Сколько недель в friday night funkin
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Friday Night Funkin' is a Newgrounds rhythm game made in HaxeFlixel originally created for Ludum Dare 47. Programmed by ninjamuffin99 with a soundtrack produced by Kawai Sprite and artwork created by PhantomArcade and evilsk8r, the game can be played on Newgrounds or played/downloaded for free on Itch.io.
The plot of the game centers around Boyfriend trying to hook up with Girlfriend, but her ex-rockstar father Daddy Dearest doesn't approve of him. It's up to Boyfriend to rap battle his way through him and anyone else that stands in his way so that he can finally get freaky! Think you got what it takes?
Friday Night Funkin' is an ongoing project that will continue to receive updates, bug fixes and new content. A full version of the game is currently in development, having been successfully funded via a Kickstarter campaign. Check the changelog here for information on the latest updates. The game is also open source to allow users to mod or simply look through its assets. Download the game files here.
Before getting started, it's recommended that users read the rules! And before getting into editing, it's recommended that users read the style manual! Need to speak to a member of this wiki's staff? Check this page.
For the ever-growing amount of fan-made content and creations made by the community, please check the secondary wiki dedicated to Friday Night Funkin' mods!
Funkin' since the 9 th of October, 2020.
Week 5: Red Snow
During a nighttime trip to the mall around Christmas time, both Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest take the Mall Santa working there hostage to have another sing-off with Boyfriend in front of a large crowd. However, Monster later crashes the sing-off and uses his demonic abilities to twist everyone's perception, causing the mall to look abandoned (except for Boyfriend and Girlfriend), and make the once bright location suddenly become dark and gory. He challenges Boyfriend once more, but is beat once again, leaving the two with their lives.
Week 3: Pico
Unaccepting of his loss, Daddy Dearest hires a mercenary, Pico, to kill Boyfriend. However, Pico is only given a location for his target which happens to be on the rooftop of the Newgrounds office building. Once Pico arrives at the specified destination, he recognizes Boyfriend and realizes he is his target. Instead of going through with the job, he decides to spare him, but not before having a rap battle.
Tutorial and Week 1: Daddy Dearest
Boyfriend wants to date Girlfriend, but her family does not welcome him. After some warm-up training with Girlfriend, Boyfriend has a sing-off with Daddy Dearest, Girlfriend's father, to decide whether or not he is worthy to date his love interest. Boyfriend emerges victorious, but it was made clear that Daddy Dearest will be keeping a close eye on them.
Friday Night Funkin' Wiki
Welcome to the Friday Night Funkipedia! Before getting started, please make sure to carefully read through the Rules and Style Manual, as violating them may result in a block. Thank you!
If you have any questions or inquiries, please ask our wiki staff.
Week 7: Tankman
During the events of a week taking place before Week 7, Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest send Boyfriend and Girlfriend on a "vacation," when in reality, it was a plot to have Boyfriend killed. Pico is hired once again and sent to the vacation spot in secret with the simple task of confirming Boyfriend's death. Boyfriend and Girlfriend are both secretly equipped with trackers that detect their life signatures as well, though her parents already knew Girlfriend will be fine. Suddenly, they fall off the plane they were in and end up in a desert. Regaining consciousness, the couple find themselves in the company of Tankman and his army who holds them both captive.
Since their day was going so slow and to alleviate their boredom, Tankman decides to challenge Boyfriend to a sing-off instead of killing them on the spot. After being humiliated in battle twice, Tankman orders his men to open fire on Girlfriend. Just as she is about to unleash her demonic powers however, Pico arrives on the battlefield in the nick of time to shoot down Tankman's army. Rather than sit idly and confirm Boyfriend's corpse like he was supposed to do, Pico helps him and Girlfriend. Boyfriend, now with Girlfriend at his side, and Pico assisting the couple by single-handedly fending off the Tankmen, they're challenged by Tankman one final time. He is ultimately defeated, and the trio survives.
Unfortunately for Pico, he's in deep trouble with Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest now for failing them twice.
The Full Ass Game
Check out the Kickstarter campaign that aims to develop a full game!
Upcoming Content This article is about content not yet in the game!
Information is set to change frequently, so please do not add any false information!
Cleanup Required This article may require some cleanup! Some sections may need fixing, rewriting, organizing and more. You can help the Friday Night Funkin' Wiki out by improving it.
Spoiler Alert This article contains spoilers!
You should move to another page if you don't want to have your experience spoiled. Please proceed with caution.
This page is a timeline of events that have occurred in Friday Night Funkin'. The game itself is set during Friday nights of various weeks in the unspecified year of 20XX. The order of events has been subtly confirmed by PhantomArcade. The in-game lore behind the weeks are subject to change.
Week 6: Hating Simulator ft. Moawling
Boyfriend and Girlfriend are playing video games in her room when she pulls out an old dating simulator that she used to play a lot prior to them dating. While they are playing it, Daddy Dearest, being the vindictive man he is, sneaks up and throws them both into the game. Inside the game, Boyfriend is quickly challenged to a duet with Senpai, the game's main character and love interest, in front of the school and several avid female students. As Senpai loses to Boyfriend, he breaks down due to not being able to win over Girlfriend, only ever being programmed to win and be loved.
With Senpai in his most vulnerable state, he is brutally killed when Spirit awakens. He reveals himself to be one of Girlfriend's father's many victims who has been trapped inside the game for a long time. He challenges Boyfriend to a sing-off, hoping to steal both his and Girlfriend's bodies for himself to escape the game and take revenge should he win. Boyfriend however, ends up winning and he and Girlfriend are able to escape the game, leaving Spirit inside alone once more.
Week 2: Spooky Month
On Halloween night, Boyfriend is invited over to Girlfriend’s family home to give out candy to trick-or-treaters. Skid and Pump were passing by when Monster convinces them to retrieve Girlfriend for him. When the two arrive at the house, they challenge Boyfriend to a sing-off for Girlfriend as their "treat" if they win. Boyfriend wins the battle, but after the kids leave, Monster steps up to the challenge himself, threatening their lives due to Boyfriend's interference with his plans of devouring Girlfriend. However, he ultimately loses as well and the couple lives.
One of the future weeks, Week 8, is confirmed to take place before Week 7 and is set in a plane.
Daddy Dearest and Pico are set to return in future weeks, with Cassette Girl, Hank J. Wimbleton, Ritz The Rat and Cassandra possibly appearing as future antagonists.
Музыкальные треки
Последняя версия игры весит не много, скачать friday night funkin на ПК можно бесплатно по ссылкам ниже:
The one and only.
High is the second track of Week 4. It was composed by Kawai Sprite and released on the 27 th of December, 2020.
Check out the latest Tweets from ninjamuffin99 and PhantomArcade as well.
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Question: Where are the mod characters?
Answer: There is a secondary wiki dedicated to fan-made mods of the game to keep unofficial characters, songs and information off of the main wiki. This wiki is strictly official content only.
Question: Can I swear?
Answer: Yes, but it's preferred if you didn't swear every other sentence.
Question: Why did you delete my page?
Answer: Your page was deleted because it was unneeded, about an upcoming week or character we have little information or confirmation for, a duplicate of an already existing article or you're making random pages that have absolutely nothing to do with the game.
Question: Is this wiki official?
Answer: Technically, no. The wiki has been acknowledged, but it has not been officially endorsed by the team behind the game. Regardless, we still aim to be the most accurate source of information for the game available.
Question: Someone on Twitter/Reddit/YouTube said this wiki is inaccurate because Boyfriend didn't date Pico! It's just a joke! Stop inserting fan headcanons as fact despite being told several times it's real!
Все недели
Описание После сокрушительной победы над мамочкой, Бойфренду не удастся долго предаваться радости и ликованию.
Описание Четвертая неделя не даст пользователю расслабиться – обстановка будет жутковатой. Настроение чувствуется уже
Описание Две недели благополучно пройдены, музыкальные сражения благополучно выиграны и хочется немного передохнуть. И,
Описание У второй недели необычное название – «Spooky Month», но что же за ним
Описание Первая игровая неделя будет совершенно непростой для забавного парнишки, у которого голубые волосы
Неделя 1 — Daddy Dearest — Friday Night Funkin
Пока продолжается музыкальное состязание, Герлфренд старается максимально поддержать своего возлюбленного. Она использует лозунги, пока он занят исполнением своей партии. Добиться долгожданного поцелую влюбленные смогут только после сокрушительной победы над отцом Герлфренд.
Музыкальное сопровождение может ускоряться или усложняться в зависимости от того, насколько непростой ведется игровой процесс.
- красочную графику 2D
- использование удобного управления, затягивающего в игровой процесс;
- наличие увлекательного игрового сюжета;
- наличие трех различных игровых режимов.
Если пользователь испытывает сомнения в том, что пройдет игру на максимальной скорости, то лучше попытаться для начала решиться на прохождение легкого игрового режима. Благодаря приличной скорости, внимательности и особенностям слуха главный герой сможет победить в данном состязании и стать обладателем главного приза.
Week 4: Mommy Must Murder
Boyfriend has a rather dangerous sing-off with Girlfriend’s mother, Mommy Mearest, on top of moving limousines surrounded by Henchmen that act as backup dancers. Boyfriend wins and with this victory, he is finally "accepted" into the family.
According to a piece of art drawn by PhantomArcade, 14 years prior to the events of the game, Daddy Dearest seals away a person inside of Girlfriend's favorite dating sim video game. That person would come to be known as Spirit. Who he was or what his relation to Daddy Dearest was remains unknown. Many other people who have crossed Daddy Dearest are suggested to have suffered similar fates.
Daddy Dearest retires from being a rockstar.
Boyfriend and Pico are shown to be a couple in Pico's School: Love Conquers All, but they break up sometime after the events of Pico's School. Years later, Boyfriend drops out of college to pursue a rap career and later meets and falls in love with Girlfriend. After winning her heart with his fingerboard tricks, they're ready to hit it off.
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