Sonic generations как победить time eater
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Бой происходит в потоке времён. Игрок может управлять обоими Сониками и переключаться между ними в зависимости от ситуации. Бой органичен по времени, так как у игрока в распоряжении изначально всего 50 колец, и они убывают (1 кольцо - 1 секунда). Можно пополнять запасы колец, пролетая через дорожку из колец при помощи Sonic Boost. Также с помощью этого приёма можно притянуть к себе кольца соседних рядов. Приёмы обоих Соников одинаковы, однако различаются по свойствам в зависимости от того, в какой секции проходит бой:
- доступен для обоих Соников. - самонаводящийся выстрел, который имеет двоякую функцию. В случае с современным Соником он использует классического Соника как самонаводящееся ядро, которое уничтожает впереди летящие препятствия и снаряды противника. В случае с классическим Соником он использует современного Соника как мощный снаряд, летящий по прямой и уничтожающий всё на своём пути.
- Super Homing Attack - при близком подлёте к ядру босса Соники сами наводятся на него и атакуют.
- Double Homing Shot - финальная атака, в которой Соники объединяются в один мощный снаряд и разрушают ядро киборга.
Атаки Пожирателя Времени отличаются неожиданностью и непредсказуемостью, поэтому при битве с ним нужно быть максимально осторожным. Если он атакует удачно, то будет потеряно время и догонять его придётся заново. Также его атаки несколько различаются по функциям в различных секциях:
- Находясь на значительном расстоянии от Соников, киборг выпускает залп дрелеобразных снарядов со слабой системой наведения. Уничтожаются данные снаряды при помощи Homing Shot.
- Киборг может отправлять свои конечности через порталы, чтобы атаковать Соников на расстоянии. Подобный удар легко облетается в любой секции, но отбить его нельзя.
- При близком подлёте к чудовищу он может либо попытаться укусить Соников, либо попытаться прихлопнуть их.
- После нанесения 2 ударов киборг может ударить пучком лазера, который существенно затормозит Соников.
- После нанесения 2 ударов киборг может использовать способность Time Break, которая на несколько секунд замедляет время и пространство. В этот момент Соники двигаются очень медленно.
- После 3 ударов Эггманы создают вокруг машины плазменный щит как непроходимую преграду для Соников. Уничтожается при помощи Double Homing Shot.
После победы над киборгом основная история игры завершится, а в магазине станет доступно умение Time Break, и Соники получат возможность переходить в свои суперформы непосредственно на игровых этапах.
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Alignment and character traits
Boss guide
In the Hard Mode version of this battle, it will be harder to catch up to the Time Eater, there are more obstacles to avoid, and the Time Eater can now shoot out three waves of Homing Shots instead of one if given enough distance. In addition, it takes longer to strike the core with the last attack. For the beginners, it is recommended to use Classic Super Sonic to collect Rings which is easier.
Nintendo 3DS
In the Nintendo 3DS version, the battle is fought differently. The player cannot switch at will between Classic and Modern Super Sonic, and the Time Eater takes eight hits to defeat instead of four. The player also starts with 100 Rings.
At the start, the player is in control of Classic Super Sonic. Much like the console version, here, the player must avoid its attacks, which include homing missiles and a sweeping arm attack. After the player manages to avoid these attacks, Classic Super Sonic can homing attack the Time Eater's core.
The player is automatically switched to Modern Super Sonic. Time Eater flies away from Sonic while launching attacks. The player must boost towards Time Eater. When Super Sonic is close enough, the Time Eater launches itself at Super Sonic, and the player must avoid this attack. When Super Sonic avoids the attack, a chance is given to attack the Time Eater's core by boosting or using a homing attack.
This is repeated another three times. In each round, the Time Eater adds a new attack (for Classic Super Sonic, a weak laser attack and a much stronger laser burst, and for Modern Super Sonic, a warping arm attack and a clock shield which he must boost through without hitting the clock face's spinning hands or its edges), as well as modifying its existing attacks (such as firing more homing shots, or moving faster with its warping arms).
On the eighth round, Time Eater and the two Super Sonics fall through a wormhole. To finish the battle, the player must boost and home towards Time Eater, streaking one last time through its core.
Powers and abilities
- Energy projection
- Fireball projection
- Flight
- Missile generation
- Shield construction
- Space-time manipulation
- Space-time destruction
Moves and techniques
The Time Eater obliterates time and space! Did you really think you could escape him just by running around?
The Time Eater ( タイム・イーター , Taimu Ītā ? ) is an antagonist in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Initially an alien creature with dominion over time and space, the Time Eater was discovered by Dr. Eggman who used it in an attempt to conquer the world by erasing his past failures at the hands of Sonic the Hedgehog with the help of Classic Eggman. After inflicting incomprehensible damage to the universe, the Time Eater was used by the doctors to face Sonic's past and present selves in an attempt to erase Sonic completely, but was destroyed in the ensuing battle.
Time Eater (boss)
The Time Eater discovered by Dr. Eggman.
Sonic Generations
The Time Eater defeated.
Time Eater
Sonic generations как победить time eater
Time Eater (русск. Пожиратель Времени) — кибернетический организм, созданный доктором Эггманом. Когда-то был таинственным созданием, способный влиять на время и пространство.
В самом начале игры он появляется на уровне Green Hill в момент, когда там пробегает классический Соник. Пожиратель времени поглощает это пространство, тем самым помещая Соника в Белое Пространство. Тем временем современный Соник празднует свой День рождения вместе с друзьями. Но тут опять появляется Пожиратель Времени, похищает друзей Соника, а его самого также отправляет в Белую пустошь.
Позже Пожиратель Времени появляется после битвы с Эггманом, похищая доктора. Ещё через некоторое время Пожиратель снова появляется в Белой пустоши, позволяя главным героям сделать очень важный вывод о том, что чтобы победить монстра, им нужны Изумруды Хаоса. В последний раз перед финальной битвой мы видим его, когда он похищает Эггмана (теперь уже современного).
После сбора всех Изумрудов Хаоса оба Соника и оба Тейлза находят в последнем портале Пожирателя Времени. Однако они выяснили, что это вовсе не чудовище, а кибернетическая машина построенная двумя Эггманами. Судя по рассказу Эггмана из настоящего, после событий Sonic Colours он нашёл некую сущность в глубинах космоса и, проанализировав её, понял, что может использовать монстра для изменения хода прошлых событий. С его помощью он нашёл самого себя в прошлом и уже вместе с Эггманом из прошлого роботизировал эту сущность, превратя её в Пожирателя Времени.
Попытки атаковать киборга не увенчались успехом. Вдобавок он чуть не убил Соников. Однако с помощью друзей и Изумрудов Хаоса они приняли суперформу и отправились в бой.
Powers and abilities
The immense strength of the Time Eater.
The Time Eater is a very powerful being, capable of taking on two Super State users at once. In its modified state, the Time Eater has demonstrated immense super strength; even in its incomplete form, it easily knocked Modern Sonic and Classic Sonic unconscious with a single hit. After being completed, the Time Eater was able to effortlessly repel both Classic and Modern Sonic's and knock them out using brute force alone (Eggman even admitted he was holding back the Time Eater's strength) and even briefly immobilize Super Sonic in its grasp. It is as well capable of flight at high speed, even when compared to Super State users, but is ultimately not as fast as Super Sonic.
Time Eater's warping arm attack.
The Time Eater can form yellow homing shots in its hands that can track the opponent and fire them in several rows. It can also perform a move called the "warping arm attack" where it detaches its arms and sends them through space-time to attack the foe from across space and time, allowing it to strike opponent from afar and at select points in the future, making this move ideal for ambushes and impossible to predict.
The Time Eater is capable of energy projection, allowing it to fire small purple orbs that can immobilize the opponent, form a large, vortex-like laser, manipulate objects in a manner similar to telekinesis or fire up to three small green lasers as seen in the 3DS version. Its arguably most powerful attack though is the Sun Burst where it summons a miniature sun and fires it at the opponent. This attack is so powerful that it requires the power of two Super Sonics to repel it.
The Time Eater creating Time Holes.
Достижения Sonic Generations
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Physical description
Color scheme
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First appearance
Game appearances
Appearances in other media
Time Eater
The Time Eater was a colossal entity that came in three forms: its primordial form, its incomplete modified form, and its complete modified form.
In its primordial form, the Time Eater was but a floating dark mass. This mass had a sinister glowing face in its middle, showing narrow eyes and a serrated mouth.
In its incomplete modified form, the Time Eater was a ghostly humanoid whose body seemed to be made up of purple smoke. It had no legs, a wide chest, and five-fingered hands with sharp claws. It also had a dark, low-set face with two horn-like protrusions on top of it, blue-glowing eyes, and a blue-glowing mouth with several sharp teeth. Lastly, it had various gears floating behind its back.
In its completed modified form, the Time Eater was a complex robotic being whose parts were constantly moving. It retained its incomplete form's facial expression and low-set face, except now it consisted of what could be described as a black mask. Its face had many pointed edges, including pointed edges that seemed to be its top row of teeth. It also had long ears/horns and a mechanical jaw with golden teeth and gears. Its upper body had two cockpits with purple-colored dome covers for the Egg Mobile to fit into, and had purple-glowing spikes all around it. Directly below its lower body, it had a purple-glowing orb held in place by golden claws attached to a thin spine. Its lower torso was an additional joint with purple-glowing bulbs surrounding its spine and golden frames surrounding its purple-glowing surfaces. It also had four arms (two on its upper body and two on its lower torso), each one thin with layers of golden gears and spinning disks along them, a purple-glowing spike near their elbows, and round hands with five golden fingers each and purple-glowing claws. Lastly, it had three sets of wings on its back, each one having golden gears at the joins and hexagonal-based energy fields as membranes.
In the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations, the Time Eater's complete modified form was different: it lacked its lower torso and had only one pair of wings.
In other media
Archie Comics
During the Worlds Collide crossover, the Time Eater came into existence when Drs. Eggman and Wily rewrote the timeline with the Genesis Wave. Dr. Light also implied that, unlike in the games, Dr. Eggman failed to take control of the Time Eater and needed Sonic to save him. Following the reboot of the continuity due to the Super Genesis Wave, the Time Eater became a part of the new timeline, identical to its game counterpart.
IDW Publishing
In the Sonic the Hedgehog series and its spin-offs published by IDW Publishing, the Time Eater was one of the many means Dr. Eggman used to threaten the world with. Its past is virtually identical to its game counterpart's, up until after the events of Sonic Forces.
As its unique nature implies, the Time Eater is more of a force than a living creature. Unlike most other supernatural beings Dr. Eggman has tried to harness, the Time Eater is seemingly devoid of sentience, independent thought and rebellious tendencies as it never once tried to betray the doctor. However, it still displays some traits of a living being, such as making growls and displaying dislikes of unfavorable objects.
Time Eater
The incomplete Time Eater, from the console/PC version of Sonic Generations.Overview
Player's required attack(s)
The Time Eater ( タイム・イーター , Taimu Ītā ? ) is the final boss of the console/PC version and Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations and is fought with both Classic and Modern Super Sonic. On both versions, it can first be fought after beating the semi-final boss and collecting all the Chaos Emeralds.
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