Сколько стоит ela в rainbow six siege
29 авг. 2019 в 3:43
Xyею с таких коней как ты. Прочитать описание в магазине сложно?
Deluxe Edition включает:
- включает Полная версия игры.
- Все 8 оперативников 1-го года (Frost, Buck, Valkyrie, Blackbeard, Caveira, Capitão, Hibana и Echo).
- Полная версия игры
- Опер. 1-го года (Frost, Buck, Valkyrie, Blackbeard, Caveira, Capitão, Hibana и Echo).
- Year 4 Pass
- 8 оперативников 4-го года
- По 8 униф. и элем.
- Значок R6
- 600 кред. R6
- Новые опер. на 7 дн. раньше.
- Скидка 10% на покупки**
- +5% ОС
- Усил. для пак. «Альфа» — 0,3%
*До 31.01.2020
**Только за ОС и кред. R6.
- Игру
24 оперативника 1-го, 2-го и 3-го годов
- 8 оперативников 4-го года
- По 8 униформ и элементов.
- Значок R6
- 600 кредитов R6
- Доступ к новым оперативникам на 7 дней раньше.
- Скидка 10% на покупки**
- +5% ОС
- Усиление для пакетов «Альфа» — 0,3%
При создании мин-липучек «Гром» за основу взяли польские противотанковые гранаты 1939 года, использовавшиеся отрядом «Тихотемные» во время Второй мировой войны. Мины «Гром» оглушают врага и вызывают дезориентацию. Их можно закреплять на различных поверхностях. Заряды срабатывают, когда противник оказывается в области поражения.
Особый гаджет
«Grzmot» – мины, которые можно установить на практически любой поверхности: на полу, стене или потолке. Если один противник приблизится к мине ближе, чем на 4 метра, то все, находящиеся на расстоянии до 6 метров от мины будут ослеплены на долю секунды, а также будут дезориентированы и оглушены на 7 секунд. Всего у Ela 3 мины.
Gameplay Description
A Light Armored Operator, Ela comes equipped with three Grzmot Mines; concussive mines that disorient any who come within range.
- Ela's Grzmot Mines can be thrown and stuck to any surface, whether if it be walls, ceilings, floors, or even furniture.
- Although in-game, the "sticky bag" on the Mines puffs up over time, this is only a visual effect; there is no need to wait for it before tossing the Mine onto the desired surface.
- After sticking to a surface, Grzmot Mines take a second to arm itself, after which it can detonate if it is triggered.
- While the Grzmot Mine is arming itself a visual radius will appear on screen to show the player how far the mine can be triggered.
- Grzmot Mines are triggered when an enemy enters its proximity (radius 4 meters). The Grzmot Mines instantly explode once triggered, concussing anyone (including teammates) within its blast radius and canceling their current actions (excluding the action of pulling the needle from Lesion's Gu mines).
- The blast radius on the mines (6 meters) is slightly larger than their proximity radius.
- For the effect to take place the Grzmot Mine needs sight of the upper torso.
- The concussion effects are follows:
- Temporary blindness and screen shake immediately after the explosion.
- Hearing disrupted.
- Vision disrupted; the player's view will be tinted green, the peripheral vision is blacked out, the player will see double vision , and the player will also see white floating dots.
- Inability to sprint.
- The concussion effect lasts 5 seconds.
- The trigger for the Grzmot Mines require line of sight in addition to proximity. If an enemy is in proximity but not in line of sight with the mine (e.g. the mine being on one side of a wall while the enemy is on the other side), the mine will not detonate.
- Being stunned by both Echo's Yokai Drone and the Grzmot Mine will not have coupled up effectiveness, as the newer stun effect will override the older one.
Yokai Drone will not work at the same time with Ela's Grzmot Mines. However, they can be used in tandem to cause a chain of disorientation upon one enemy or a clump of enemies with proper coordination.
- Due to her gadgets being electronic, the Grzmot mines are susceptible to the same disadvantages of other electronic devices.
can quickly find Ela's Grzmot Mines thanks to her Electronics Detector. Because her scanner has a larger radius than their proximity, they can be shot at from a safer distance. can easily disable one or more Grzmot Mine with his EMP grenades for 10 seconds. can scout and take out the Grzmot Mines from a safe distance, allowing them to be destroyed before anyone can be affected. Argus Camera lasers can destroy Grzmot Mines if carefully aimed. LV Lances and Flores' RCE-RATERO Drones can destroy Grzmot Mines.
- If Finka activates her Adrenal Surge while she or her teammates are affected by the Grzmot, the duration of being concussed by a Grzmot Mine is greatly reduced. This also works when a Grzmot is activated during the duration of the Surge, even if the Surge ends before the effects of the Grzmot does. The rate at which a Surged player recovers from a Grzmot is the same rate at which Ela or Zofia recovers normally.
General information
Real Name
Date of birth
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction
- Tom Clancy's Elite Squad
- Arknights
Voice Actor
"It's a brutal, dangerous world out there, but I've found my way. Chaos is my home, and I'll make sure you never escape it."— Ela Operator Video
Elżbieta Bosak was born in Wrocław, Poland. She is the youngest daughter of Jan Bosak, former commander of the Polish Special Forces unit GROM. She is also the younger sister of Zofia Bosak. Growing up, her father favored Zofia, causing a rift between them. Despite this, Zofia was highly protective of her sister.
Ela's grandfather played a significant role in her life. He would often share stories with her about his time as a Cichociemni of the exiled Polish Army during World War II and how he had endured a three-month-long siege of Breslau . He nurtured her defiant spirit and taught her that “higher damage is done by striking a supply chain than by neutralizing a man.” This defiant personality caused Ela to initially struggle to commit to the strict military lifestyle.
Ela attended her father's military school along with her sister but often experienced several difficulties. She was bullied constantly due to the special attention she received as the GROM Commander's daughter. An incident six months before her graduation resulted in her expulsion. She had a short-lived transition in another academy, before her lack of attendance caused her to be transferred to a small local high school.
After graduation, she left Poland behind and set out for Berlin to experience life on her own terms. There she studied Fine Arts, but her interest started to fade as the appeal of her old life slowly caught up with her. Her reputation for using military paraphernalia in her art attracted the owner of a small private security company, who offered her a job. Craving the adventure and financial independence, Ela accepted, hoping that her role as contractor would differ from the simplistic compliance she experienced at the military academy.
Working as a PMC , she was valued in the private sector for her expertise in survivalist tactics and unique adaptive style during protective detail and intelligence gather. Ela gained a reputation on the field during her first years of deployment in Iraq . Known to possess an impressive range of abilities, her attitude was the only obstacle standing in her way. While she was seen as a prized addition to any squad, her employers monitored her closely to investigate reports of authority issues. Four years after leaving Poland and following a rough operation in Baghdad , she received the news that her father had taken his own life.
A few months after her father's death, Ela terminated her contract and started training relentlessly to pass the GROM selection as a civilian. Impressed by her determination and prowess on the field, the GROM saw in her a rare opportunity and took her in. She then joined her father's unit as a way to keep his memory close and make amends. Amidst the Polish Forces, she developed an expertise in Countering Threat Networks (CTN) and helped design advanced exploitation methods to extract intel on a target's intentions and supply routes.
Psychological Profile
Psychological Report
We civilians can understand Specialist Elżbieta “Ela" Bosak's independent nature more than some starch-collared military commander might. Of course, following orders is expected of those within the rank-and-file, and for someone so quick to buck against authority she also expresses a deep respect for the military and her role within it. It's her autonomy that rubs traditionalists the wrong way, and perhaps her anger. Even at our first meeting, I detected her resolve. She is fighting against something, but it may not be authority – at least not entirely.
I won't dismiss the concerns of commanding officers who mention that Bosak can be impulsive, but I would urge them instead to appreciate her creative resilience. Anyone who has worked with artists can attest to this quality. It manifests in the field in the protection of her team and her high number of successful operations. Her impulsiveness – her adaptability – is the very quality that causes her to excel.
Both Ela and her sister, Zofia, carry the deep impression of their father's influence. Ela is more inclined to accept that her father, though exceptional, wasn't perfect. In reviewing Commander Bosak's file, I saw a proud, insightful man. That's the key. Ela is finely tuned to the patterns and behaviors around her and when she seems defiant it's because she's frustrated with those who lack this “vision." Joining Rainbow, and working with other elite operators, has somewhat tempered this frustration as she no longer feels constrained by the attitudes of those around her.
Ela's defiance extends into her personal life. She isn't interested in self-improvement, she told me. She was surprised when I said I know about her "volunteer work." She roams the streets late at night, with food and blankets to hand out, or even just a cigarette. Then she listens. Her conversations with strangers offer fresh perspectives. She stockpiles them, to add to her insight and therefore her skills, but also as fuel for her work. The status quo isn't what she wants it to be, but that won't stop her from trying to kick it into shape.
Excerpt from a print interview, 09-09.
Reporter: What does identity mean to you?
Bosak: All identity is performative. The complication lies in the fact that, as much as you construct your image by what you say, how you dress, and which brands you buy, you’re never truly in control. You’re always subject to a status quo, a set of expectations about how someone who looks like you *must* act.
Reporter: Surely those expectations don’t carry over when we’re talking about art.
Bosak: Art transcends society only when nothing is known about the artist. I don’t want to transcend society. I want to record it.
Reporter: I see. So what do you say to people who claim your work is shallow and narcissistic?
Bosak: I say that if you can’t see yourself in someone else’s reflection you’re not trying hard enough.
Reporter: But, by doing so, aren’t you simply behaving in the way that society expects?
Bosak: (laughs) Aren’t you?
Сколько стоит ela в rainbow six siege
Основное оружие
Scorpion EVO 3 A1
Уроженка Вроцлава Эльжбета Босак – младшая дочь Яна Босака, бывшего командира отряда польского спецподразделения GROM.
Испытывая трудности во время обучения в высшей военной школе, Эла покинула Польшу сразу после получения диплома. Переехав в Берлин, она изучала изобразительное искусство, но постепенно стала терять интерес к этому предмету: прошлое давало о себе знать. Она случайно познакомилась с владельцем частной военной компании, тот предложил ей работу. Девушка согласилась, ведомая жаждой приключений и мечтой о финансовой независимости.
В качестве наёмника Эла отправилась в Ирак и построила там приличную карьеру. Благодаря полученным навыкам она уверенно добивалась успеха, однако её сложный характер зачастую становился причиной серьёзных конфликтов. Босак с радостью принимали в любой отряд, однако работодатели, зная о склочной натуре девушки, всегда внимательно следили за её деятельностью. Спустя четыре года Эльжбета получила печальные вести из дома: её отец покончил жизнь самоубийством.
Через несколько месяцев после этого инцидента Босак бросила работу и начала подготовку к службе в GROM. Её целеустремлённость и выдающиеся навыки привлекли внимание руководства польского спецподразделения. Во время службы в GROM Эла стала экспертом в области противодействия преступным организациям и помогла усовершенствовать методы получения информации о целях изучаемых объектов и их маршрутах снабжения.
Психологический портрет
Независима, креативна и непокорна. Во время службы в Ираке Эльжбета потеряла достаточно сослуживцев и теперь серьёзнейшим образом подходит к исполнению своих обязанностей.
Профильный опыт
Дата рождения
Место рождения
10,000 / 240Бесплатно для владельцев сезонного пропуска (Y2)
Элизабета «Ela» Босак (польск. Elżbieta Bosak) – один из оперативников защиты, представленных в Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege. Представлена в операции «Blood Orchid» наряду с Ying и Lesion. Оснащена лёгким типом брони и способна тем самым быстро передвигаться. В арсенале у неё имеются мины «Grzmot» (рус. Гром).
Дополнительное оружие
Особый навык
"Вместе мы можем достать все звезды с неба".
Эльжбета Босак - младшая дочь Яна Босака, бывшего командира отряда польского спецподразделения GROM. Ей, как и сестре Зофие, пришлось пройти тренировки, придуманные отцом. Эльжбета обучалась в академии для офицеров, но армейской жизни предпочла свободу, и потому уехала в Берлин, чтобы посвятить себя изобразительному искусству. В своих работах ей нравилось использовать атрибуты военных, и эта особенность привлекла внимание владельца маленькой охранной компании, который предложил девушке работу. В частном секторе ее ценили за знание тактик выживания и умение быстро адаптироваться во время задания или разведки. Смерть отца вынудила Эльжбету вернуться в Польшу и поступить на службу в GROM. Она - надежный союзник с лидерским потенциалом, хотя недоверие к власть имущим может привести к конфликтам. После успешного сотрудничества с SEAL ее пригласили в команду Rainbow.
Нам - гражданским - проще понять независимую натуру Эльжбеты Босак (позывной "Ela"), чем ее командирам. От обычных военных ждут подчинения приказам, а она легко перечит начальству, но в то же время серьезно относится к своей службе и задачам. Приверженцев традиций раздражают ее свободолюбие и, скажем так, агрессивность. Даже во время первой встречи я почувствовал непримиримость. Она явно борется с чем-то. Возможно, не с властью - по крайней мере, не только с ней.[…]
Не стоит сбрасывать со счетов озабоченность командиров импульсивностью Босак, но в то же время я бы предложил им обратить внимание на ее умение адаптироваться. Все, кто работал с художниками, ценят этот навык. В бою такие люди стремятся защитить свою команду и добиваются успешного завершения операции. Именно импульсивность Эльжбеты - ее адаптивность - позволяет ей прогрессировать.[…]
Отец очень сильно повлиял на сестер Босак. Младшая признает, что, при всех заслугах, он не был идеальным. Судя по досье, Ян Босак - гордый и проницательный человек. В этом и дело. Эльжбета действует исходя из окружения, и причина проявления бунтарской натуры - раздражение при контакте с людьми без "видения". Работа с командой Rainbow умерила ее пыл, так как в общении с лучшими оперативниками она, наконец, чувствует себя комфортно.[…]
Несговорчивость Босак проявляется и в обычной жизни. Она заявила, что не заинтересована в саморазвитии, и была удивлена моей осведомленностью о ее "волонтерской работе". Эльжбета гуляет в городе по ночам, раздает еду, одеяла или хотя бы сигареты, а потом выслушивает людей. Разговоры с незнакомцами позволяют ей по-новому взглянуть на те или иные вещи. Она копит эти знания, расширяя свой кругозор и навыки, а заодно получая мотивацию. Ее не устраивает текущий статус-кво, так что Босак не прочь его поменять.
"Concussion proximity mines that can be anchored on surfaces, impairing hearing and causing a dizzying effect."— Grzmot Mine Description
Inspired by the 1939 anti-tank Polish grenades used by the iconic Cichociemny during WWII, the sticky Grzmot mines can be anchored on surfaces, impairing hearing and causing a dizzying effect. These concussion mines are triggered upon proximity, affecting anyone within its radius.
This non-lethal explosive was specifically adapted to Ela, who is known to isolate targets from the local population to sabotage IED operations.
Device Evaluation
Device: Grzmot Mine
Operator: Specialist Elżbieta “Ela" Bosak
Evaluation Lead: Specialist Jordan "Thermite" Trace with Specialist Tina Lin "Frost" Tsang
Specialist Gustave "Doc" Kateb expressed interest in seeing the test results for the GRZMOT's concussive effects so please pass on the attached data. I invited Frost along since she had finished her other evaluations and still wasn't sick of lab time. Plus she wanted to learn about proximity mines because there is no topic that bores her, and Lord knows I have tried to find one.
Anyway, controlled lab tests were straightforward and gave us enough time to get outside for additional field tests. Overall, Ela's (Specialist Bosak) GRZMOT Mines are highly responsive and effective. The proximity sensor is reliable though its electronic components do run the risk of interference (full chart included).
One final thing, I'm not thrilled to mention this but we had some issues with Ela. There wasn't a heck of a lot of cooperation. She wouldn't share much info or make herself available for testing. Then she sent messages saying we weren't including her. It's no big deal, really. I wanted to flag it here because it sidetracked us from what was ultimately a simple evaluation.
Сколько стоит ela в rainbow six siege
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