Salt and sanctuary как подключить геймпад
4 июн. 2016 в 7:16 Xbox 360 Controller for Windows - not working (SOLVED)
I have just bought a Xbox 360 Controller for this game (because if its using XNA framework, which was also made for Xbox.)
>Driver is working
>Windows detects the gamepad as an Xbox Gamepad
> Salt and Sanctury ignores the input.
Did i forget something?
I do not own a Xbox, so maybe someone can help, whos gamepad is actually working.
I have also tried x360ce and some other gamepad emulators.
None of them are working. Only the Windows calibration for the gamepad works.
(that means, its pluged in at least).
I have just bought a Xbox 360 Controller for this game (because if its using XNA framework, which was also made for Xbox.)
>Driver is working
>Windows detects the gamepad as an Xbox Gamepad
> Salt and Sanctury ignores the input.
Did i forget something?
I do not own a Xbox, so maybe someone can help, whos gamepad is actually working.
I have also tried x360ce and some other gamepad emulators.
None of them are working. Only the Windows calibration for the gamepad works.
(that means, its pluged in at least). :fhappy:
other games. i dont have that many games with controller support.
Hammerwatch (but this basicly supports all gamepads, including the "generic" and "2in1DTs")
-> Working
-> Not working (thats what the topic is about)
Dust: An Elysium Tail
-> (right now: downloading). This might be an interesting result, because it also uses a microsoft framework. My harddrive crashed a few days ago, thats why it isnt installed yet.
Dust: An Elysium Tail
-> Working.
other games. i dont have that many games with controller support.
Hammerwatch (but this basicly supports all gamepads, including the "generic" and "2in1DTs")
-> Working
-> Not working (thats what the topic is about)
Dust: An Elysium Tail
-> (right now: downloading). This might be an interesting result, because it also uses a microsoft framework. My harddrive crashed a few days ago, thats why it isnt installed yet.
I have also first plugged the gamepad in and than launched the game.
And Backup saves are not needed, because i only got to the first sanctury.
(Testing gamepad 1, 2, 3, 4 not working). The last one is the xbox gamepad.
On the box, there is written: "made in china".
Im not a big fan of prejudices, so im hoping, that this is not the root of the problem.
Im trying to reinstall the game (and reinstalling the XNA framework as well) Maybe the USB driver overwrote some files of XNA as well.
Or it could be Win10. Maybe this game dosnt support gamepads on Windows 10.
4 июн. 2016 в 8:34I have also first plugged the gamepad in and than launched the game.
And Backup saves are not needed, because i only got to the first sanctury.
(Testing gamepad 1, 2, 3, 4 not working). The last one is the xbox gamepad.
On the box, there is written: "made in china".
Im not a big fan of prejudices, so im hoping, that this is not the root of the problem.
Im trying to reinstall the game (and reinstalling the XNA framework as well) Maybe the USB driver overwrote some files of XNA as well.
Or it could be Win10. Maybe this game dosnt support gamepads on Windows 10.
Salt and sanctuary как подключить геймпад
21 мая. 2016 в 3:07Description: Multiple threads mentioning that Controllers/Gamepads are not working.
Repro Steps: Start game with a gamepad connected to the computer and ready to be used (calibrated within the OS)
Actual Result: Controller/Gamepad does not react in anyway within the game.
Expected Result: We expect the device to work :D
Controllers that are not working include:
-Steam Controller
-Logitech Generic USB Controller
-Speedlink XEOX
-Speedlink Strike SL-6535
I doubt that those are all of them.
21 мая. 2016 в 5:10 My dualshock 4 controller also doesn't work. Updated the drivers, reinstalled them, changed the controller prompts to PS4 ones, tested the controller again on a different game, tested it again on my PS4 and this game is the only one with problems :/ Asked for a refund after all of that which is a shame. 21 мая. 2016 в 5:59 This game is still pretty new on the PC, and you can refund within 14 day. You should give the 2-person-team some time to fix it :D 22 мая. 2016 в 7:47I think i found a work around for this issue for now. You need x360ce, which is an XBOX 360 gamepad emulator. That programm tells your computer, that you are using an xbox gamepad, while you are not. You can even reassign the buttons how you want or play darksouls with a steeringwheel. I havnt looked deeply in it, but SALT & PEPPER eh Sanctuary works fine with it. Just wanted to check it out for 5min. now its 45m later :D
I hope those emulators are legal and stuff, if not feel free to delete my post.
22 мая. 2016 в 19:17For DualShock 4 controllers: You need DS4Windows to emulate a 360 controller which the game will detect.
For DualShock 3 controllers: You need SCP Tool to do the same thing.
For the Steam Controller: I have no personal knowledge of it as I do not own one. But from some searching it seems it supports both XInput (360 controller) and DInput (everything else) natively. You need to configure the Steam Controller to use XInput for S&S.
For every other controller: x360ce should work, though I can provide no guarantee as I've no experience with the program.
26 мая. 2016 в 10:34 My generic USB gamepad also not recognized by the game. I test it on another game, it works alright. 28 мая. 2016 в 1:50I think i found a work around for this issue for now. You need x360ce, which is an XBOX 360 gamepad emulator. That programm tells your computer, that you are using an xbox gamepad, while you are not. You can even reassign the buttons how you want or play darksouls with a steeringwheel. I havnt looked deeply in it, but SALT & PEPPER eh Sanctuary works fine with it. Just wanted to check it out for 5min. now its 45m later :D
I hope those emulators are legal and stuff, if not feel free to delete my post.
Hi! I tried this programm but my controller (Logitech Rumlepack 2) still doesn't work. Is there a certain way one has to use the programm with the game? I left the emulator running in the background while I started the game. Changed the controller settings to the 360, still nothing happens. I'll keep the game for now, hoping there will be a fix soon. 28 мая. 2016 в 9:46I think i found a work around for this issue for now. You need x360ce, which is an XBOX 360 gamepad emulator. That programm tells your computer, that you are using an xbox gamepad, while you are not. You can even reassign the buttons how you want or play darksouls with a steeringwheel. I havnt looked deeply in it, but SALT & PEPPER eh Sanctuary works fine with it. Just wanted to check it out for 5min. now its 45m later :D
I hope those emulators are legal and stuff, if not feel free to delete my post.
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Клавиатура и геймпад в кооперативе
Столкнулся с такой проблемой в кооперативе - первый игрок всегда играет на клавиатуре с мышью, а второй на геймпаде. Как бы сделать наоборот - геймпад для первого игрока, а клавиатура с мышью для второго?
единственный способ, который я знаю, это просто создать игру второму игроку
Извиняюсь за оффтоп. Подскажи пожалуйста где найти мешочек земли НИПу который в Village of Smiles?
А всё понял, спасибо, я до него не дошел ещё, как раз только добрался до зиккурата. Думал, что пропустил где-то, уж больно далеко он от квестодателя.
Ещё вопрос по скалированию статов на оружии. Что означают буквы S A B C D. Вики смотрел, ничего не понял. Объясни пожалуйста своими словами.
Это множитель урона. S самый большой, потом идёт A, дальше не помню. То есть прирост урона от силы, ловкости, интеллекта или веры (в зависимости какой параметр там смориться) будет больше при S, чем при D. Всё как в Dark Souls.
Ну ясно приблизительно. А то не понятно было при сравнении, почему вроде бы одни и те же буквы показывает то красным то зеленым.
На самом деле масштабирование в пределах одной и той же буквы может немного разниться. Красное - меньше. Зелёное - больше. К сожалению ни как не узнать что лучше или хуже в итоге, кроме как на своём опыте или через wiki.
Без геймпада я так понимаю, кооператив вообще не работает?
Верно понимаешь. Либо два геймпада, либо геймпад у второго игрока и клавиатура с мышью у первого игрока.
Да мне в принципе локальный кооп не нужен, я просто хотел провернуть фокус с фармом утонувшего тома, но как оказалось, без геймпада это проделать невозможно.
Может существую программы, которые производят эмуляцию геймпада?
Про такие эмуляторы не слышал, даж как то не пытался искать, но способ с подключением второй клавы, непроканал.
В общем, имеется основная клавиатура, которая подключена через порт PS/2. А так же имеется вторая, USB клава, вернее даже не вся клавиатура, а её игровой кусок А4 tech X7 G100. При подключении, работают они синхронно. Вот как заставить комп думать, что это другое устройство, вопрос. В сети, рабочего эмулятора геймпада с клавиатуры, не нашел. Есть эмулятор пада Xbox360, но он не работает с клавиатурой. Да и как то это слишком заморочено, учитывая то, что мне это нужно для одной игры, чтобы получить ресурсы для топовой прокачки пары тройки наименований оружия. Короче не стоит оно того. Покупать геймпад для таких вот редких случаев, тоже не хочу, ибо не перевариваю их на дух. Я и первые души прошел на клаве и в платформеры мне вполне удобно.
Если бы разрабы запилили бы здесь нормальный кооп, как душах, то и проблемы бы этой не было.
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