Reverse takeover что это
A reverse takeover (RTO) is a process whereby private companies can become publicly traded companies without going through an initial public offering (IPO).
An RTO is also sometimes referred to as a reverse merger or a reverse IPO.
Key Takeaways
- A reverse takeover (RTO) is a process whereby private companies can become publicly traded companies without going through an initial public offering (IPO).
- While reverse takeovers (RTOs) are cheaper and quicker than an IPO, there can often be weaknesses in an RTO’s management and record-keeping, among other things.
- Foreign companies may use reverse takeovers (RTOs) to gain access and entry to the U.S. marketplace.
Reverse Takeover
reverse takeover
Обратное поглощение1. Покупка небольшой, но быстро растущей компанией акций крупной, но малоэффективной компании. Финансирование покупки осуществляется за счет выпуска акций или ценных бумаг с фиксированной процентной ставкой. 2. Покупка государственной компании частной фирмой с целью экономии средств на получении биржевой котировки или в надежде приобрести активы со скидкой. См. Takeover.
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(обратное поглощение) 1. Покупка крупной компании более мелкой компанией. 2. Покупка государственной компании частной компанией. Для частной компании это может оказаться наиболее дешевым способом добиться включения в котировочный лист фондовой биржи, так как ей удается избежать расходов, связанных с выпуском новых ценных бумаг на свободный рынок (flotation); кроме того, активы государственной компании порой можно приобрести со скидкой. Однако в соответствии с правилами Лондонской фондовой биржи (London Stock Exchange) характер деятельности поглощаемой компании должен примерно соответствовать тому, чем занимается частная компания. Обычно название государственной компании заменяется на название частной компании-поглотителя, которая приобретает право на включение в котировочный, лист.См. также в других словарях:
reverse takeover — noun (business) 1. One in which the company that has been taken over controls the new organization 2. One in which a smaller company takes over a large company • • • Main Entry: ↑reverse … Useful english dictionary
reverse takeover — noun a takeover of a public company by a smaller company … English new terms dictionary
reverse takeover — /rɪˌvɜ:s teɪkəυvə/ noun a takeover where the company which has been taken over ends up owning the company which has taken it over. The acquiring company’s shareholders give up their shares in exchange for shares in the target company … Marketing dictionary in english
reverse takeover — /rɪˌvɜ:s teɪkəυvə/ noun a takeover where the company which has been taken over ends up owning the company which has taken it over. The acquiring company’s shareholders give up their shares in exchange for shares in the target company … Dictionary of banking and finance
Reverse takeover
Обратное поглощение1. Покупка небольшой, но быстро растущей компанией акций крупной, но малоэффективной компании. Финансирование покупки осуществляется за счет выпуска акций или ценных бумаг с фиксированной процентной ставкой. 2. Покупка государственной компании частной фирмой с целью экономии средств на получении биржевой котировки или в надежде приобрести активы со скидкой. См. Takeover.
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the takeover of a large company by a smaller one, or the takeover of a public company by a private one6 reverse takeover
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forklaring: et mindre firmas overtakelse av et større8 reverse takeover
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(обратное поглощение) 1. Покупка крупной компании более мелкой компанией. 2. Покупка государственной компании частной компанией. Для частной компании это может оказаться наиболее дешевым способом добиться включения в котировочный лист фондовой биржи, так как ей удается избежать расходов, связанных с выпуском новых ценных бумаг на свободный рынок (flotation); кроме того, активы государственной компании порой можно приобрести со скидкой. Однако в соответствии с правилами Лондонской фондовой биржи (London Stock Exchange) характер деятельности поглощаемой компании должен примерно соответствовать тому, чем занимается частная компания. Обычно название государственной компании заменяется на название частной компании-поглотителя, которая приобретает право на включение в котировочный, лист.См. также в других словарях:
reverse takeover — noun (business) 1. One in which the company that has been taken over controls the new organization 2. One in which a smaller company takes over a large company • • • Main Entry: ↑reverse … Useful english dictionary
reverse takeover — noun a takeover of a public company by a smaller company … English new terms dictionary
reverse takeover — /rɪˌvɜ:s teɪkəυvə/ noun a takeover where the company which has been taken over ends up owning the company which has taken it over. The acquiring company’s shareholders give up their shares in exchange for shares in the target company … Marketing dictionary in english
reverse takeover — /rɪˌvɜ:s teɪkəυvə/ noun a takeover where the company which has been taken over ends up owning the company which has taken it over. The acquiring company’s shareholders give up their shares in exchange for shares in the target company … Dictionary of banking and finance
How a Reverse Takeover (RTO) Works
By engaging in an RTO, a private company can avoid the expensive fees associated with setting up an IPO. However, the company does not acquire any additional funds through an RTO, and it must have enough funds to complete the transaction on its own.
While not a requirement of an RTO, the name of the publicly-traded company involved is often changed as part of the process. For example, the computer company Dell (DELL) completed a reverse takeover of VMware tracking stock (DVMT) in December 2018 and returned to being a publicly traded company. It also changed its name to Dell Technologies.
Additionally, the corporate restructuring of one—or both—of the merging companies is adjusted to accommodate the new business design. Prior to the RTO, it is not uncommon for the publicly-traded company to have had little to no recent activity, existing as more of a shell corporation. This allows the private company to shift its operations into the shell of the public entity with relative ease, all while avoiding the costs, regulatory requirements, and time constraints associated with an IPO. While a traditional IPO may require months or years to complete, an RTO may be completed in just weeks.
For a company that wants to become publicly traded, reverse takeovers (RTOs) can be a cheaper and quicker option than an IPO. However, they tend to pose greater risks for investors.
reverse takeover — noun (business) 1. One in which the company that has been taken over controls the new organization 2. One in which a smaller company takes over a large company • • • Main Entry: ↑reverse … Useful english dictionary
reverse takeover — noun a takeover of a public company by a smaller company … English new terms dictionary
reverse takeover — /rɪˌvɜ:s teɪkəυvə/ noun a takeover where the company which has been taken over ends up owning the company which has taken it over. The acquiring company’s shareholders give up their shares in exchange for shares in the target company … Marketing dictionary in english
reverse takeover — /rɪˌvɜ:s teɪkəυvə/ noun a takeover where the company which has been taken over ends up owning the company which has taken it over. The acquiring company’s shareholders give up their shares in exchange for shares in the target company … Dictionary of banking and finance
Special Considerations
Unlike conventional IPOs—which can be canceled if the equity markets are performing poorly—reverse mergers aren’t generally put on hold. Many private companies looking to complete a reverse merger have often taken a series of losses, and a percentage of the losses can be applied to future income as a tax loss carryforward.
On the flip side, reverse mergers can reveal weaknesses in the private company’s management experience and record keeping. As well, many reverse mergers fail; they end up not fulfilling the promised expectations when they eventually begin trading.
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