Scp unity закрыли почему
—Вы даёте денег на разработку SCP на Unity, что может пойти не так?
—Разработчик делает ежемесячные отчёты о проделанной работе
—Разработчик меняет модели чтобы монетезировать игру
—Разработка закрывается
Alexey, Ну он же честно четыре года вёл разработку, может там и правда проблемы со здоровьем?
Alexey, Или его фанаты сикрет лаба отмудохали за юнити на аве?
Happy, я верю в то, что у него проблемы со здоровьем. Но челики которые ему на патреоне давали денег вряд ли. Да и потом, то, что он отказался передавать разработку другим людям это вообще грустно, хотя тоже имеет смысл
Альберт, так он не откроет. Я, вместе со всеи своим 1 Ю вооружился бумагой и пошёл ему под подъезд гадить.
Помянем орущих в микрофон школьников и арабского диджея
Диджей в Secret Lab, это другой проект. Но всё равно печально
а я уже думал, что мы больше никогда не увидим как вульф играет в сцп
Elliot, какая православная фотка. И К О Н А, если так подумать
Всем привет, узнал недавно про такую игру, как Самосбор. Выглядит как хоррор в коридорах бесконечной хрущёвки, а звучит многообещающе.
Иван, самосбор это целая вселенная как сцп, что появилась на анонимных форумах
Антон, ну вот по ней есть в стим игра за 61 убль, возможно даже годная.
Иван, ты ему в лс предложи, там точно увидит, а тут не факт
Всмысле закрыли я тут ващет ради него деградирую
А он
Вот так
Ну все развод
Vadim, да. Пока нет вдохновения для новых игр. Всё что я хотел пересказать, по сути, уже пересказал.
Украденный scp 427-это амулет полученный при переработке scp 500 в scp 914 на режиме тонко.Работает как scp 500 :излечивает раны и инфекции в том числе и scp 008. При длительном использовании превращает человека в бесформенную массу. Информация из документа в игре
SC P Unity has Been Cancelled.
SC P Unity has Been Cancelled.
The project lead, Zornor, due to declining health from overwork, has made the difficult decision to cancel the project. The other developers, committed to continue working, have formed a new group known as Project Aethon, a group which will develop shorter games built around stronger experiences focused on a single SCP. The discord for this project can be found below. This subreddit will be set to private in the following weeks, and a new subreddit will follow sometime after.
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castI believe legal issues only affect his ability to release the project open source, not to pass it on to the other developers. That is just a personal choice he made.
Are they still going to use the original models and animations, or are the gonna make completely new ones?
The developers retain access to the assets but it is unknown how they will be employed
I hope Zornor gets better soon. Godspeed to Aethon as well.
It was a fun ride following development on this game. Good things must come to an end I guess :(
We understand, it was a fun ride zonor, get yourself better!
Luckily the current builds will remain available to download and most of the dev team is continuing on a new project without Zornor which so far seems promising
any chance this project will get picked up by someone else?
Best bet you have is someone doing a thing equally ambitious from scratch.
SCP Unity has been canceled.
SCP Unity has been canceled.
Sure it kinda sucks, but I can’t blame him for making that call. Hopefully development gets shifted into another creator, I’d hate to see this project collapse.
Unfortunately this is the definite end for SCP Unity, however the released builds will always remain up as Zornor does not want the team’s work to be lost. Many of the devs have begun a different SCP game which is going to be in the Unreal Engine, but there’s not many concrete details laid out at the moment.
Here’s the invite to their Discord server if you want to join:
This might sound stupid but if the team is truly done with the game and won’t come back to it , i hope they release the source code so another team could pick where they left off and continue to build upon the current foundation
Yeah, Pokecord got shut down for a similar reason and got a lot of hate
They can’t just open source it?
Um what’s scp unity? Sorry I’m new here
A disheartening but completely understandable decision
I hope he gets well. It may be dissapointing for us, but personal health comes before all.
(Probably should have posted this sooner but oh well) Here’s the rest of the announcement:
SCP: Unity was apparently cancelled for a different reason?
Thought what went down, I’m not sure what to think of this. I’ll wait until the SCP unity devs can back up about what this man’s claim was. In summary, the tweets state that “Zornor, lead dev of SCP:Unity was in a romantic relationship with his biggest patron, being a girl. The girl influenced toxicity on him, leaving him on a decline of mental health and later abandon his dev team that he paid 3K a month, his patrons, and the community, taking the money and running away.”
Anyways, what are your thoughts on this? I only posted this to shed light on this situation.
Yikes if true. Knew there was something more to it.
Note: I was originally going to post this on r/SCP, but it was removed by the mods. Though I realized why, damage control. I later posted this here because y’know, SCP: Unity.
It was probably removed there because it’s not really related to SCP and it’s not something super important like the russia trademark. Can’t be damage control I think because nobody who worked with Zornor and Jalo is associated with r/SCP
Hey there, Erasmus from the SCP wiki and r/scp here! Just wanted to chime in that what Ball said is correct, alongside the fact that we’d rather not have posts about personal rumors on the subreddit. Tbc I have no idea if what’s alleged here is true or not true.
I do have clarification about one aspect that these tweets got wrong however. I’m the person referenced as intervening in drama, but it didn’t happen how it was stated above. There was a conflict between Unity and another game dev team that I served as a mediator for, but I made clear multiple times that I was doing so as a neutral party who just wanted to resolve the issue rather than being on anyone’s side. I’m also not the head of the SCP Wiki.
I hope me saying all this publicly is enough to convince you that there’s no damage control and we aren’t actually involved in this. Unity ending suddenly was a shock to us as much as anyone and I don’t actually know more about it than anyone else here.
But seriously, cancel the project which had so much money poured into it by fans who trusted it ? ugh this is a Cube World moment.
Hey! If possible, could you change the last two images to the most recent ones? I had to censor them a bit, and would appreciate if they were updated here. Thanks!
the images should have been uploaded, tell me if any errors pop up
dont want this to be true, but this makes a lot of sense.
- Jalo, a woman, begins donating to the SCP Unity patron and becomes the top one
- Zornor begins dating her, giving her elevated privileges on media such as the Discord and planning to full on marry her
- Jalo influences the SCP Unity community(and the admin of the actual SCP wiki itself) and Zornor**,** weaponizing the fanbase to attack other SCP projects and screwing Zornor over to become less mentally stable and more toxic
- Zornor is essentially forced to resign from the project, him deciding to cancel the game, and screw over the devs by cutting contact and no longer paying them.
(-) The mental health and other issues may have caused the deletion of all forms of social media related to the project (so a lot except the subreddit as they cannot be deleted unless a reddit admin does so)
Idk if this is true but theres definitely more going on
The excuses for not being able to hand the project over make no god damn sense he just doesnt want to out of spite
This hurts to know so bad
Whatever the reason may be, however stupid this whole thing is, can we at least stop with this sentiment that he "ran away with the patreon money"?
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