Spec ops the line fubar pack что это
9 окт. 2012 в 7:28
Anybody got any tips as far as this setting is concerned? Suicidal seemed pretty easy so I thought I would try the next notch up and this seems borderline impossible! The enemy spam grenades like there's no tomorrow and can kill you in a shot so you constantly have to chose between staying in cover and dying instantly or leaving cover and dying instantly, which is an immensely frustrating experience. It doesn't help that your AI team mates spend 100% of their time being dead or useless :p
Any suggestions on what I might be missing would be much appreciated :D
9 окт. 2012 в 16:27It is a beast, but doable. You best skill is patients, you will be reloading often. There are no limited lives or continues so you can really check yourself through the meat-grinder. Your goal is to make it to the next check point with decent ammo left over. Don't worry about how slow you are going, just that you are making progress. It took me days to finish FUBAR.
While not very effective, your teammates can still help. Lugo is good for taking out snipers and other long range foes. When one ally goes down just send the other to revive him. Grenade on sand kick up a cloud that blinds enemies, you can use that to get a few shots out. Don't stay exposed by aiming, jump out quick to get a beam, return to cover and try and line up the shot before aiming again. Occasionally you can attack foes while they are leaving their spawn, a well placed grenade can take them all out at once. A great place for this is in Chapter 13 just before the big dusk storm when a group of solders, a runner, and a heavy unload from a jeep, however taking most of them all out will start the next set of enemy spawns so take out the heavy fast and run for cover.
I recommend sticking to the the M4A and the M249 SAW; both have good firepower, decent range, and frequent ammo. The SCAR-H can be useful for crowds with it's grenade launcher but I don't use it often as it has worse range that the previous two weapons. The AA-12 near the end of Chapter 14 really clears the room and is very effective against heavies. The biggest problem spots I had was the end of Chapter 4, when you take on the hive, and Chapter 13 onward since you have to revive your ally yourself.
Thanks for the tips! I've managed to creep forward a few more levels now using your suggestions. The majority of the difficulty now spawns from wrestling with the poor cover mechanic constantly peeling me out of cover when I haven't told it to and my team mates choosing a new career as a bullet sponge rather than the game itself being a challenge.
I'm on chapter 13 and (SPOILER) have rescued Adams but I'm now stuck on the part immediately after. I have attempted this section no less than 25 times. Every single attempt has failed due to Adams sprinting out in to the open and getting cut down and there is not a single solitary thing I can do about it. Failing over and over again due to nothing more than absolutely appalling team mate AI has made me go from adoring this game to absolutely hating it in the space of an hour :p
I'm sure I will get there eventually but it is sickening having raw luck determine if you get through a section or not!
16 окт. 2012 в 23:23 I'm not sure where exactly you stucked at. BTW, in chapter 13, you have to rescued Adams, at first battle, how I pass is taken 417 gun, hide far away (a stone behind the Heli) and aim 417 gun to headshot all of the enemies, becareful sometimes soldier will come close to you so be prepared to melee them out.I suggest you search youtube Fubar level walkthrough if you really need it. 17 окт. 2012 в 0:54 I managed to complete the game on the same day as my last post. It was quite frustrating having Adams constantly standing in the open and dying but I got there in the end! Thanks for the tips anyway mate :) 17 окт. 2012 в 21:38 In my Fubar gameplay, i seldom command my teammates to attack in open field. They just too stupid to follow my order. Sometimes they even attack alone to 5-6 enemies which is he think it is a rambo game. Wtf now they think they are commander or me as a commander? LOL. Try to avoid command them in Fubar. Anyway, it is possible to beat in Fubar Mode. You have to plan your attack for the next checkpoint mate =) 25 янв. 2013 в 1:58 Thats the only thing in this game is that your AI buddies keeps getting killed in the most stupid of places and most time if you revive them you get killed in the process, Would be nice if they were smarter as well. Instead of it being a one man show where your trying to kill the enemy plus watch your teams back and in the process not to get shoot as well. 7 мар. 2013 в 7:25
1)Don't rely on squad commands. Attempt to kill all enemies yourself (this will make you a better player dispite the frustrations)
2)When a team mates go down, clear the area first before healing them, they have time, it's not always nessassary to rush to heal them straight away, take your time, aim well, save your ammo while you clear the area
3)Sticky's are useful on normal enemies not only heavies, they will run to another enemy or group of enemies for help before detonation
4) Learn good training to get from cover to cover! but of course this isn't possible if your just walking around waiting for the bullets to hit you. Know when to sprint, when to crouch, and when to take cover, take cover too long, enemies might vault over cover for a melee attack, blind fire, aim lower when you blind fire, allow for the recoil.
5)Flash bombs otherwise known as stun grenades are more than effective if you put them in the right place.
6)Read the envioroment, what cover is best for your line of attack or to get to that very much needed ammo or grenades?
7)Using a mouse? aim better, save ammo and try headshots (with the M4A1 you will notice everytime a headshot is made time slows down and speech is slurred, it can help and it can annoy) try a one shot one kill policy (you won't do it, but it's good for dicisapline)
8) Which weapon to use? This is where distance and caliber come into play, the AK47 is a good weapon to use for single shot but the recoil can waste alot of ammo, this is very simmilar to the SCAR-H which is excellent for single shot and with the rounds it fires no more the 2 bullets per enemy will do the job, however in intense fire-fights and in the scenario where you have alot of ground to cover and need to take control, low recoil increases accuracy, which is why the M4A1 is most peoples weapon of choice with 120 bullets full ammo and equipt with that trusty silencer (do only have to use it when it's suggested? it's handy, and it works well in a few paces before The Pit and The Aquatic Colleseum), some will argue that a nice SMG like the UMP (125 bullets full ammo) or the P90 in close proximity scenarios are more affective especially the P90 with it's laser sight (which replaces the crosshairs) is just as effective, but at the end of the day, you have to use what will give you the best accuracy yet still leave you enough in the magazine for a suprise enemy that might pop out from behind cover or around a corner, in which case melee is your back up, that good old left shift button.
And as for the M99 or Scout rifles, both are very effective, however if you take cover you will improove the accuracy.
9)FUBAR can be completed within 24hrs it is hard, you will reload a level a few times, but everytime is a lesson, learn from what you do, be it right or wrong, watch where enemies come from, where they take cover, try to hit them before they hit you because in FUBAR no more than 2 shots and you are reloading the last checkpoint.
10) Do you see a weapon placed in your path rather conveiniently? Could it be there for a reason? Is there something further on that you will possibly need it for? This is not just an FPS this is a close combat scenario which requires you to think as hard as you fight. Is it wise to let the shear difficulty of this game beat you or do you beat the difficulty by thinking about many different factors?
The carpark can be done in under 2 minutes in fubar, and the same with the Epilogue. Both require blindfire, so take note of a suggestion above, although not all suggestions need to be applied, play how you feel comfortable with. But after FUBAR, you will consider walk on the beach, FUBAR is not a pleasent experience. Although it has an Adult rating, there really aren't many laughs to be had while playing FUBAR. The Foul language, is rather unessasary.
I unlocked all steam achievments, if you need advice, feel free to message me. I completed FUBAR without a widescreen FOV fix. But it can make a huge difference if you apply one, details can be found about the FOV in the Steam Forums and how to apply one, please do not make enquiries to me about the FOV when the info is just a quick steam search away.
Саундтрек [ ]
Список внеигровых композиций, добавленных в игру:
- Deep Purple — Hush
- Alice in Chains — Rooster
- Bjork — Storm
- Mogwai — Glasgow Mega-Snake
- Mogwai — R U Still In 2 It
- Giuseppe Verdi — Dies Irae, Libera me
- Nine Inch Nails — The day the world went away
- Martha and the Vandellas — Nowhere to run
- Black Mountain — Stormy High
- The Black Angels — Bad Vibrations
- Jimi Hendrix — A Merman I Should Turn To Be
- The Black Angels — The First Vietnamese War
- Jimi Hendrix — Star spangled banner
- Inner Circle — Bad boys
Список композиций, созданных специально для игры (композитор — Elia Cmiral):
- Behind The Stormwall
- The Looters
- Downed Plane
- Bucking Orders
- Atrium
- The Edge
- Scout Tactical
- The Pit
- The Lost Battalion
- Signs Of The Revolution
- "Don't Worry - They'll Be Back"
- Burning Courtyard
- White Phosphorus
- The Decision
- The Storm Fight
- Riggs
- Back Alley
- Sniper Combat
- Get To The Choppa!
- "Do I look Okay To You?"
- Welcome To Hell
- Walk The Line
- Konrad
- Truth Revealed
FUBAR Pack для Spec Ops: The Line
"1С-СофтКлаб" сообщает, что стартовал предварительный заказ на консольные издания военного экшена Spec Ops: The Line от 2K Games.
Spec Ops: The Line поступит в продажу 29 июня 2012 года, а до 21 июня на сайте "1С-СофтКлаб" вы можете оформить предзаказ на версии для Xbox 360 и PlayStation 3. В этом случае с игрой вы получите код на комплект дополнительных материалов для мультиплеера FUBAR Pack.
Комплект FUBAR Pack включает:
*удвоение получаемого опыта в первую неделю игры;
*доступ к АК-47, начиная с первого ранга;
*доступ к классу «Офицер», начиная с первого ранга (увеличение эффективности других классов и огневой мощи напарников, снижение получаемого соратниками урона);
*эксклюзивные аксессуары, позволяющие создать уникального персонажа.
Разработка [ ]
Первые две игры серии Spec Ops имели хорошие отзывы от критиков и игроков. Последующие шесть имели меньший бюджет и были хуже прж. продажи и плохие обзоры привели к остановке производства игр данной серии. В 2003 году издатель Take-Two упомянул в своих финансовых отчётах, что компания Rockstar Games работает над франшизой, но в начале 2005 года проект был отменён по неизвестным причинам.
12 декабря 2009 года была объявлена девятая игра в серии под названием Spec Ops: The Line. В вышедшем трейлере был продемонстрирован сеттинг постапокалиптического Дубая и геймплейные элементы. Возможная дата выпуска была назначена на 2011 год. После пресс-релиза был запущен официальный сайт игры.
Временная закрытая бета-версия мультиплеера была организована эксклюзивно для Xbox 360.
Демо-версия была выпущена 9 мая 2012 года для PlayStation 3 и Xbox 360, а 12 июня 2012 года — в Steam для Microsoft Windows.
Spec ops the line fubar pack что это
Помимо разведданых, представленных в игре, есть еще и аудиожурнал Мартина Уокера, который когда-то был эксклюзивом для PlayStation Network. Изучив его, можно дополнить картину о сюжете The Line и личности капитана в частности.
Экраны загрузки в игре / Loading screens in the game
Данная игра имеет экраны загрузки которые заставляют Уокера почувствовать себя подонком передают атмосферу (а может и не атмосферу) выбранной вами главы - RU This game has loading screens that make Walker feel like a scumbag[/stri.
A guide to correct whats expected from modern PC games.
Are you annoyed with ragged borders in Spec Ops: The Line ? This guide will help you enable Anti-Aliasing that will smooth these ragged borders .
Spec Ops: The Line / Разделы руководства: 1. Настройка FPS. 2. Настройка анизотропной фильтрации (AF). 3. Настройка общей чувствительности мыши. 4. Настройка поля зрения (FOV). 5. Настройка сглаживания (AA). 6. Настройка чувствительности мыши при п.
This guide is for anyone looking to obtain every achievement for "Spec Ops: The Line." I will provide hints, tips and even some exploits to help get you every achievement in as little time as possible.
[СПОЙЛЕРЫ] Детальный разбор сюжета Spec Ops: The Line
Сюжет в Spec Ops: The Line довольно запутанный и даже под конец игры не на все вопросы приходят ответы. Ситуация осложняется и тем, что главный герой в ходе сюжета начинает ловить откровенные глюки и не все происходящее на экране можно считать явью, из.
Подробное руководство по достижениям Spec Ops : The Line на русском.
A guide to all the intel locations in Spec Ops: The Line.
Гайд для нахождения всех разведданых и получения достижений по их поиску. .
Если вы хотите получить все достижение по выборам, можете загрузить последний чекпойнт или начать главу заново. .
Русификация версии игры, предназначенной не для России. Например, полученной в Humble Bundle. Русификация от 1С-СофтКлаб.
This guide will help you unlock the only available DLC for Spec Ops the Line - the FUBAR Pack for Multiplayer. It was given to people who preordered Spec Ops, but sadly it's not available in Steam Store.
Todos los logros de Spec Ops: The Line. Logros sencillos y fáciles de obtener. Otros serán bastante difíciles y tendrás que trabajar duro para poder conseguirlos. Cualquier duda que tengáis, escribirme por los comentarios y os solucionaré todas vuestras.
Предупреждаю - руководство содержит спойлеры! - RU Warning - this manual contains spoilers! - EN Руководство расскажет вам о том, как меняется окружение в главном меню игры. Возможно здесь и не будет спойлеров, как таковых, но я вас пре.
This guide provides information on obtaining the good ending for the game.
Poradnik który pomoże wam zdobyć wszystkie 50 osiągnięć w grze Spec Ops : The Line.
Spec Ops: The Line ----> No sound during cutscenes Problem Fix
You need fix your binkw32.dll Step 1 Download the Bink Video 1.99r DLL Step 2 Excract the contents to <path-to-game>\Binaries\Win32 Step 3 .
The TAR-21 is only available once in Campaign mode. This guide will show you where, when, and how to get it.
Não Esqueça de Avaliar esse guia, espero ter facilitado 100% a sua procura pela tradução.
Como jugar Spec Ops: The Line sin desarrollar trastorno por estrés postraumático en el intento
para que paga miles y miles de dolares en un psicologo cuando puedes ver esta guia y superar todos tus problemas.
Welcome to my Spec Ops: The Line walkthrough on FUBAR difficulty. This guide/walkthrough will show you how to beat the game and unlock the hardest achievement. There are a few tricks you can use to make the game easier, and we will be using them to our dva.
Spec Ops: The Line - Walkthrough + Intel Locations Guide
A comprehensive guide on how to get through the game get all of the intel. All credit goes to: Alek Kettenburg.
Spec Ops: The Line
The Line хоть и является частью серии игр Spec Ops, однако она не имеет ничего общего с предшествующими играми.
Для игры студией Darkside Game Studios также был разработан многопользовательский режим, предлагающий командам игроков сражаться друг с другом.
22 августа 2012 года вышло бесплатное дополнение, добавляющее кооперативный режим с четырьмя миссиями.
Оценка [ ]
Причиной минимального маркетинга игры послужило желание команды разработчиков держать потенциальных игроков в неведении до релиза, чтобы не портить повествование и не раскрывать сюжет и геймплейные элементы. С целью привлечения внимания к Spec Ops: The Line была выпущена демо-версия, которая не представляла финальную игру. Компания ожидала, что игра будет продана через рекламу по принципу "из уст в уста", когда игроки бы сами "рекламировали" её, рассказывая о ней всем. Но такой ход не сработал, и игра не получила широкую огласку. Вопреки надеждам разработчиков, Spec Ops: The Line не стала культовой классикой.
На 2020 год среднестатистическая оценка всех обзоров в Steam составляет 93%.
Геймплей [ ]
Игровой арсенал состоит из множества видов оружия различных типов — от штурмовых и снайперских винтовок до крупнокалиберных пулемётов и гранатомётов. Продвигаясь всё дальше, игрок получает доступ к более мощному вооружению.
Интересные факты [ ]
ОС: Windows XP с пакетом обновления 3
Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo с тактовой частотой 2 ГГц или эквивалентный по мощности AMD Athlon 64 X2
Оперативная память: 2 ГБ
Жёсткий диск: 6 ГБ свободного места
Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 или ATI Radeon HD 2600XT (с 256 МБ видеопамяти)
DirectX: 9.0
Звуковая карта: совместимая с DirectX
Дополнительно: первоначальная установка требует единоразовой авторизации в Steam; требуется наличие установленного ПО (есть в дистрибутиве продукта), такого как: клиент Steam, Microsoft DirectX, исполняемые библиотеки Visual C++ 2008 и Visual C++ 2005 SP1
OSX: 10.7.5
Процессор: Intel Dual Core
Оперативная память: 2 ГБ
Жёсткий диск: 6 ГБ свободного места
Видеокарта: Radeon HD 4670/4850/4870
Звуковая карта: Стерео совместимая
Дополнительно: первоначальная установка требует единоразовой авторизации в Steam; требуется наличие установленного ПО (есть в дистрибутиве продукта). Рекомендуется Двухкнопочная мышь.
ОС: Ubuntu 14.10, Mint 17.1 или схожая из Linux Distribution
Процессор: Intel Core 2 DUO 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon X2 2.7 GHz
Оперативная память: 4 ГБ
Жёсткий диск: 6 ГБ свободного места
Видеокарта: NVidia/AMD OpenGL 4.1/OpenGL level 3.2 совместимая. Видеопамять: 512 МБ
Звуковая карта: ALSA/PulseAudio совместимая
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