Resident evil гейзенберг сколько лет
Карл Гейзенберг (англ. Karl Heisenberg) — мутировавший человек, проживавший в изолированной деревне Восточной Европы. Являлся главой семьи Гейзенберг и непревзойденным гением в области инженерии. Гейзенберг владел фабрикой, расположенной недалеко от деревни и вместе с тремя влиятельными семействами служил Матери Миранде.
В человеческом обличье Карл Гейзенберг представляет из себя мужчину среднего роста, возраста и телосложения. Имеет длинные, почти до подбородка, прямые седеющие темные волосы, усы и бороду-щетину. Одет в бежевую рубашку, из-под воротника которой видна черная майка, расстегнутое кожаное пальто серого цвета, коричневые брюки, высокие черные сапоги, черные кожаные перчатки и широкополую черную шляпу. Глаза скрыты за солнцезащитными черными очками с круглыми окулярами.
Вооружен огромным молотом-кувалдой, сконструированным из различных механических деталей. Иногда курит сигару, держа ее в левой руке.
После трансформации он превращается в огромного монстра сделанного из плоти и металла, передвигающегося на шести осях от разной военной техники. У него две механические руки, при этом правая заметно больше и длиннее левой, так как состоит из двух механических конечностей, объединённых в области кисти. Вооружён двумя большими циркулярными пилами (по одной на конце каждой руки). Эти пилы как правило, окружены металлическими дисками поменьше (представляющие из себя либо циркулярную пилу, либо шестерёнку), из-за чего правая рука походит на молот, а левая – на клешню.
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Семья Гейзенберг тесно связана с благородными семьями Беневенто, Моро и Димитреску в контроле над регионом. Однако у Карла и Альсины не очень хорошие отношения, поскольку Альсина называет Карла ребенком и постоянно высказывает под сомнение его преданность Матери Миранде.
Гейзенберг управлял своей фабрикой с варварской жестокостью и по слухам редко покидал ее пределы, предпочитая проводить свое время там.
Powers and Abilities
Karl is a brilliant engineer, being able to build a vast underground factory full of complicated technology for fast and efficient production of his cybernetic soldiers, however his genius mind is not without flaws, considering most of his creations, though inhumanly strong and durable, are rather cumbersome and have obvious weak spots, but the sheer scale of their manufacturing and intelligence (some of them are capable to covering their weak points with their drills) is impressive.
Other than this regenerative powers from the Cadous, Heisenberg also has some sort of electric organs that allow him to control magnetic fields and move metallic objects. This is shown when Heisenberg was arguing with Alcina Dimitrescu and he was able to get his hammer by just bringing out his hand. He's capable of precise throwing of various metallic pieces as well and, at one point, he fully encased Ethan in a "capsule" consisting of rusty metal parts by mentally manipulating the objects to stick to the protagonist.
He can also transform by stretching his body apart and spreading his biomass through a large mechanical apparatus he assembled and can become a machine mutant so powerful that he can only be defeated using a special metal/polymer tank that Karl cannot manipulate. In his mutated state, he possesses a large circular saw capable of slashing through solid metal, can ram his heavy metal body into Ethan's vehicle at high speed and is able to block the protagonist's attacks with wide metal sheets. Further into the battle, he regenerates his mass by drawing more scrap to himself and even grows a long metallic claw to grab Ethan's vehicle with. In the end, his decision to assemble himself into a gargantuan rotating fan proves fatal for him, since it allows Ethan to fire a cannon right into his core, obliterating Karl for good.
Not much is known about Karl Heisenberg's past, but he was kidnapped by Miranda, a biologist who used the Cadou parasite to find a perfect vessel for her late daughter Eva. Heisenberg had a strong bond with the parasite, as he easily adapted and showed no mental drawbacks from it. However, Miranda deemed him unworthy to be Eva's vessel for reasons uncertain, but it's possible that she feared his powers, or wanted Eva to have a female body.
She decided to have him become a member of the Four Houses, a group where he acted as a lord and co-ruler of the village alongside Alcina Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, and Salvatore Moreau. Unlike the other lords, Karl held a grudge against Miranda, seeing as they were failed experiments for her selfish desire to resurrect her late daughter. He also saw the other lords as fools, due to their loyalty to Mother Miranda, and would often clash with Alcina the most.
Heisenberg decided to secretly rebel against Mother Miranda, and worked at his factory to create an army so he could successfully do so. He stayed at his factory and is cited to rarely leave it, possibly due to him wanting to create his army to perfection so he could battle against Miranda. Karl would create Soldats, which were human corpses that were mutated by the Cadou parasite, and given mechanical modifications. Using Lycans, Heisenberg would have his Soldats tested, and managed to get them to kill three Lycans in mere minutes. His most notable Soldat is Sturm, giving it a turbo plane engine as its primary weapon instead of drills like the others.
Karl considered Sturm to be a complete failure, due to the latter being unable to control as plane engines that cut off its arms. Despite the setbacks, Heisenberg decided to keep the machine alive, possibly to further improve Sturm or because he wanted to continue building his army. Additionally, Karl would have other undead creatures in the factory, having them working with a mechanical device placed on their heads.
Resident Evil Village
By 2017-2020, Mother Miranda learned that Eveline, a bioweapon that had some of Eva's DNA, was defeated by Ethan Winters, who was infected with the mold. Ethan would have a child with his wife Mia named Rosemary, who had been passed with the mold and could be a perfect vessel for Eva. Mother Miranda decided to capture the child from the Winters, and brought the child into parts and gave Karl her torso in a flask. Heisenberg would leave his factory upon Mother Miranda's return, and encountered Ethan trying to enter the Dimitrescu castle through a chamber. Karl captured him via scrap metal by the using his magnetism, and brought him before Mother Miranda and the other lords. During the meeting, Karl implored Miranda to hand him over Ethan, and won out before getting into an argument with Alcina over "mother's" decision. Heisenberg then had Ethan put on a show, having go through the mines from Lycans and death traps.
After putting on a show, Heisenberg returned to his factory and continued to work on his plans while Ethan eliminated Alcina, Donna, and Salvatore. Karl contacted Ethan via television, telling Winters to go to a specific area to his piece of Rose and come to his factory after doing so. When Ethan came to his factory, Heisenberg spoke to Winters, telling him that Mother Miranda was planning on him to kill all of the lords to make Ethan her enforcer. Additionally, Heisenberg told Winters that they could work together to kill Miranda by using Rosemary's powers, but Ethan refused. Angered, Heisenberg dropped Ethan to the depths of his factory, allowing him to deal with Sturm and his Soldats. Karl would be heard through the speakers of his factory, telling Ethan of his plans of killing Miranda and gaining Rose's powers after fulfilling his plans.
Ethan would manage to escape the factory after dealing with Soldats and destroying Sturm, and came across Heisenberg, who transformed to deal with Winters for good. The two battled in the field of the factory, Ethan using Heisenberg's own Self-Propelled Artillery vehicle to match his mutated form, but Karl was distracted when his factory was destroyed by Chris Redfield's explosions. Angered at the loss of his army, Heisenberg created a whirlwind of metal in a last ditch effort to kill Ethan. Despite his attempts, Heisenberg was killed, screaming that he had to kill Miranda before exploding into blood and metal. Upon his death, Mother Miranda confronted Ethan, congratulating him for eliminating the four lords so the ceremony could commence. Winters would go on to stop Mother Miranda and rescue his daughter, but sacrificed himself to destroy the megamycte and the mold parasite.
Karl Heisenberg
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Full Name
Owner of Heisenberg's Factory
Co-ruler of the Village
Member of the Four Houses
Lord of House Heisenberg
Powers / Skills
High intellect
Engineering skills
Superhuman strength and durability
Biological immortality
Giant circular saw and metallic claw
Experimenting on villagers.
Smoking cigars.
Convince Ethan Winters to help him kill Mother Miranda using Rose's powers.
Kill Ethan Winters (all failed).
Attempted usurpation
Unethical experimentation
Type of Villain
Lord Karl Heisenberg is the secondary antagonist of the 2021 first person horror video game Resident Evil Village. He is one of the four lords along with Alcina Dimitrescu, Salvatore Moreau, and Donna Beneviento who serves under Mother Miranda in the Romanian village. He is considered to be the most dangerous of the four lords. He runs his factory known as Heisenberg's Factory, where he creates his Soldats from human parts and machinery.
He was voiced by Hiroshi Shirokuma in Japanese and Neil Newborn in English, the latter having also voiced Nicholai Ginovaef in the Resident Evil 3 remake and Gavin Reed in Detroit: Become Human.
Heisenberg is a clever and manipulative individual who toys with Ethan throughout the game. Unlike other lords, he recognized that the Mother didn't have any genuine empathy towards her "children" and was only treating them as her servants and lab rats. He is also the only Lord to be against and despise Miranda because of her intent to revive her daughter and he sees Miranda's family as nothing more than experiments. Because of this, he is starting a rebellion secretly and also tried to persuade Ethan Winters to join him.
In spite of his intelligence, Karl is a confrontational and hot-headed man prone to poor impulse control, name-calling and melodramatic behaviour, which can be gathered from his commentary on Ethan's "obstacle course" in the beginning and his speech in general, which often impedes his ability to sustain relationships with the others and is the ultimate reason behind Ethan's refusal to support him, since, while he was engrossed in his emotional rant, Karl quickly revealed his intentions of using Rose as a weapon against Miranda.
Heisenberg and Dimitrescu often don't get along with each other as Dimitrescu called him a child as shown when Heisenberg captured Ethan and both he and Dimitrescu were arguing on who gets to kill Ethan. Heisenberg also said that Dimitrescu has a big ego, which makes him a hypocrite, considering his own narcissism. Heisenberg gets enraged when other people tend to foil his plans as noted when Heisenberg when mutated told Ethan that he should have joined him and also called Chris Redfield a "boulder-punching asshole", referring to an infamous scene from Resident Evil 5, which means that he is somehow aware of Chris' mission in Africa.
Despite being sadistic and ruthless, unlike the other four lords, Heisenberg respects Ethan and is even impressed when Ethan escaped all of his traps. However, once Ethan refuses to aid him in his plan, Karl's attitude almost immediately changes to cold and hostile, as he tosses Ethan into the hole, leaving him at the mercy of one of his creations, though right before pushing the protagonist, he still presents him with one last chance to accept his offer.
He takes great pride in his "Soldat" units, seeing them as a proof of his superiority over others (even though their design is far from perfect), and has a rather darwinistic outlook on life, believing that "the strong will destroy the weak". Remarkably, Karl is so fixated on killing Miranda not only out of his desire to be free of her influence, but also out of simple grudge that he holds against her for using him as a guinea pig in her experiments. Not only does he not lose this goal after undergoing a radical transformation, but is also the only one of the lords to retain his sanity and intelligence upon mutation, with his arrogance, talkativeness and overconfidence being still in tact.
Силы и способности
Помимо его регенеративных способностей и мутации из-за вируса Каду, тело Гейзенберга электрофицировалось, что позволило ему управлять магнитными полями для перемещения металлических предметов. Он даже смог внедрить несколько частей металла в свое тело, сделавших его похожим на киборга. Гейзенберг является сильнейшим из четырех лордов.
Resident evil гейзенберг сколько лет
Клуб Любителей Карла Гейзенберга запись закреплена
40, следовательно, его обратили в этом возрасте.
Также, скорее всего он учавствовал во второй мировой, либо как минимум уже работал в то время, мечтал о власти и т.п. ,получается 40 ему было как раз тогда, т.е. к 40 прибавляем года до 21 года начиная с 45-го.
Подсчёты очень примерные, но, думаю, лет 100 ему есть точно.
Heisenberg has a mustache and a beard and is often seen smoking a cigar. He wears a long tattered coat with boots and a fedora hat. His weapon of choice is his huge custom-made hammer assembled from different mechanisms that he sometimes carries around with him. He also wears old-fashioned sunglasses.
Once transformed, he assumes many forms thanks to his magnetic powers and an abundance of metal on the battle arena, but mainly stays as a tall robot-looking creature with elongated "neck", two long arms and caterpillars that he rides upon.
Геймерша узнала, что Карл Гейзенберг из Resident Evil — нацист. И тут началось!
Геймерша под ником @peachiiroses в Твиттере, обратила внимание, что Карл Гейзенберг, один из злодеев Resident Evil Village, воевал на стороне Германии. Она отметила солдатский жетон вермахта.
«Опасность стрессового расстройства. Не хочу тут разрушать ваши иллюзии, но Гейзенберг из RE8 — нацист. У него жетоны вермахта»
Девушка также приложила изображения жетона для сравнения и объяснила, для чего создала этот тред: «Люди, кажется, упускают причины, по которым я это написала, я объясню. Я знаю, что он злодей, но дело не в этом. Смысл в предупреждении евреев и людей, которые никогда не играли в игру. Они думают, что он привлекательный, но на деле никто не хочет любить нациста»
Геймеры отмели, что Гейзенберг сам по себе не очень симпатичный персонаж и поиронизировали над находкой девушки.
«Я могу простить Гейзенбергу эксперименты на живых людях и желание использовать маленького ребенка в качестве оружия, но тот факт, что он нацист — это уже за гранью. Не думаю, что я теперь могу любить этого персонажа»
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