Space engineers гироскоп сколько нужно
The Gyroscope block, when powered, can be used to alter or maintain a ship's orientation (pitch, yaw and roll), as well as to cancel out unwanted rotation of a vessel, such as stopping a vessel from spinning after a collision with an asteroid. On PC, move the mouse to control the pitch and yaw, and use the Q and E keys to roll.
The effectiveness of a spacecraft's gyroscopes is proportional to the number of working gyroscopes onboard, and inversely proportional to the vessel's mass: Constructing additional gyroscopes on a vessel will make it yaw, pitch, and roll quicker. However, if you add armour, machinery, structural elements, or in any other way increase the mass which the gyroscopes will have to move, the ship's responsiveness will decrease again.
The power level or sensitivity of a gyro can be adjusted from 100% to 0% (off). Well tuned settings allow for very small ships to react to input with precise turning, rather than violent spinning. Large Ship Gyroscopes feature a control panel on their front side, through which the player may access the block's control interface, as well as the rest of the ship's systems. Small ship gyroscopes lack this feature, and can thus only be accessed from a Cockpit or Remote Control.
Performance Analysis
It has been suggested that the dimensions of a ship, not only the number of gyros, have an effect on the rate at which the ship can turn. In 2013 that appeared to be the case. (source) As of 2014, it was reported by a developer that in order to make ships behave in predictable ways for the player, rotational acceleration in all three axes are made uniform to the lowest value of all three. (source)
The placement of gyros can also matter, as they are extremely massive blocks, so placing them as close as possible to the center of mass on a ship will also ensure a better turning speed. But they themselves do not apply the turning force, they are cumulative in their turning force, and this force is applied around the center of mass.
Power Usage
Gyroscopes use only a tiny amount of power, regardless of whether the ship is at rest or being made to roll. The large ship version uses approximately 30 W at full power, while the small ship version uses only 0.6 W - 1/50th the power. It is difficult to estimate the exact figures, due to reliance upon power usage outputs while piloting the ship.
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Gyroscope +250%
Bon, le bon point c'est que il n'a pas de bug au niveau de son apparence, comme certain autres gyroscopes qui ce retrouve rose, noir, ou même multicolore.
Cependant,le mauvais coté c'est qu'il ne fonctionne pas du tout en fait.
En tout cas, Beau travail au niveau de la texture.
Good work on the texture, but the gyroscope don't work properly.
thanks you for your work anyway, this will be great someday anyway !
Gyroscopes as Parts of Inertial Dampening Systems
Although it is the centerpiece of a ship's inertial dampening system, a gyroscope cannot alter a spacecraft's speed alone. In order to make the inertial dampening system fully functional, the ship must have at least one thruster facing in each cardinal direction (forwards, backwards, left, right, up and down). This will allow the gyroscope's internal computer to calculate the ship's orientation using data from the gyroscope itself, and then use both the gyroscope and the ship's thrusters to control the ship's orientation and speed.
How long it will take for the dampening system to cancel the relative velocity* of a moving ship depends on the speed of the ship, the ship's mass, the net negative acceleration provided by its thrusters, and the ratio of working gyroscopes to vessel mass. If you find yourself in a situation where a ship is spinning, a method akin to kicking and knocking may be used to help slow the inertia of hurling ships.
*For practical purposes, the inertial dampening system uses asteroids as points of reference, and will attempt to keep the ship stationary relative to these asteroids. This allows the player to easily maintain a ship's position and orientation relative to an asteroid during mining or construction operations.
See Gyroscope mechanics for more details about this block's effects.
Гироскопы позволяют поворачивать космические корабли и станции в любом направлении.
Гироскопы являются важнейшим компонентом для перемещения космических кораблей. Один гироскоп занимает 1х1х1 блок, пропорциональному тип корабля. Гироскопы берут немного энергии для питания, и небольшой корабль с тремя реакторами,может поддерживать два или более гироскопов.
Гироскопы позволяют поворачивать космический аппарата, в любом направлении, просто используя клавиши со стрелками или перемещение мыши. Гироскоп предлагает:
- 6 степеней свободы.
- В паре с двигателя - ликвидация дрейфования.
- Стабилизации судна.
Довольно часто в кораблях устанавливается несколько гироскопов, что увеличивает скорость поворота корабля.
The addition of a Gyroscope to a ship will allow it to rotate in place on any of it's axes. This rotation is called pitch, roll, or yaw depending on the axis.
It is also plays a key part in stabilization of a ship, keeping it still, even when no one is manning the cockpit. Note that the reactors and inertial dampeners must be switched on for it to work.
The three principal axes of a ship are the vertical, horizontal, and lateral axes. These are normally referred to as X, Y, and Z respectively.
Horizontal | Vertical | Lateral |
X | Y | Z |
Yaw | Pitch | Roll |
Left: Small ship gyroscope. Middle: player. Right: Large ship gyroscope.
Kinetic Braking: When Inertial Dampening Fails
In some situations, the player may find their self in a situation where a moving vessel's dampening system may be partially or entirely disabled, and the ship moving too rapidly for an engineer to physically restore the dampening system to the level of functionality which is required to stop this movement. Regardless of the cause of the emergency, the root cause of the emergency is at least one of the following:
- Destruction of the vessel's thrusters on one side.
- Power loss aboard the vessel while maneuvering (As a result of its powerplants being disabled or running out of fuel).
- Destruction of the vessel's gyroscopes.
The first situation may be easily resolved, and the second may be easily prevented. If a ship loses its front thrusters, the pilot may simply turn it and use its side/top/bottom or rear thrusters to slow down for repairs, and vice versa.
Power losses are most likely to occur when: 1) There's a pilot at the controls. 2) The vessel isn't moving. Entering and powering up a stationary vessel is easy, and a charged Battery may serve as backup power for stopping a moving ship in case of main powerplant failure. These batteries may be activated by pilots without needing them to leave the seat and physically repair/refuel the powerplants, which may have to be done whilst spinning if the vessel lost power during a maneuver.
Complete loss of gyroscope authority is often a far more serious problem. With no working gyroscopes, a vessel will spin forever (a very long time), and the spinning may itself prevent the reparation/replacement of the gyroscopes. In this situation, the only way to stop the spin is to, literally, stop the spin. Violently. Usually by crashing another (less important) ship into the spinning one in such a way that the spin is halted or at least decreased.
Great care should be taken when the direction of the spin is determined, as a misjudgement may lead the player to ram the second ship into the first in such a manner that the spin not only continues, but does so with increased speed.
- Determine where the spinning vessel is going, and place the second ship in its path.
- Ram the second ship into the parts of the first ship which are spinning towards the second ship. This will partially cancel out both the first ship's movement through space, and some of its spin.
- Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the first ship is spinning slowly enough to let you board it and restore the inertial dampening system to operational status.
Gyroscope mechanics
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A Gyroscope takes up a 1x1x1 block space on both small and large ships. It attaches to blocks only on its bottom face. It must be attached to 1b 3 Block of space unobstructed. To place it, the Engineer must have Steel Plates. As with other constructs, the Gyroscope's component price scales with size upon its placement on small or large grids. To place a Gyroscope, select the toolbar entry for Gyroscope. Gyroscopes cannot be placed on the canopy glass of small ship cockpits or thruster nozzles.
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