Run on sentence что это
Why would neal run with three months left on a four-year sentence?
Зачем Нилу бежать, когда до конца его четырехлетнего срока осталось три месяца?
He was serving the remainder of a four-year sentence under my supervision.
Он отбывал остаток четырехлетнего срока под моим надзором.
run-on sentence — приговорил меня к
run-on sentence — сложносочинённое предложение
Это — просто одно длинное сложносочинённое предложение.
So I guess the point to this long run-on sentence that's been the last 1 0 years of our lives is just that the simple act of being in love with you is enough for me.
Так что, я полагаю суть этого длинного сложносочинённого предложения, которым были прошлые 10 лет наших жизней, в том, что простого акта быть влюблённым в тебя достаточно для меня.
run-on sentence — другие примеры
Look they don't sentence picture directors to a place like this. for a little disagreement with a yard bull.
Послушай, они не сажают режиссёров в место, подобное этому.. — ..за небольшое разногласие с дворовым бычком.
Naturally, before throwing me out, he had to know a little about me. So in a few well-chosen sentences, I gave him the details.
И перед тем, как выгнать меня, он захотел узнать обо мне побольше, так что в нескольких хорошо подобранных предложениях я обрисовала ему свое положение.
'Such sentence to be carried out' 'at the Razik Correctional Facility' 'with no possibility of parole.'
You're looking at a six— to eight-year sentence. with possible time off for good behavior.
Ты получишь шесть лет и досрочно освободишься за хорошее поведение.
How many more two-word sentences can you come up with?
Your run-on sentences have got a lot less pointless.
После твоих объяснений все стало менее бессмысленным.
I mean, one second I'm thinkin'life sentence. And the next thing, I'm squeezin' the trigger.
В первый миг я думал о пожизненном, а в следующий уже жал на спусковой крючок.
Paul Crewe, serving a three-year sentence, hasn't played since he was banned from the NFL six years ago.
. Пол Кру, отбывающий трёхлетний срок, не играл уже шесть лет, с тех пор как его выгнали из НХЛ.
My only worry is that when I do become a fully fledged doctor such as your good self, I'll have to adopt an archaic use of words and a long-winded sentence structure.
Единственное, что меня беспокоит, что, став полностью оперившимся доктором, как и вы, мне придется прибегнуть к употреблению архаичных слов и сложноподчиненному построению предложений.
Это было очень грамматически правильно построенное предложение.
Last time I saw that monster was in a courtroom, when he got an eight-year sentence for murdering my daughter.
Well, even if the man is who you say he is, you can't sentence Tom to death for just being seen with him!
Даже если человек, о котором ты говоришь, именно он, ты не можешь приговорить Тома к смерти только за то, что его видели с ним!
FormerMP Alan Peters will begin his three-year sentence for fraud, today.
Бывший члeн пaртии, Aлaн Питeрс, осуждeнный нa три годa, вышeл нa свободу.
Why would neal run with three months left on a four-year sentence?
Зачем работать оставщиеся три месяца из четырех лет лишения свободы?
You're three months into a ten-year sentence, and you're plotting your political comeback.
Ты уже три месяца отбываешь десятилетний приговор и ты планируешь свое политическое возвращение.
Yes, have you ever heard so many different good things packed into one regular-sized sentence?
Обалдеть. Столько всего классного уместилось в одно небольшое предложение.
The main defendantwas sentenced despite his denial to eightyears in prison.
Основной фигурант в этом деле, вопреки не признанию им своей вины, был приговорён к восьми годам.
Смотрите также
Контекстный русско-англо-русский словарь БЕТА
Используйте контекстный словарь, чтобы искать переводы слов, выражений или целых фраз с русского на английский или с английского на русский.
Все варианты переводов сгруппированы и снабжены иллюстративным материалом в виде примеров предложений с переводом на соответствующий язык.
Easy Examples of Run-on Sentences
- Cannibals don't eat clowns, they taste funny.
- Being dyslexic has drawbacks, I once went to a toga party dressed as a goat.
- There's one good thing about egotists, they don't talk about other people.
(Tip 2) Consider other punctuation to end your sentence.
Often, a run-on error can be fixed with a period, but, without rewording, there are four other possible fixes, all of which are worth having in your writer's toolbox.Перевод "run-on sentences" на русский
Your run-on sentences have got a lot less pointless.
Just because faulkner used run-on sentences, does not mean that you get to.
Если Фолкнер говорил эти предложения, не значит, что ты тоже должен их использовать.
The narration is a pastiche of childish storytelling, with run-on sentences and schoolyard slang used in abundance, and much of the humor derives from Nicolas' misunderstanding of adults' behavior.
Подтасовка детского повествования, с приложенными предложениями и школьным сленгом, используемым в изобилии, и большая часть юмора проистекает из непонимания Николя поведения взрослых.
On March 4, 2013, Miller released a mixtape, Run-On Sentences Vol.
4 марта 2013 года Миллер выпустил новый микстейп Run-On Sentences Vol.
Your nut graf is too long, you have multiple run-on sentences.
Your leading was weak, there were tons of run-on sentences and the piece didn't quite have.
Сама середина слабенькая, а так же были тысячи мимолетных предложений, а у одного куса вообще не было.
Другие результаты
So I guess the point to this long run-on sentence that's been the last 1 0 years of our lives is just that the simple act of being in love with you is enough for me.
Так что, я полагаю суть этого длинного сложносочинённого предложения, которым были прошлые 10 лет наших жизней, в том, что простого акта быть влюблённым в тебя достаточно для меня.
The first sentence of that paragraph should run on to include the first subparagraph and the last two subparagraphs should become separate operative paragraphs.
Первый абзац пункта 2 необходимо объединить с началом этого пункта, а два следующих абзаца станут отдельными пунктами постановляющей части.
However, article 116 of the Criminal Code stipulates that the time-bar period begins to run on the date of the enforceable judgement or of a violation of the terms of his sentence, if the sentence has begun.
Однако в статье 116 Уголовного кодекса указывается, что срок давности для исполнения приговора отсчитывается с момента вынесения окончательного решения или с момента нарушения условий приговора, если таковой был приведен в исполнение.
Результатов: 14 . Точных совпадений: 10 . Затраченное время: 43 мс
Перевод голосом, функции оффлайн, синонимы, спряжение, обучающие игры
(3) Use a colon (if appropriate, which it probably won't be):
- I have made an important discovery: alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, produces all the effects of intoxication. (Playwright Oscar Wilde) (If sentence 2 is an expansion of something in sentence 1, you can use a colon. A colon is like an equals sign. Here, "important discovery" equals sentence 2.)
Why Should I Care about Run-on Sentences?
The run-on sentence is undoubtedly the most common grammar mistake made by writers with otherwise sound writing skills.
Here are two writing tips to help you avoid run-on sentences.
(Tip 1) Write one sentence at a time and be disciplined.
A sentence is a group of grammatically complete words that expresses a complete thought. A sentence must contain a subject and a verb (even if one or the other is implied).
- I love angel cake, it is my favourite.
- I love angel cake. It is my favourite.
(2) Use three dots:
- It's not true that I had nothing on�I had the radio on. (Actress Marilyn Monroe) (Using three dots (also called ellipsis) gives a pause for effect.)
Перевод "run-on sentence" на русский
So I guess the point to this long run-on sentence that's been the last 1 0 years of our lives is just that the simple act of being in love with you is enough for me.
Так что, я полагаю суть этого длинного сложносочинённого предложения, которым были прошлые 10 лет наших жизней, в том, что простого акта быть влюблённым в тебя достаточно для меня.
Другие результаты
Your run-on sentences have got a lot less pointless.
On March 4, 2013, Miller released a mixtape, Run-On Sentences Vol.
4 марта 2013 года Миллер выпустил новый микстейп Run-On Sentences Vol.
Your nut graf is too long, you have multiple run-on sentences.
Just because faulkner used run-on sentences, does not mean that you get to.
Если Фолкнер говорил эти предложения, не значит, что ты тоже должен их использовать.
Your leading was weak, there were tons of run-on sentences and the piece didn't quite have.
Сама середина слабенькая, а так же были тысячи мимолетных предложений, а у одного куса вообще не было.
The narration is a pastiche of childish storytelling, with run-on sentences and schoolyard slang used in abundance, and much of the humor derives from Nicolas' misunderstanding of adults' behavior.
Подтасовка детского повествования, с приложенными предложениями и школьным сленгом, используемым в изобилии, и большая часть юмора проистекает из непонимания Николя поведения взрослых.
The first sentence of that paragraph should run on to include the first subparagraph and the last two subparagraphs should become separate operative paragraphs.
Первый абзац пункта 2 необходимо объединить с началом этого пункта, а два следующих абзаца станут отдельными пунктами постановляющей части.
However, article 116 of the Criminal Code stipulates that the time-bar period begins to run on the date of the enforceable judgement or of a violation of the terms of his sentence, if the sentence has begun.
Однако в статье 116 Уголовного кодекса указывается, что срок давности для исполнения приговора отсчитывается с момента вынесения окончательного решения или с момента нарушения условий приговора, если таковой был приведен в исполнение.
Результатов: 14 . Точных совпадений: 2 . Затраченное время: 127 мс
Перевод голосом, функции оффлайн, синонимы, спряжение, обучающие игры
Key Points
- Don't write a sentence, sneak in a comma and then write another sentence. Be disciplined with your periods (full stops).
- If a period feels too abrupt for the end of your sentence, you could consider a semicolon, three dots, a dash, or (if the structure allows) a colon.
Ready for the Test?
Here is a confirmatory test for this lesson.
- Edited (i.e., you can delete questions and play with the order of the questions).
- Printed to create a handout.
- Sent electronically to friends or students.
- Do you disagree with something on this page?
- Did you spot a typo?
(4) Use a dash:
- Please do not shoot the pianist � he is doing his best. (A dash looks a bit stark, but the dash is very versatile. It could replace the semicolon, the three dots or the colon in the three examples above.)
You know what a sentence is. Be disciplined.
- Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough. (Comedian Groucho Marx)
- I always pass on good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is never of any use to oneself. (Playwright Oscar Wilde)
(1) Use a semicolon:
- Duty is what one expects from others; it is not what one does oneself. (Playwright Oscar Wilde) (Using a semicolon gives smoother transition between sentences than a full stop.)
Run-on Sentence
A run-on sentence is a common error caused by merging two sentences without suitable punctuation. The most common run-on sentence is the "comma splice" (also known as the "comma fault"), which occurs when two sentences are inappropriately separated by a comma.
See Also
Technical Help
Download Grammarly's browser extension.
It will help with:
(1) Avoiding spelling errors
(2) Correcting grammar errors
(3) Finding better words.
(The Grammarly extension works with webmail, social media, and texting apps as well as online forms and Microsoft Office documents like Word.) More info.
Get the grammar checker
Self Help
"Smashing Grammar"
Written by the founder of Grammar Monster, "Smashing Grammar" includes a comprehensive A-Z glossary of essential grammar terms, a detailed punctuation section, and a chapter on easily confused words. Each entry kicks off with a simple explanation and some basic examples before giving real-life, entertaining examples.
Here's the killer bit: All entries end with a clearly worded summary that explains why the grammar point is relevant for a writer. If you like Grammar Monster, you'll love this book. More info.
See on Amazon
"Grammar for Grown-ups"
Vocational rather than academic, "Grammar for Grown-ups" is packed with real-life examples and keeps you engaged with a wealth of great quotations from Homer the Greek to Homer the Simpson. Straight talking and methodical, Craig Shrives draws on his years compiling Grammar Monster and as an army officer to present a comprehensive but light-hearted and easily digestible grammar reference guide. More info.
See on Amazon
Real-Life Examples of Run-on Sentences
- Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men, the other 999 follow women. (Comedian Groucho Marx)
- Be kind to those that meet you as you rise, you may pass them again as you fall.
- When will I learn? The answers to life's problems aren't at the bottom of a bottle, they're on TV. (Homer Simpson)
- You can collect as many signatures as you like, the reservoir is still going to be built. (Sometimes, the first sentence feels so connected to the second that a full stop might seem wrong. You have to trust yourself to know what a sentence is and be disciplined with your full stops.)
- Lee had all the best tackle, however, he failed to catch a single fish. (The word "however" is a major cause of run-on sentences. When used like a bridge between two sentences, it should start a new sentence or be preceded by a semicolon � definitely not a comma. Don't overdo the practice of using a semicolon before "however." It gets annoying pretty quickly. If your "however" is bridging two sentences, stick a capital H on it.)
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