Soft reserve wow что это
***7/6/2020 UPDATE***
Starting next raid, 11th of July, getting an item in a Main Spec Roll or Winning your Reserved item will both count toward the 1item/run rule.
We decided to change this rule after some feedback we got from the raiders regarding the possible 'gaming the system' by reserving end boss loot, and getting away with winning one or two MS items + the reserved item.
Sure, this update doesn't mean people can't still reserve end bosses loot, but rather it makes your reserved item have more meaning since it can be the only item you could get after one raid.
People can still get more than one item / run:
- case when two or more people already got 1 item as MS/RES each, they all can roll (like it was before)
- or MS/RES + as many offspec items you win by rolling
- or trash BOEs
IMPORTANT NOTE : Please don't come on alts and expect loot over mains who raid BWL
TL;DR; : we changed from MS item AND RES item to MS item OR RES item
***END 7/6/2020 UPDATE***
Hello Turtles ,
Since the last thread about loot systems (vet/newcomer) did not get to a general agreement I want to propose a new system for our Molten Core raids.
It is called “Soft Reserve” and it goes like this:
Please don’t post wowhead links or images, only plain text will count and please try to respect the syntax, we have plans to write an addon that will import discord text (or accept reserves in-game) into the game for faster reserved item lookup (hence the importance of exact item name).
Before the raid will start the reservation system closes and every message is accounted for and written in a publicly available online file or on discord.
2. When a soft reserved item drops, all players who reserved it will roll for it.
If only one person soft reserved an item, they will automatically get it.
If an item was not soft reserved by someone, everyone can roll according to the MS > OS rules and the one item/run rules.
Trash BoE Tier items are excluded from one item per run rules (like we had in previous raids)
Winning your reserved item will count (7/6/2020 update) toward the one item/run rule. However, if two people who already got one item roll on a new item, they can get it unless someone who didn’t win anything wants it.
Legendary items are excluded from this rule.
Alts You can only reserve items on your main character, for your main spec and loot on main counts toward alt’s one item/run rule(if you want to switch to alt for certain fights)
Fiery/Lava Core - will be gathered by Smultron/Engie/Er and will be traded to raiders as needed for specific crafts (hunter scope,FR gear,etc)
MS Roll means you should roll for items that fit your Main Spec, your current spec and the spec you’re planning to raid in the near future
OS Roll will happen if nobody rolls for their Main Specs and you can roll if you can use it and plan to use it, these items do not count toward the one item/run rules
Later Edits
People who soft reserve items need to be present for the entirety of the raid.
Rolls will still be ran on a 5 seconds timer.
As usual, come prepared with consumables, BigWigs boss mods, knowledge of boss strats, at least UBRS level gear, and enchants, especially if you got loot in the past runs.
This loot system will be tested out this next MC raid (30th of May)
You can whisper 'Er' the text: ' -mcres ' to check your current reservation.
Softreserve utility for the PUGs
Exactly this is in my todo list! Thanks for feedback!
Any chance you can make it so that the raid leader can chose how many soft res are allowed? The majority of soft res are for two items on my server.
Added in latest update! Just create a new raid
Very handy tool!
The current work around is to have 2 separate lists and hope that puggers are honest enough to only reserve in one of the lists.
It would be nice to configure the amount of items a person can reserve. My guild does a 2 item soft reserve for instance.
Wow puggers has been great and saved me a ton of time organizing this stuff. This looks great too. Appreciate you guys putting these together!
Thank you! Ths requires no login and gets you started within seconds.
I didnt know about wowpuggers. Seems like a really nice option too. However my approach seems a bit more quicker.
Could you add a "note" or "comment" section for the RL to add writting note, at the top ?
And it looks great !
Will add to to-do list :D thanks!
Can you please make Warblade of Hakkari as 2 items (MH and OH) instead of just one item? Thanks.
Soft reserve wow что это
Вся информация из недавней утечки по анонсам BlizzConline подтверждается пока с невероятной точностью. На мероприятии состоялся анонс первого крупного обновления для World of Warcraft Shadowlands — Chains of Domination. В момент самого анонса нам показали только невнятный ролик на движке игры, который может заинтриговать, разве что, фанатов данного проекта. Слишком это всё устарело в техническом плане, тут уж ничего не поделать.
Разработчики собираются рассказать больше о данном обновлении в рамках специальной панели WoW, но, вне всяких сомнений, вся информация из утечек там подтвердится в полном объёме. Будут новые подземелья, предметы экипировки, спутники и рейд.
Также на церемонии открытия BlizzConline нам показали трейлер дополнения The Burning Crusade для World of Warcraft Classic. Новое «старое» дополнение должно появиться на серверах с оригинальной игрой до конца нынешнего года. Как и предсказывалось ранее, у игроков появится возможность сделать выбор: перейти во вселенную с активной The Burning Crusade, или же остаться в «ванильном» мире.
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