Satisfactory калькулятор производства как пользоваться
Early Access - v0.3.3.3 Build 117050
The code was originally created by KirkMcdonald on Github, and I forked it from frslm, who forked it from him. Most, if not all, the recipes, should work. However, due to the way the code works it only displays single outputs, so for all the dual output recipes, it will only show the main output.
For the latest fixes please visit my Github Page, and report any wrong recipes to the reddit post.
There is a bug where if you select both the Recycled Plastic and Recycled Rubber alt recipes the website will crash. I cannot fix this, so select either one or the other.
I am not a coder, I only updated the json file which contains all the recipes. The original creaters message appears below.
This calculator is copyright 2019 Kirk McDonald. It is licensed under the Apache License 2.0, and its source may be found on github, here.
This calculator is based on my Factorio calculator, and was created primarily to see what the project would look like if rewritten from scratch, applying lessons learned over the years spent developing the original.
Satisfactory is a simpler game for which to calculate ratios than Factorio. This simplicity means that it is easier for this calculator to support certain features that would be very difficult to add to the Factorio calculator, but which I have wanted to implement for a long time. This can be seen in the use of a Sankey diagram in the visualizer, among other things.
If you wish to support the calculator, please consider donating to my Patreon campaign. Any amount helps. And thank you!
Как открыть консоль в Сатисфактори
Отдельно включать или активировать консоль в Satisfactory не нужно – достаточно ее открыть. Это делается нажатием кнопки тильда (
Satisfactory калькулятор производства как пользоваться
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To get started you will want to know where to go to get your save map file from. This is going to be for Steam copies of the game, not for those who run it from Epic so keep that in mind.
To get to your save game(s) go to:
C:\Users\YourPCName\AppData\Local\FactoryGame\Saved\SaveGames\42069021079189897 <-that number will be unique to your Steam ID, so do not copy that exactly. :)
You will see a list of your saves:
Next go ahead and open your browser and go to the Satisfactory Calculator Site:
Once there click on Interactive Map in the top row on the site.
(Circled in red in the picture below.)
If you have not browsed earlier and already downloaded a Blueprint, I will walk you through that step. :)
So now at the top of the screen click the Blueprints.
Search through and when you see the one you want download it.
Under the Blueprint info you will see the download arrow.
Also when you are choosing your Blueprint in the info section look at the area that says
Only paste on original location, if it says yes then that is the only place on the map it will be able to go.
After you select download make sure you know where your browser saved the file. If you are not sure most Browsers will show the file at the bottom of your screen and you can click the arrow by the file name to show in folder. You may want to drag that file to your desktop to make things easier.
Now you want to add your map into the Interactive Map on the site.
To do this simply click on your save file from file explorer and drag it into the window on the site where it says CLICK/DROP YOUR SAVE GAME HERE.
(Of course you need to click the Interactive Map option at the top of the website to get here)
After a few seconds your map will load up on screen.
There is a lot you can do at this point but the focus is using some of those cool Blueprints others have made so I am just sticking to that. :)
To reduce some of the clutter on your map, on the left side scroll down a little bit and under the Map Layer section choose UNSELECT ALL LAYERS.
So now is the part you have been looking forward to!
To add the Blueprint you have selected (making sure you have loaded your map into the Interactive Map lol) You will see some icons on the left side of your map. Right below the ruler tool you will see a rectangle with some lines to the side of it. To me it looks like a cellphone :). Refer to screenshot for the icon I mean.
You will then get a pop up window asking you to drag your Blueprint to it. Go to where your saved Blueprint file is and drag it into the box.
A pop up screen will come up telling you how many items were imported to the map click OK.
Now under the "cell phone" icon you will see a clipboard icon.
Click that and it will place the Blueprint in the location it was made by the Author on their map onto your map!
Now to save the changes so that you can go load it up in your game.
Once you are done adding the Blueprint(s) you have chose. It is time to save so you can go enjoy it in game!
In the very top left of the page you will see the Download Icon.
Click on that and it will provide you information on what your save file name will be.
Navigate to where it saved the CALCULATOR file, and drag that file to the save game folder where you originally loaded your map for the site.
You can now load up the game and chose that save and check out the Blueprint.
If you like it and want to continue on with it in your world using the original file name of your world exit the game and rename the file.
Консольные команды в Сатисфактори
В Satisfactory нет чит-кодов, но отсутствие читов отчасти компенсируется консольными командами. При помощи консольных команд можно ускорить игровые процессы или сразу получить нужный предмет.
Список консольных команд Satisfactory:
- /c game.local_player.force.manual_mining_speed_modifier = ваше_число – скорость добычи ресурсов (по умолчанию равняется 1);
- /c game.local_player.force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier = ваше_число – скорость крафта (по умолчанию равняется 1);
- /c game.local_player.force.laboratory_speed_modifier = ваше_число – скорость исследований в лаборатории (по умолчанию равняется 1);
- /c game.local_player.force.research_all_technologies() – заканчивает все активные исследования;
- /c game.local_player.zoom = 0.ваше_число – меняет зум камеры;
- /c game.local_player.insert – нужный предмет в нужном количестве появляется в инвентаре;
- /c game.always_day = true – активирует режим вечного дня;
- /c game.speed = ваше_число – меняется скорость игры. Параметр меняет абсолютно все игровые механики, в том числе и скорость передвижения персонажа (по умолчанию равняется 1).
Satisfactory калькулятор производства как пользоваться
Welcome to a tutorial series on the Satisfactory calculator Interactive Map (SCIM). The first couple of videos will teach you the basics of SCIM and then I will go through a specific build of a compacted coal generator setup that will be turned into blueprints. The overall goal is to demonstrate blueprint functionality, this can take some a bit to wrap your head around and hence why I start off with the basics.
Further videos are being added to demonstrate different functionalities, such as pivoting a foundation.
The Basics
- Starting Foundation Size
- Loading Save Into SCIM
- Foundation Direction
- Rotate Foundation
- Undo Action
- Measure
- Spawn Road
- Teleport Player
- Downloading Save From SCIM
- Load Updated Save
Offset Position
- Toggle Map Icons
- Measurement Units
- Offset Selected Items Position
Straight Ramp Road and Altitude
- Altitude
- Ramp Direction
- Doggy Bag
Blueprints Part 1 - NSEW Foundation Alignment
Now you know the basics, it's time to start building something that you will turn into a blueprint. This video focuses on the importance of North South East West foundation alignment and is pivotal to later steps.
Blueprints Part 2 - Define Your Blueprint
The key thing about creating a blueprint is having a clear understanding of what you want to build. My goal here is making a module of 9 coal generators that are overclocked to 250%, this will produce 1366.2 MW of power and it will be using compacted coal. These modules will then be used as the blueprint I will demonstrate how to paste.
Blueprints Part 3 - Generator + Water Extractor Placement
Specific placement of the coal generators and water extractors is shown in this video.
Blueprints Part 4 - Compacted Coal Assembler Room
The compacted coal for this build will be housed in a room above the water extractors. Some aesthetic tips are also demonstrated here.
Blueprints Part 5 - Pipes, Lifts, Power, Aesthetics
Now it's time to connect everything in the build so it's ready to be turned into a blueprint. More aesthetics are used here, it really helps enhance the build.
Blueprints Part 6 - Creating Blueprint With Symmetry
At this point we are ready to create the blueprint. Some very specific steps are explained here that ensure the object you are defining as a blueprint is symmetrical. This is extremely important to understand as it allows the blueprint to be aligned to existing foundations.
This blueprint can be downloaded here. Also this blueprint and this blueprint are fully working setups.
Blueprints Part 7 - Pasting With Foundation Helpers
Foundation Helpers are a feature in the calculator that assist with creating and placing blueprints, alongside with copy and paste. Understanding how these work will make blueprints easy for you.
This blueprint can be downloaded here. Also this blueprint and this blueprint are fully working setups.
Blueprints Part 8 - Pasting A Blueprint
How do I paste a blueprint I download from the SCIM website? This video demonstrates this using the blueprint we created in Part 6.
This blueprint can be downloaded here. Also this blueprint and this blueprint are fully working setups.
Blueprints Part 9 - Pasting A Blueprint To Original Location
You can paste a blueprint to it's original location, this video shows you how to do this.
This blueprint can be downloaded here. Also this blueprint and this blueprint are fully working setups.
Консольные команды Satisfactory – какие есть
Satisfactory – симулятор строительства заводов и промышленной инфраструктуры. Игрок оказывается на незнакомой планете, а его – наладить добычу ресурсов, их переработку и транспортировку. Этакое продолжение знаменитой Factorio.
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