Rage wasteland sewer missions что это
28 дек. 2015 в 3:59 sorry to revive an old thread, but the issue i had with the sewer missions was that they didn't show up on the job board at wellspring until i was almost done with the game. i had gone into the outrigger sewer early on because i heard there was a desert spore. then the job board mission came up near the end of my playthrough, first for the cleaning out the outrigger sewer, the only sewer mission i'd gone to at that point. so it turns out that the sewer mission jobs show up on the board only after i've already completed them. so i have to go to them a second time to clear them from my job's list. very annoying. 28 дек. 2015 в 17:54
The simplest way to get them in the notice board is to do them as quickly and early as you can. The first being the 'Ark' sewers when you are given the first mission to go to by Dan (do them on the way back to see him). Then do the one near 'the 'Outrigger's' settlement (again before you go back to see Dan). When you get to go to 'Wellsprings', do both sewers before you enter and by now you would have accumulated some funds and stuff to sell as well.
When you are sent to see the Dr. with the 'Feltrite Crystal', do both up the top of him (and collect the Rocket launcher as well). Then do the one down near the 'Dead City' and once more return to Wellspring where you can top up on ammo etc., before you go and get your 'Defib Upgrade'. All of the sewers you have completed will appear on the notice board in Wellsprings for you to go to again.
As you need to re-visit all areas mentioned you can re-do the sewers if you wish, just add them to your things to do list and do as you go (saves a lot of back tracking). When you get to 'Subway Town' just do the two there anytime as it will only be for fun and an achievement (or whatever) but not for much else.
You would probably know you can keep going back and mutants will be there waiting for you, but all you will collect is a small amount of money from any bodies laying around.
I know it is an old thread but maybe someone new to the game might benefit.
Strategy [ ]
It's recommended to stock up on shotgun ammo before entering sewers. The sewers mostly consist of tight, narrow tunnels that remove the mutants' biggest advantage — their heightened agility. As such, it's best to back out of large open areas when faced with mutants there and lure them into the more confined spaces of the tunnels, at which point it's a simple case of hosing them down as they charge forwards. Sentry Bots can also be useful in the more open areas; not only do they excel at killing mutants, they will usually become the focal point of the mutants' attacks, allowing the player to pick them off as they fight or, better yet, sit back and conserve their ammunition. However, Sentry Turrets tend not to be very effective, as the mutants can easily knock them over.
Melee attacks are also very efficient. Owners of the Anarchy or Campaign editions have the luxury of using the Fists of Rage, which will kill most mutants in one hit, but even standard melee strikes are effective as mutants cannot attack in large numbers in the tight confines of the tunnels. Provided the player is careful not to become overwhelmed in open spaces, they will never be faced with more than a one-on-one fight and it is perfectly possible to complete many of the sewer missions without expending any ammunition or Sentry Bots, thereby increasing the profits made from the venture.
Activation [ ]
The sewer hatches appear in-game even without the DLC unlocked. In order to unlock the DLC, the code available through the Anarchy Edition must be entered or the Wasteland Sewer Missions must be purchased for $1.99. When entering a sewer, the mission to clear the respective location comes up. Upon completion, returning to either Job Board will have the quest "Clean the Sewers" available, giving another chance at the DLC missions.
Description [ ]
There are nine sewer areas in total: seven in the Northern Wasteland and two in the Eastern Wasteland. Each sewer has an entrance and exit hatch, but the player can only enter through the entry hatch. It's recommended to be prepared to confront scores of angry mutants. In addition, the sewers contain a wide range of objects the player can collect and sell for a profit. Each sewer area has a loot pile, resembling a stack of bones and skulls. These loot piles contain the most valuable objects, including a Mutant Adrenal Gland: a rare ingredient required to make Adrenaline Overdrive.
Wasteland Sewer Missions
The Wasteland Sewer Missions are an add-on for RAGE, granting the player access to nine sewers across both the Northern and Eastern Wasteland.
The Sewer Missions provide some extra mutant blasting gameplay and looting opportunities.
Many people were able to actually get the DLC for free, as a code for the DLC was included with every Anarchy Edition of the original RAGE; these copies were sold for months after RAGE was released. The Wasteland Sewer Missions are also included in the Campaign Edition of the game.
directions [ ]
1 right outside the area the character is greeted by john goodman. hint: if it hasnt found it yet there is a guy standing idly next to it.
2 outside the outrigger sttlement near roadsign.
3 at the foot of the turret outside wellspring. on the right approaching on the left exiting wellspring.
I'm currently trying to find the Shipyard Sewer entrance. The problem is that on the Shipyard Sewer page, the information is extremely vuage. " The sewer hatch is located southeast of the ramp." doesn't tell me anything, just a general direction in which to go. Now I'm assuming it's in the vicinity of the entrance to the power plant. I've been all over that area and have not found it. If someone could provide a noticable landmark near the hatch, that would be great.--Ryker6119:09, October 11, 2011 (UTC)
I just added a picture to the page .Zingfharn 21:10, October 11, 2011 (UTC)
LOL!! I just saw the pictureI. I can't believe how close the hatch is to the ramp. I thought it was further away. I ran my but off looking for it. Thanks for the help.--Ryker6121:45, October 11, 2011 (UTC)
Locations [ ]
After clearing any of the sewers, the Job Boards in Wellspring and Subway Town will have "Clean the ***** Sewers" missions for $100 each, saying that they have become overrun again. It's best to save trips back to town by doing multiple sewers at once before heading back to the Job Board to collect the secondary quests.
Northern Wasteland sewers [ ]
Eastern Wasteland sewers [ ]
Forum:Wasteland sewer missions help
RAGE 2 [ ]
In a pre-order promo by Gamestop for RAGE 2, it was revealed that Sewer Missions would be returning as some form of bonus or DLC in the sequel. However, not much more is known, other than the ability to fight the Abadon Warlock, which is an unknown enemy.
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