Sonic generations как настроить джойстик
In this tutorial you will find steps to make x360ce work with Sonic Generations. This method also works with any game – just do the same easy steps, no special skills needed to make any controller work as an Xbox 360 gamepad. Emulator allows your controller (joystick, wheel, gamepad, etc.) to operate as the most common device, recognized by most of the games without any additional settings and workarounds.
1. The first step is to download x360ce zip file from official site. You have to select 32 or 64 bit version (same as the version of Sonic Generations you use). If you don’t know the version of your game or download wrong one accidentally, you will be notified later and have a chance to use another version.
2. Now we have to find the installation folder of your game. You can easily do this by looking into game shortcut settings or finding the game in your Steam library list. If you choose the Steam variant, right click the game name and select “Properties”.
3. Navigate to “Local files” tab and press “Browse local files. ” button.
4. Now you need to find the folder with Sonic Generations executable. In the example picture they are located in Binaries / Retail subfolder. You need to extract downloaded x360ce ZIP file to folder with your game executable file.
5. Click on x360ce exe file with the right mouse button and select “Run as administrator” from dropdown menu.
6. You will see window with warning – “xinput 1_3.dll was not found. This file is required for emulator to function properly.” Don’t worry, just click “Create” button to make them appear.
7. When x360ce will inform you that new device was detected, use automatic search for settings from internet – just hit “Next” button.
8. Click “Finish”, when installation completed.
9. Hit the “Auto” button to make all settings set to defaults. Confirm changes by clicking “Yes” in popup window. All the buttons will be filled automatically.
10. Now just hit “Save” button to make all your settings saved. You can also change buttons assignment before hitting “Save”, if you like.
Now you can normally launch Sonic Generations and use your controller with x360ce emulator – it will be starting automatically with each game launch.
Sonic generations как настроить джойстик
12 июл. 2017 в 23:06Okay, here's the deal. I've been playing Sonic Generations with my Logitech Gamepad F310 for a while now, mods and all, and had no problems with it up until Tuesday this week. Basically, my button mapping gets all messed up, but I'll explain it a bit more.
That day, I was playing the Unleashed Project with the Shadow v5 mod active and then the game just froze. The music and Boost sounds were still playing, but I couldn't control anything at all. I've had this problem before and I usually fixed it by just shutting off my laptop through the power button and turning it back on again. (I didn't know about Alt-F4 beforehand, I know, but here we are now.) However, when I went to turn it on again, Windows 10 updated itself and I thought, "okay, I'll just let it update." Then when it was done updating and my laptop started up normally, I went back to playing the game again, however, this was when the gamepad issues started.
So whenever I start the game now, I can usually control it normally for a good minute or so, but soon after, my controls get all mixed up, resulting in the button mapping being all over the place. Basically, X would now be A, LS Click would now be Start, Y would now be X, etc. At first, I thought it was a problem with my gamepad, but I played other games like RWBY: Grimm Eclipse and it worked fine, so it must be on Generations' end. I tried reinstalling the game, nothing, I even used a restore point to restore my system before the Windows 10 update, nothing either, and I even updated Windows 10 again, and nothing happened as well. Then I tried verifying integrity of game files and while it had recovered three files (I think files like DefaultInput.cfg), it still didn't fix it. I thought about using x360ce, but I thought it was unnecessary since my controller has Xinput anyway. I even tried launching the game through Big Picture Mode and nothing happened either, and in fact, I think it made it worse as I can only control it normally for about five seconds before it gets messed up again! Unfortunately, I don't have any other controllers to test the game out on to see if I had the same problem. I did use an Xbox One Controller for this game a while back, but unfortunately the cable I used to connect it broke so I have no way of testing it again unless I get a new cable.
I know I'm not the only one with this problem as I've seen a few users on here with the same or similar problems. So please, if anyone knows how to fix this or knows of any fixes, it'll be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
P.S. Also, the game and my laptop in general detects my F310 as an Xbox 360 Controller. It worked nonetheless before my problem, but I thought I'd mention it just in case it mattered.
EDIT: Didn't fix it, but I may have discovered something. I think my problem may have something to do with my mouse. I tried running the game with just the gamepad and nothing else plugged in, not even my mouse. Nothing happened for a while until it suddenly became responsive again, but still with the mixed up controls. Then I tried running the game again with just the gamepad alone and nothing else, but this time, plugging my mouse back in again right at the title screen which allowed me to use my gamepad immediately again, but still with the buttons mixed up. Weird, but nowhere near closer to getting it fixed. Again, if anyone knows how to fix this, please, don't hesitate to answer. Oh, and my mouse is a Razer Deathadder Chroma if you wanted to know.
But unfortunately, while my problem seems to be fixed, I don't know if my simple solution will work for everyone as it seems such a really minor thing to do to fix a major problem. Plus, I don't know if what I did permanently fixed it. I didn't fiddle around with Generations game files, the Steam Client, or anything. But the person that mentioned Razer Synapse did say that their game played fine after turning it off, so I guess maybe shutting down my laptop and turning it on again had something to do with Razer Synapse and "fixed" it in a way? But there's also the fact that maybe some of you may not even own a Razer product, which further adds to my uncertainty about my fix or the other person's fix being the be-all and end-all. So, to anyone out there still having the problem, try to see if my solution or the other person's solution worked for you and comment here and/or the other topic if it did. If not, I hope you can find a solution very soon. Thanks and best of luck.
Sonic generations как настроить джойстик
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В Steam-версии данной игры отсутствует русский язык. Данное руководство поможет вам найти , а так же установить русификатор.
Установка автоматическая, только не забудьте проверить путь к папке с игрой. Игры из Steam лежат в папке "Steam/SteamApps/Common/папка с игрой".
Русификатор ставится долго и всё ограничивается лишь вашим винчестером и мощностью ПК (от 30 минут до 1 часа)
Советую оставить галочку на создание резервных файлов игры , на случай того что установка будет прервана.
Подключение джойстика к Sonic Generations и не толькоДля начала нам нужно узнать , какой разрядности игра , к примеру Sonic 32-bit , поэтому нам нужно скачать 32 bit x360ce (стрелками помечено что и как и подписано(плохо но подписано))
После того как мы скачали , закидываем exe файл в корневую папку игры
Когда вы благополучно отправили файл в папку игры , запустите его , при этом подключи свой джойстик (лично я так сделал) , вас встретит меню настройки управления , нужно настроить так как на вашем джойстике или просто нажмите на авто
Вот уже столько всего позади , осталось лишь перейти в game settings , нажать на вашу заветную игру , и в зависимости от разрядности игры (32 в случае с соником) проставляем галочки там , где указано на скриншоте
После всех настроек нажимаем apply , и не закрывая программу , запускаем игру и тестируем , так вот оно и делается , и ничего лишнего
Отыграл благодаря этой программе на своём никчёмном и уже помирающим джойстике беспроводном , и оно того стоит.
Sonic на ноутбуках (Optimus Nvidia)
Всем привет.
Решил установить игру на свой ноутбук с графикой Nvidia 525M, но столкнулся с проблемой - игра видит только интегрированый чипсет, в конфигурейшн тулсе сменить ГП невозможно. К сожалению 2ух часовые танцы с бубном, дополнительным монитором, дровами и конфигами игры ничего не дали. Возможно ктото знает решение данной проблемы?
Здарова. Попробуй как все игры запускаешь, тыкаешь на значок игры правой кнопкой, выбираешь запустить с графическим процессором, высокопроизводительный процессор NVidia, сам проверить пока не могу
Конечно это пробовал в первую очередь. И в екзешнике и игры и на конфигураторе стоит нвидиа.
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