Space engineers коллектор как использовать
The purpose of the block is to collect free floating objects in space. The collector will gather any item 2 meters in front of it. The item(s) will be placed inside its inventory, or be transferred to a storage container if connected to a Conveyor.
From version 1.999 on, Connectors no longer require any power to function. This lets players for example connect to a rover that ran out of battery power, which aids in recovery and salvage operations.
(Previous to version 01.046 there was a bug that made connectors work even when unpowered. Version 01.046 fixed this bug and in versions after you had to supply power to connectors in order for them to function. The Connector used to consume 50 W when attached to small ships and 5 kW when attached to large ships or stations. This value was the same regardless of whether or not there is work to do.)
Space Engineers - Conveyor, Collector, Connector
The primary purpose of the Connector is to form a temporary connection between the conveyor systems of two ships or stations. When two Connectors come within proximity, the rim will turn yellow. If the Connectors are then locked (using the Terminal or by pressing "P") the rim will turn green and thus the connection is established. The connected systems then share electricity and inventory. Blocks within either conveyor system can then make push and pull requests as though they were one ship. Players can access the terminal and inventories of ships connected to theirs in this way.
The Connector can also be used to release objects into space from a ship's inventory by selecting the "throw out" option in the terminal.
The combination of these two functions can eliminate the need to manually empty containers and move items by hand.
Space engineers коллектор как использовать
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Official - Space Engineers: Conveyor, Collector, Connector
Conveyors in Space Engineers. This is the first WIP version and a realistic and more complete version will be added later. With the conveyors system players will be able to collect and transport inventory items from one location to another. Also added the collector – helps players to collect small objects - and the connector – helps players to throw items from inventory to space.
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Conveyors in Space Engineers! This is the first WIP version and a realistic and more complete version will be added later. With the conveyors system players will be able to collect and transport inventory items from one location to another. Also added the collector – helps players to collect small objects - and the connector – helps players to throw items from inventory to space.
Conveyor-Connector System
With update 1.036 ships can use connectors to connect with other ships or with stations. Items will only be transferred if the connector receives a pull-request from one side of the Connector-Link:
can pull needed components from containers over a connector-Link automatically by sending a pull-request. or Drills can't send gathered components or ores to containers over a connector-Link and containers won't send pull-requests. (Drills seem to empty their inventories to cargo containers if full, at least if there is refinery without space for ores in the same conveyor network) blocks can send a more 'manual' pull request by enabling the 'drain all' function. Connectors cannot be used to automatically 'dump' items on their own.
With Realistic settings, the Connector has an inventory with a capacity of 1,152L on small ships and 8,000L on large ships and stations. The inventory accepts all items, allowing the transfer of all manner of goods.
If attached to a conveyor system, the container is flagged to receive pushed items from other blocks. It will pull items automatically from any directly-attached inventories when active. [1] However, Connectors cannot automatically transfer items between two connected ships without jettisoning the items into space, and using a Collector to catch them. If you are only using two Connectors, you must manually drag-and-drop items between adjoining ship/station inventories.
Space engineers коллектор как использовать
Space Engineers
29 дек. 2017 в 8:28СОЕДИНИТЕЛЬ! Как соединить маленький рудокоп с базой для выгрузки руды?
На базе ставяться только большие Соединители, как поставить маленький?
PS и почему текстура маленького соединителя намного больше обычного? xD
Фиг знает. Большой и малый грид соединять можно только путем коннекторной стыковки, и примагничивания посадочным шасси. Других способов соединения большого корабля с малым нет. Текстура так сделана, есть моды на другие меши\текстуры, но стандартные как правило наиболее просты и не нагружают компьютер.
Да кстати! Никогда не стыкуй корабли только коннектором. На скорости 90м\с+ есть шанс что они оторвутся. Всегда примагничивай корабли посадочными шасси, так намного надежнее.
The collector block can be placed anywhere the player desires. The collection cone is the side where it retrieves items, and on the opposite side is the conveyor port where it may transfer items to and from the conveyor/storage block. While the collector may be placed on small ships, large ships, and stations, its size remains constant. Meaning that when placed on small ships, it will take up 3x3x3 block spaces.
- The small ship version of the Collector block has smaller conveyor ports on two sides and the bottom. There are two large conveyor ports on two of the other sides.
The collection process of the block is automatic, and requires no intervention by the player. The only requirement is that the block be powered. It can collect any number of items that it comes into contact with. Its only limitation is when the block itself runs out of inventory space, or the inventories connected.
To use, simply place the block and face the chute side to the direction you want it to receive items. When powered, the collector will retrieve any and all items it comes into contact with.
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