Сколько стоит headless roblox
Like the Korblox Deathspeaker, this is one of the most desired bundles for its unique property (which in this case is the Headless Head). The Headless Head is scaled to 0, 0, 0 and placed inside the wearer's torso, allowing the wearer to seemingly appear without a head. This makes it the smallest head on Roblox.
Так же, как и бандл Korblox Deathspeaker, это один из самых покупаемых бандлов (из-за своей головы Headless Head). Размер головы у Headless Horseman - 0,0,0 (следовательно, лицо тоже не будет отображаться). Она позволяет смотреть внутрь тела и ног.
Headless Horseman
Headless Horseman (рус. Безголовый Всадник) - бандл, опубликованное в каталоге 31 октября 2013 года. Оно может быть куплено только в течении октября.
Интересные факты
- Существует персонаж в фольклоре у европейцев, который называется так же - Безголовый Всадник (иногда Дуллахан).
- Раньше его можно было получить, купив специальную Gamecard за $40.
- Есть игрушка Roblox Toys с этим бандлом
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Сколько стоит headless roblox
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Сколько стоит headless roblox
"No, you must believe me. It was a horseman, a dead one. Headless."
"No, you must believe me. It was a horseman, a dead one. Headless."
Included Items
Check Remember my choice and click in the dialog box above to join experiences faster in the future!
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Click RobloxPlayer.exe to run the Roblox installer, which just downloaded via your web browser.
Click Run when prompted by your computer to begin the installation process.
Click Ok once you've successfully installed Roblox.
After installation, click Join below to join the action!
Release history
Location | Available from | Available until |
Avatar Shop | October 31, 2013 | November 3, 2013 |
Avatar Shop | October 10, 2014 | October 30, 2014 |
Avatar Shop | October 1, 2015 | November 3, 2015 |
Avatar Shop | October 1, 2016 | October 31, 2016 |
Avatar Shop | October 2, 2017 | October 31, 2017 |
Avatar Shop | October 4, 2018 | November 6, 2018 |
Avatar Shop | October 13, 2019 | November 4, 2019 |
Avatar Shop | October 3, 2020 | November 1, 2020 |
Avatar Shop | October 1, 2021 | Present |
Sale history
It has been put on-sale twice for special sales:
- It was put on-sale for 24,800 Robux, cutting off the usual 31,000 Robux by 20% during the Memorial Day 2015 sale.
- It was brought back on-sale for 24,800 Robux again during the Memorial Day 2016 sale.
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