Space engineers pcu что это
Есть целый ряд параметров, которые могут быть изменены, чтобы повлиять различными способами на работу игры. Они могут быть установлены при создании нового мира или быть настроенными на существующих мирах, выбрав их в меню загрузки и нажав кнопку "Изменить настройки".
Standard Settings
The left side of the screen presents various options for the starting conditions of the world. Do you want to start in space or on a planet, with a fully equipped base or with just a droppod? For details, see Custom Games.
Name and Description
The name of the world is what will display in the Load World and Join World screens. The description will be displayed when hovering the cursor over the world's name when joining a world. Choosing a meaningful name and description can be important for attracting players to an online world, or for distinguishing between several save files.
Game Mode
The game mode determines a lot about how gameplay will function in the world. The player has two options: Creative or Survival.
- In Creative mode, the player can place fully-constructed blocks without using resources. Inventory size is unlimited for both the player and blocks with inventories. Reactors do not consume fuel. The player does not take damage and does not consume suit energy.
- In Survival mode, the player must manage resources in order to survive and build. The player can take damage from the environment and must be mindful of its dangers.
Online mode
This option determines who, if anyone, can join the world while the player has it loaded. There are four options to choose from:
- Offline: The game is run completely offline. The "max players" option is disabled. This is the same as Singleplayer.
- Private: No one can see and join the game unless you invite them.
- Friends: Only the host's Steam friends can see and join the game.
- Public: Anyone on Steam can see and join the game.
Max players
This option is only enabled when not playing in offline mode. This sets the maximum number of players allowed to be in the world at once. The host can choose any number of players between 4 and 1024.
Max objects
This option determines how many items are allowed to float freely in space. Objects include space ship debris, dropped items like components and ingots, and mined rocks and ores.
Having extremely large number of objects floating free can slow down the game significantly. If the chosen maximum value is exceeded, the oldest objects (those that have been loose the longest) will be deleted from the world. The host can choose any number of objects between 16 and 1024. Default is 100.
If enabled, the world will be periodically saved.
Space engineers pcu что это
Space Engineers
Тема закрыта 27 дек. 2018 в 20:22 I SPENT HOURS BUILDING A SHIP and when it started to fall because i didnt put enough thrusters in i saved it in my clipbored, BUT when i wanted to spawn the ship in it said "pcu ;imit reached' so now i cant continue building because of this. 27 дек. 2018 в 20:36 "PCU" stands for "Performance cost unit". Every block has been assigned a PCU price tag. This setting can be changed/disabled in the "Advanced" section of the options when creating/loading a game. 27 дек. 2018 в 20:37 Then remove the limits.In your advanced world settings, change "Max ship size" and "Max blocks per player" to disabled.
We use on Dedicated server only so if you play Local solo = disable it!
Good Engineer Advice :
Always Blueprint on every new changes on your creations.
>> this way if something wrong happens = You can paste the previous Blueprint.
I also use the "Save as" feature A LOT (I just have to add a new number at the end of world name to create copies) this one will "teleport" your character in the new save and leave the original intact.
Advanced Settings
If your performance is fine and if you want to play by the default game rules, you can leave the advanced settings as is. If your performance is low you can try to improve it by limiting some features. If you find the default game to grindy, you can change rules regarding the efficiency and speed of progress.
Character inventory size / Block inventory size
This option determines the capacity of the player's own inventory, and the capacity of blocks with inventories, respectively. There are three options to choose from:
- Realistic: The player can hold up to 400 L of items. The inventory capacity of blocks is the same as listed in their respective articles on this wiki.
- x3 / x5 / x10: Player and block inventories are three / five / ten times their realistic size, respectively.
Note that if you decrease these values for an existing world, excess content of inventories will be truncated and lost.
Assembler efficiency
This option determines both the production speed of Assemblers in the world and the amount of resources they take to produce items. There are three options to choose from:
- Realistic: Assemblers work at the normal speed and take the amount of resources listed on this wiki.
- x3 / x10: Assemblers work at three/ten times the normal speed and use one third/tenth of the normal resources.
Refinery speed
This option determines the production speed of Refineries in the world. There are three options to choose from:
- Realistic: Refineries work at the normal speed listed on this wiki.
- x3 / x10: Refineries work at three/ten times the normal speed.
Welding speed
This option determines the speed at which blocks are built using welding tools. There are four options:
- Realistic: The normal speed setting.
- x0.5: Welding reduced to half speed.
- x2 / x5: Welding increased by a factor of two/five.
Grinding speed
This option determines the speed at which blocks are salvaged using grinding tools. There are four options:
- Realistic: The normal speed setting.
- x0.5: Grinding reduced to half speed.
- x2 / x5: Grinding increased by a factor of two/five.
Environment hostility
This option determines whether or not meteor strikes are enabled and how frequently they occur. See Meteor for more details.
Asteroid amount
This option determines the density how many asteroids are generated in space when the world is created. The asteroid amount option is not available for the Empty World scenario. Because it affects world generation, this option cannot be changed after loading an existing world.
Sound Mode
You can choose between Arcade and Realistic sounds. Arcade sounds are how sound is often depicted in science fiction (explosions in space), whereas Realistic sound is more muted in vacuum.
Limit World Size
By default, the world size is unlimited and grows as far as the players fly. You can choose to limit the world size to a cube with a side lingth of 10, 20, 50, or 100 km. All objects that leave this area will be deleted from the game, and characters that leave will die.
View Distance
Larger view distances can cause performance issues depending on how many objects are in the world. Large view distances are also not recommended in worlds with high asteroid density. The performance-friendly recommendation for low-end machines is 5-10 km, whereas 30-50km is only recommended for high-end machines. The default distance is 15 km.
Respawn ship cooldown
The game has a cooldown time how quickly a player can respawn in a new drop pod after dying or after pressing Backspace. Originally, a cooldown of 5-15 mins was intended to discourage players to call in numerous drop pods as a cheap source of materials, but this is no longer needed since the drop pod now despawns when you get a new one. Hence the cooldown is disabled by default. Here you could enable the cooldown again and set it to a fraction or a multiple of the default value.
Enable sun rotation
In Space Engineers (as opposed to the real world), the sun orbits around the planets to create the appearance of day and night on planets. Sun rotation can be switched on or off. See also "Day duration".
Day duration
If sun rotation is enabled, you can choose an in-game day duration between 1 min and 1 day in real-life time. Day length is the same for all planets. Default is 2 hours.
Max objects
Block limits
- Max ship size
You can limit the maximum number of blocks that players can use per grid (that is per ship / rover / station) to a value between 100 and 50000 blocks. Enable this option to preserve performance on multiplayer servers. By default this limit is not enforced. - Max blocks per player
You can limit the maximum number of blocks that each player can use in total in this world to a value between 300 and 100000. Destroyed or grinded blocks are refunded. Enable this option to preserve performance on multiplayer servers. By default this limit is not enforced. - Total PCU
Each block has a performance-impact cost measured in PCU. You can limit the global PCU available in this world to preserve performance. Default is 100000.
Max backup saves
If automatic backups are enabled, this setting controls how many backups will be kept in the save game folder. When you set this to zero, existing backups will be deleted.
Optimal spawn distance
(Only relevant for multiplayer games) When new players spawn in, you can choose whether you want their drop pods to come in close to existing players (minimum 1km), or further away (up to 25km). This value is measured in metres, the default is 16000 (16 km).
If enabled, engineers will automatically heal damage in oxygen environments at a slow rate. If disabled, they will need survival kits, medical rooms, or medkits to heal. Enabled by default.
Delete respawn ship
Whether the respawn ship will be deleted when the player leaves the server or spawns in another one. Enable this to discourage players from calling in droppods to salvage them for cheap materials. Disabled by default.
Enable Spectator
Spectator Mode lets players (in Survival, typically multiplayer admins) see through walls and teleport. Disabled by default.
Enable copy/paste
This allows players to copy a ship, rover, station, and paste the copy into the world. If the copied blueprint contains modded blocks that you don't have installed,you cannot paste it. The copy can be given momentum as it is pasted into the world, drifting unpowered through space. Enabled by default in Creative mode, disabled in Survival mode.
Show player names
If enabled, nearby players will have their names displayed. This looks similar to a powered Beacon, except that distance to the player is not shown. Enabled by default.
Reset ownership
Reset Ownership of all blocks to "nobody". Disabled by default.
Thruster damage
If enabled, thrusters will deal damage to players and blocks that are behind them when they fire. Enabled by default.
Permanent Death
If enabled, the engineer loses everything and cannot respawn after they die. Disabled by default.
Weapons enabled
If enabled, weapons and explosives will function normally. If disabled, however, attempting to fire a weapon will instead display a warning message indicating that they do not work. Enabled by default.
Cargo ships
If enabled, Pre-Built Ships will occasionally spawn at the edge of the world and drift through the sector. These computer-controlled (NPC) ships can be captured and salvaged. Some of these ships are unarmed, but those with turrets will fire at players and ships that come close. Enabled by default.
Destructible blocks
Controls whether blocks are destructable by crashes, collisions, or weapons. Typically enabled for Survival games, and disabled for adventure maps or showcases. Enabled by default.
In-game scripts
Enable this to run scripts in Programmable Blocks. Disabled by default.
Enable tool shake
Choose whether grinders and welders shake the player's camera. Enabled by default.
Adaptive simulation quality
Enable reduction of quality of deformationand explosions affecting voxels if CPU is on fire. Enabled by default.
Enable voxel hand
Voxel Hand is a Creative tool in the Toolbar Configuration that lets you shape the voxels of planets and asteroids. Enabled in Creative mode, disabled in Survival mode.
Random encounters
Sometimes, abandoned ships and stations can be encountered when exploring the world. Enabled by default.
Enable 3rd person view
Whether pressing V toggles the camera between 1st and 3rd person view. 3rd person view is advantageous when exploring and when controlling ships and rovers, enforcing 1st person view only makes the game more challenging. Being able to switch is enabled by default.
Enable oxygen
Oxygen is used as a survival mechanic by the Engineer's space suits and by engineers in cockpits. This game mechanic is enabled by default.
Enable airtightness
Oxygen is used as a survival mechanic when building airtight rooms. Airtightness is enabled by default.
Enable "Convert to Station"
This adds a button to a grid's control terminal to covert grids between a mobile ship and a static station. If you convert a station that still intersects with voxels, the resulting mobile grid may explode.
Unsupported stations
If disabled, when you disconnect the supports of a static grid from a planet or asteroid, it will turn into mobile grid (this is the default behaviour). If enabled, the static grid will remain static even if unsupported.
Enable jetpack
Enabled by default. If disabled, pressing X does not allow engineers to fly with their jetpacks, which presents the player with an extra challenge.
Spawn with tools
By default, characters always respawn with a low-level handheld grinder, welder, and drill. Disabling this option presents the player with an extra challenge.
Enable voxel destruction
Controls whether voxels are destructable by crashes, collisions, or explosives. Typically enabled for Survival games, and disabled for adventure maps or showcases. Enabled by default.
Enable drones
If you approach or attack certain NPC stations, they will defend themselves by sending armed drones after you. Enabled by default.
Enable wolves
If enabled, Cyberhounds spawn on the Earthlike planet and attack players and buildings. Disabled by default because they are buggy.
Enable spiders
If enabled, Saberoids spawn on the Alien planet and attack players and buildings. Disabled by default because they are buggy.
Remote block removal
Allows players to remotely remove their own abandoned grids from the Info screen of the Terminal to free up their PCU limits. Enabled by default.
Enable Sub-Grid damage
If enabled, then subgrids connected by hinges/rotors/pistons etc can damage each other when moving. Disabled by default for more stable behaviour.
Enable friendly missile damage
Disabled by default. If enabled, missile explosions can damage the grids of their own faction.
Enable unknown signals
If you start the game via Steam, a few times per day, lootboxes on parachutes will be dropped from the sky while you play. They contain tradeable Steam skins, space credits, and components. Enabled by default in Survival mode. Not available in Creative mode.
Enable respawn ships
Enabled by default so engineers can respawn in a ship or in their suit after they get killed. If disabled, it becomes practically a permadeath game.
Enable progression
Progression means that engineers have to unlock blocks by building specific blocks from the progression tree first. Enabled by default. Progression can help new players focus on essentials; advanced players can choose to disable it.
Enable autorespawn
By default, dead players respawn at the nearest available respawn point. If disabled, the player can choose a respawn point from a list.
Enable supergridding
An outdated exploit that allowed mixing small and large grid blocks that is rarely still used in old workshop items. Disabled by default.
Enable Economy
By default, you will sometimes encounter Trading Outposts, neutral space stations and planetary bases owned by NPC factions.
Enable Bounty Contracts
If Economy Trading Outposts are enabled, they can offer Bounty Contracts to kill players with low standing. Enabled by default.
Enable Weather system
Adds different atmopsheric conditions to planets with atmospheres which may limit visibility, or affect the power effectivity of wind mills and solar panels. Enabled by default.
Enable aim assist
Off by default for PC. You can enable this if you are using a gamepad controller.
Space engineers pcu что это
PCU is short for Performance Cost Unit. Each block has a value assigned how costly it is in multiplayer worlds. The goal is to give players a way to measure the performance impact of their grid, so they can make smart choices to keep the simspeed on their multiplayer server fast. You can mostly ignore PCU when you are in an offline/multiplayer world.
If a type of block has a high performance impact, the devs assign it a high PCU cost to encourage players to use these "costly" blocks sparingly. If a type of block has a low perfomance impact, it is given a low PCU cost, and you can use many of them without performance impact.
You can check the current grid's PCU usage on the grid's Info tab, and your own total PCU usage on the engineer's Info tab, in the Terminal. Each multiplayer world has a global PCU limit, each faction gets a part of it, and each player gets a part of the PCU limit of their faction. If you use up your PCU ("PCU limit reached"), you can't build any more grids.
Players can trade PCU with other players. It can be an extremely valuable trade offer, but consider that this means the seller can build fewer grids and the buyer more.
Только при создании нового мира. Позволяет выбрать из следующего набора предварительно встроенных сценариев:
Быстрый старт 1 | Старт на полностью оборудованной платформе с 3 маленькими судами (рудокоп, строитель, истребитель) и 2 больших судна (синий корабль и красный корабль ). |
Быстрый старт 2 | Рекомендовано только для 64 - битных систем. Начните со сложной, полностью оборудованная базы на астероидном поле с большим количеством маленьких кораблей и 2 большими кораблями. |
Одинокий выживший | Старт на полностью оборудованной платформе. |
Разбился на Красном Корабле | Начните на разбитом красном судне, плавающем в астероидах. |
Две Платформы | Имеет две полностью оборудованных платформы на противоположных концах поля астероидов. Рекомендуется для PvP. |
Астероид | Начните на корабле после крушения в поле астероидов. |
Пустой Мир | Пустой мир; нет платформы, нет судов, нет астероидов. Полностью непригоден для Выживания. |
Краткое описание мира. Появляется при наведении указателя мыши на мир в меню "Загрузка мира".
Игровой режим
Устанавливает на мир либо Творческий режим(Креатив) или режим Выживание.
Творческий режим | Бесконечные ресурсы, мгновенная постройка, системы не требуют ресурсов (т.е. Уран) для работы. |
Режим выживания | Ресурсы необходимо добывать из астероидов и перерабатывать. Блоки могут еще быть размещены сразу, но требуют компоненты и постройку, прежде чем они станут функционировать. Системы требуют и используют ресурсы. |
Размер Инвентаря
Доступно только в Выживании. Влияет на размер запасов (как игрока, так и самих блоков для хранения).
Реалистичный | Стандартный. Игрок может пронести 400Л. |
3x | Носимый объем в три раза больше. Игрок может пронести 1200Л. |
10x | Носимый объем в десять раз больше. Игрок может пронести 4000Л. |
Эффективность сборочного станка
Доступно только в Выживании. Влияет на скорость и количество слитков, используемую сборщиком для производство Устройств и компонентов.
Реалистичный | Стандартная скорость и эффективность |
3x | Сборщики используют 1/3 материалов и затрачивают 1/3 времени от обычной скорости. |
10x | Сборщики используют 1/10 материалов и затрачивают 1/10 времени от обычной скорости. |
Скорость Очистительного завода
Доступно только Выживании. Влияет на скорость очистительного завода для процесса очистки.
Реалистичный | Стандартная скорость |
3x | Очистка занимает 1/3 времени от обычной скорости |
10x | Очистка занимает 1/10 времени от обычной скорости |
Сетевая игра
Определяет, могут ли люди подключиться к вам для онлайн-игры
Не в сети | Сервер не отображается в меню "Присоединиться к миру". Есть возможность приостановить игру во время паузы. |
Приватный | Сервер не отображается в меню "Присоединиться к миру". В него можно войти только по приглашению. |
Для друзей | В меню "Присоединиться к миру" сервер появляется, но виден только друзьям. Остальные игроки могут попасть на сервер только по приглашению. |
Публичный | В меню "Присоединиться к миру" сервер виден всем Steam - пользователям. |
Максимум игроков
Доступно, только если онлайн режим не "Не в сети". Определяет максимальное количество игроков на сервере, в том числе и себя. Диапазон: 2-16
Максимум объектов
Максимальный объем небольших объектов (руд, оборудования и т.п.) в мире в одно время. Если этот лимит превышен, старейший объект будет удален. Более высокие значения могут напрячь менее мощные компьютеры. Диапазон: 16-1024
Окружающая среда, враждебность
Влияет на частоту и тяжесть Метеоритных Штормов.
Безопасный | Метеоритных дождей не бывает |
Нормально | Метеоритные дожди возникают редко и в меньшем количестве, вызывая незначительные повреждения. |
Катаклизм | Метеоритные дожди происходят регулярно, в приличных количествах, и может привести к серьезным повреждениям. |
Армагеддон | Метеоритные дожди никогда не останавливаются. Появляются горящие метеориты. Наносят большие повреждения. Удачи! |
Количество астероидов
Не доступно если вы выберите режим генерации "Пустой мир". Влияет на количество случайно сгенерированных астероидов в космосе. Важно для режима выживания так как это ваш основной источник руды.
Доступно только в Выживании. Если она включена, вы будете постепенно лечиться до 70% здоровья без необходимости в медицинском кабинете.
Включить "Копировать / Вставить"
При включении, мир будет автоматически сохраняться на регулярной основе.
Оружие включено
Включает использование оружия и турелей.
Показать имена игроков
При включении, над головами игроков будут видны их имена.
Показ урона
Включение / выключение отображения урона, который наносит пламя двигателя.
World Settings
The World Settings are the group of game options that apply to each created world separately. When creating a new "Custom World", the player is presented with these settings in order to determine game rules, how the world is generated, random events that can take place, and various other features.
On the Main screen, click New Game, or click Load Game and open an existing one. Most of these options can also be changed before loading an existing world.
If settings seem to be missing, you may need to enable Experimental Mode.
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