Repair limpet controller elite dangerous что это
3 сен. 2017 в 11:19
So I understand we are getting repair limpets. Just curious for those of you doing the Beta how this differs from the AFMU?
They both repair the ship so what do limpets do that the AFMU can't?
3 сен. 2017 в 11:25AFMU doesn't weight, doesn't require cargo space, but can only fix your own ship.
Limpets need cargo space and weight, but can fix other ships (as long as they're not actively taking damange).
Both can be crafted with materials.
Pretty much it afaik.
3 сен. 2017 в 11:32repair limpets can only repair hull damage. AFMU can only repair modules. Repair limpets are limpets that require cargo space and weight 1 ton each and the controller also has weight. so you need to have a cargo rack to use them. which is a wasted slot.
you probably won't be able to carry both repair limpets and AFMUs on a smaller exploration ship like the aspX unless you give up shields.
I tried exploring in an Anaconda once and hated it in VR because of the view. The Anaconda cockpit pretty much kills the VR experience.
3 сен. 2017 в 12:13Anaconda also turns like a slug in SC.
Made me crazy it was so slow.
3 сен. 2017 в 12:20Anaconda also turns like a slug in SC.
Made me crazy it was so slow.
3 сен. 2017 в 14:09repair limpets can only repair hull damage. AFMU can only repair modules. Repair limpets are limpets that require cargo space and weight 1 ton each and the controller also has weight. so you need to have a cargo rack to use them. which is a wasted slot.
you probably won't be able to carry both repair limpets and AFMUs on a smaller exploration ship like the aspX unless you give up shields.
I tried exploring in an Anaconda once and hated it in VR because of the view. The Anaconda cockpit pretty much kills the VR experience.
Yeah, I think the Anaconda is the only ship capable of carrying both. Hell a DBX can't even carry an AFMU or repair limpet at all unless you don't want any shields on your ship if I recall. Personally, I think it's more important to have an AFMU on exploration runs. Your can survive out there with 1% hull but if your modules get too much damage then things become difficult. Granted repair limpets can repair your cockpit if it breaks open and you are on life support but unless you get really sloppy, that shouldn't really happen, especially if you have shields on your explorer.
Of course an Anaconda can hold all of these modules but moves like a brick and if you want a great cockpit for seeing stuff, then the anaconda is not the ship for you.
Limpets controlled by this module can partially fix the hull of a targeted ship. This task takes an amount of time, during which both vessels must remain within a set distance of each other. Any external damage to the affected vessel will cancel the process immediately.
— Additional In-Game Details
Class | Rating | Mass (T) | Integrity | Power Draw (MW) | Max Active Limpets | Target Range (m) | Limpet Repair Capacity | Value (CR) |
1 | E | 1.30 | 24 | 0.18 | 1 | 600 | 60 | 600 |
1 | D | 0.50 | 32 | 0.14 | 1 | 800 | 60 | 1,200 |
1 | C | 1.30 | 40 | 0.23 | 1 | 1,000 | 60 | 2,400 |
1 | B | 2.00 | 48 | 0.32 | 1 | 1,200 | 60 | 4,800 |
1 | A | 1.30 | 56 | 0.28 | 1 | 1,400 | 60 | 9,600 |
3 | E | 5.00 | 38 | 0.27 | 2 | 660 | 180 | 5,400 |
3 | D | 2.00 | 51 | 0.20 | 2 | 880 | 180 | 10,800 |
3 | C | 5.00 | 64 | 0.34 | 2 | 1,100 | 180 | 21,600 |
3 | B | 8.00 | 77 | 0.48 | 2 | 1,320 | 180 | 43,200 |
3 | A | 5.00 | 90 | 0.41 | 2 | 1,540 | 180 | 86,400 |
5 | E | 20.00 | 58 | 0.40 | 3 | 780 | 310 | 48,600 |
5 | D | 8.00 | 77 | 0.30 | 3 | 1,040 | 310 | 97,200 |
5 | C | 20.00 | 96 | 0.50 | 3 | 1,300 | 310 | 194,400 |
5 | B | 32.00 | 157 | 0.97 | 3 | 1,560 | 310 | 388,800 |
5 | A | 20.00 | 134 | 0.60 | 3 | 1,820 | 310 | 777,600 |
7 | E | 80.00 | 79 | 0.55 | 4 | 1,020 | 450 | 437,400 |
7 | D | 32.00 | 105 | 0.41 | 4 | 1,360 | 450 | 874,800 |
7 | C | 80.00 | 131 | 0.69 | 4 | 1,700 | 450 | 1,749,600 |
7 | B | 128.00 | 57 | 0.97 | 4 | 2,040 | 450 | 3,499,200 |
7 | A | 80.00 | 183 | 0.83 | 4 | 2,380 | 450 | 6,998,400 |
Контроллер дронов
Контроллер дронов (англ. Limpet Controllers) — это серия модулей для корабля, используемых для управления беспилотными космическими аппаратами (дронами). Дроны могут быть запущены с корабля для выполнения различных задач в зависимости от типа дрона.
Дроны программируются во время запуска, поэтому необходимо иметь в трюме только общий элемент — дрон. Стоимость 1 дрона — 101 Кр.
Каждый дрон занимает одно место в вашем грузовом трюме, что позволяет сделать вывод, что дрон весит целую тонну. Не нужно беспокоиться о манипуляции с наличием разных типов дронов, если установлено несколько разных контроллеров.
A single Repair Limpet restores only a portion of hull value, and multiple Limpets may be required to fully repair a ship. Repair Limpets do not affect modules, which can be repaired with an Auto Field-Maintenance Unit, but they can repair a Ship Canopy provided that it has not been fully broken. If a limpet is deployed without an active target, it will attempt to repair its mothership instead. With Chapter Four (3.3) of Elite Dangerous: Beyond, Repair Limpets can also be used to repair Hull Breaches on damaged Megaships.
One or more Repair Limpets can be active on a ship at once depending on the module's class; attempting to deploy more will cause the oldest Limpet on that target to self-destruct. A Limpet's repair progress is indicated on the target by a circular bar around a spanner icon, along with the range to the target in meters; the bar will start out empty and gradually fill clockwise as repairs progress. Once the bar is full, the Limpet has expended its Repair Capacity and will self-destruct.
The Repair Limpet's "Repair Capacity" value seems to be a 1:1 exchange to Hull Integrity, unlike the Material/Integrity conversion rate system used by Auto Field-Maintenance Units. It is important to keep in mind that larger ships that have large Hull Integrity pools will require higher-Class Limpet Controllers for effective repairs. Additionally, while higher rated controllers do repair faster, the proportion of repair speed to repair value is not constant. Higher grade limpet controllers will take longer to fully complete their repairs, but there is no difference in repair amount or speed between different grades of controllers; a grade D will repair just as fast and as much as a grade A. Repair Speeds are as follows:
Class | Repairs/Second | Active Time |
1 | 1.5 | 40s |
3 | 2 | 90s |
5 | 3.1 | 100s |
7 | 4.5 | 100s |
Типы дронов
Дрон. Внешний вид
Дроны-сборщики (англ. Collector) предназначены для сбора предметов в космосе и доставлки их в трюм своего корабля. Полезны как для пиратов, которым нужно в спешке собрать груз, так и для старателей, которым нужно собирать много породы.
Дроны-сборщики имеют два режима. В основном режиме дрон подирает объект или контейнер, на который вы в данный момент нацеливаетесь. Дополнительный режим работает на площади пространства, в этом режиме дрон собирает всё, что можно, пока время работоспособности дрона не кончится. В последнем режиме дроны-сборщики перемещаются медленнее, но могут собрать несколько предметов до истечения срока их действия; в худшем случае они самоуничтожаются, после извлечения объекта, который нужно доставить.
Дроны-ремонтники (англ. Repair) предназначены для ремонта корпуса выбранного корабля. Если они были запущены без указания цели, вместо этого они будут ремонтировать корпус корабля, с которого были запущены. В зависимости от того, какой тип контроллера дронов установлен, на корабле могут быть активны несколько дронов одновременно; превышение ограничения активных дронов модуля приведёт к самоуничтожению самого первого активного запущенного дрона на цели.
(Контроллер дронов-ремонтников недоступен для улучшения у инженеров)
Дроны-заправщики (англ. Fuel Transfer) предназначены для перекачки топлива и позволяют игроку, находясь в космосе передать одну тонну топлива на другой корабль. Корабли могут нести дополнительное топливо для истребителей сопровождения и увеличить дальность действия своего крыла.
Дроны-взломщики трюмов
Дроны-взломщики трюмов (англ. Hatch Breaker) могут быть запущены в целевой корабль и при контакте взломать его грузовой люк, тем самым выбрасывая груз корабля-цели через определённое время. С ними можно бороться с помощью турелей точечной обороны.
Дроны-разведчики (англ. Recon) предназначены для взлома передатчиков данных , например, которые находятся на массивных гигантских кораблях.
(Контроллер дронов-разведчиков недоступен для улучшения у инженеров)
Дроны-геологоразведчики (англ. Prospector) сканируют астероиды на содержание в них полезных ископаемых. Они очень полезны при поиске редких пород, они также показывают находящиеся залежи, которые могут находиться как в ядре астероида, так и неглубокого залегания.
Дроны-исследователи (англ. Research) предназначены для сбора образцов, способны прикрепляться к таргоидским перехватчикам, таргоидским разведчикам или другим органическим формам жизни, которые можно найти в примечательных звёздных феноменах, они извлекают исследуемый образец, такой как образец ткани таргоидского корабля «Циклоп», который затем хранится на борту корабля как товар.
(Контроллер дронов- недоступен для улучшения у инженеров)
Дроны-очистители (англ. Decontamination) прикрепляются к корпусу корабля-цели и удаляют все остатки едких веществ, оставляемые ракетами таргоидскими перехватчиками. В то же время дроны также ремонтируют часть корпуса корабля-цели, но менее эффективны при ремонте, чем ремонтные дроны.
Limpet Controller/Repair
Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship.
— In-game Description
The Repair Limpet Controller is a Limpet Controller used to repair the hulls of damaged ships. It is the only means by which a ship can restore its hull outside of the repair services of a docking facility.
Engineer Modifications
There are currently no Engineer modification options for the Repair Limpet Controller.
Repair limpet controller elite dangerous что это
Elite Dangerous
31 дек. 2017 в 9:06 so i do not remember these being a thing back before i took a break. is it now possible to have a dedicated repair ship in fights now? 31 дек. 2017 в 9:12 correct :) and you can rescue a criticaly damaged cmdr or npc too :) 31 дек. 2017 в 9:39 Things to notice:Repair limpet controllers of different sizes restore different amounts of hull. Repair limpets cannot repair internal modules. You can repair yourself by firing a limpet with no ship in target. Repair limpets can be shot down. Repairs are not instant, they take around 2 minutes to finish 31 дек. 2017 в 10:59 I think maybe the OP was more or less looking for personal answers by posting about it here instead. Sure google and the wiki's all help, but, doesn't help as much as hearing about it from an actual person. Much better perspective that way. 31 дек. 2017 в 11:07 I think maybe the OP was more or less looking for personal answers by posting about it here instead. Sure google and the wiki's all help, but, doesn't help as much as hearing about it from an actual person. Much better perspective that way. this. i found all the info on the wiki but wanted to see if anyone had actually used this in combat before. just because it says something on the wiki does not mean thats the way it really is. 31 дек. 2017 в 11:10 I know what you mean. lol. I can read all about it but unless I hear about it from an actual person I can't seem to fully grasp the use of it or know if it's worth wasting time with. 31 дек. 2017 в 12:14
Actual people answering stuff is, indeed, much better.
As far as repair limpets in combat go - too easy to shoot down for actual in-combat use. It will repair you for about 5-10 seconds at max out of 2 minutes or more of full repair time. Between battles - sure, but you really better have an AFMU to repair internals as well, since 100%-hull brick without thrusters is hardly better than a 20%-hull brick without thrusters.
Stuff like Gunship or Python can actually have place for repair limpets, but you will have a hard time stuffing them inside a Vulture. Alternatively - call in your friend on a repair Orca or something :D
31 дек. 2017 в 12:19Actual people answering stuff is, indeed, much better.
As far as repair limpets in combat go - too easy to shoot down for actual in-combat use. It will repair you for about 5-10 seconds at max out of 2 minutes or more of full repair time. Between battles - sure, but you really better have an AFMU to repair internals as well, since 100%-hull brick without thrusters is hardly better than a 20%-hull brick without thrusters.
Stuff like Gunship or Python can actually have place for repair limpets, but you will have a hard time stuffing them inside a Vulture. Alternatively - call in your friend on a repair Orca or something :D
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