Star citizen как посмотреть fps
Космический симулятор Star Citizen, бесспорно, считается самым крупным и амбициозным проектом в карьере именитого дизайнера Wing Commander и Freelancer Криса Робертса (Chris Roberts). Шутка ли — игра сочетает в себе огромное количество геймплейных модулей, ее бескрайний мир вызывает восхищение своей проработкой (для каждой из трех инопланетных рас был создан уникальный диалект!), а бюджет составляет порядка 60 миллионов долларов. И это, разумеется, не предел.
На выходных Cloud Imperium Games посетила австралийскую игровую выставку PAX Australia, где показала шутерный модуль Star Citizen. Что сказать, если закрыть глаза на неряшливую анимацию, то в целом перестрелки выглядят впечатляюще. И это при том, что в Star Citizen такие бои являются скорее отличным дополнением к исследованиям чужих миров, но никак не основной частью.
Star Citizen FPS in the Persistent Universe and you
The details behind it all:
Current Performance in Star Citizen Persistent/Universe whether you have a Beastly Rig or a Budget build will largely be the same. It is not tied to your PC it is instead tied to the current netcode that the servers are running.
What this means for us is whether you are running an i7 with a GTX 1080 or an i3 GTX 960 you are going to range between 15-25FPS un the current PU. Arena Commander is a different story. That usually runs 30+ on even budget builds and looks Gorgeous.
A quote from 10 for the Chairman (Ep 98) regarding the issue.
"So we’ve done a lot of top level changes on top of the CryNetwork but it’s just not going to be good enough handle systems this big and this much data going back and forth. So we’ve long had a full rewrite of everything in CryNetwork on the table and we’ve been working on it and now with what happened, and what you could see on 2.4 and the framerates and everything it’s just clear we’re at the limit of what the current engine will handle without these new systems that we’ve been working on for quite a while coming online."
"So the Engineering team on the overall project, across all the studios, have a good portion of it being what we call “ring fenced”. And so rather than spending a lot of time iterating, fixing issues or bugs on 2.4 or 2.4.1 or 2.5, we’ve been working towards getting everything in place for when we bring out the bigger system and procedural planets. Which internally in our release schedule that will be 2.7 [now known as 3.0] but I’m not giving you an exact date on that because as you can see with 2.4 some of the bigger things take longer some of the more simple content updates."
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