive ground creatures (passive small bipeds and quadrupeds), 3 night terrors (aggressive small flying creatures and aggressive large bipeds and quadrupeds), and 2 aggressive ground creatures (aggressive small bipeds and quadrupeds) for use in its various regions. Most surface biomes use all of the generated monsters except for the large flying creature (which only appears in the planet's atmosphere layer); however, Garden surface biomes do not use any aggressive ground creatures, and they only use 2 night terrors, 1 passive small flying creature, and 1 passive ground creature.
If the planet in question is an Ocean, Toxic or Arctic planet, it also generates Fish to populate its liquid layer. Some of the small fish are unique critters, but other small fish and both passive and aggressive large fish are procedurally generated in a similar manner to ground and flying monsters. Large fish have 32.4 health and deal 15 damage at tier 1.
Due to night terrors appearing to harass the player, surface traversal is much more difficult at night, forcing unprepared players to seek protection when the sun begins to set. [1]
Monster Mechanics
Monsters have a specific list of mechanics associated with them. This includes where they can spawn, their attack style, physical attributes, et cetera. Each world has a specific height limit for monster spawning. Ground based monsters on the planet surface spawn only a certain distance above the surface layer, while aerial monsters spawn until the start of upper atmospheric asteroids. Monsters will spawn where background blocks are placed, but appear to not spawn where background blocks and lights are placed. However, light alone does not prevent their spawning.
Monster Stat Scaling
Monster power and durability is determined not only by base stats, but also by multipliers which are applied based on planet Tier and any tier bonuses which may be applied on top of planet tier.
Monsters are creatures which can be found on nearly all planets. Monsters can either be procedurally generated or unique, and may be either aggressive or neutral towards the player (except for critters, which are always passive). Aggressive monsters will attack on sight, but neutral monsters will only become hostile if provoked. Killing monsters will usually yield pixels and other resources.
Эркиевый добывающий объект
Ужас является финальным боссом миссии Эркиевый добывающий объект и должен быть уничтожен, чтобы завершить задание Стань космическим героем (Become Space-worthy) , который, наконец, позволяет кораблю игрока снова путешествовать по звездам. Он ждет в самой глубокой части шахты, охраняемой десятками лунными мутантами.
Неподвижного Ужаса нельзя атаковать напрямую; единственный способ повредить его - активировать Горнодобывающий лазер непосредственно под ним. От игрока требуется активации четырех маленьких выключателей, расположенных по всей комнате, на стенах, для зарядки лазера, затем вернуться к устройству и активировать его, чтобы запустить мощный взрыв в зверя. Это звучит просто, за исключением того, что Ужас проецирует мощные плазменные пучки в качестве защитного механизма, требуя от игрока уклонения между ними и поиска безопасных зон в балок. Эти лучи проникают через блоки балок выше и ниже Ужаса, не оставляя по-настоящему безопасных пространств внутри камеры. Как только лучи рассеиваются, Ужас выплескивает под собой лунных мутантов, чтобы еще больше по беспокоить игрока, затем снова начинает атаку лучом.
Как только лазер будет запущен в зверя, он изменит свою диаграмму лучей, и Лазер должен быть заново перезаряжен, активировав все четыре переключателя. Три выстрела разрушат существо и освободят одного благодарного шахтера от мутированной судьбы.
Технология рывок и импульсный прыжок настоятельно рекомендуется для уклонения и мобильности. Будьте предельно осторожны, когда опускаетесь вниз по платформам, чтобы избежать урона от падений.
В то время, пока вы блокируете луч щитом, он наносит стабильно большой урон, который может очень быстро 'съесть 'любую долговечность щита. Вышесказанный способ укрываться щитом защищает на короткое время от урона лазером, но он очень рискованный. С помощью специальной атаки "рывок" на двуручных мечах можно полностью уклонится от лазера.
Если вы собираетесь совершить удар, двигайтесь в противоположном направлении, когда луч движется, чтобы свести к минимуму нанесенный урон. Имейте несколько предметов исцеления и немного еды в своей быстрой панели; непрерывное медленное исцеление очень полезно.
Mini Bosses
Mini Bosses are a slightly weaker variant of boss that are not encountered during the main story; rather, they are fought during side and optional quests. Nevertheless, they are still formidable foes and require preparation and strategy to defeat.
Dreadwing the Penguin
Encountered in the Dreadwing mission, given by the penguin at the penguin bar at the outpost.
It appears as a giant flying saucer piloted by a penguin. It spawns penguin soldiers, tanks, and mini saucers. It attacks by shooting laser beams that can break blocks or by slamming itself into the ground.
This boss was first revealed in public stream at Insomnia Gaming Festival [1]
Shockhopper MK I
Shockhopper MK I is a mini-boss encountered in the quest Penguin Weaponry Testing Site, given by Dr. Akaggy in the outpost.
After he's defeated the shop will open up, offering weapons for sale.
Removed Bosses
These are bosses that once existed in the game or game files at some point but have been removed from one or both of these. If others are known, please add them here.
Jelly Boss (Brian)
Jelly Boss (also known as Brian) was an optional boss from pre-Upbeat Giraffe versions. It was summoned by using a Peanut Butter Trap, which required a Monster Lab to manufacture (both have since been removed). The boss dropped Endomorphic Jelly, and the codex Jelly (codex). The boss would summon Skeye Jelly minions, potentially overwhelming the player if not quelled.
Fatal Circuit
The Fatal Circuit was an optional boss from pre-Upbeat Giraffe versions. It was summoned by using a Inactive Robot, it can be crafted with Steel Bars and an Artificial Brain. The boss dropped a Processor, and the codex Fatal Circuit.
Once the Inactive Robot is put in the floor and triggered with E, it will activate and immediately begin trying to kill the player. The boss is level 20 and attacks the player with both melee attacks and a ranged flamethrower attack.
The Tentacle Comet was a planned boss that would have supposedly been added in future updates. Not much is known about it. However, it is suspected that this creature was related to the one that destroyed Earth, scattering the human race throughout the galaxy.
Once defeated, it was likely supposed to drop the Tentacle Comet Codex, which had some lore info on the boss.
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