Scaling mode cs go что это
— hud_scaling [size]
— cl_hud_radar_scale [size]
— cl_hud_playercount_pos [state]
— cl_hud_playercount_showcount [state]
— cl_hud_color [state]
— cl_hud_bomb_under_radar [state]
— cl_hud_healthammo_style [state]
— cl_radar_icon_scale_min [size]
— cl_radar_scale [size]
— cl_radar_always_centered [state]
— cl_radar_rotate [state]
— cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard [state]
— cl_showloadout [state]
— cl_loadout_colorweaponnames [state]
— cl_show_clan_in_death_notice [state]
Теперь команды с пояснениями:
hud_scaling [. ] - Доступные переменные: от [0.5] до [0.95]. Эта команда изменяет общий размер интерфейса (радар, оружие, здоровье и так далее).
cl_hud_radar_scale [. ] - Доступные переменные: от [0.8] до [1.3]. Эта команда меняет только размер радара.
cl_hud_playercount_pos [. ] - Доступные переменные: [0] или [1]. Если переменная - [1], то табло с игроками и таймером переместится сверху вниз.
cl_hud_playercount_showcount [. ] - Доступные переменные: [0] или [1]. Если переменная - [1], то табло с игроками немного изменится: вместо отображения значка каждого игрока останется один большой цифрой, равной количеству живых игроков.
cl_hud_color [. ] - Доступные переменные: [0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10]. Эта команда, в свою очередь, меняет цвет интерфейса. Дефолт = 0; белый = 1; голубой = 2; синий = 3; фиолетовый = 4; красный = 5; оранжевый = 6; желтый = 7; салатовый = 8; бирюзовый = 9; тускло-розовый = 10.
cl_hud_bomb_under_radar [. ] - Доступные переменные: [0] или [1]. Если переменная - [1], то в случае, если у вас есть бомба, она будет отображаться не только справа рядом с вашим оружием, но и под радаром.
cl_hud_healthammo_style [. ] - Доступные переменные: [0] или [1]. Если переменная - [1], то не будет отображаться уровень здоровья, останутся только цифры.
cl_radar_icon_scale_min [. ] - изменяет размер иконок на вашем радаре. Стандартные иконки [0.6].
cl_radar_scale [. ] - изменяет масштаб карты радара. Стандартный масштаб [0.7].
cl_radar_rotate [. ] - Доступные переменные: [0] или [1]. Включает или отключает вращение радара.
cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard [. ] - Доступные переменные: [0] или [1]. Если переменная - [1], то когда вы будете открывать счет, радар будет становиться квадратным и будет видна вся карта.
cl_showloadout [. ] - Доступные переменные: [0] или [1]. Когда переменная - [1], оружие в вашем инвентаре будет всегда отражаться в правом нижнем углу.
cl_loadout_colorweaponnames [. ] - Доступные переменные: [0] или [1]. Если переменная - [1], то при выборе оружия, если у вас есть какой-то скин, цветом будет отображаться качество этого оружия.
cl_show_clan_in_death_notice [. ] - Доступные переменные: [0] или [1]. Если переменная - [1], то при смерти игрока, вместе с его именем, будет отображаться его клантэг.
Scaling mode cs go что это
В случае, если у вас видео-карта от Intel, что, как правило, означает что у вас ноутбук, то порядок действий следующий:
• Правой кнопкой мыши кликаем на пустой области рабочего стола.
• Выбираем пункт «HD графика Intel»
• Переходим в «Графические Характеристики»
• Выбираем пункт «Дисплей»
• В поле «Разрешение» выбираем значение меньше максимального
• В «Масштабирование» выбираем «Сохранить пропорции» и нажимаем Применить
• Теперь выбираем обратно привычное нам разрешение и снова жмём Применить
• Заходим в Панель управления NVidia
• «Регулировка размера и положения Рабочего стола»
• Ставим настройку «Весь экран» и применяем изменения
• Кликаем правой кнопкой мыши по Рабочему столу и выбираем Персонализация -> Экран -> Настройка разрешения экрана, и изменяем разрешение на любое, которое ниже нашего. Применяем изменения.
• Заходим в ATI Catalyst Control Center -> Графика -> Рабочие столы & Дисплеи. Нажимаем правой кнопкой мыши по дисплею в нижнем левом углу и выбираем пункт Настройки. Выбираем «На полный экран» и применяем изменения.
• Вернуть в настройках экрана нужное нам разрешение.
In this case, as a rule, black bars appear on the sides of the monitor.
To avoid them, you need to stretch the image to full screen, resorting to the settings of the video card.
If you have a video card from Intel, which usually means you have a laptop, the procedure is as follows:
• Right-click on an empty area of the desktop.
• Select the item "Intel HD Graphics"
• Go to "Graphic Characteristics"
• Select the item "Display"
• In the “Resolution” field, select a value less than the maximum
• In "Scaling" select "Save proportions" and click Apply.
• Now we choose the resolution we are used to and then click Apply again.
• Go to the NVidia Control Panel
• "Adjusting the size and position of the desktop"
• Set the "Full Screen" setting and apply the changes
Scaling mode cs go что это
Updated 13/04/2020
Fast explanation bellow. Step by step guide just after it, if the option to stretch the resolution on your computer is greyed out or if you need more explanation.
Fast Explanation:
-Change your monitor resolution to the resolution you want to stretch;
-Open GPU control panel and change the scaling option to full screen (or enabled), apply;
-Make sure csgo is running at the same resolution you just stretched, and done;
-Revert the monitor resolution to the original, your changes will be saved;
Part one: Outside of the game
In order to stretch a certain resolution on your game, you first need to change some settings outside of it. All steps on this part are meant to be made without opening cs:go. If you have cs:go opened, close it now.
1 - Set your computer resolution to the same resolution you want to stretch.
Example: If you want to play cs:go using 1024 x 720 stretched, you must change the computer(desktop) resolution to 1024 x 720 first.
You can use any 4:3 ratio resolution.(You can generally do this by right-click on your desktop and them choosing 'resolution').
2 - You will notice that you now got black bars after changing the resolution. That's because the resolution can't fit your entire screen. We will fix that.
3- In order to remove these black bars (also know as 'stretch' the screen) you'll need to change some settings on your 'graphics card control interface' (GPU control panel)
- For AMD gpus, you can open the "Radeon Settings" by right clicking on the desktop and choosing the option called "AMD Radeon Settings". It can also be labeled as "CCC"
- For NVIDIA gpus, right-click on the desktop, and choose "Nvidia Control Panel"
- For (some) intel integrated gpus, right click on your desktop and select Graphics Properties.
- For any card not listed here, try to search on google how to open the graphics settings for your GPU.
4 - Once you have opened your GPU's control panel, look for "GPU scaling" and enable it.
- For AMD gpus, you should set the "Scaling Mode" option to "Full panel"
- For Nvidia gpus, you will find it under the monitor display settings, "adjust desktop size and position").
- For any card not listed here, try to look for a setting which changes desktop resolution parameters, sometimes this options appears as 'full screen scaling mode', "Screen Scaling" or just "Scaling". If so, change it to "Full screen". If there's no Full Screen option, try each one of the available settings and hit apply and see if the black bars are gone.
If using more than one monitor setup:
-Nvidia lets you change scaling for each monitor connected, make sure to select the right one. AMD also should have this options (can't say for certain because I don't have an AMD video card anymore). But keep in mind that multiple monitor setup can sometimes prevent the screen from stretching altogether.
*Note 2: If you were unable to get rid of the black bars because you didn't find the option, try to look on google 'how to change the GPU scaling' on your specific graphic's card model. It's easier to find by using these keywords.
All steps on this part are meant to be done inside of cs:go. Open the game.
6 - If you didn't do this already, go to options, and change the cs:go resolution to the same you just stretched, and your black bars should now be gone.
You can now change your desktop resolution to the resolution you used before, and every time you launch your game the resolution will be stretched.
*Note 1: if couldn't stretch your resolution after following this guide step by step, just leave a comment. I'm always online. Also, look on the comments section, there's a lot of methods described by other users.
*Note 2: Multiple-monitor setups reportedly prevents screen stretching on some GPUs, so try to select the right monitor when changing settings, if that doesn't work, try to follow the guide using only one monitor plugged in.
*Note 3: For some gpu's, the option to scale the screen won't be available unless the resolution you want to stretch is currently applied as the current resolution of your monitor. That's why I started this guide by asking you to change your desktop resolution.
Scaling mode cs go что это
1 янв. 2020 в 16:12How do you make 4:3 streched on 27" 1920x1080p monior with AMD Gpu? I'm using Radeon Adrenaline software, ive tried everything but it just keep going back to blackbars.
I built this new PC last month
i used to play on a laptop(nvidia) for years using 4:3 stretched
1 янв. 2020 в 16:15 Make custom Res in the Software and then change your desktop res to the custom one 6 янв. 2020 в 13:25 6 янв. 2020 в 13:25 6 янв. 2020 в 14:37 Idk that software. but can you set resolution scaling?6 янв. 2020 в 15:59 6 янв. 2020 в 23:15
i did, still the same
Idk that software. but can you set resolution scaling? 6 янв. 2020 в 23:56 I use vibrance gui to set digital vibrance. It also has a feature to force the games resolution. Sits silently in autostart and does it automaticly whenever you launch the game. 7 янв. 2020 в 17:01 I use vibrance gui to set digital vibrance. It also has a feature to force the games resolution. Sits silently in autostart and does it automaticly whenever you launch the game. 7 янв. 2020 в 22:42 I use vibrance gui to set digital vibrance. It also has a feature to force the games resolution. Sits silently in autostart and does it automaticly whenever you launch the game. what GPU are you using?Nvidia but that does not matter with vibrance gui. 13 янв. 2020 в 8:27 bodhi it doesnt works with csgo what can i do so it works
15 янв. 2020 в 3:38 What i did was i factory reset the driver and select esport as graphic profile.disable integer scaling if u have it enable. scaling mode center. Hope this helps 15 янв. 2020 в 11:15
I was facing the same problem using Adrenaline in 2020
Here's the solution
Click on settings (top right)
Display tab-> GPU Scaling ON
Scaling Mode Full Panel
Integer Scaling Disabled
Go to Gaming Tab->Click on CS:GO
Scaling Mode Full Panel
Integer Scaling Disabled
Launch CS:GO all is good bro.
15 янв. 2020 в 11:20How do you make 4:3 streched on 27" 1920x1080p monior with AMD Gpu? I'm using Radeon Adrenaline software, ive tried everything but it just keep going back to blackbars.
I built this new PC last month
i used to play on a laptop(nvidia) for years using 4:3 stretched
15 янв. 2020 в 11:28 Make custom Res in the Software and then change your desktop res to the custom oneYou don't need a custom resolution for that.
And, if it does not work, then you have to reset your games launch options.
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