Rage 64 bit with mods что это
Делается все в два шага:
- Создаем текстовый файл с названием "rageConfig.cfg" и наполняем его конфигурацией приведенной ниже.
- Копируем его в следующие директории:
одиночная игра - "Steam\steamapps\common\rage\base"
мультиплеер - "Steam\steamapps\common\rage\mp\base"
Прежде чем приводить фал конфигруации пара замечаний:
Во-первых, если вы беспокоетесь относительно возможности быть забаненным системой VAC за редактирование фалов, можете перестать это делать. Никто вас не должен забанить.
Во-вторых, убедитесь в том, что вы установили натсройки видео в режим "Позволить приложению выбрать настройки (или аналог)", иначе новая конфигурация не поможет. Так же, если у вас включен SLI Или Crossfire, отключите.
Нижеприведенные настройки не гарантируют корректную работу Rage. Если у вас все еще есть проблемы, Google Translate в руки, переводите комментарии к различным настройкам и меняйте под себя.
Так же можно посмотреть тему на форуме Steam в которой говорится об этих настройках. Автор конфигурации отмечает, что у него стоит Sapphire Radeon HD 6870 (Black Edition) с драйверами v.11.9 и последним хотфиксом.
Итак, настройки конфигурации (это нужно скопировать в файл rageConfig.cfg) для высокопроизводительных систем:
Настройки конфигурации для средних систем:
Настройки для слабых систем.
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Rage 64 bit with mods что это
32-bit saves are in: C:\Users\<username>\Saved Games\id Software\Rage\base\savegame\
64-bit saves are in your steam folder: steamapps\common\RAGE\SAVES\base\savegame\
Only autosaves are compatible with both versions, generating an autosave is easy, just go out or in town/new area.
There are a few other things like turning of HUD, disableing intro videos found in the guides section
20 мая. 2018 в 3:40 Another thing i notice is with graphics, when i am moving forward, there is like a graphics glitch line that moves in front of me at same distance, cant explain but i reckon its there for everyone, unless there is a fix also for that. 20 мая. 2018 в 12:30 I noticed that running from the RAGE64.exe or a shortcut, it doesn't work for me. I have to launch via Steam by right clicking on Rage and selecting "Play Rage 64bit with mods (unsupported)" 20 мая. 2018 в 12:41 I might add to my post just above, the problem is like at a certain distance there is shimmering or like graphics quality blurs at close range. 20 мая. 2018 в 12:53 there are lodbias commands. Make sure they are set to zero. Also if you have a Nvidia card make sure your lod bias is set to clamp on the control panel under the game profiler. 20 мая. 2018 в 12:55 i had all 3 lodbias commands to -2, you reckon thats why i see what i see ? 20 мая. 2018 в 13:01 Just tried deffo makes it better, but graphics look quite a bit worse now, loss of detail/sharpness. 20 мая. 2018 в 14:19I'll send you my rageconfig.cfg. I don't know if its necessary but I also made a rage64config.cfg.
I use Rage 64bit, I discovered that directly launching Rage 64bit from the EXE or a shortcut still launches 32bit RAGE. Launching via Steam by right clicking on RAGE and selecting "Play Rage 64-bit with Mods(unsupported)" seems to launch the 64bit version correctly.
Just copy the text bellow to a text files named rageconfig.cfg(and rage64config.cfg) and place them in the follwing directories and let me know how it goes.
My Rage Config Settings Below:
com_allowconsole "1"
com_skipIntroVideo "1"
com_videoRam "4096"
com_maxfps "60"
echo Render Settings active
r_sb_imageSize "2048"
r_dimShadowResolution "2048"
r_useNewPrivateLighting "1"
r_useHardwareTextures "1"
r_useSMP "1"
r_dimShadowHeightTweak "0"
r_dimShadowForceHighQuality "1"
r_noBreakableShadows "0"
echo Game Settings active
g_showPlayerShadow "1"
g_fov "80"
g_reactivateGibsForMover "1"
g_bloodEffects "1"
g_AimAssist_Disable_All "1"
echo Virtual Texture nVidia Settings active
echo Virtual Texture Settings Global active
vt_nopreload "0"
vt_minMipLevelInstalled "0"
vt_uncompressedVmtr "1"
image_useCompression "0"
vt_maxPPF "16"
vt_maxaniso "4"
image_anisotropy "4"
r_multiSamples "8"
r_useHBAO "1"
r_useRenderThread "1"
vt_minlod "0"
vt_lodBias "0"
image_lodbias "0"
vt_vmtrcompression "none"
mt_genCompression "none"
vt_qualityDCTChroma "100"
vt_qualityDCTLuma "100"
vt_qualityDCTNormal "100"
vt_qualityDCTPower "100"
vt_qualityDCTSpecular "100"
vt_qualityHDPLossless "1"
vt_qualityHDPDiffuse "0"
vt_qualityHDPNormal "0"
vt_qualityHDPPower "0"
vt_qualityHDPSpecular "0"
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 "16384"
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly "16384"
vt_pageimagesizeunique "16384"
vt_pageimagesizevmtr "16384"
vt_uncompressedPhysicalImages "1"
r_swapInterval "0"
echo SoundSettings active
s_reverb "1"
s_occlusionDistance "2048"
s_maxSamples "10"
s_maxEmitterChannels "64"
echo Player movement settings active
pm_togglesprint "1"
pm_sprintspeed "675"
pm_runspeed "420"
pm_walkspeed "240"
pm_crouchspeed "240"
pm_jumpheight "60"
echo make sure the engine does not skip any settings
af_skipAirFriction "0"
af_skipFriction "0"
af_skipLimits "0"
af_skipSelfCollision "0"
com_skipDiscSwapStateManager "0"
com_skipGameRenderView "0"
com_skipInputRouting "0"
com_skipIntroVideo "0"
com_skipSignInManager "0"
face_skipBlink "0"
face_skipGestures "0"
face_skipHead "0"
face_skipLidDeform "0"
face_skipLipsync "0"
face_skipMood "0"
face_skipProcedural "0"
g_skipBombTimerFailTarget "0"
g_skipBreakableParticles "0"
g_skipCloth "0"
g_skipFXManager "0"
g_skipViewEffects "0"
g_skipWaterSim "0"
g_weaponSkipSound "0"
gc_skipFiction "0"
pm_skipAnimation "0"
r_skipAugment "0"
r_skipAutosprites "0"
r_skipBaseSurfaces "0"
r_skipBeams "0"
r_skipBlendedSurfaces "0"
r_skipBlendLights "0"
r_skipBump "0"
r_skipCloth "0"
r_skipCommits "0"
r_skipDecals "0"
r_skipDetailModels "0"
r_skipDetailTris "0"
r_skipDimShadows "0"
r_skipDistortionSurfaces "0"
r_skipDynamic "0"
r_skipDynamicLighting "0"
r_skipEffects "0"
r_skipEmissiveGlare "0"
r_skipFeedback "0"
r_skipFlares "0"
r_skipFoliage "0"
r_skipGeneratedFileCheck "0"
r_skipGlare "0"
r_skipGuis "0"
r_skipLightCPUCulling "0"
r_skipLightGPUCulling "0"
r_skipLights "0"
r_skipMergeMeshes "0"
r_skipModelCPUCulling "0"
r_skipModelGPUCulling "0"
r_skipModelRangeCulling "0"
r_skipModels "0"
r_skipNodeCPUCulling "0"
r_skipNodeGPUCulling "0"
r_skipNewAmbient "0"
r_skipOcclusionBaseModel "0"
r_skipParticles "0"
r_skipSlowLights "0"
r_skipStripDeadCode "0"
r_skipSuppress "0"
r_skipSurfaceCPUCulling "0"
r_skipSpecular "0"
r_shadows "1"
r_cgFragmentProfile "best"
r_cgVertexProfile "best"
r_visDistMult "1"
r_skipTransparencySort "0"
r_skipUpdateInView "0"
r_skipViewParms "0"
r_skipVmtrs "0"
r_skipWaterSurfaces "0"
r_skipWorld "0"
r_skipZCullReconstruct "0"
r_multiSamples "8"
s_useCompression "0"
md6_generateDamageTextures "1"
r_lazyBindParms "0"
r_lazyBindPrograms "0"
r_lazyBindTextures "0"
r_forceVmtrReload "1"
NOTE: I have the below settings in Rage Launch Options in Steam. Feel free to lower or raise "+jobs_numThreads", or delete it all together. I think its in relation to how many cores you have.
+com_skipIntroVideo 1
+logfile 0
+fc maxcachememoryMB 1024
+vt_maxPPF "16"
+vt_pageimagesizevmtr 16384
+vt_pageImageSizeUnique 16384
+vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly 16384
+vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly2 16384
+jobs_numThreads 16
Rage 64 bit with mods что это
11 фев. 2015 в 15:59 Launching RAGE 64-bit with mod support enabled via shortcut (command line switch) There must be a command line switch for this. It's no doubt what Steam uses to launch RAGE with mod support. But what the hell is it? I can't find any documentation on this anywhere. I hate launching games directly from Steam. 11 фев. 2015 в 16:24 In Rage directory you have 2 execs rage.exe and rage64.exe. First is a x86 version of a game wich is just a standart release version. Rage64.exe is a x64 version of a game wich was released for playing with mods. If you just want to play vanilla game just use rage.exe 11 фев. 2015 в 16:36It's actually your mod I'm playing. Great work by the way. I wouldn't have bought the game if not for you. I think you may have misunderstood my goal, though: I actually want to play Rage 64-bit with mod support. I just don't want to have to launch it through Steam everytime. Launching just Rage64.exe gives me the usual main menu with multiplayer and DLC headings and no mod heading. Mod support seems to require launching Rage64.exe with an additional command line switch. I've tried the obvious ones (-mod or -mods) without luck. Do you have any idea what it may be?
Моддинг Rage только на 64-х битных системах
Возьмете себе PC версию долгостроя id Software – Rage? Тогда советую вам проверить какая у вас версия Windows, так как по словам разработчиков, доступ к редактору возможен только на 64 битных ОС.
Тим Уиллится, один из ведущих разработчиков студии, говорит: "Практически сразу после выхода игры вы сможете скачать SDK, но вам необходима 64-битная система."
Это еще одно ограничение редактора id Tech 5 доступ к которому можно получить через консоль игры. Как ранее было объявлено, редактор Rage представляет из себя достаточно сложную систему, и чтобы сделать на нем полноценный уровень потребуется определенный уровень владения им. Однако некоторые изменения в уже существующие уровни можно вносить и без особой возни.
Релиз Rage – 4-го Октября.
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